650 research outputs found

    Masslessness in nn-dimensions

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    We determine the representations of the ``conformal'' group SOˉ0(2,n){\bar{SO}}_0(2, n), the restriction of which on the ``Poincar\'e'' subgroup SOˉ0(1,n−1).Tn{\bar{SO}}_0(1, n-1).T_n are unitary irreducible. We study their restrictions to the ``De Sitter'' subgroups SOˉ0(1,n){\bar{SO}}_0(1, n) and SOˉ0(2,n−1){\bar{SO}}_0(2, n-1) (they remain irreducible or decompose into a sum of two) and the contraction of the latter to ``Poincar\'e''. Then we discuss the notion of masslessness in nn dimensions and compare the situation for general nn with the well-known case of 4-dimensional space-time, showing the specificity of the latter.Comment: 34 pages, LaTeX2e, 1 figure. To be published in Reviews in Math. Phy

    The SO(N) principal chiral field on a half-line

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    We investigate the integrability of the SO(N) principal chiral model on a half-line, and find that mixed Dirichlet/Neumann boundary conditions (as well as pure Dirichlet or Neumann) lead to infinitely many conserved charges classically in involution. We use an anomaly-counting method to show that at least one non-trivial example survives quantization, compare our results with the proposed reflection matrices, and, based on these, make some preliminary remarks about expected boundary bound-states.Comment: 7 pages, Late

    Biodegradable Scaffolds for Gastric Tissue Regeneration

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    Tissue engineering has been viewed as a valid approach toward the partial or total replacement of defective tissues and organs. Recent advances in nanotechnology have made it possible to develop biocompatible materials at the micro- and nano-scales to be used as scaffolds for cellular growth and regeneration of defective tissues. Gastric mucosal lining is an example of soft tissues that are highly susceptible to damage due to various reasons including cancer or ulcer development. Current therapeutic approaches to these diseases have some limitations. This chapter describes the basis for development of a novel modality combining nanotechnology, stem cells, and tissue engineering for the replacement of defective gastric tissues using synthetic biocompatible scaffolds. These microfibrous scaffolds are seeded with gastric stem cells, which are studied for their proliferation and differentiation into functional gastric mucous cells

    Solutions of multigravity theories and discretized brane worlds

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    We determine solutions to 5D Einstein gravity with a discrete fifth dimension. The properties of the solutions depend on the discretization scheme we use and some of them have no continuum counterpart. In particular, we find that the neglect of the lapse field (along the discretized direction) gives rise to Randall-Sundrum type metric with a negative tension brane. However, no brane source is required. We show that this result is robust under changes in the discretization scheme. The inclusion of the lapse field gives rise to solutions whose continuum limit is gauge fixed by the discretization scheme. We find however one particular scheme which leads to an undetermined lapse reflecting the reparametrization invariance of the continuum theory. We also find other solutions, with no continuum counterpart with changes in the metric signature or avoidance of singularity. We show that the models allow a continuous mass spectrum for the gravitons with an effective 4D interaction at small scales. We also discuss some cosmological solutions.Comment: 19 page

    Throughput, Spectral, and Energy Efficiency of 5G Massive MIMO Applications Using Different Linear Precoding Schemes

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    — A promising massive multiple input multiple output (M-MIMO) system is required to meet the growing need for highly traffic data, highly-resolution of streaming video, and intelligent communication on the fifth-generation wireless networks (5G). M-MIMO systems are essential for the optimization of the trade between energy efficiency (EE), throughput (R), and spectral _efficiency (SE) in wireless 5G networks. M-MIMO system architecture is proposed in this paper to enhance the trade-off between energy efficiency and uplink and downlink throughput at the optimum EE. Furthermore, using linear precoding techniques such as M MMSE, RZF, ZF, and MR, the EE-SE trade-off is optimized for uplink and downlink (M-MIMO) systems. The analysis of simulation results proved that throughput (R) is enhanced by increasing the number of antennas at optimum EE. After that, the proposed trading scheme is optimized and improved using M_MMSE compared to RZF, ZF. Finally, the results prove that M_MMSE gives the optimum trade-off between EE and R at the proved optimum ratio between the number of active antennas and the number of active users UE

    Predicting the mortality of pneumonia-induced direct lung injury using serum metabolomics

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    Pneumonia-induced acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) presents a significant source of morbidity and mortality in the ICU with no current treatment beyond supportive measures. A good predictive method to determine mortality of ARDS currently does not exist. As such, it is important to identify potential biomarkers that can predict mortality of pneumonia induced ARDS. Multivariate statistical analysis of 1H-NMR analyzed data yielded a predictive model that separated patient cohorts based on 28-day mortality. This study was a critical step forward to potentially develop new diagnostic and treatment options for those afflicted with pneumonia-induced ARDS

    Experimental investigation of long-term performance of fiber-reinforced epoxy and polyurethane polymer composites

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    The primary challenge encountered by polymers and their composites when exposed to saline water is their inadequate ability to withstand wear and tear over time. With a potential to replace conventional materials the long-term performance of FRP composites is still a novice area. This manuscript thus, reports an experimental investigation and prediction of the durability of fiber-reinforced polymer composites exposed to seawater at different temperatures. E-glass/epoxy and E-glass/polyurethane samples were exposed to 23 °C, 45 °C and 65 °C seawater for up to 2700 days (90 months). Tensile tests evaluated the mechanical performance of the composite as a function of exposure time, and strength-based technique was used to assess the durability. The experimental results revealed that the tensile strength of E-glass/epoxy composite decreased by 6.3% and 48.9% after 90 months in seawater at 23 and 65 °C, respectively, whereas it declined by 37.6% and 63.6% respectively for E-glass/Polyurethane composite. The prolonged immersion in seawater results in plasticization and swelling in the composite material, which accelerates the fiber/matrix debonding. SEM micrographs indicate fiber/matrix debonding, potholing, fiber pull-out, river line marks, and matrix cracking which showcases deterioration in the tensile properties of both composites

    Infinite spin particles

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    We show that Wigner's infinite spin particle classically is described by a reparametrization invariant higher order geometrical Lagrangian. The model exhibit unconventional features like tachyonic behaviour and momenta proportional to light-like accelerations. A simple higher order superversion for half-odd integer particles is also derived. Interaction with external vector fields and curved spacetimes are analyzed with negative results except for (anti)de Sitter spacetimes. We quantize the free theories covariantly and show that the resulting wave functions are fields containing arbitrary large spins. Closely related infinite spin particle models are also analyzed.Comment: 43 pages, Late

    Identification of Candidate Genes and Genomic Regions Associated with Adult Plant Resistance to Stripe Rust in Spring Wheat

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    Wheat stripe rust (caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici) is a major disease that damages wheat plants and affects wheat yield all over the world. In recent years, stripe rust became a major problem that affects wheat yield in Egypt. New races appeared and caused breakdowns in the resistant genotypes. To improve resistance in the Egyptian genotypes, new sources of resistance are urgently needed. In the recent research, a set of 95 wheat genotypes collected from 19 countries, including Egypt, were evaluated for their resistance against the Egyptian race(s) of stripe rust under field conditions in the two growing seasons 2018/2019 and 2019/2020. A high genetic variation was found among the tested genotypes. Single marker analysis was conducted using a subset of 71 genotypes and 424 diversity array technology (DArT) markers, well distributed across the genome. Out of the tested markers, 13 stable markers were identified that were significantly associated with resistance in both years (p-value ≀ 0.05). By using the sequence of the DArT markers, the chromosomal position of the significant DArT markers was detected, and nearby gene models were identified. Two markers on chromosomes 5A and 5B were found to be located within gene models functionally annotated with disease resistance in plants. These two markers could be used in markerassisted selection for stripe rust resistance under Egyptian conditions. Two German genotypes were carrying the targeted allele of all the significant DArT markers associated with stripe rust resistance and could be used to improve resistance under Egyptian conditions
