5,115 research outputs found

    Multipartite entanglement detection in bosons

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    We propose a simple quantum network to detect multipartite entangled states of bosons, and show how to implement this network for neutral atoms stored in an optical lattice. We investigate the special properties of cluster states, multipartite entangled states and superpositions of distinct macroscopic quantum states that can be identified by the network.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Efficient generation of graph states for quantum computation

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    We present an entanglement generation scheme which allows arbitrary graph states to be efficiently created in a linear quantum register via an auxiliary entangling bus. The dynamics of the entangling bus is described by an effective non-interacting fermionic system undergoing mirror-inversion in which qubits, encoded as local fermionic modes, become entangled purely by Fermi statistics. We discuss a possible implementation using two species of neutral atoms stored in an optical lattice and find that the scheme is realistic in its requirements even in the presence of noise.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, RevTex 4; v2 - Major changes and new result

    Analysis of industry 4.0 and their impact on port environmental management

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    Industry 4.0 (I4.0) is a reality in several business segments worldwide. Technologies (I4.0) collaborate to improve production processes, in manufacturing or in services. The use of these technologies in port operations for container handling can assist in environmental management and allows the service system to be sustainable. This research analyzed the use of technologies from I4.0, applied in port handling operations of containers, to verify their impact on environmental management. Some ports, of great international relevance, were searched for data collection regarding the use of I4.0 technologies and environmental management (port sustainability). These data were analyzed to understand the relationship between those technologies and sustainability in logistics operations (green operation). The focus of this study was to analyses some container terminal operations of five ports, to assess the use of I4.0 technologies and their impact, or not, on sustainable environmental management. The method of carrying out the research was the application of an online questionnaire to five Ports: Los Angeles (USA), Hamburg (Germany), Rotterdam (Netherlands), Singapore (Singapore) and Busan (South Korea) exclusively for container terminals. Public materials available on the websites of each port were also used. The questionnaire was developed by reviewing the literature on the topic (Digital Business – I4.0 and Sustainability – green operations). An online survey to collect information took place between September-2019 to June-2020, which was complemented with publicly accessible material on the internet. The collected data were treated statistically for analysis of the research information applied in the ports (mean, standard deviation, significance level, Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test, critical statistical value, correspondence analysis and relative frequency). Overall information was collected from 20 container terminals. Experts (managers and supervisors) responded the online survey

    Dual identification and intergroup relations: the role of superordinate category relevance

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    The research in this thesis intends to clarify the cognitive conditions for dual identities. Dual identities are defined as the simultaneous activation of two social self-categorizations of different levels of abstraction: a subordinate self-category and a superordinate one. Studying this phenomenon is important for social sciences because dual identities are often considered a strategy to reduce the preference for one´s own group. Finding the factors that moderate the effects of dual identities will help in deciding when to use dual identities as bias reduction strategy. Self-categorization theory assumes a functional antagonism between the salience of two nested self-categories which conflicts with dual identities; however from the perspective of recategorization it is possible to adopt a superordinate and a subgroup identity simultaneously. In this thesis we argue that both situations might be possible and that the comparisons between subordinate categories are a moderating factor in dual identities. We consider two types of superordinate categories. Non-relevant are those that do not support comparisons and relevant the ones that are a frame for subcategories comparison. We developed an experimental paradigm with a lexical decision task: response latencies to superordinate self-categorization were considered indicators of the possibility of dual identities. We ran 4 experiments (N1=40, N2=60, N3=53, N4=59). In the first experiment we measured response latencies of participants after making subgroup identity salient. In the following experiments we additionally manipulated the salience of the lower level of categorization in different manners. In experiments 3 and 4 we manipulated the comparisons as well. Our results shows that the activation of the subordinate level can facilitate the salience of superordinate self-categorization in non-comparison situations; but it can also inhibit it in comparison conditionsA investigação descrita nesta tese pretende clarificar as condições cognitivas para a existência de duplas identidades. Entende-se por dupla identidade a activação simultânea de dois níveis de auto-categorização social: um nível subordinado e um superordenado. O estudo deste fenómeno é importante porque a dupla identidade foi considerada uma estratégia de redução dapreferência pelo próprio grupo social. A teoria da auto-categorização social assume um antagonismo funcional entre a saliência de duas auto-categorizações. No para a perspectiva da Recategorização social é possível adoptar simultaneamente uma auto-categorizacao supraordenada e uma subordinada. Nesta tese testamos a hipótese de que a comparação entre categoriassubordinadas é o factor que modera os efeitos da dupla identidade. Consideraram-se dois tipos de categorias superordenadas: não-relevantes, aquelas que não servem de suporte às comparações entre categorias subordinadas e relevantes, que são um marco para estas comparações. Desenvolveu-se um paradigma experimental utilizando uma tarefa de decisão lexical em que os tempos de latênciade palavras relacionadas com superordenadas seriam indicadores da possibilidade de utilizar de dupla identidade. Foram realizadas 4 experiencias (N1=40, N2=60, N3=53, N4=59). Na primeira mediram-se os de latência dos participantes depois de tornar saliente categorização subordinada. Nas restantes manipulou-se adicionalmente a saliência da categorização subordinada de diferentes formas. Nas experiências 3 e 4 manipulou-setambém a comparação entre grupos subordinados. Os resultados mostraram que a saliência do nível subordinado de categorização pode facilitar a saliência do nível superordenado de categorização quando não são feitas comparações; podendo também inibi-la quando há comparação.The research reported in this dissertation was supported by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT; research grant SFRH/BD/60692/2009

    Generation and detection of bound entanglement

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    We propose a method for the experimental generation of two different families of bound entangled states of three qubits. Our method is based on the explicit construction of a quantum network that produces a purification of the desired state. We also suggest a route for the experimental detection of bound entanglement, by employing a witness operator plus a test of the positivity of the partial transposes

    Museus comunitários, museus sans murs: um projeto participativo de promoção da sustentabilidade, da cidadania e dos saberes locais

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    O impacto da autoeficácia, das expectativas de resultados e do suporte do meio no ajustamento académico dos estudantes de engenharia informática

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Psicologia da Educação, Desenvolvimento e Aconselhamento, apresentada à Faculdade de Psicologia e Ciências da Educação da Universidade de Coimbra.Na presente tese apresenta-se o modelo sóciocognitivo de satisfação de carreira desenvolvido no âmbito da teoria sóciocognitiva de carreira (TSCC), por Lent e colaboradores. Este modelo permitirá explicar o insucesso académico nos estudantes de engenharia informática, assim como os fatores responsáveis pelo seu ajustamento académico. Para uma explicação mais completa do problema visado nesta dissertação recorreu-se ainda à teoria da autodeterminação (TAD), uma vez que este quadro conceptual permite elucidar mais cabalmente as ligações esperadas entre as expectativas de resultados intrínsecas com a motivação, os objetivos e a satisfação com a licenciatura em engenharia informática. Em geral, os resultados desta investigação corroboram as hipóteses derivadas da revisão da literatura efetuada e constituem pistas relevantes para o desenvolvimento de estratégias de intervenção psicossociais apropriadas, para ajudar os estudantes de engenharia informática a construírem trajetórias de sucesso académico.This thesis presents a social cognitive career satisfaction model developed according to the social cognitive career theory (SCCT), by Lent and colleagues. This model will explain the academic underachievement of computer engineering students, as well as the factors which influence their academic adjustment. For a fuller explanation of the problematic addressed in this dissertation the self-determination theory (SDT) was also used. The conceptual framework provided by SDT allows us to elucidate the expected connections between the intrinsic outcome expectations and motivation, goals and satisfaction with the computer engineering degree. In general, the study results confirm the hypotheses derived from the literature review and provide relevant clues for the development of proper psychosocial intervention strategies to help computer engineering students to consolidate their academic achievement trajectories

    From animal to human: (Re)using acellular extracellular matrices for temporomandibular disc substitution

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    Current treatments for temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disc dysfunctions are not fully effective and lack regenerative capacity. Therefore, the search for tissue-engineered materials for TMJ disc substitution is critical to fill this gap. Decellularization presents tremendous potential, as it is possible to obtain an extracellular matrix with an adequate biomechanical structure and biochemical components. However, its application to the TMJ disc is still in progress, since there are few studies in the literature, and those that exist have many gaps in terms of characterisation, which is decisive to ensure its success. Ultimately, we intend to emphasize the importance of the decellularization technique for the development of an engineered TMJ disc.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio