8 research outputs found

    Ragam Jamur Asal Serasah dan Tanah di Taman Nasional Ujung Kulon Indonesia

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    Biodiversity is an important aspect which supports life systems on earth as well as maintains ecosystem sustainability and evolution. Fungal communities, in particular, saprophytic fungi, are often ignored during an inventory of biodiversity in the National Park Area. Saprophytic fungi is a fungus obtain nutrients by decomposing dead organisms or other organic material and act as decomposers in the ecosystem. Saprophytic fungi can be found growing on dead organic matter contained in the environment such as soil, wood, and litter. The diversity of Macroscopic saprophytic fungi from Ujung Kulon National Park is reported here. Fungal identification was done by using a variety of macroscopic characters. This study determined eight species that classified into six genera of saprophytic fungi, namely: Collybia, Crepidotus, Hygrocybe, Lepiota, Marasmius, and Mycena. By knowing the diversity of saprophytic fungi, it is expected to add information about biodiversity as a preparation towards the further development of the potential of existing biodiversity in Indonesia.

    Catatan Marga Centratherum (Asteraceae: Vernonieae) di Pulau Jawa

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    Suku Asteraceae merupakan suku dengan jumlah jenis tertinggi dan perawakan bervariasi. Sebanyak ± 30.000 jenis tersebar di dunia dan 150 marga diantaranya tersebar di kawasan Malesia. Jenis-jenis Asteraceae di Pulau Jawa tercatat dalam buku Flora of Java Jilid 2. Namun, dalam beberapa tahun terakhir terdapat beberapa jenis yang belum tercatat dalam Flora of Java telah ditemukan di Jawa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap jenis tumbuhan rekaman baru untuk melengkapi penyusunan buku Alien Flora of Java. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode jelajah pada Maret 2019 hingga Agustus 2020 di beberapa lokasi di Pulau Jawa. Terdapat satu jenis tumbuhan rekaman baru dari suku Asteraceae yakni Centratherum punctatum di Desa Galonggor Bogor dan Jatinangor yang telah ditemukan tumbuh meliar dan belum tercatat sebelumnya dalam Flora of Java. Jenis ini menambah data anggota Centratherum yang terdapat di Jawa. Pendugaan asal, penyebab meliar, pemanfaatan, serta kandungan kimia jenis ini dipaparkan di dalam tulisan

    Catatan Marga Centratherum (Asteraceae: Vernonieae) di Pulau Jawa

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    Suku Asteraceae merupakan suku dengan jumlah jenis tertinggi dan perawakan bervariasi. Sebanyak ± 30.000 jenis tersebar di dunia dan 150 marga diantaranya tersebar di kawasan Malesia. Jenis-jenis Asteraceae di Pulau Jawa tercatat dalam buku Flora of Java Jilid 2. Namun, dalam beberapa tahun terakhir terdapat beberapa jenis yang belum tercatat dalam Flora of Java telah ditemukan di Jawa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap jenis tumbuhan rekaman baru untuk melengkapi penyusunan buku Alien Flora of Java. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode jelajah pada Maret 2019 hingga Agustus 2020 di beberapa lokasi di Pulau Jawa. Terdapat satu jenis tumbuhan rekaman baru dari suku Asteraceae yakni Centratherum punctatum di Desa Galonggor Bogor dan Jatinangor yang telah ditemukan tumbuh meliar dan belum tercatat sebelumnya dalam Flora of Java. Jenis ini menambah data anggota Centratherum yang terdapat di Jawa. Pendugaan asal, penyebab meliar, pemanfaatan, serta kandungan kimia jenis ini dipaparkan di dalam tulisan

    Keberadaan Ruellia simplex (Acanthaceae) Ternaturalisasi di Pulau Jawa

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    AbstrakInformasi mengenai suku Acanthaceae di Jawa telah dianggap selesai ketika buku Flora of Java diterbitkan. Berdasarkan buku tersebut, marga Ruellia di Jawa hanya terdiri dari lima jenis, yaitu R. brevifolia, R. costata, R. elegans, R. Repens, dan R. tuberosa. Sebagian besar dari anggota Ruellia merupakan jenis asing yang ternaturalisasi, sehingga Ruellia eksotik lainnya yang belum terekam kemungkinan masih ada. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menyediakan informasi terkini marga Ruellia di Pulau Jawa dan akan menjadi bagian dari penulisan Alien Flora of Java. Penelitian dilakukan di Jawa Barat (Bandung, Bogor, Depok, Cianjur, Sukabumi, Sumedang, dan Tasikmalaya), Jawa Tengah (Tegal), Yogyakarta, dan Jawa Timur (Malang) pada bulan September hingga November 2020. Pengamatan spesimen Ruellia dilakukan di Herbarium Bogoriense. Penelitian ini berhasil mengungkap satu jenis tambahan spesies dari marga Ruellia, yaitu R. simplex C.Wright. Jenis tersebut dibudidayakan sebagai tanaman hias, namun populasi meliarnya telah ditemukan di Cimenyan (Kabupaten Bandung), Rancaekek (Kabupaten Bandung), Pasir Mulya (Kota Bogor), dan Leuwiliang (Kabupaten Bogor). Jenis ini diduga telah ternaturalisasi dan memiliki kemungkinan untuk tumbuh mendominasi hingga mengancam flora lokal. Secara morfologi, R. simplex dicirikan oleh perawakan yang tegak, helaian daun melanset hingga memita, dan bunga yang berwarna ungu, jambon pucat, atau putih. Kunci determinasi untuk marga Ruellia di Jawa, deskripsi jenis, foto, dan diskusi singkat disajikan dalam makalah ini.Abstract Based on the Flora of Java, the genus Ruellia in the island only consists of five species, namely R. brevifolia, R. costata, R. elegans, R. repens and R. tuberosa. Most of the species are naturalized alien flora. Thus, other exotic Ruellia that have not been recorded may still exist. Our study was conducted to provide updated information on the genus Ruellia in Java and be part of the Alien Flora of Java writing. Field study was conducted in West Java (Bandung, Bogor, Depok, Cianjur, Sukabumi, Sumedang, and Tasikmalaya), Central Java (Tegal), Jogjakarta, and East Java (Malang) from September to November 2020. Further specimen examinations were carried out in Herbarium Bogoriense and Herbarium Bandungense. This research revealed a newly recorded alien species found in Java, namely R. simplex C. Wright. The species is commonly cultivated as an ornamental plant, and it also has been naturalized in the island. Its wild populations were found in Cimenyan (Bandung Regency), Rancaekek (Bandung Regency), Pasir Mulya (Bogor City), and Leuwiliang (Bogor Regency). Ruellia simplex is characterized by its erect habit, lanceolate to linear leaves, and corolla in purple, pale pink, or white. The updated key to the Ruellia of Java, species description, photographs, and a brief discussion is presented in this paper

    Phyllanthus tenellus Roxb. (Phyllanthaceae): A NEW RECORD TO THE FLORA OF SUMATERA

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    Phyllanthus is a genus with many members that are quite widespread throughout the world. Previously, this genus belonged to the Euphorbiaceae family but based on molecular studies it was separated into separate Phyllanthaceae families. Botanical explorations carried out on the islands of Bangka and Belitung indicated that Phyllanthus tenellus had not been recorded yet in Phyllanthus in Sumatra. Phyllanthus tenellus is a new alien plant record for the flora of Sumatra and increases the number of Phyllanthus species in Sumatra to 14 species. This species is thought to have been introduced accidentally and has naturalized in urban areas. A brief description, the factors causing the presence of this species in Sumatra, and their potential uses are described


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    Ensete is a member of Musaceae family. The genus comprises of seven species and distributed in the Tropical Africa and Tropical Asia. It can be easily distinguished from the common banana (Musa spp.) from its single-stemmed habit and large inflorescense. There are two species of Ensete in Indonesia, namely E. glaucum (Roxb.) Cheesman and E. ventricosum (Welw.) Cheesman. The first one is a native species of Tropical Asia while the latter is an introduced species from Africa. Apparently, the oldest fossil record of Ensete showed that this group of plants presumed to be existed since the Eocene Epoch. The utilization, propagation, and IUCN status of Ensete are explained in this paper.Ensete is a member of Musaceae family. The genus comprises of seven species and distributed in the Tropical Africa and Tropical Asia. It can be easily distinguished from the common banana (Musa spp.) from its single-stemmed habit and large inflorescense. There are two species of Ensete in Indonesia, namely E. glaucum (Roxb.) Cheesman and E. ventricosum (Welw.) Cheesman. The first one is a native species of Tropical Asia while the latter is an introduced species from Africa. Apparently, the oldest fossil record of Ensete showed that this group of plants presumed to be existed since the Eocene Epoch. The utilization, propagation, and IUCN status of Ensete are explained in this paper


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    Tanaman hias introduksi berperan penting dalam penyebaran jenis asing invasif di dunia. Banyak jenis tanaman hiasintroduksi yang berhasil lolos dari kultivasi, kemudian mengalami naturalisasi dan menginvasi daerah sebaran barunya.Pada kurun waktu beberapa tahun terakhir, beberapa jenis tanaman hias telah dilaporkan ternaturalisasi di Pulau Jawa, diantaranya Costus afer Ker Gawl, Solanum diphyllum L., dan Syngonium wendlandii Schott. Jenis lain yang ternaturalisasidi Jawa masih mungkin ada dan belum dilaporkan sebelumnya. Oleh sebab itu, penelitian ini dilakukan untukmengungkap dan melaporkan keberadaan jenis tanaman hias ternaturalisasi di Jawa dan menjadi bagian dari penyusunanAlien Flora of Java. Pengamatan lapangan dilakukan menggunakan metode jelajah di Jawa Barat (Bandung, Bogor,Sumedang, dan Tasikmalaya) dan Jawa Timur (Malang) pada Bulan September hingga November 2020. Selain itu, studiherbarium dilakukan di Herbarium Bandungense (FIPIA). Pengamatan lapangan menunjukkan adanya suatu jenistanaman hias introduksi yang ternaturalisasi, yaitu Arachis pintoi Krapov. & W.C.Greg. Populasi meliarnya ditemukandi Pintu Angin (Kabupaten Bandung Barat), Padasuka Atas (Bandung Regency), Dramaga (Kabupaten Bogor), danJatinangor (Kabupaten Sumedang). Arachis pintoi tumbuh meliar pada tipe habitat yang terbuka, seperti tepi jalan, tepisaluran air, dan lahan marginal berumput. Jenis tersebut memperbanyak diri secara vegetatif melalui fragmentasi batangdan stolon


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    Desmanthus virgatus (L.) Willd. is an alien plant from Tropical America and reported present in Dutch East Indies in 1855. Nonetheless, the existence of its wild population is yet to be known, which caused by lack of record in Flora of Java vol. I. Hence the research conducted to report the existence of Desmanthus virgatus in Java. The research also conducted as a part of Alien Flora of Java compilation project. Field observation conducted in West Java (Bekasi, Bogor, Sumedang) and Central Java (Batang) by using the explorative method. Observation results showed the existence of Desmanthus virgatus wild population in Bekasi, Sumedang, and Batang. Therefore, the species can be stated as a new record of alien species for Flora of Java. Desmanthus virgatus presumably already escaped from cultivation and able to form its wild population in the nature