Jurnal Sumberdaya Hayati
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    102 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Status Gizi terhadap Jangka Reproduksi Perempuan pada Tiga Kecamatan di Kabupaten Lampung Selatan: The Influence of Nutritional Status on the Reproductive Period of Females in Three Sub-Districts South Lampung Regency

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    The maturity of women's reproductive organs can be characterized by the onset of the first menstruation, known as menarche, while the concluding phase is referred to as menopause. The time frame spanning from menarche to menopause is known as the reproductive period. One crucial factor influencing the reproductive period is nutritional status. Optimal body fat reserves tend to extend the reproductive period, whereas inadequate reserves can have the opposite effect. Notably, women residing in urban areas often experience a more extended reproductive period compared to their rural counterparts. The aim of this study was to assess the reproductive period of women in three sub-districts in South Lampung and to analyze the potential impact of nutritional status on the individual reproductive period. The study was conducted between January and April 2023 in the sub-districts of Jati Agung, Natar, and Kalianda. Data was gathered from a total of 57 respondents through interviews and physical measurements. Nevertheless, only 18 respondents met the criteria and were further analyzed. Nutritional status was evaluated using the body mass index (BMI) and percent body fat (PBF). The findings revealed that the average reproductive period for women in the three South Lampung sub-districts was 37.06 years. The average age for menarche was 14.22 years, while the average age for menopause was 51.28 years. However, the study did not find a significant correlation between nutritional status and the reproductive period of women in the three examined sub-districts of South Lampung

    Quantitative Analysis of Phytochemical Compounds and Antihyperglycemic Potential of Robusta Coffee from West Lampung

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    West Lampung Regency in Lampung Province produces high quality robusta coffee with a distinct, strong bitter flavour. Bitter flavour indicates the amount of bioactive substances produced by plants called phytochemicals. The aim of this study is to analyse the phytochemical compounds and antihyperglycemic potential of robusta coffee beans from West Lampung, Indonesia. Quantitative phytochemical analysis was carried out using the thin layer chromatography method and spectrophotometry. Animal experimental design using robusta coffee on hyperglycemia conditions in mice which was induced by alloxan 170 mg/kgBW subcutaneously and given by 1 ml of brewed robusta coffee for 10 days. The robusta coffee from West Lampung contained total caffeine 4,014.87 µg/g, total flavonoid content (TFC) 93.6 mg quercetin equivalent per gram of sample, with total alkaloid content (TAC) 0.848 mg of quinine equivalent per gram of sample, total tannin content (TTC) 182.3 mg of tannic acid equivalent per gram of sample, and total saponin content (TSC) 24.2 mg of quillaja bark equivalent per gram of sample. The administration of 1 ml/mice/day of robusta coffee brewed for 10 days did not show a decrease in blood sugar level in hyperglycemic mice, due to the short duration of the study, so the role of coffee in decreasing hyperglycemia conditions has not been optimally observed

    Aktivitas Antibakteri dan Antioksidan dari Senyawa Bioaktif Asal Bakteri Endofit Tanaman Nyatoh (Palaquium amboinense B.) : Antibacterial and Antioxidant Properties of Bioactive Compounds Derived from Endophytic Bacteria Isolated from Nyatoh (Palaquium amboinense B.)

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    Nyatoh plant (Palaquium amboinense B.) is native to Indonesia which is known to have the ability to produce potential secondary metabolites. The aim of this study was to evaluate the antibacterial and antioxidant activities from bioactive compounds produced by endophytic bacteria from nyatoh leaves. Five endophytic bacteria were tested against 4 targeted bacteria including Escherichia coli ATCC 8739, Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 15442, Bacillus subtilis ATCC 19659, and Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538. Bacterial isolate which had the strongest antibacterial activity was then fermented and extracted. The corresponding extract was further tested on disc diffusion method, determination of Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) and Minimum Bactericidal Concentration (MBC) values, antioxidant evaluation, and analyzed for its bioactive compound components via GC-MS analysis. The results showed that one isolate, namely D1 can produce secondary metabolite which act as antibacterial and antioxidant potentials. This corresponding extract has the strongest MIC and MBC against B. subtilis with value of 39.5 and >78.1 µg/ml and exhibited antioxidant activity against 2,2-difenil-1-pikrilhidrazil (DPPH) with inhibition value of 85.37%. Based on GC-MS analysis, secondary metabolites derived from this potential extract contained some major active constituents including Tributyl acetylcitrate and bis (2-ethylhexyl) ester which might act as antibacterial and antioxidant agents

    The Potential of Mycofoam as a Biocomposite Material with Various Substrate and Mushroom Compositions

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    Mycofoam is a biocomposite composed of mycelial filaments that bind to the host substrate, which can replace polystyrene. This research aims to determine the most appropriate formulation of the growing medium and mushroom to be used in mycofoam products based on some parameters. Composition is one of the main factors for selecting the most appropriate mycofoam to replace polystyrene. On the other hand, the quality of mycofoam can be assessed through its strength and water resistance. The mushroom mycelium used in this study came from Pleurotus ostreatus and Lentinula edodes. Besides, the growing medium formulation comprises five different compositions, each containing different proportions of sawdust and bagasse. This research was composed of preparation of growing medium, spawn inoculation, molding, heating, testing, and data analysis. Based on the results, the combination of 100 percent sawdust and L. edodes was the most appropriate choice compared to other formulations based on strength and appearance. The results of the water absorption test showed that all mycofoam formulations were not resistant to water, bio-based coating can be used to overcome this problem

    Potensi Cadangan Biji Tumbuhan Bawah Pasca Erupsi Merapi di Taman Nasional Gunung Merapi: Seed Bank Potential of Understorey Plants After The Eruption of Merapi Volcano in Mount Merapi National Park

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    The 2010 eruption of Mount Merapi caused the ecosystem of Mount Merapi National Park had damage. The recovery of the surrounding ecosystem was called succession . Soil seed bank can be a seed resource for the succession. This research was conducted to analyze vegetation composition and explore the potential seed bank of understorey plants. The vegetation analysis was done using a quadratic method in the three locations: highly damaged, moderately damaged, and lightly damaged. A 1×1 m2 plot was used to collect 9 soil samples from each location. The soil samples were stored in a greenhouse for the germination test. Results showed that Poaceae dominated the vegetation in three locations. The vegetation in moderately and lightly damaged locations has a higher score in diversity and evenness than that in highly damaged locations. The seed bank results showed approximately 34 understorey plants from 14 families dominated by Poaceae. The similarity between the standing aboveground vegetation and soil seed banks in the three locations was low

    Identifikasi Berdasarkan Anatomi Tumbuhan Pakan dalam Feses Gajah Sumatra (Elephas maximus sumatranus) di Taman Nasional Way Kambas: Identification Based on the Anatomy of Forage Plants in the Fecal of the Sumatran Elephant (Elephas maximus sumatranus) in Way Kambas National Park

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    The diversity of forage plant species for elephants can be analyzed by observing the anatomy of undigested plant fragments in the fecal. This study aims to identify forage plants from the fecal samples of Sumatran elephant in Way Kambas National Park. The research methods include collected fecal samples at Way Kambas National Park, prepared slide microscope of epidermis of the plant fragments using the whole mount method, observed the anatomical characters and identified the plant fragments based on data from previous studies and reference. The results obtained 34 types of epidermis which were differentiated based on the characteristics of epidermal cell, stomata and trichomes. These epidermis types were used to identify the plants forage by Sumatran elephants. We found leaf fragment of four families, namely Arecaceae, Cyperaceae, Poaceae and Zingiberaceae. The most common fragments found in the fecal samples were the leaf fragments of Poaceae (28 type epidermis). Anatomical study on the plant fragments in fecal can be used as an alternative method in studying plants consumed by elephant

    Isolasi Cendawan Mikoriza Arbuskula dari Rizosfer Tanaman Berkayu Asal Pulau Bangka dan Karakteristik Struktur Kultur Mikorizanya: Isolation of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi from Rhizosphere of Bangka Island Woody Plants and their Mycorrhizal Structure Culture Characteristics

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    Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (AMF) associate with a variety of plants including forest trees. Research on AMF in forestry in Indonesia is limited, especially on woody plants grown in Bangka Island. Therefore, the aim of this research was to isolate and identify AMF associated with woody plants from Bangka Island grown in the post-mining soil in greenhouse for 7 years. The Soil samples derived from 8 pots of the 7 years old woody plants were used as spore sources. Spore extraction from the soil used the wet sieving and decanting method. Fungal identification was carried out based on morphological characteristics, and fungal isolation used pot culture with Pueraria javanica as a host plant. Fungal structures within the root were analyzed after root staining with trypan blue. There were 18 spore morphotypes observed which belong to 5 types of Acaulospora and 13 types of Glomus. Seven single spore pot cultures were successfully isolated from species of Acaulospora sp.1, Acaulospora sp.4, Acaulospora sp.5, Glomus sp.2, Glomus sp.3, Glomus sp.6, and Glomus sp.11. AM fungal colonization structures observed within the root were Paris type arbuscules, internal hyphae, and vesicles. The AMF cultures obtained could be used as biofertilizer for woody plant seedlings production for post mining reclamation activities

    Potensi Daun dari Enam Jenis Tumbuhan sebagai Pewarna Alami untuk Tekstil: The Leaf Potential of Six Plant Species as Natural Dyes for Textile

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    The use of natural dyes for textile have advantages since they are enviromentally friendly. This study aims to analyzed the potential use of six plant species as natural dyes for textiles. This research used leaves of  pucuk merah (Syzygium oleana), cinnamon (Cinnamomum burnamii), avocado (Persea americana), jakaranda (Jacaranda mimosifolia), eucalyptus (Eucalyptus sp.), and lanang (Oroxylum indicum); three types of mordant (alum, ferrous sulphate, lime); and three types of fabrics (silk, combed cotton, primisima cotton). The research stages included extracting dyes from the leaves and dyeing fabrics that had previously been treated with mordant. The potential dye was analyzed based on the color and its stability on fabrics. The colors were identified using RGB (Red Green Blue) Color Chart Reader. Color stability was measured based on the fastness test against washing process referring to SNI ISO 105-C06-2010. The application of dyes on different types of fabrics which was treated with different mordants yield color variations. In addition, mordant has a good effect on color fastness. All extract showed the best color and fastness on silk fabric treated with ferous sulphate. The plant observed in this study have potential use as textile dyes, but it is necessary to consider the type of fabric and mordant to make the best results.Penggunaan pewarna alami untuk tekstil memiliki keunggulan, antara lain ramah lingkungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis potensi pemanfaatan enam jenis tumbuhan sebagai pewarna alami tekstil. Penelitian menggunakan bahan daun dari pucuk merah (Syzygium oleana), kayu manis (Cinnamomum burnamii), alpukat (Persea americana), jakaranda (Jacaranda mimosifolia), kayu putih (Eucalyptus sp.) dan lanang (Oroxylum indicum); tiga jenis mordan yaitu tawas, tunjung, kapur sirih; dan tiga jenis kain yaitu katun combed, katun primisima, dan sutera. Tahapan penelitian meliputi ekstraksi zat warna dari tumbuhan dan pencelupan kain yang sebelumnya telah diberi perlakuan mordan. Potensi sebagai pewarna dianalisis berdasarkan warna yang dihasilkan dan stabilitas warna. Identifikasi warna dilakukan menggunakan RGB (Red Green Blue) Color Chart Reader. Stabilitas warna diukur dengan uji tahan luntur warna terhadap proses pencucian mengacu SNI ISO 105-C06-2010. Penerapan ekstrak pewarna pada jenis kain berbeda yang diberi perlakuan mordan berbeda-beda menghasilkan variasi warna. Selain itu, pemberian mordan juga berpengaruh baik terhadap ketahanan luntur warna akibat pencucian. Semua ekstrak menghasilkan warna dan ketahanan luntur terbaik pada kain sutera yang diberi perlakuan mordan tunjung. Semua jenis tumbuhan dalam penelitian ini berpotensi sebagai pewarna tekstil, namun untuk mendapatkan hasil terbaik dalam penggunaannya perlu mempertimbangkan jenis kain dan mordan

    Potensi Urban Beekeeping dalam Pencapaian Tujuan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan: Studi Kasus di Kota Bandung: The Potential of Urban Beekeeping in Achieving Sustainable Development Goals: A Case Study in the City of Bandung

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    Urban Beekeeping is the activity of maintaining honey bee colonies in urban areas, which generally have a more friendly habitat for bees with lower pesticides used on plants and trees. Studies on the relationship between urban beekeeping activities and their potential in achieving sustainable development goals are not widely known, especially in Indonesia. The direct neighborhood involvement of citizens by nurturing stingless bees in their neighborhood has excellent potential in achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). Urban beekeeping has the potential to diversify ecosystems and improve environmental governance better. Using the identification of common themes, three components (environmental, social, and economic) with a total of 17 indicators that appear in urban beekeeping activities contribute to 75% of the main priority areas and 52.94% have the potential to play a role in achieving Sustainable Development Goals

    Toksisitas Letal (LC50) Zat Surfaktan Linear Alkylbenzene Sulfonate terhadap Ikan Cere (Gambusia affinis): Lethal Toxicity (LC50) of Linear Surfactant Alkylbenzene Sulfonate on Mosquito Fish (Gambusia affinis)

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    Mosquito fish (Gambusia affinis) is a species often used as a bioindicator because it has high adaptability to water quality changes. Linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS) is a surfactant often found in waters and can cause death for the biota that lives in it. This study aimed to analyze the impact of LAS surfactant on the survival of mosquito fish and to determine the minimum concentration of LAS surfactant that can cause death and tissue damage. Research conducted during April 2022 using 500 mosquito fishes. We did several tests, including a lethal toxicity test to find out the concentration of LAS surfactant that can cause death and tissue damage. The results showed that the LC50 values of LAS surfactants at exposure times of 24, 48, 72, and 96 hours were 7.64, 7.43, 7.29, and 6.83 mg/L, respectively. Mosquito fish blood glucose levels at LAS concentrations of 0, 2.65, 4.30, 6.97, and 11.3 were 56, 75, 79.6, 95, and 95.6 mg/dl. Exposure to LAS surfactant in mosquito fish can cause gill damage in the form of edema, lamella fusion, hyperplasia, lamellae epithelium swelling, and gill filaments necrosis. Another damage occurs to the liver in the form of blockage of blood vessels and sinusoids, hyperplasia, widening of the hepatic sinusoid gap, fat accumulation, and necrosis of hepatocytes


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