1,341 research outputs found

    Gas dynamics in Massive Dense Cores in Cygnus-X

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    We study the kinematic properties of dense gas surrounding massive protostars recognized by Bontemps et a. (2010) in a sample of five Massive Dense Cores in Cygnus-X. We investigate whether turbulent support plays a major role in stabilizing the core against fragmentation into Jeans-mass objects or alternatively, the observed kinematics could indicate a high level of dynamics. We present IRAM 30m single-dish (HCO+ and H13CO+) and IRAM PdBI high angular-resolution observations of dense gas tracers (H13CO+ and H13CN) to reveal the kinematics of molecular gas at scales from 0.03 to 0.1 pc. Radiative transfer modeling shows that H13CO+ is depleted within the envelopes of massive protostars and traces the bulk of material surrounding the protostars rather than their inner envelopes. H13CN shows a better correspondence with the peak of the continuum emission, possibly due to abundance anomalies and specific chemistry in the close vicinity of massive protostars. Analyzing the line-widths we show that the observed line-dispersion of H13CO+ at the scale of MDCs is smaller than expected from the quasi-static, turbulent-core model. At large-scales, global organized bulk motions are identified for 3 of the MDCs. At small-scales, several spectral components are identified in all MDCs showing filamentary structures and intrinsic velocity gradients towards the continuum peaks. The dynamics of these flows show diversity among the sample and we link this to the specific fragmentation properties of the MDCs. No clear evidence is found for a turbulence regulated, equilibrium scenario within the sample of MDCs. We propose a picture in which MDCs are not in equilibrium and their dynamics is governed by small-scale converging flows, which may initiate star-formation via their shears

    A minimum hypothesis explanation for an IMF with a lognormal body and power law tail

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    We present a minimum hypothesis model for an IMF that resembles a lognormal distribution at low masses but has a distinct power-law tail. Even if the central limit theorem ensures a lognormal distribution of condensation masses at birth, a power-law tail in the distribution arises due to accretion from the ambient cloud, coupled with a non-uniform (exponential) distribution of accretion times.Comment: 2 pages, 1 figure, to appear in IMF@50, eds. E. Corbelli, F. Palla, and H. Zinnecker, Kluwer, Astrophysics and Space Science Librar

    Massive Infrared-Quiet Dense Cores: Unveiling the Initial Conditions of High-Mass Star Formation

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    As Pr. Th. Henning said at the conference, cold precursors of high-mass stars are now "hot topics". We here propose some observational criteria to identify massive infrared-quiet dense cores which can host the high-mass analogs of Class 0 protostars and pre-stellar condensations. We also show how far-infrared to millimeter imaging surveys of entire complexes forming OB stars are starting to unveil the initial conditions of high-mass star formation

    Cluster Formation in Protostellar Outflow-Driven Turbulence

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    Most, perhaps all, stars go through a phase of vigorous outflow during formation. We examine, through 3D MHD simulation, the effects of protostellar outflows on cluster formation. We find that the initial turbulence in the cluster-forming region is quickly replaced by motions generated by outflows. The protostellar outflow-driven turbulence (``protostellar turbulence'' for short) can keep the region close to a virial equilibrium long after the initial turbulence has decayed away. We argue that there exist two types of turbulence in star-forming clouds: a primordial (or ``interstellar'') turbulence and a protostellar turbulence, with the former transformed into the latter mostly in embedded clusters such as NGC 1333. Since the majority of stars are thought to form in clusters, an implication is that the stellar initial mass function is determined to a large extent by the stars themselves, through outflows which individually limit the mass accretion onto forming stars and collectively shape the environments (density structure and velocity field) in which most cluster members form. We speculate that massive cluster-forming clumps supported by protostellar turbulence gradually evolve towards a highly centrally condensed ``pivotal'' state, culminating in rapid formation of massive stars in the densest part through accretion.Comment: 11 pages (aastex format), 2 figures submitted to ApJ

    Molecular Tracers of Embedded Star Formation in Ophiuchus

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    In this paper we analyze nine SCUBA cores in Ophiuchus using the second-lowest rotational transitions of four molecular species (12CO, 13CO, C18O, and C17O) to search for clues to the evolutionary state and star-formation activity within each core. Specifically, we look for evidence of outflows, infall, and CO depletion. The line wings in the CO spectra are used to detect outflows, spectral asymmetries in 13CO are used to determine infall characteristics, and a comparison of the dust emission (from SCUBA observations) and gas emission (from C18O) is used to determine the fractional CO freeze-out. Through comparison with Spitzer observations of protostellar sources in Ophiuchus, we discuss the usefulness of CO and its isotopologues as the sole indicators of the evolutionary state of each core. This study is an important pilot project for the JCMT Legacy Survey of the Gould Belt (GBS) and the Galactic Plane (JPS), which intend to complement the SCUBA-2 dust continuum observations with HARP observations of 12CO, 13CO, C18O, and C17O J = 3 - 2 in order to determine whether or not the cold dust clumps detected by SCUBA-2 are protostellar or starless objects. Our classification of the evolutionary state of the cores (based on molecular line maps and SCUBA observations) is in agreement with the Spitzer designation for six or seven of the nine SCUBA cores. However, several important caveats exist in the interpretation of these results, many of which large mapping surveys like the GBS may be able to overcome to provide a clearer picture of activity in crowded fields.Comment: 43 pages including 19 postscript figures. Accepted for publication in the PAS

    A SCUBA survey of the NGC 2068/2071 protoclusters

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    We report the results of a submillimeter dust continuum survey of the protoclusters NGC 2068 and NGC 2071 in Orion B carried out at 850 microns and 450 microns with SCUBA on JCMT. The mapped region is ~ 32' x 18' in size (~ 4 pc x 2 pc) and consists of filamentary dense cores which break up into small-scale (~ 5000 AU) fragments, including 70 starless condensations and 5 circumstellar envelopes/disks. The starless condensations, seen on the same spatial scales as protostellar envelopes, are likely to be gravitationally bound and pre-stellar in nature. Their mass spectrum, ranging from ~ 0.3 Msun to ~ 5 Msun, is reminiscent of the stellar initial mass function (IMF). Their mass-size relation suggests that they originate from gravitationally-driven fragmentation. We thus argue that pre-collapse cloud fragmentation plays a major role in shaping the IMF.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, 1 table. Letter accepted by Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Spectroscopic Detection of a Stellar-like Photosphere in an Accreting Protostar

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    We present the first spectrum of a highly veiled, strongly accreting protostar which shows photospheric absorption features and demonstrates the stellar nature of its central core. We find the spectrum of the luminous (L_bol = 10 L_sun) protostellar source, YLW 15, to be stellar-like with numerous atomic and molecular absorption features, indicative of a K5 IV/V spectral type and a continuum veiling r_k = 3.0. Its derived stellar luminosity (3 L_sun) and stellar radius (3.1 R_sun) are consistent with those of a 0.5 M_sun pre-main-sequence star. However, 70% of its bolometric luminosity is due to mass accretion, whose rate we estimate to be 1.6 E-6 M_sun / yr onto the protostellar core. We determine that excess infrared emission produced by the circumstellar accretion disk, the inner infalling envelope, and accretion shocks at the surface of the stellar core of YLW 15 all contribute signifi- cantly to its near-IR continuum veiling. Its projected rotation velocity v sin i = 50 km / s is comparable to those of flat-spectrum protostars but considerably higher than those of classical T Tauri stars in the rho Oph cloud. The protostar may be magnetically coupled to its circumstellar disk at a radius of 2 R_*. It is also plausible that this protostar can shed over half its angular momentum and evolve into a more slowly rotating classical T Tauri star by remaining coupled to its circumstellar disk (at increasing radius) as its accretion rate drops by an order of magnitude during the rapid transition between the Class I and Class II phases of evolution. The spectrum of WL 6 does not show any photospheric absorption features, and we estimate that its continuum veiling is r_k >= 4.6. Together with its low bolometric luminosity (2 L_sun), this dictates that its central core is very low mass, ~0.1 M_sun.Comment: 14 pages including 9 figures (3 figures of 3 panels each, all as separate files). AASTeX LaTex macros version 5.0. To be published in The Astronomical Journal (tentatively Oct 2002

    Radiative Transfer in Prestellar Cores: A Monte Carlo Approach

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    We use our Monte Carlo radiative transfer code to study non-embedded prestellar cores and cores that are embedded at the centre of a molecular cloud. Our study indicates that the temperature inside embedded cores is lower than in isolated non-embedded cores, and generally less than 12 K, even when the cores are surrounded by an ambient cloud of small visual extinction (Av~5). Our study shows that the best wavelength region to observe embedded cores is between 400 and 500 microns, where the core is quite distinct from the background. We also predict that very sensitive observations (~1-3 MJy/sr) at 170-200 microns can be used to estimate how deeply a core is embedded in its parent molecular cloud. Finally, we present preliminary results of asymmetric models of non-embedded cores.Comment: 8 pages, 15 figures, to appear in the conference proceedings of "Open Issues in Local Star Formation and Early Stellar Evolution", held in Ouro Preto (Brazil), April 5-10, 200

    Fragmentation and mass segregation in the massive dense cores of Cygnus X

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    We present Plateau de Bure interferometer observations obtained in continuum at 1.3 and 3.5 mm towards the six most massive and young (IR-quiet) dense cores in Cygnus X. Located at only 1.7 kpc, the Cygnus X region offers the opportunity of reaching small enough scales (of the order of 1700 AU at 1.3 mm) to separate individual collapsing objects. The cores are sub-fragmented with a total of 23 fragments inside 5 cores. Only the most compact core, CygX-N63, could actually be a single massive protostar with an envelope mass as large as 60 Msun. The fragments in the other cores have sizes and separations similar to low-mass pre-stellar and proto-stellar condensations in nearby protoclusters, and are probably of the same nature. A total of 9 out of these 23 protostellar objects are found to be probable precursors of OB stars with envelope masses ranging from 6 to 23 Msun. The level of fragmentation is globally higher than in the turbulence regulated, monolithic collapse scenario, but is not as high as expected in a pure gravo-turbulent scenario where the distribution of mass is dominated by low-mass protostars/stars. Here, the fractions of the total core masses in the high-mass fragments are reaching values as high as 28, 44, and 100 % in CygX-N12, CygX-N53, and CygX-N63, respectively, much higher than what an IMF-like mass distribution would predict. The increase of the fragmentation efficiency as a function of density in the cores is proposed to be due to the increasing importance of self-gravity leading to gravitational collapse at the scale of the dense cores. At the same time, the cores tend to fragment into a few massive protostars within their central regions. We are therefore probably witnessing here the primordial mass segregation of clusters in formation.Comment: 14 pages, 16 figures, submitted for publication in A&

    Ring Formation in Magnetically Subcritical Clouds and Multiple Star Formation

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    We study numerically the ambipolar diffusion-driven evolution of non-rotating, magnetically subcritical, disk-like molecular clouds, assuming axisymmetry. Previous similar studies have concentrated on the formation of single magnetically supercritical cores at the cloud center, which collapse to form isolated stars. We show that, for a cloud with many Jeans masses and a relatively flat mass distribution near the center, a magnetically supercritical ring is produced instead. The supercritical ring contains a mass well above the Jeans limit. It is expected to break up, through both gravitational and possibly magnetic interchange instabilities, into a number of supercritical dense cores, whose dynamic collapse may give rise to a burst of star formation. Non-axisymmetric calculations are needed to follow in detail the expected ring fragmentation into multiple cores and the subsequent core evolution. Implications of our results on multiple star formation in general and the northwestern cluster of protostars in the Serpens molecular cloud core in particular are discussed.Comment: 25 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Ap