5,525 research outputs found

    Collaborative semantic web browsing with Magpie

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    Web browsing is often a collaborative activity. Users involved in a joint information gathering exercise will wish to share knowledge about the web pages visited and the contents found. Magpie is a suite of tools supporting the interpretation of web pages and semantically enriched web browsing. By automatically associating an ontology-based semantic layer to web resources, Magpie allows relevant services to be invoked as well as remotely triggered within a standard web browser. In this paper we describe how Magpie trigger services can provide semantic support to collaborative browsing activities

    Gravitational lensing and dynamics in SL2S\,J02140-0535: Probing the mass out to large radius

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    We aim to probe the mass of SL2S\,J02140-0535, a galaxy group at zz = 0.44 from the Strong Lensing Legacy Survey (SL2S). We combine strong lensing modeling and dynamical constraints. The strong lensing analysis is based on multi-band HST/ACS observations exhibiting strong lensing features that we have followed-up spectroscopically with VLT/FORS2. To constrain the scale radius of an NFW mass profile that cannot be constrained by strong lensing, we propose a new method by taking advantage of the large-scale dynamical information provided by VLT/FORS2 and KECK/LRIS spectroscopy of group members. In constrast to other authors, we show that the observed lensing features in SL2S\,J02140-0535 belong to different background sources: one at zz = 1.7 ±\pm 0.1 produces three images, while the other at zz = 1.023 ±\pm 0.001 has only a single image. Our unimodal NFW mass model reproduces these images very well. It is characterized by a concentration parameter c200c_{200} = 6.0 ±\pm 0.6, which is slightly greater than the value expected from Λ\LambdaCDM simulations for a mass of M200_{200} \approx 1 ×\times 1014^{14} M_{\sun}. The spectroscopic analysis of group members also reveals a unimodal structure that exhibits no evidence of merging. We compare our dynamic mass estimate with an independent weak-lensing based mass estimate finding that both are consistent. Our combined lensing and dynamical analysis of SL2S\,J02140-0535 demonstrates the importance of spectroscopic information in reliably identifying the lensing features. Our findings argue that the system is a relaxed, massive galaxy group where mass is traced by light. This work shows a potentially useful method for constraining large-scale properties inaccessible to strong lensing, such as the scale radius of the NFW profile.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    The Brightest Cluster Galaxy in Abell 85: The Largest Core Known so far

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    We have found that the brightest cluster galaxy (BCG) in Abell~85, Holm 15A, displays the largest core so far known. Its cusp radius, rγ=4.57±0.06r_{\gamma} = 4.57 \pm 0.06 kpc (4.26±0.064.26^{\prime\prime}\pm 0.06^{\prime\prime}), is more than 18 times larger than the mean for BCGs, and 1\geq1 kpc larger than A2261-BCG, hitherto the largest-cored BCG (Postman, Lauer, Donahue, et al. 2012) Holm 15A hosts the luminous amorphous radio source 0039-095B and has the optical signature of a LINER. Scaling laws indicate that this core could host a supermassive black hole (SMBH) of mass M(1091011)MM_{\bullet}\thicksim (10^{9}-10^{11})\,M_{\odot}. We suggest that cores this large represent a relatively short phase in the evolution of BCGs, whereas the masses of their associated SBMH might be set by initial conditions.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figure, 2 tables, accepted for publication in ApJ Letters on October 6th, 2014, replacement of previous manuscript submitted on May 30th, 2014 to astro-p


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    MOTTA, Javan Pereira. Propriedades tecnológicas da madeira de teca (Tectona grandis L.f.) proveniente do Vale do Rio Doce, Minas Gerais. 2011. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Florestais) Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Alegre-ES, Orientador: Prof. Dr. José Tarcísio da Silva Oliveira. Coorientador: Prof. Dr. Juarez Benigno Paes. O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar as propriedades tecnológicas da madeira de teca (Tectona grandis L.f.) de árvores com 15 anos de idade, proveniente do Vale do Rio Doce, Minas Gerais. A caracterização da madeira de teca foi mediante a descrição anatômica, determinação das propriedades físicas e mecânicas, estudo do comportamento da adesão da madeira, avaliação da resistência natural da madeira na direção medula a alburno, a organismos xilófagos (fungos e cupins) em condições de laboratório, com ensaios de apodrecimento acelerado e de preferência alimentar com cupim subterrâneo, e estudos de sorção de umidade na madeira. Relativo à descrição anatômica, as características gerais, macroscópicas e microscópicas avaliadas para a madeira de teca foram semelhantes aos determinados por outros autores para a mesma espécie e relação direta da idade com o aumento do comprimento de fibra e espessura de parede foi constatado. A densidade média foi classificada como moderadamente pesada, mediana estabilidade dimensional, e com pequena influência do teor de umidade nos valores de resistência da madeira. A madeira de teca obteve resultado satisfatório nos ensaios de adesão. O cerne da madeira de teca foi classificado como resistente a organismos xilófagos. A determinação das curvas de sorção e o ajuste de equações para determinação do teor de equilíbrio higroscópico em diferentes umidades relativas do ar é fonte de informação para determinação do comportamento da madeira ao longo do processo de secagem e planejamento de programas de secagem mais adequados a espécie. Palavras-chave: Tectona grandis. anatomia. propriedades mecânicas. biodeterioracão. sorção

    Characterizing SL2S galaxy groups using the Einstein radius

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    We analyzed the Einstein radius, θE\theta_E, in our sample of SL2S galaxy groups, and compared it with RAR_A (the distance from the arcs to the center of the lens), using three different approaches: 1.- the velocity dispersion obtained from weak lensing assuming a Singular Isothermal Sphere profile (θE,I\theta_{E,I}), 2.- a strong lensing analytical method (θE,II\theta_{E,II}) combined with a velocity dispersion-concentration relation derived from numerical simulations designed to mimic our group sample, 3.- strong lensing modeling (θE,III\theta_{E,III}) of eleven groups (with four new models presented in this work) using HST and CFHT images. Finally, RAR_A was analyzed as a function of redshift zz to investigate possible correlations with L, N, and the richness-to-luminosity ratio (N/L). We found a correlation between θE\theta_{E} and RAR_A, but with large scatter. We estimate θE,I\theta_{E,I} = (2.2 ±\pm 0.9) + (0.7 ±\pm 0.2)RAR_A, θE,II\theta_{E,II} = (0.4 ±\pm 1.5) + (1.1 ±\pm 0.4)RAR_A, and θE,III\theta_{E,III} = (0.4 ±\pm 1.5) + (0.9 ±\pm 0.3)RAR_A for each method respectively. We found a weak evidence of anti-correlation between RAR_A and zz, with LogRAR_A = (0.58±\pm0.06) - (0.04±\pm0.1)zz, suggesting a possible evolution of the Einstein radius with zz, as reported previously by other authors. Our results also show that RAR_A is correlated with L and N (more luminous and richer groups have greater RAR_A), and a possible correlation between RAR_A and the N/L ratio. Our analysis indicates that RAR_A is correlated with θE\theta_E in our sample, making RAR_A useful to characterize properties like L and N (and possible N/L) in galaxy groups. Additionally, we present evidence suggesting that the Einstein radius evolves with zz.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics. Typos correcte

    The 2009 outburst of H~1743-322 as observed by RXTE

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    We analyze the RXTE observations of the 2009 outburst of H~1743-322, as well as the observations of the previous five outbursts for comparison. The hardness-intensity diagram (HID) shows a complete counter-clockwise q-track for the 2009 outburst and, interestingly, the track falls in} between a huge one in 2003, with a complete transition to high/soft state, and that of} the failed outburst in 2008. It leaves the low/hard state but does not reach the leftmost edge of the overall HID. While the lowest hardness (6--19 keV/3--6 keV) values} in the HID is about 0.3--0.4 for the 2009 outburst, similar to the ``failed state transition" seen in the persistent black hole XRB Cyg X-1, the timing analysis shows that a transition to the high soft state occurred. During the low/hard state of the 2009 outburst, the inner radius of the accretion disk is found to be closer to the central black hole and have an anti-correlation with the disk temperature. These results may be understood as the reprocessing} of the hot corona on the disk's} soft X-rays, which can lead to an underestimation of the inner radius of the accretion disk. In the luminosity diagram of the corona versus the disk, the tracks of the outbursts} in 2003 and 2009 cross the line which represents a roughly equal contribution to the entire emission from the thermal and the non-thermal components;} the track of the 2008 outburst has the turn-over falling} on this line. This may be indicative of an emission balance between the corona and the disk, which prevents the state transition from going further than the low/hard state.Comment: accepted by A&

    Management promoting SME’S competitiveness

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    As microempresas e empresas de pequeno porte (MPEs) possuem elevada relevância socioeconômica nacional, decorrente da quantidade de unidades existentes, massa salarial e empregos por elas gerados. Essas empresas enfrentam graves problemas de competitividade, que ocasionam o encerramento precoce das suas atividades, dentre os quais se destacam as falhas na gestão organizacional, o que estimula a busca de soluções para a questão. A inovação organizacional é vista como uma alternativa para esta situação, por contemplar a execução de novo método de gestão, aplicável nas práticas de negócios da empresa, na organização do local de trabalho ou nas relações externas. Este trabalho tem o objetivo de apresentar oportunidades para incremento da competitividade em 449 MPEs do Rio Grande do Norte, identificadas a partir da aplicação da Matriz de Competitividade. A fundamentação teórica do presente estudo aborda três dimensões: (i) competitividade nas MPEs; (ii) excelência em gestão; (iii) inovação organizacional. São apresentados os procedimentos metodológicos empregados no projeto e os indicadores decorrentes da sua execução operacional. Os resultados da pesquisa são discutidos mediante: identificação das práticas de gestão presentes nas empresas pesquisadas; verificação do alinhamento das práticas de gestão identificadas aos critérios tomados como referência para o diagnóstico; identificação de oportunidades para inovação organizacional. Constatou-se que existem oportunidades para inovação organizacional incremental no universo pesquisado, cuja implantação tende a endereçar as empresas avaliadas ao incremento da competitividade. Destacam-se entre elas a adoção de práticas de elaboração de estratégias, planos e mensuração de resultados pelas MPEs.The small and micro enterprises (SMEs) have high national socio-economic relevance, due to the amount of existing units, wages and jobs they generate. These companies face serious competitiveness problems, which cause premature closure of its activities, among which stand out the flaws in organizational management, which stimulates the search for solutions to the issue. The organizational innovation is seen as an alternative to this, by contemplating the new execution method of management, applicable in the company's business practices, workplace organization or external relations. This work aims to present opportunities for increased competitiveness in 449 Rio Grande do Norte' SMEs, identified through competitiveness matrix. The theoretical basis of this study addresses three dimensions: (i) competitiveness of SMEs; (ii) management excellence; (iii) organizational innovation. The methodological procedures used in the project and the indicators related to current operational performance are presented. The survey results are discussed through: identification of management practices present in the surveyed companies; checking the alignment of the management practices identified criteria used as a reference for diagnosis; identifying opportunities for organizational innovation. It was found that there are opportunities for incremental organizational innovation in the group studied, whose implementation tends to address the companies valued at increasing competitiveness. Outstanding among them the adoption of policy development practices, plans and measurement results by SMEs.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio