73 research outputs found

    High resolution and dynamic imaging of biopersistence and bioreactivity of extra and intracellular MWNTs exposed to microglial cells

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    Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) are increasingly being developed both as neuro-therapeutic drug delivery systems to the brain and as neural scaffolds to drive tissue regeneration across lesion sites. MWNTs with different degrees of acid oxidation may have different bioreactivities and propensities to aggregate in the extracellular environment, and both individualised and aggregated MWNTs may be expected to be found in the brain. Before practical application, it is vital to understand how both aggregates and individual MWNTs will interact with local phagocytic immune cells, the microglia, and ultimately to determine their biopersistence in the brain. The processing of extra- and intracellular MWNTs (both pristine and when acid oxidised) by microglia was characterised across multiple length scales by correlating a range of dynamic, quantitative and multi-scale techniques, including: UV-vis spectroscopy, light microscopy, focussed ion beam scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. Dynamic, live cell imaging revealed the ability of microglia to break apart and internalise micron-sized extracellular agglomerates of acid oxidised MWNTs, but not pristine MWNTs. The total amount of MWNTs internalised by, or strongly bound to, microglia was quantified as a function of time. Neither the significant uptake of oxidised MWNTs, nor the incomplete uptake of pristine MWNTs affected microglial viability, pro-inflammatory cytokine release or nitric oxide production. However, after 24 h exposure to pristine MWNTs, a significant increase in the production of reactive oxygen species was observed. Small aggregates and individualised oxidised MWNTs were present in the cytoplasm and vesicles, including within multilaminar bodies, after 72 h. Some evidence of morphological damage to oxidised MWNT structure was observed including highly disordered graphitic structures, suggesting possible biodegradation. This work demonstrates the utility of dynamic, quantitative and multi-scale techniques in understanding the different cellular processing routes of functionalised nanomaterials. This correlative approach has wide implications for assessing the biopersistence of MWNT aggregates elsewhere in the body, in particular their interaction with macrophages in the lung

    Особливості планування і реалізації проектів ресторанного бізнесу

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    Ресторанний бізнес є однією із найбільш значущих складових індустрії гостинності. Водночас, ресторанний бізнес, з одного боку, є одним із засобів високоліквідного використання капіталу, а з іншого − середовищем із високим ступенем конкурентності. У всьому світі він є одним із найбільш розповсюджених видів малого бізнесу, тому заклади та підприємства ведуть між собою постійну боротьбу за сегментацію ринку, за пошук нових та за утримання постійних споживачів їхньої продукції та послуг. Всі заклади та підприємства повинні мати високий рівень конкурентоспроможності та мати свою унікальність

    Quantifying the cellular uptake of semiconductor quantum dot nanoparticles by analytical electron microscopy

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    Semiconductor quantum dot nanoparticles are in demand as optical biomarkers yet the cellular uptake process is not fully understood; quantification of numbers and the fate of internalized particles are still to be achieved. We have focussed on the characterization of cellular uptake of quantum dots using a combination of analytical electron microscopies because of the spatial resolution available to examine uptake at the nanoparticle level, using both imaging to locate particles and spectroscopy to confirm identity. In this study, commercially available quantum dots, CdSe/ZnS core/shell particles coated in peptides to target cellular uptake by endocytosis, have been investigated in terms of the agglomeration state in typical cell culture media, the traverse of particle agglomerates across U-2 OS cell membranes during endocytosis, the merging of endosomal vesicles during incubation of cells and in the correlation of imaging flow cytometry and transmission electron microscopy to measure the final nanoparticle dose internalized by the U-2 OS cells. We show that a combination of analytical transmission electron microscopy and serial block face scanning electron microscopy can provide a comprehensive description of the internalization of an initial exposure dose of nanoparticles by an endocytically active cell population and how the internalized, membrane bound nanoparticle load is processed by the cells. We present a stochastic model of an endosome merging process and show that this provides a data-driven modelling framework for the prediction of cellular uptake of engineered nanoparticles in general

    Lightweight Coloring and Desynchronization for Networks

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    Abstract—We study the distributed desynchronization problem for graphs with arbitrary topology. Motivated by the severe computational limitations of sensor networks, we present a randomized algorithm for network desynchronization that uses an extremely lightweight model of computation, while being robust to link volatility and node failure. These techniques also provide novel, ultra-lightweight randomized algorithms for quickly computing distributed vertex colorings using an asymptotically optimal number of colors. I

    Connected Dominating Sets on Dynamic Geometric Graphs

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    We propose algorithms for efficiently maintaining a constant-approximate minimum connected dominating set (MCDS) of a geometric graph under node insertions and deletions. Assuming that two nodes are adjacent in the graph iff they are within a fixed geometric distance, we show that an O(1)O(1)-approximate MCDS of a graph in Rd\R^d with nn nodes can be maintained with polylogarithmic (in nn) work per node insertion/deletion as compared with Ω(n)\Omega(n) work to maintain the optimal MCDS, even in the weaker kinetic setting. In our approach, we ensure that a topology change caused by inserting or deleting a node only affects the solution in a small neighborhood of that node, and show that a small set of range queries and bichromatic closest pair queries is then sufficient to efficiently repair the CDS

    Interference-Aware MAC Protocol for Wireless Networks by a Game-Theoretic Approach

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    Abstract—We propose an interference-aware MAC protocol using a simple transmission strategy motivated by a game-theoretic approach. We formulate a channel access game, which considers nodes concurrently transmitting in nearby clusters, in-corporating a realistic wireless communication model- the SINR model. Under inter-cluster interference, we derive a decentralized transmission strategy, which achieves a Bayesian Nash Equi-librium (BNE). The proposed MAC protocol balances network throughput and battery consumption at each transmission. We compare our BNE-based decentralized strategy with a centralized globally optimal strategy in terms of efficiency and balance. We further show that the transmission threshold should be adaptively tuned depending on the number of active users in the network, crosstalk, ambient noise, transmission cost, and radio-dependent receiver sensitivity. We also present a simple dynamic procedure for nodes to efficiently find a Nash Equilibrium (NE) without requiring each node to know the total number of active nodes or the channel gain distribution, and prove that this procedure is guaranteed to converge. I

    A Branch-and-Bound Procedure for the Largest Clique in a Graph

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