2,161 research outputs found

    A ubiquitous learning approach on robotics

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    Ubiquitous learning refers to the integration of learning processes with everyday environments and activities using technology. By leveraging ubiquitous learning principles in the field of robotics, we can foster an immersive and interactive learning environment that promotes continuous learning and knowledge acquisition. This paper presents an in-depth exploration of a ubiquitous learning approach for robotics with the aim to enhance the educational experiences and capabilities of robotic systems. Furthermore, it explores the potential benefits and challenges of ubiquitous learning in the field of robotics, such as increased adaptability, personalized learning experiences, and the development of lifelong learning skills. The results indicate that a ubiquitous learning approach can significantly enhance the learning capabilities of students.The authors are grateful to the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT, Portugal) for financial support through national funds FCT/MCTES (PIDDAC) to CeDRI (UIDB/05757/2020 and UIDP/05757/2020) and SusTEC (LA/P/0007/2021).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Estudo comparativo da qualidade do palmito de bacabinha com o do açaizeiro.

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    Utilização do whiteside modificado e California Mastitis Test no diagnóstico da mastite subclínica em búfalas e sua relação com o exame microbiológico.

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    Foram avaliadas a sensibilidade e a especificidade dos testes California Mastitis Test (CMT) e Whiteside Modificado (WM) como métodos auxiliares no diagnóstico da mastite subclínica em búfalas do Estado de Pernambuco. Estabeleceu-se, também, uma relação entre o estágio e o número de lactações frente à infecção da glândula mamária e a participação dos agentes etiológicos na enfermidade. Foram analisadas 196 amostras de leite procedentes de 49 búfalas em cinco propriedades rurais da Zona da Mata Sul. Destas, 139 (70,9%) amostras foram positivas ao exame microbiológico, isolando-se 76 (55%) amostras de Staphylococcus spp, sendo 18 (13%) de Staphylococcus coagulase positiva e 58 (42%) Staphylococcus coagulase negativa. Isolaram-se também 25 amostras de bastonetes (18%) Gram negativos, oito de (6%) Streptococcus spp e três (2,2%) de Micrococcus spp em culturas puras ou em associação, além de 45 amostras (32,4%) de Bacillus spp. A análise dos testes CMT e WM demonstraram baixa sensibilidade e especificidade quando comparados ao isolamento bacteriano. O número e o estágio da lactação não influenciaram no aparecimento da infecção na glândula mamária desta espécie. ABSTRACT - One hundred and ninety six buffalo milk samples were analyzed from farms in the South region of Pernambuco State, Brazil. The sensibility and specificity of the California Mastitis Test (CMT) and the Modified Whiteside were studied as auxiliary methods in the diagnosis of subclinical mastitis. A relationship between the stage and the number of lactations regarding mammary infection was established. One hundred and thirty nine (70,9%) samples were positive in the microbiological exam, resulting in 76 samples of Staphylococcus spp. Fifty eight samples (42%) were classified as coagulase negative Staphylococcus. Other bacterias isolated were Bacillus spp (45/32,4%), Gram negative bacillus (25/18%), Streptococcus spp (8/6%) and Micrococcus spp (3/2,2%) in pure or mixed culture. The CMT and WM analysis showed low sensibility and specificity when compared to bacterial isolation. The number and stage of lactations did not influence on occurrence of the infection in the mammary gland of this species

    Rheological Characterization of Commercial Sweetened Condensed Milk

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    The present study have analyzed samples of sweetened condensed milk of five brands sold in the Brazilian market regarding their rheological behavior and viscoelasticity. The products presented pseudoplastic fluid behavior, illustrated by the experimental data of shear stress versus strain rate, with adjustments made to fit the Power Law and Casson models. The effect of temperature on apparent viscosity of the products followed the Arrhenius model, with activation energy values ranging from 33.8 to 40.9 kJ mol-1. The products showed loss modulus (G’’) greater than storage modulus (G ‘), indicating a semi-liquid material behavior

    Historical biogeography of the Southeast Asian and Malesian tribe Dissochaeteae (Melastomataceae)

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    The region of Tropical Southeast Asia and the Malay Archipelago is a very appealing area for research due to its outstanding biodiversity, being one of the most species-rich areas in the world with high levels of endemism, and due to its complex geological history. The high number of species in tribe Dissochaeteae (Melastomataceae) and their tendency to narrow endemism make the tribe an ideal group for examining biogeographic patterns. We sampled 58 accessions spread over 42 accepted and two undescribed species of the Dissochaeteae. Two nuclear (ETS, ITS) and four chloroplast regions (ndhF, psbK-psbL, rbcL, rpl16) were used for divergence time estimation and ancestral area reconstruction. Results from the molecular dating analysis suggest that the diversity of Dissochaeteae in the Southeast Asian region resulted from a South American ancestor in the late Eocene. The ancestor of the Dissochaeteae might have migrated from South America to Southeast Asia via North America and then entered Eurasia over the North Atlantic land bridge during the Eocene. The origin and early diversification of the Dissochaeteae in Southeast Asia dates back to the middle Oligocene, and most of the genera originated during the Miocene. Indochina and Borneo are most likely the area of origin for the most recent common ancestor of the Dissochaeteae and for many of the early diverging clades of some genera within Southeast Asia.NaturalisPlant science

    Earthquakes in central Italy in 2016: comparison between Norcia and Amatrice

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    Trabalho apresentado em 16th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering (16ECEE), 18-21 june 2018, Thessaloniki, GreeceIn this paper lessons are extracted from the comparison between the very different consequences that a set of earthquakes had on the neighbouring towns of Amatrice and Norcia during the 2016 central Italy earthquake sequence. The paper initially describes the prevention programs implemented in Amatrice and Norcia starting from the reconstruction after the 1860 Norcia earthquake. The earthquake intensities in Amatrice and Norcia during the 2016 Central Italy events were considering accelerometric recordings of the Italian Strong Motion Network. In the same municipalities, the damage has been assessed through site visits and analysis of the results of the post-earthquake safety assessment performed after the events. It was found that the differences in damage were essentially due to the strengthening of most houses in Norcia done during the previous decades. This is also likely to lead to a much faster recover of the economy and livelihood in Norcia, as Amatrice needs to be entirely rebuilt.N/