6 research outputs found


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    Plant coverage and land-use practices in catchment area influence water quality of the stream. Vegetation analysis in the catchment area of Cikapundung upstream was studied in three land-use areas: Production Forest (HP), Plantation (PK), and Settlement (PM) areas. The objective of this study was to analyze the vegetation as cover ground, and to relate between land uses and water quality of the Cikapundung stream. Research was conducted from February to April 2013. Equally random sampling method was conducted in three accessible land use areas with a total of 18 nested square plots (20x20 m2; 10x10 m2 and 1x1 m2) of each growth forms. There were 59 species found in the catchment area of Cikapundung upstream consisting of trees, saplings, seedlings, shrubs, herbaceous and grasses growth forms. Among two other land uses, PK had the highest (37) plant species, and HP had the highest diversity index (2,78).Similarity indices of total vegetation between HP-PK; PK-PM; and PM-HP were 12.3%,4.8%, and 10.1%. The highest similarity indices performed in trees was between HP-PK of 75%, while similarity indices both herbaceous plants and grasses were shown between PK-PM; and between PM-HP with the figures of 62%, and 70% respectively. Overall, herbaceous and grasses coverage dominated the catchment area of PM, HP, and PK, with the figures of 63%, 46%, and 43% respectively.Based on water quality standard, the best water quality was in HP. However, the streams in all stations have been polluted by coliform, due to bio-fertilizer applications.Keywords: catchment area, Cikapundung upstream, land-use practices, water qualit

    Ground Vegetation Diversity on Different Type of Riverbank Along Ciliwung River in Bogor City, West Java

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    Ciliwung riverbank has been affected by settlement occupation. Both concrete and another retaining wall system have been built to avoid flood and erosion to the settlement that has existed adjacent to the river. Built environment as human disturbance can trigger the change of species richness of ground vegetation in the Ciliwung riverbank of Bogor City. The research objective is to study the difference of ground vegetation biodiversity in three different types of riverbank based on its condition: natural, semi-natural, and constructed riverbanks. Point method and photographic sampling are used. Five replications of a square metre plot at three transects were placed at four sites sampling along 250 m each from the three different types of riverbank. Images of the plots are trained using sample point to overcome the difficulties in the field observation and statistical analysis. The result discovered that species richness in the natural riverbank is significantly higher than in semi-natural and constructed riverbank. Yet, no significance of species richness is shown between semi-natural and constructed riverbank. Total species of ground vegetation that we found were 55 species. Each different type of riverbank has its own highest species coverage: Asystasia nemorum (55.00%) in the natural riverbank, Pilea nummulariifolia (33.07%) in the semi-natural riverbank, and Pogonatherum crinitum (52.80%) in the constructed riverbank. The study concluded that the construction in the riverbank largely altered the biodiversity of ground vegetation in the urban riverbank. The outcomes suggest that the remnant of natural riverbank in the urban landscape should be highly protected from urban development to preserve its biodiversity. Also, species found could be potentially developed as landscape plants to support urban river planning, design, and management


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    Tumbuhan liar di sempadan sungai dapat berupa tumbuhan asing/introduksi yang memiliki adaptasi yang tinggi untuk bisa tumbuh dan berkembang lebih cepat sehingga dapat mengganggu tumbuhan lokal. Di ekosistem perkotaan, tumbuhan asing/introduksi sering ditemukan tumbuh di sempadan sungai perkotaan sebagai ekosistem yang terganggu oleh aktivitas manusia. Tumbuhan tersebut mempunyai adaptasi dan ketahanan atau resiliensi untuk tumbuh di habitat yang berubah/terganggu/non-alami, baik akibat manusia atau alam.  Pada umumnya, tumbuhan liar di sempadan sungai tersebut kehadirannya tidak dipedulikan. Namun, tumbuhan tersebut dapat bermanfaat bagi ekosistem sungai, diantaranya sebagai input biomasa/energi, fitoremediasi polutan dan filtrasi air sungai.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji spesies tumbuhan liar yang ada di sempadan Sungai Ciliwung yang terbangun oleh tebing batu, semen/beton dan potensinya dalam mendukung restorasi Sungai Ciliwung di Kota Bogor.  Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu metode random sampling menggunakan plot untuk mengeksplorasi spesies dan tutupan (coverage) spesies di empat lokasi sempadan sungai perkotaan yang berbeton/semen dan terbangun oleh permukiman penduduk di Sungai Ciliwung, Kota Bogor.   Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tumbuhan liar yang ditemukan di sempadan terbangun Sungai Ciliwung Kota Bogor sebanyak 28 spesies: spesies introduksi/asing sebanyak 21 spesies dan spesies lokal sebanyak 7 spesies. Tiga spesies yang mempunyai tutupan terbesar berturut-turut yaitu Pogonatherum crinitum, Mikania micrantha, Chromolaena odorata. Spesies ini merupakan tanaman liar yang memiliki kemampuan fitoremediasi polutan di air sehingga dapat berfungsi untuk memperbaiki kualitas air dengan adanya pemulihan ekosistem sungai dengan melakukan rekayasa ekologi


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    Plant coverage and land-use practices in catchment area influence water quality in the stream. Vegetation analysis in the catchment area of Cikapundung upstream has been studied in three land-use areas: Production Forest (HP), Plantation (PK), and Settlement (PM) areas. The objective of this study is to analyze the vegetation as cover ground, and to relate between land uses and water quality of the Cikapundung stream. Research has been conducted from February to April 2013. Equally random sampling method was conducted in three accessible land use areas with total of 18 nested square plots (20x20 m2; 10x10 m2 and 1x1 m2) of each growth forms. There are 59 species found in the catchment area of Cikapundung upstream consisted of trees, saplings, seedlings, shrubs, herbaceous and grasses growth forms. Among two other land uses, PK had the highest (37) plant species, and HP had the highest diversity index (2,78). Similarity indices of total vegetation between HP-PK; PK-PM; and PM-HP were 12.3 %, 4.8 %, and 10.1 %. The highest similarity indices performed in trees was between HP-PK of 75%, while similarity indices both herbaceous plants and grasses were shown between PK-PM; and between PM-HP with the figures of 62%, and 70% respectively. Overall, herbaceous and grasses coverage dominated catchment area of PM, HP, and PK, with the figures of 63%, 46%, and 43% respectively. Based on water quality standard, the best water quality was in HP. However, the streams in all stations have been polluted by coliform due to bio-fertilizer applications. Keywords: catchment area, Cikapundung upstream, land-use practices, water qualit

    Fifteen emerging challenges and opportunities for vegetation science - A horizon scan by early career researchers

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    With the aim to identify future challenges and opportuni-ties in vegetation science, we brought together a group of 22 early career vegetation scientists from diverse back-grounds to perform a horizon scan. In this contribution, we present a selection of 15 topics that were ranked by participants as the most emergent and impactful for vegetation science in the face of global change. We highlight methodological tools that we expect will play a critical role in resolving emerging issues by providing ways to unveil new aspects of plant community dynam-ics and structure. These tools include next generation se-quencing, plant spectral imaging, process- based species distribution models, resurveying studies and permanent plots. Further, we stress the need to integrate long-term monitoring, the study of novel ecosystems, below- ground traits, pollination interactions and global networks of near-surface microclimate data at fine spatio-temporal resolutions to fully understand and predict the impacts of climate change on vegetation dynamics. We also empha-size the need to integrate traditional forms of knowledge and a diversity of stakeholders into research, teaching, management and policy- making to advance the field of vegetation science. The conclusions reached by this hori-zon scan naturally reflect the background, expertise and interests of a representative pool of early career vegeta-tion scientists, which should serve as basis for future de-velopments in the fiel