71 research outputs found

    The Subtle Residual: Baroque Echoes in The Scarlet Letter

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    The following essay analyzes a significant Baroque substrata underlying The Scarlet Letter, taken up, among other things, in relation to the momentous Puritan legacy that is an essential element of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s literary work. In particular, the paper focuses on analyzing crucial and minor Baroque topoi represented in the novel, such as metamorphosis, relativism and ambivalence of reality, anxiety and the obsession with death. Furthermore, the article investigates the role of sharp chromatism within The Scarlet Letter, the use of typical Baroque symbols, such as the ellipse and the maze, and the fundamental role of distinctive Baroque tropes, that is, metaphor and antithesis. In order to examine the aforementioned Baroque elements, the present essay refers to the theoretical framework drawn up by Raymond Williams in his classic work Marxism and Literature (1977). That theoretical model, elaborated by Williams on the basis of Gramsci’s concept of hegemony, aims at describing social and cultural practices and phenomena as dynamical interaction between “residual,” “dominant” and “emergent” components. While the “dominant” represent the core of the cultural triad, the “residual” and the “emergent” situated on its periphery are likewise essential for a persuasive dynamic description of literary phenomena at any given moment. The following article interprets the echoes of the Baroque literary tradition in the novel by Nathaniel Hawthorne as belonging to the domain of “residual” and hence effectively formed in the past, but still active in the cultural process as an effective element of the present

    Protection of the Rights of Workers of Industrial Enterprises by International Humanitarian Law (on the Example of the War in Ukraine)

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    The purpose of the research is to assess the state of protection of the rights of workers of industrial enterprises from the viewpoint of both international and national legislation in the conditions of a full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation on the territory of Ukraine. The research was conducted using qualitative analysis, formal-legal, logical-legal, system-functional methods, as well as the method of interpreting legal norms (method of legal hermeneutics). The paper states the insufficient effectiveness of the norms of modern international humanitarian law regarding the protection of the rights of workers of industrial enterprises in the conditions of martial law in Ukraine. The paper describes the general and special regime of regulation of the rights of workers of industrial enterprises in the conditions of martial law in Ukraine. For the first time, the authors proposed to understand the protection of the rights of individuals by international humanitarian law in both a broad and a narrow sense, and the meaning of such approaches was revealed. The publication developed recommendations for the protection of the rights of workers of industrial enterprises in the conditions of armed conflicts, recommendations which are important for the development of regulations, which indicates the practical significance of the paper


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    A methodology of training pilots’ listening skills by means of a computer tool is highlighted in the article. Various computer exercises are used to enhance the learners’ level of English as well as improve their listening skills. English is one of the crucial factors influencing flight safety; pilot’s ability to listen, hear, interpret and react to controller’s information in English is of paramount importance during radio communication. It is emphasized that the development of computer software and appearance of new computerized tools predetermine the search for new methods of teaching Aviation English to future pilots and air traffic controllers. One of the ways how to enhance the level of professional training is implementation of ICT in the teaching and learning process. Computer technologies and technical means of language training can simulate the flight situations that a pilot may encounter during his/her professional activity. In the article the authors demonstrate one of the useful methods – application of a computer tool for training listening skills in Aviation English. The computer tool is aimed at training pilots’ listening skills. It can be used to prepare students for achieving ICAO Operational Level (Level 4) or higher according to the ICAO Language Proficiency Requirements. It consists of six tasks based on general aviation English and phraseology of radio communication. Based on the proposed methodology the experiment with Aviation graduate students was carried out, which was based on the implementation of the computer tool into the course «Phraseology of radio communication». Listening skills’ assessment was conducted according to three criteria: cognitive (knowledge), operational (skills), psychological (abilities) and their descriptors. According to the level of listening skills three levels – low, medium and high were differentiated. The results of the experimental study indicate that there have been positive changes in the distribution of students’ levels of listening skills in the phraseology of radio communication in English with the introduction of the computer tool: the number of students with high- and medium-level of listening skills increased whereas that of low-level listening skills decreased


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    The article emphasizes the importance of analytics in the effective organization of bank loan operations. The purpose of the article is to determine the range of problems currently faced by analysts of loan departments of Ukrainian banks, highlighting urgent issues related to the economic crisis caused by the war, and to outline ways to solve them using the latest and modern methods. The article proves that the organization of effective analytical support of loan transactions is extremely important both for the bank and its borrowers, and for the state as a whole. However, there are a number of problems that prevent its effective development. Among the main ones, there are such issues as processing a large number of arrays of data on customers and their financial transactions as well as the low quality of such data; structuring of data from separate isolated databases, which complicates the process of their analysis and processing; need for complying with regulatory requirements and standards; deterioration in the quality of analytics due to the increased speed of response to requests for loan, etc. The article reveals the problems of analytical support for bank loan operations, which become relevant during the law and the economic crisis. These are an increase in the risk of loan defaults, excessive regulatory intervention, changes in market conditions and technologies, a decrease in the liquidity of the banking system, insufficient information about the client, excessive reliance on “historical” data and the rise of fraud. The study proposes means of solving the outlined problems, the general directions of which are risk-orientation, interaction with clients, internal communications and technology development. Attention is focused on the need for banks to improve their analytical tools using the latest technologies, such as machine learning and artificial intelligence, blockchain technologies, tools for real-time analytics, Big Data technologies, analytical robots and dashboards. The use of the specified methods will allow banks to organize proper analytical support for loan operations and will enable effective management decisions to be made quickly

    Globalisation of the Ukrainian language lexical system: age, gender and educational dimensions

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    The article is aimed at the analysis of a linguistic problem of the use of Anglo-American loanwords in the Ukrainian language connected with the English globalisation and transformation into the language of international communication. The authors argue that the Anglo-Americanisms can be transferable to the original Ukrainian synonymous words because there are analogues and one word equivalents for them. The youth slang is considered as a separate part of the national language, which represents the development of society. Therefore, the authors make an attempt to identify its role in globalisation processes. The hypothesis of the research is that the use of Anglo-Americanisms depends on the age, gender and educational dimensions. The analysis of linguistic behaviour based on empirical data was carried out. In order to achieve the aim of the research, a set of scientific methods was used, namely: analysis, synthesis, comparing, generalisation, questioning and interviewing. The study involved 300 people, 150 women and 150 men. Gender has a certain influence on the degree of the use of Anglo-Americanisms in the speech of youth: young men use English loans more often than young women. The participants were divided into two age groups of 17-18 years old and 19-20 years old. The difference between two groups is not significant. Participants were also subdivided into two groups depending on the factor where they received their education. One group consisted of the students studying in higher educational institutions, and the second one was made up of students from colleges and technical schools. The loanwords are typical of the speech of all the young people regardless of their speciality. The youth slang affects the use of English loanwords in the Ukrainian language. The majority of respondents (64%) showed the increasing number of Anglo-Americanisms in their vocabulary. Most of young people prefer them to the Ukrainian equivalents. The Ukrainian youth slang is full of Anglo-Americanisms and this process is getting more intense

    Cognitive Mechanisms of Communicative Behaviour of Representatives of Various Linguistic Cultures of the East

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    Communicative behaviour is primarily based on the understanding of the ways a person interacts with other members of society and how much this reflects the cultural component of the communication process. This also includes the structure of discourse, which affects the communicative content of communication. The relevance of studying the specifics of organising discourse by representatives of oriental linguistic cultures is conditioned by the need to understand the deep cognitive mechanisms of their communicative behaviour in the context of the ever-increasing globalisation of the modern world. The novelty of the study is that it analyses some key factors that have a direct impact on the formation of communicative behaviour of carriers of the eastern mentality. The paper presents some deep aspects of the formation of a communicative culture in the traditions of the East, the study of which is of particular interest in the context of the growing need for successful intercultural communication. Communicative behaviour is analysed in the context of the correlation of language and culture, language and national mentality, language and consciousness. The practical significance of the study is determined by the need to form a global communicative space and structure the worldview aspect of intercultural interaction

    A Comparative Analysis of Forced Migrants’ Rights Abroad and in Ukraine and Control Over Their Observance Under Conditions of Martial Law

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    The scientific work aims to determine which rights are provided for forcibly resettled persons in Ukraine and other European countries, identifying common and distinctive features. This study uses various research methods to assess the situation of internally displaced persons in Ukraine, including their legal status, regional distribution, and rights under special conditions. It also investigates Ukrainian forced migrants’ main destinations, living conditions, rights to education and employment, and Ukrainian and host countries’ social policies on financial aid and housing

    Синтез та противірусна активність щодо вірусу жовтої лихоманки 2-(4,6-ди(піролідин-1-іл)-1,3,5-триазин-2-іл)-N-(алкіл, арил)гідразин-1-карботіоамідів

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    Aim. To synthesize 2-(4,6-di(pyrrolidin-1-yl)-1,3,5-triazin-2-yl)-N-(alkyl, aryl)hydrazine-1-carbothioamides and study their antiviral activity against yellow fever virus (YFV). Results and discussion. The target 2-(4,6-di(pyrrolidin-1-yl)-1,3,5-triazin-2-yl)-N-(alkyl, aryl)hydrazine-1-carbothioamides were obtained in three-step format from cyanuric chloride in good to high yields. The carbothioamides synthesized were estimated to possess the antiviral activity against YFV. The results obtained indicate that most of the compounds studied show the inhibitory activity against YFV in concentrations ≤10 μg/mL. For the most active substances, EC90 was in the range of 0.06 – 2.2 μg/mL. Good effective concentration values were accompanied by low levels of cytotoxicity resulting in excellent selectivity index values. The data obtained also indicate that the presence of an alkyl substituent in ortho-position of the N-aryl fragment is crucial for an effective inhibition of YFV growth. Experimental part. 2-(4,6-Di(pyrrolidin-1-yl)-1,3,5-triazin-2-yl)-N-(alkyl, aryl)hydrazine-1-carbothioamides were synthesized starting from cyanuric chloride in three steps by its successive interaction with two equivalents of pyrrolidine, hydrazine and a series of alkyl-/arylisothiocyanates. The antiviral and cytotoxic activities of the target carbothioamides were studied in the Southern Research Institute (SRI, Birmingham, Alabama) by the viral cytopathic effect reduction assay and the virus yield reduction assay. Conclusions. 2-(4,6-Di(pyrrolidin-1-yl)-1,3,5-triazin-2-yl)-N-(alkyl, aryl)hydrazine-1-carbothioamides synthesized have been proven to be a promising class of compounds for treating such a severe viral disease as yellow fever.Мета. Синтезувати та вивчити противірусну активність щодо вірусу жовтої лихоманки для 2-(4,6-ди(піролідин-1-іл)-1,3,5-триазин-2-іл)-N-(алкіл, арил)гідразин-1-карботіоамідів. Результати та їх обговорення. Цільові 2-(4,6-ди(піролідин-1-іл)-1,3,5-триазин-2-іл)-N-(алкіл, арил)гідразин-1-карботіоаміди одержано з ціанурхлориду із середніми та високими виходами, із застосуванням тристадійного підходу. Синтезовані карботіоаміди було досліджено на наявність противірусної активності щодо вірусу жовтої лихоманки. Одержані результати свідчать, що більшість тестованих сполук виявляють інгібувальну активність проти вірусу в концентраціях ≤10 мкг/мл. Для найактивніших субстанцій EC90 становила 0,06 – 2,2 мкг/мл. Гарні значення ефективних концентрацій супроводжувались низьким рівнем цитотоксичності, що зумовило відмінні значення індексу селективності. Одержані дані також є свідченням того, що наявність алкільного замісника в орто-положенні N-арильного фрагмента має вирішальне значення для ефективного пригнічення зростання вірусу. Експериментальна частина. 2-(4,6-Ди(піролідин-1-іл)-1,3,5-триазин-2-іл)-N-(алкіл, арил)гідразин-1-карботіоаміди було синтезовано в три стадії послідовною взаємодією ціанурхлориду з двома еквівалентами піролідину, гідразином та рядом алкіл-/арилізотіоціанатів. Противірусну та цитотоксичну активність цільових карботіоамідів було досліджено в Southern Research Institute (SRI, Birmingham, Alabama) на моделях зменшення вірусного цитопатичного ефекту і зменшення розмноження вірусів. Висновки. Синтезовані 2-(4,6-ди(піролідин-1-іл)-1,3,5-триазин-2-іл)-N-(алкіл, арил)гідразин-1-карботіоаміди є перспективним класом сполук для лікування такого вірусного захворювання, як жовта лихоманка

    Осереднення механічних властивостей волокнистих композитів з анізотропними компонентами

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    Галузі застосування композиційних матеріалів майже необмежені. Вони застосовуються в авіації для високонавантажених деталей літаків та двигунів; у космічній техніці для вузлів силових конструкцій апаратів, що піддаються нагріванню; у автомобілебудуванні; гірничій промисловості; будівництві та інших галузях народного господарства