Protection of the Rights of Workers of Industrial Enterprises by International Humanitarian Law (on the Example of the War in Ukraine)


The purpose of the research is to assess the state of protection of the rights of workers of industrial enterprises from the viewpoint of both international and national legislation in the conditions of a full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation on the territory of Ukraine. The research was conducted using qualitative analysis, formal-legal, logical-legal, system-functional methods, as well as the method of interpreting legal norms (method of legal hermeneutics). The paper states the insufficient effectiveness of the norms of modern international humanitarian law regarding the protection of the rights of workers of industrial enterprises in the conditions of martial law in Ukraine. The paper describes the general and special regime of regulation of the rights of workers of industrial enterprises in the conditions of martial law in Ukraine. For the first time, the authors proposed to understand the protection of the rights of individuals by international humanitarian law in both a broad and a narrow sense, and the meaning of such approaches was revealed. The publication developed recommendations for the protection of the rights of workers of industrial enterprises in the conditions of armed conflicts, recommendations which are important for the development of regulations, which indicates the practical significance of the paper

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