1,580 research outputs found

    [Review of] Nell Irvin Painter. Exodusters; Black Migration to Kansas After Reconstruction. and Robert G. Athearn. In Search of Canaan: Black Migration to Kansas, 1879-80

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    In 1909 Walter L. Fleming published an article on ā€œā€˜Papā€™ Singleton, the Moses of the Colored Exodus,ā€ in the American Journal of Sociology. Some forty years later, Herbert Aptheker in his Documentary History of the Negro People in the United States, responded to it somewhat disparagingly. The Black Exodus was not a ā€œspontaneous movement inspired by a Moses in the guise of the aged Benjamin Singleton.ā€ it was ā€œthe culmination of a steady process of migration and came in response to years of preparation.ā€ In this process ā€œthe somewhat eccent?c Singletonā€ was only of secondary significance. It was Henry Adams, a grass roots organizer, disassociated from the millenarian strain, represented by Singleton, whom Aptheker hailed as ā€œthe single most important person behind the 1879 exodus.

    Socio-demographic characteristics and pre-hospital care of children with circulatory failure in a children's emergency room in southern Nigeria

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    Introduction: circulatory failure is a major childhood emergency. Several disease-related and patient-related factors can predispose children to shock. Early detection of such factors will improve its prevention, management and outcome. This study aimed to evaluate the incidence, socio-demographic characteristics and pre-hospital care of children presenting with circulatory failure (shock) in childrenĀ“s emergency room (CHER). Methods: this study adopted cross-sectional design in CHER of the University of Benin Teaching Hospital, Nigeria, from October 2018 to March 2019. Data were collected using a semi-structured questionnaire eliciting demography, socio-economic status, pre-hospital care and presence of shock. In a sub-analysis, multiple logistic regression identified variables that are independently associated with circulatory failure in the participants, using adjusted odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI). Results: a total of 554 acutely-ill children participated in the study. Their median age was 60 (IQR: 24-132) months. Shock was present in 79 (14.3%) of the children on arrival at CHER. Children referred from private clinics were more likely to arrive CHER in shock compared to those coming directly from home (OR = 2.67, 95%CI: 1.07-6.69; p = 0.036) while children from lower socio-economic class families presented more frequently with shock than those from higher class (OR = 14.39, 95% CI: 2.61-79.44; p = 0.002). Also, children that received oral rehydration solution as pre-hospital care seemed more likely to present with shock in CHER (OR = 6.63, 95% CI: 2.15-20.46; p =0.001). Conclusion: quality of pre-hospital care and parental socio-economic status influence the presence of shock in children seen at the emergency unit. Focused health education and prevention of finance-related delays in emergency care are needed

    Generic Health Management: A System Engineering Process Handbook Overview and Process

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    Health Management, a System Engineering Process, is one of those processes-techniques-and-technologies used to define, design, analyze, build, verify, and operate a system from the viewpoint of preventing, or minimizing, the effects of failure or degradation. It supports all ground and flight elements during manufacturing, refurbishment, integration, and operation through combined use of hardware, software, and personnel. This document will integrate Health Management Processes (six phases) into five phases in such a manner that it is never a stand alone task/effort which separately defines independent work functions

    Principles and Practice of Humanitarian Communication during and After Natural Disasters and Armed Conflicts

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    Humanitarian communications has broadly empowered human interaction and mutual understanding within circles and arenas of conflict and disasters. How information is communicated and received during crises is imperative. With peace seriously going on extinction around the world and the growth of countless humanitarian organizations, the need to explore communication is imperative going by the relevance of information, mutual understanding and its knowledge to victims of armed conflict and natural disasters, This paper explained in detail the concept of humanitarian communications, types of humanitarian communications, and how to design effective communication plan for smooth and effective operations of humanitarian actors within humanitarian circle

    Atlanta Symphony Brass Quintet

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    Kennesaw State University School of Music presents Atlanta Symphony Brass Quintet with special guest Dr. Oral Moses.https://digitalcommons.kennesaw.edu/musicprograms/1660/thumbnail.jp

    On Models of Tuberculosis with Exogenous Reinfection

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    A deterministic mathematical model by Feng et. al (2000) for the dynamics of tuberculosis with exogenous reinfection is modified. The old model and the modified model are studied qualitatively. The two models were analysed for existence and stability of disease-free states. It was found that a disease free state exists in each case, which is locally asymptotically stable, an indication that the disease is controllable. Numerical studies show that with treatment, the population of infected people is less in the modified model than the old model, this show that control of TB will be achieve faster with the modified model than with the old model. Keywords: Locally asymptotically stable, Treatment, Disease-free-equilibrium, Tuberculosi

    Effects of Allium Sativum Ethanolic Extract on Trypanosoma brucei brucei Parasitesā€™ Morphometric Parameters and Clinical Outcome in White Albino Laboratory Rats

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    Background: Trypanosomosis affects humans as well as wild and domestic vertebrates, yet has no successful prophylaxis, chemotherapy nor cure.Objectives: The study was to investigate the effects of Allium sativum extract on Trypanosoma brucei brucei parasitesā€™ morphometric parameters, parasitemia and the clinical outcome in white infected Albino laboratory rats in order to determine its trypanocidal effects.Methodology: The study was conducted at the department of Biological Sciences Laboratory of the Moi University Eldoret. Thirty two (32) mature rats randomly divided into four groups (M, N, P and Q) were kept in four (4) cages in a well ventilated room, with adequate light supply in the day.Sixteen (16) rats were infected with T. b. brucei (1.0 x 104 parasites per rat); eight (8) of which (Group N) were treated with the A. sativum ethanolic  extract on day 5 and day 9 after infection, while the other eight (8)rats (Group Q) received saline treatment on the same days.Sixteen (16) non-infected rats (controls) were also divided into two groups of eight rats each (P and M) and treated as in group N and Q, respectively. The rats were obtained from University of Nairobi, Chiromo Campus.Results: All infected rats became parasitemic two days after infection and reached peak levels on day 4 and 5 post infection. Parasitemia in saline treated infected rats fluctuated between 4025.5 Ā± 0.05 - 5544.4 Ā± 0.05 parasites per 200WBC whereas in the extract treated rats parasitemia declinedfrom 6976.6 Ā± 0.05 - 311.0 Ā± 0.05 parasites per 200WBC after the first treatment. Uninfected saline treated rats maintained normal Hb level (10.6g/L to 11.8g/L) as compared to the uninfected extract treated ratsā€™ whose Hb levels was at 13.41g/L to 14.36g/L. The haemoglobin level changed to 8.0g/L four days after the infection in the group N rats before rising to 10.2g/L on day 8 post-infection following the extract treatments. Group Qratsā€™ Hb declined to 6.43g/L by the end of the study. RBC count of the infected saline treated rats declined to 3.38 x 106/Ī¼L as compared to 4.93-7.61 x 106/Ī¼L in the normal rats by 11 days postinfection. There was however no significant change in WBC, temperature and weight between the saline extract treated rats. The extract produced a shrinking effect on the parasite's body with some of the morphometric parameters appearing  significantly (P<0.05) reduced as observed under a microscope with ocular and stage micrometer scale. The mean nucleus, posterior ends to nucleus centre, the nucleus centre to the anterior end and the body length were reduced from 2.41Ī¼m to 1.42Ī¼m(P=0.00), 4.42Ī¼m to  3.68Ī¼m(P=0.017) , 4.65Ī¼m to 4.18Ī¼m(P=0.001) and 8.58Ī¼m to 7.19Ī¼m(P=0.001) respectively.Conclusion: In conclusion it was evident that, A. sativum ethanolic extract exhibited Trypanocidal effects that can be exploited to control clinical progression of Trypanosomosis in rats. In addition, the data presented demonstrates the plant extract had the potential to improve the red and white blood cell indices reducing parasitaemia following T. b. brucei infection. These findings suggest that, the garlic extract affected the plasma membrane of the parasites since shrinking was only possible with disrupted membrane biochemistry. Key words:  Trypanosoma brucei brucei, Allium Sativum, Parasitemia, Morphometric parameters

    Effect of a Patient-Centered Phone Call by a Clinical Officer at Time of HIV Testing on Linkage to Care in Rural Kenya.

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    In a randomized controlled trial, we tested whether a structured, patient-centered phone call from a clinical officer after HIV testing improved linkage to/re-engagement in HIV care. Among 130 HIV-positive persons, those randomized to the phone call were significantly more likely to link to care by 7 and 30 days (P = .04)
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