117 research outputs found

    On the Optimality of Vagueness: "Around", "Between", and the Gricean Maxims

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    Why is our language vague? We argue that in contexts in which a cooperative speaker is not perfectly informed about the world, the use of vague expressions can offer an optimal tradeoff between truthfulness (Gricean Quality) and informativeness (Gricean Quantity). Focusing on expressions of approximation such as "around", which are semantically vague, we show that they allow the speaker to convey indirect probabilistic information, in a way that gives the listener a more accurate representation of the information available to the speaker than any more precise expression would (intervals of the form "between"). We give a probabilistic treatment of the interpretation of "around", and offer a model for the interpretation and use of "around"-statements within the Rational Speech Act (RSA) framework. Our model differs in substantive ways from the Lexical Uncertainty model often used within the RSA framework for vague predicates

    Living in times of war: waste of c. 1600 from two garderobe chutes from the Castle of Middelburg-in-Flanders (Belgium)

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    The material remains and environmental data recovered during a rescue excavation in 2002-03 in the castle of the new town of Middelburg-in-Flanders throw light on the site, region and landscape in wartime. The paper discusses the historical context at the turn of the 16th century, the excavation of the castle, the taphonomy of the chutes, the analysis of the artefacts and ecological data recovered from two garderobe chutes in the upper court, and concludes with a synthesis focussing on the interpretation of the excavated record in the historically attested natural and socio-economic disruption caused by the Spanish-Dutch War

    M & L Jaargang 28/6

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    Steven Mortier en Cynrik De Decker - Luchtvaartarcheologie versus archeologische erfgoedzorg in Vlaanderen. [Aviation archaeology versus heritage management.]Heeft de traditionele wetenschappelijke archeologie haar grenzen bereikt of blijven nieuwe perspectieven zich openen?De vraag wordt met weinig omwegen gesteld door Steven Mortier en Cynrik Decker, in het licht van de recentste ontwikkelingen inzake \u27luchtvaartarcheologie\u27, lees: deze van vliegende toestellen en hun bemanning uit WO I en WO II.Een beschouwing over de ondraaglijke lichtheid van crash sites of: hoe de passie van \u27amateurs\u27 uitdraait op het \u27inzicht\u27 van erfgoedzorgers.Frederik Mahieu - Restauratie en nieuwbouw in het stadhuis van Menen. [The Town Hall of Menen.]De realisatie kandideerde voor de Vlaamse Monumentenprijs 2008, maar moest de duimen leggen voor Jules Eggerickx\u27s Villa l\u27Escale in De Panne en de blitse Antwerpse Ruien.De ingrijpende geschiktmaking van het stadhuis van Menen, tot voor kort een onontwarbaar kluwen van bouwonderdelen uit opeenvolgende periodes, scoort nochtans door zijn helder concept en compromisloze cohabitatie tussen erkend erfgoed en creatieve nieuwbouw. De bouwhistoricus gaf uitzonderlijk forfait, maar Frederik Mahieu pleit als architect met plaatsvervangend vuur voor deze in het genre voorbeeldige modelrealisatie.Dieter Nuytten - Het Hollandcollege in Leuven: een boeiende geschiedenis van Uten Lieminghe over de Hollandse missie tot Paridaens. [The Holland College.]Slechts aan wie ziende blind is zal ontgaan met welke passie Dieter Nuytten, één van M&L\u27s meest productieve auteurs, zich ditmaal toelegt op het Hollandcollege, de parel aan de kroon van de Leuvense universitaire colleges.Ontstaan uit het 16de-eeuwse domein Uten Lieminghe, bolwerk in de vroege 17de eeuw van Cornelius Jansenius en levenswerk van Fille de Notre-Dame Cicercule Paridaens, stichteres in 1805 van de gelijknamige school voor meisjes, wordt dit uitzonderlijk gaaf bewaard gebouwenensemble nochtans vooral gekenmerkt door het Lodewijk XV-decor van architect Jean-Antoine Hustin. Als jongste nieuwe gebruiker laat de Universiteit Leuven ongetwijfeld op termijn evenzeer haar eigen sporen na.Summar

    arrayCGHbase: an analysis platform for comparative genomic hybridization microarrays

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    BACKGROUND: The availability of the human genome sequence as well as the large number of physically accessible oligonucleotides, cDNA, and BAC clones across the entire genome has triggered and accelerated the use of several platforms for analysis of DNA copy number changes, amongst others microarray comparative genomic hybridization (arrayCGH). One of the challenges inherent to this new technology is the management and analysis of large numbers of data points generated in each individual experiment. RESULTS: We have developed arrayCGHbase, a comprehensive analysis platform for arrayCGH experiments consisting of a MIAME (Minimal Information About a Microarray Experiment) supportive database using MySQL underlying a data mining web tool, to store, analyze, interpret, compare, and visualize arrayCGH results in a uniform and user-friendly format. Following its flexible design, arrayCGHbase is compatible with all existing and forthcoming arrayCGH platforms. Data can be exported in a multitude of formats, including BED files to map copy number information on the genome using the Ensembl or UCSC genome browser. CONCLUSION: ArrayCGHbase is a web based and platform independent arrayCGH data analysis tool, that allows users to access the analysis suite through the internet or a local intranet after installation on a private server. ArrayCGHbase is available at

    Decision tree for accurate infection timing in individuals newly diagnosed with HIV-1 infection

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    Background: There is today no gold standard method to accurately define the time passed since infection at HIV diagnosis. Infection timing and incidence measurement is however essential to better monitor the dynamics of local epidemics and the effect of prevention initiatives. Methods: Three methods for infection timing were evaluated using 237 serial samples from documented seroconversions and 566 cross sectional samples from newly diagnosed patients: identification of antibodies against the HIV p31 protein in INNO-LIA, SediaTM BED CEIA and SediaTM LAg-Avidity EIA. A multi-assay decision tree for infection timing was developed. Results: Clear differences in recency window between BED CEIA, LAg-Avidity EIA and p31 antibody presence were observed with a switch from recent to long term infection a median of 169.5, 108.0 and 64.5 days after collection of the pre-seroconversion sample respectively. BED showed high reliability for identification of long term infections while LAg-Avidity is highly accurate for identification of recent infections. Using BED as initial assay to identify the long term infections and LAg-Avidity as a confirmatory assay for those classified as recent infection by BED, explores the strengths of both while reduces the workload. The short recency window of p31 antibodies allows to discriminate very early from early infections based on this marker. BED recent infection results not confirmed by LAg-Avidity are considered to reflect a period more distant from the infection time. False recency predictions in this group can be minimized by elimination of patients with a CD4 count of less than 100 cells/mm3 or without no p31 antibodies. For 566 cross sectional sample the outcome of the decision tree confirmed the infection timing based on the results of all 3 markers but reduced the overall cost from 13.2 USD to 5.2 USD per sample. Conclusions: A step-wise multi assay decision tree allows accurate timing of the HIV infection at diagnosis at affordable effort and cost and can be an important new tool in studies analyzing the dynamics of local epidemics or the effects of prevention strategies

    Multicentric Carpotarsal Osteolysis Is Caused by Mutations Clustering in the Amino-Terminal Transcriptional Activation Domain of MAFB

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    (The American Journal of Human Genetics, 90, 494–501; March 9, 2012)\ud In the published version of this article, the amino acid alteration caused by c.161C>T should have been notated as\ud p.Ser54Leu and not p.Pro54Leu. The wild-type amino acid is incorrectly notated in the main text, in Table 2, and in\ud Figure 4. The authors regret this error. Additionally, The Journal regrets that this erratum, originally requested in 2012,\ud was not published in a timely fashion

    The TESS-Keck Survey. XII. A Dense 1.8 R ⊕ Ultra-short-period Planet Possibly Clinging to a High-mean-molecular-weight Atmosphere after the First Gigayear

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    The extreme environments of ultra-short-period planets (USPs) make excellent laboratories to study how exoplanets obtain, lose, retain, and/or regain gaseous atmospheres. We present the confirmation and characterization of the USP TOI-1347 b, a 1.8±0.1 R⊕ planet on a 0.85 day orbit that was detected with photometry from the TESS mission. We measured radial velocities of the TOI-1347 system using Keck/HIRES and HARPS-N and found the USP to be unusually massive at 11.1±1.2 M⊕. The measured mass and radius of TOI-1347 b imply an Earth-like bulk composition. A thin H/He envelope (>0.01% by mass) can be ruled out at high confidence. The system is between 1 and 1.8 Gyr old; therefore, intensive photoevaporation should have concluded. We detected a tentative phase curve variation (3σ) and a secondary eclipse (2σ) in TESS photometry, which if confirmed could indicate the presence of a high-mean-molecular-weight atmosphere. We recommend additional optical and infrared observations to confirm the presence of an atmosphere and investigate its composition

    Move Your Body: Engaging Museum Visitors with Human-Data Interaction

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    Museums have embraced embodied interaction: its novelty generates buzz and excitement among their patrons, and it has enormous educational potential. Human-Data Interaction (HDI) is a class of embodied interactions that enables people to explore large sets of data using interactive visualizations that users control with gestures and body movements. In museums, however, HDI installations have no utility if visitors do not engage with them. In this paper, we present a quasi-experimental study that investigates how different ways of representing the user ("mode type") next-to a data visualization alters the way in which people engage with a HDI system. We consider four mode types: avatar, skeleton, camera overlay, and control. Our findings indicate that the mode type impacts the number of visitors that interact with the installation, the gestures that people do, and the amount of time that visitors spend observing the data on display and interacting with the system

    TESS hunt for young and maturing exoplanets (THYME). III. A two-planet system in the 400 Myr Ursa major group

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    A.W.M. was supported through NASA's Astrophysics Data Analysis Program (80NSSC19K0583). M.L.W. was supported by a grant through NASA's K2 GO program (80NSSC19K0097). This material is based on work supported by the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program under grant No. DGE-1650116 to P.C.T. A.V.'s work was performed under contract with the California Institute of Technology/Jet Propulsion Laboratory funded by NASA through the Sagan Fellowship Program executed by the NASA Exoplanet Science Institute. D.D. acknowledges support from NASA through Caltech/JPL grant RSA-1006130 and through the TESS Guest Investigator Program grant 80NSSC19K1727.Exoplanets can evolve significantly between birth and maturity, as their atmospheres, orbits, and structures are shaped by their environment. Young planets (<1 Gyr) offer an opportunity to probe the critical early stages of this evolution, where planets evolve the fastest. However, most of the known young planets orbit prohibitively faint stars. We present the discovery of two planets transiting HD 63433 (TOI 1726, TIC 130181866), a young Sun-like (M∗=0.99±0.03) star. Through kinematics, lithium abundance, and rotation, we confirm that HD 63433 is a member of the Ursa Major moving group (τ=414±23 Myr). Based on the TESS light curve and updated stellar parameters, we estimate the planet radii are 2.15±0.10R⊕ and 2.67±0.12R⊕, the orbital periods are 7.11 and 20.55 days, and the orbital eccentricities are lower than about 0.2. Using HARPS-N velocities, we measure the Rossiter-McLaughlin signal of the inner planet, demonstrating that the orbit is prograde. Since the host star is bright (V=6.9), both planets are amenable to transmission spectroscopy, radial velocity measurements of their masses, and more precise determination of the stellar obliquity. This system is therefore poised to play an important role in our understanding of planetary system evolution in the first billion years after formation.PostprintPeer reviewe
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