1,280 research outputs found

    Changes in the ratio of plants with different mycorrhizal status in the course of pasture digression in the Southern Ural steppes

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    Trends in the proportions of plants differently interacting with mycorrhizal fungi in the course of pasture digression have been analyzed in the steppe zone of the Southern Urals. Estimates of species richness and abundance of plant groups with different mycorrhizal status have been obtained by comparing original data on the structure of phytocenoses with published data on the ability of plant species to form mycorrhizae. It has been shown that the proportions and abundance of obligate mycorrhizal species decrease significantly in the course of digression, with consequent increase in those of species less dependent on or independent of symbiosis with fungi, i.e., facultative mycorrhizal or obligate nonmycorrhizal plants. © 2013 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Low–fat high–protein fermented milk product with oat extract as a nature stabilizer

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    Nowadays, the use of plant components in terms of their pronounced functional properties is of high relevance. Oat extract contains gums, β–glucans, vitamins (A, B1, B5, B9, PP, H), minerals (Fe, I, K, Si, Mn, Cu, Mo, etc.) and essential amino acids. It has been proven that a long–term use of β–glucans showed the reduction of the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes and the regulation of cholesterol and blood sugar. β glucans also have immunoprotective, anti–inflammatory, antimicrobial, prebiotic effects and improve intestinal motility. The aim of study was to develop the technology of low–fat high–protein fermented milk product with functional characteristics. Oat extract was used as a natural stabilizer and a source of β–glucans. Maceration technique was used for the extraction. The recommended extraction parameters were established and physicochemical characteristics of the extract were studied. The recommended doses of oat extract when introduced into milk and the optimal heat treatment conditions of the milk–oat mixture were determined. The influence of temperature on the gel–forming properties of oat extract was investigated. The effect of oat extract on rheological behavior, water–holding ability and shelf life of the finished product was studied. Regular consumption of lactic acid microorganisms has a positive effect on the digestive system and metabolism. Based on the organoleptic characteristics and physicochemical changes during the fermentation process in comparison with the control sample (without oat extract), the recommended starter culture combinations (Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactococcus lactis subsp, Lactobacillus bulgaricus) were proposed

    Using the technology of critical thinking development (CTD) as a means of forming competencies of students majoring in “life safety”

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    © 2016 Morozova.The relevance of the research problem is caused by the need to use various teaching methods and techniques in training students majoring in pedagogical specialties while implementing the competency approach in education. Information about the technology of critical thinking development (CTD) in future teachers training is limited, and the conclusions about its effectiveness are contradictory. The article aims at justifying the application of this technology in training future Life Safety teachers for development of their general cultural and pedagogical competencies. The article describes the experience of the educational program actualization in accordance with the Federal State Education Standard (FSES) to enhance the formation of professional competence of future teachers. The article analyses the results of implementing active education elements and techniques of CTD in different types of contact and independent work within a single module for bachelors’ training (44.03.01 Pedagogical Education, Life Safety profile). Graduates use these techniques and methods successfully in their in their professional activity. The article is of practical value to educational activities managers, teachers of higher and secondary education, and Life Safety teachers

    Correction of artificial jumps in the historical geomagnetic measurements of Coimbra Observatory, Portugal

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    The Coimbra Magnetic Observatory (International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy code COI) in Portugal has a long history of observation of the geomagnetic field, spanning almost 150 yr since the first geomagnetic measurements in 1866. These long instrumental geomagnetic records provide very important information about variability of geomagnetic elements and indices, their trends and cycles, and can be used to improve our knowledge on the sources that drive variations of the geomagnetic field: liquid core dynamics (internal) and solar forcing (external). <br><br> However, during the long life of the Coimbra Observatory, some inevitable changes in station location, instrument's park and electromagnetic environment have taken place. These changes affected the quality of the data collected at COI causing breaks and jumps in the series of geomagnetic field components and local K index. Clearly, these inhomogeneities, typically shift-like (step-like) or trend-like, have to be corrected or, at least, minimized in order for the data to be used in scientific studies or to be submitted to international databases. <br><br> In this study, the series of local K index and declination of the geomagnetic field are analysed: the former because it allows direct application of standard homogenization methods and the latter because it is the longest continuous series produced at COI. For the homogenization, visual and statistical tests (e.g. standard normal homogeneity test) have been applied directly to the local geomagnetic K index series (from 1951 to 2012). The homogenization of the monthly averages of declination (from 1867 to 2012) has been done using visual analysis and statistical tests applied to the time series of the first differences of declination values, as an approximation to the first time derivative. This allowed not only estimating the level of inhomogeneity of the studied series but also detecting the highly probable homogeneity break points. These points have been cross-checked with the metadata, and the COI series have been compared with reference series from the nearest geomagnetic stations and, in the case of declination series, from the recent geomagnetic field model COV-OBS to set up the required correction factors. As a result, the homogenized series measured in COI are considered to be essentially free of artificial shifts starting from the second half of the 20th century, and ready to be used by the scientific community

    NMR and LDA evidence for spiral magnetic order in the chain cuprate LiCu2O2

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    We report on {6,7}Li nuclear magnetic resonance measurements of the spin-chain compound LiCu2O2 in the paramagnetic and magnetically ordered states. Below T about 24 K the NMR lineshape presents a clear signature of incommensurate (IC) static modulation of the local magnetic field consistent with an IC spiral modulation of the magnetic moments. {7}Li NMR reveals strong phason-like dynamical fluctuations extending well below 24 K. We hypothesize that a series of phase transitions at 24.2, 22.5, and 9 K reflects a "Devil's staircase" type behavior generic for IC systems. LDA based calculations of exchange integrals reveal a large in-chain frustration leading to a magnetical spiral.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure


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    The article is devoted to the development of the complex of economic and mathematical models to support decision–making on managing commercial banks financial security. Aggregated model of management system of commercial banks financial security is presented. Basic conceptual scheme of the bank’s financial security management is developed.The proposed modern modeling tools on the bases of multivariate, econometric, simulation methods and decision making methods make possible to do integrated complex analysis at all levels of the banking market. The results of research in particular assessment and analysis of the survival and spread of crises in the banking market, the research of the particular bank financial security level dynamics in terms of external and internal factors are the basis for the formation and selection of scenarios of financial security ensuring taking into account the features, opportunities and competitive advantages of each bank. The implementation of the proposed modeling tools of financial security makes possible to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the commercial bank activity and its financial security level.В работе разработан комплекс экономико–математических моделей поддержки принятия решений по управлению финансовой безопасностью коммерческого банка. Представлена агрегированная модель системы управления финансовой безопасностью коммерческого банка. Разработана базисная концептуальная схема процесса управления финансовой безопасностью коммерческого банка. Предложено современный инструментарий моделирования на основе оценки и анализа выживаемости и распространения кризисных ситуаций на банковском рынке, исследования динамики уровня финансовой безопасности конкретного банка в условиях внешних и внутренних факторов влияния для формирования и выбора сценариев обеспечения финансовой безопасности, их внедрения и оценки эффективности реализации.В роботі розроблено комплекс економіко–математичних моделей підтримки прийняття рішень з управління фінансовою безпекою комерційного банку. Представлена агрегована модель системи управління фінансовою безпекою комерційного банку. Розроблена базисна концептуальна схема процесу управління фінансовою безпекою комерційного банку. Запропоновано сучасний інструментарій моделювання на основі оцінки та аналізу виживаності та розповсюдження кризових ситуацій на банківському ринку, дослідження динаміки рівня фінансової безпеки конкретного банку в умовах зовнішніх і внутрішніх факторів впливу для формування та вибору сценаріїв забезпечення фінансової безпеки, їх впровадження та оцінки ефективності реалізації


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    This paper proposes methodological aspects of evaluation of organization efficiency of personnel management and motivation on the bases of application of economic and mathematical tools by implementing a three-component algorithmic model. The structural divisions heads’ work effectiveness evaluation is carried out on the basis of econometric systems of structural equations that allow you to rank personality, communicative, innovative, social and corporate managers characteristics that have the greatest impact on the overall performance indicators of the bank staff among which are considered amount of attracted funds;  assessment of employee's compliance with the standard;  activity efficiency (number of contracts); contribution to development. The obtained modeling results confirm the hypothesis that structural unit managers need to work on the development of their communicative, innovative, personal and social characteristics. Models for analyzing the personnel motivation factors on the bases of the methodology of multivariate statistical factor analysis with initial list of 13 main indicators of staff motivation are proposed; as a result, we set up the aggregated factors that reflect the properties of several motivational components such as financial, social incentives and medical insurance for employees. The model for estimating influence of motivation factors on results of bank's activity on the bases of nonlinear econometric functions is constructed. The regression equation of the motivation factors  influence on the bank total profit is obtained. The proposed model toolkit for evaluation of efficiency of management and staff motivation will allow the bank's management to improve motivation and incentives mechanisms in order to raise efficiency of stuff productivity in direction of increasing bank profitability and competitiveness.В статье предложены методологические аспекты оценки эффективности организации управления персоналом и мотивации на основе применения экономико-математических методов и моделей. Осуществлена оценка эффективности труда руководителей структурных подразделений на основе эконометрических систем структурных уравнений. Предложенные модели анализа факторов мотивации персонала на основе факторного анализа в результате чего сформированы агрегированные факторы, отражающие свойства нескольких мотивационных компонент, а именно: материального стимулирования работников, социального стимулирования и охраны здоровья персонала. Построена модель оценки влияния факторов мотивации на результаты деятельности банка на основе нелинейных эконометрических функций. Предложенный модельный инструментарий оценки эффективности управления и мотивации персонала позволит руководству банка усовершенствовать механизмы мотивации и стимулирования с целью повышения эффективности их работы в направлении повышения прибыльности и конкурентоспособности банка.У статті запропоновано методологічні аспекти оцінки ефективності організації управління персоналом та мотивації на основі застосування економіко-математичного інструментарію шляхом реалізації трьохкомпонентної алгоритмічної моделі. Здійснено оцінку ефективності праці керівників структурних підрозділів на основі економетричних систем структурних рівнянь, що дозволяють ранжувати особистісні,  комунікативні, інноваційні, соціальні та корпоративні характеристики, які в найбільшій мірі впливають на загальні показники ефективності роботи персоналу банку, серед яких розглядаються обсяг залучених коштів; оцінка працівника щодо відповідності стандарту; ефективність діяльності (кількість контрактів); вклад у розвиток. Отримані результати підтверджують гіпотезу, що керівникам структурних підрозділів треба працювати над розвитком своїх комунікативних, інноваційних, особистих та соціальних характеристик. Запропоновані моделі аналізу факторів мотивації персоналу за методологією багатовимірного статистичного факторного аналізу на основі вихідного переліку з 13 основних показників мотивації персоналу, у результаті чого сформовані агреговані фактори, що відбивають властивості декількох мотиваційних компонентів, а саме: матеріального стимулювання робітників, соціального стимулювання та охорони здоров’я персоналу. Побудовано модель оцінки впливу факторів мотивації на результати діяльності банку на основі нелінійних економетричних функцій. Отримано регресійне рівняння впливу факторів мотивації на загальний прибуток банку.Запропонований модельний інструментарій оцінювання ефективності управління та мотивації персоналу дозволить керівництву банку вдосконалити механізми стимулювання та заохочення працівників з метою підвищення ефективності їх праці в напрямі підвищення прибутковості та конкурентоспроможності банку

    The Indicative Potential of the Forest-Tundra Landscape Component

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    In order to expand the possibilities of soil-cover remote monitoring and improve prognostic models of active-layer depth dynamics in connection with global climatic changes, the verification of correspondence between plant and soil components of subarctic landscapes is necessary. This is most relevant for the forest-tundra zone,where the variety and mosaicity of soils and vegetation is great due to its ecotonic position. The purpose of this work was to study the relationship of vegetation with the characteristics of cryogenic soils and the dynamics of the active layer in forest-tundra landscapes. Data were obtained during monitoring studies at key sites in diverse landscapes of forest-tundra in the vicinity of Labytnangi. It was revealed that the thickness of the organogenic horizons, as well as the value of the moss phytomass, determine the active-layer thickness. A close connection with relief and soils allows the use of vegetation as an indicator of the soil texture and the depth of active-layer occurrence and features. Keywords: plant communities, cryogenic soils, active layer, landscape, forest-tundra, Western Siberi