397 research outputs found

    The Intracellular Localization of Ribulose-1,5-Bisphosphate Carboxylase/Oxygenase in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii

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    The pyrenoid is a proteinaceous structure found in the chloroplast of most unicellular algae. Various studies indicate that ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) is present in the pyrenoid, although the fraction of Rubisco localized there remains controversial. Estimates of the amount of Rubisco in the pyrenoid of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii range from 5% to nearly 100%. Using immunolocalization, the amount of Rubisco localized to the pyrenoid or to the chloroplast stroma was estimated for C. reinhardtii cells grown under different conditions. It was observed that the amount of Rubisco in the pyrenoid varied with growth condition; about 40% was in the pyrenoid when the cells were grown under elevated CO2 and about 90% with ambient CO2. In addition, it is likely that pyrenoidal Rubisco is active in CO2 fixation because in vitro activity measurements showed that most of the Rubisco must be active to account for CO2-fixation rates observed in whole cells. These results are consistent with the idea that the pyrenoid is the site of CO2 fixation in C. reinhardtii and other unicellular algae containing CO2-concentrating mechanisms

    Dark-Bright Soliton Bound States in a Microresonator

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    The recent discovery of dissipative Kerr solitons in microresonators has facilitated the development of fully coherent, chip-scale frequency combs. In addition, dark soliton pulses have been observed in microresonators in the normal dispersion regime. Here, we report bound states of mutually trapped dark-bright soliton pairs in a microresonator. The soliton pairs are generated seeding two modes with opposite dispersion but with similar group velocities. One laser operating in the anomalous dispersion regime generates a bright soliton microcomb, while the other laser in the normal dispersion regime creates a dark soliton via Kerr-induced cross-phase modulation with the bright soliton. Numerical simulations agree well with experimental results and reveal a novel mechanism to generate dark soliton pulses. The trapping of dark and bright solitons can lead to light states with the intriguing property of constant output power while spectrally resembling a frequency comb. These results can be of interest for telecommunication systems, frequency comb applications, ultrafast optics and soliton states in atomic physics

    Second-Order Coherence Across the Brillouin Lasing Threshold

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    Brillouin-Mandelstam scattering is one of the most accessible nonlinear optical phenomena and has been widely studied since its theoretical discovery one hundred years ago. The scattering mechanism is a three-wave mixing process between two optical fields and one acoustic field and has found a broad range of applications spanning microscopy to ultra-narrow-linewidth lasers. Building on the success of utilizing this nonlinearity at a classical level, a rich avenue is now being opened to explore Brillouin scattering within the paradigm of quantum optics. Here, we take a key step in this direction by employing quantum optical techniques yet to be utilized for Brillouin scattering to characterize the second-order coherence of Stokes scattering across the Brillouin lasing threshold. We use a silica microsphere resonator and single-photon counters to observe the expected transition from bunched statistics of thermal light below the lasing threshold to Poissonian statistics of coherent light above the threshold. Notably, at powers approaching the lasing threshold, we also observe super-thermal statistics, which arise due to instability and a ``flickering'' in and out of lasing as the pump field is transiently depleted. The statistics observed across the transition, including the ``flickering'', are a result of the full nonlinear three-wave mixing process and cannot be captured by a linearized model. These measurements are in good agreement with numerical solutions of the three-wave Langevin equations and are well demarcated by analytical expressions for the instability and the lasing thresholds. These results demonstrate that applying second-order-coherence and photon-counting measurements to Brillouin scattering provides new methods to advance our understanding of Brillouin scattering itself and progress toward quantum-state preparation and characterization of acoustic modes.Comment: Main (8 pages, 2 figures) + Supplementary (6 pages, 1 figures), Submitte

    A Kerr Polarization Controller

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    Kerr-effect-induced changes of the polarization state of light are well known in pulsed laser systems. An example is nonlinear polarization rotation, which is critical to the operation of many types of mode-locked lasers. Here, we demonstrate that the Kerr effect in a high-finesse Fabry-Pérot resonator can be utilized to control the polarization of a continuous wave laser. It is shown that a linearly-polarized input field is converted into a left- or right-circularly-polarized field, controlled via the optical power. The observations are explained by Kerr-nonlinearity induced symmetry breaking, which splits the resonance frequencies of degenerate modes with opposite polarization handedness in an otherwise symmetric resonator. The all-optical polarization control is demonstrated at threshold powers down to 7 mW. The physical principle of such Kerr effect-based polarization controllers is generic to high-Q Kerr-nonlinear resonators and could also be implemented in photonic integrated circuits. Beyond polarization control, the spontaneous symmetry breaking of polarization states could be used for polarization filters or highly sensitive polarization sensors when operated close to the symmetry-breaking point

    Rebecca Center for Music Therapy Newsletter: Volume 5 Issue 1

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    Dr. John Carpente, Director of the Rebecca Center and associate professor of the music department at Molloy College has the pleasure of traveling across the globe to share his knowledge and expertise on an assessment tool that he pioneered entitled, Individual Music- Centered Assessment Profile for Neurodevelopmental Disorders (IMCAP-ND). He has been invited to offer his trainings both domestically and internationally at various universities. Trainings have been offered across th

    Planning for Sustainability in Small Municipalities: The Influence of Interest Groups, Growth Patterns, and Institutional Characteristics

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    How and why small municipalities promote sustainability through planning efforts is poorly understood. We analyzed ordinances in 451 Maine municipalities and tested theories of policy adoption using regression analysis.We found that smaller communities do adopt programs that contribute to sustainability relevant to their scale and context. In line with the political market theory, we found that municipalities with strong environmental interests, higher growth, and more formal governments were more likely to adopt these policies. Consideration of context and capacity in planning for sustainability will help planners better identify and benefit from collaboration, training, and outreach opportunities

    Carbonic anhydrases in the cell wall and plasma membrane of Arabidopsis thaliana are required for optimal plant growth on low CO2

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    Introduction: Plants have many genes encoding both alpha and beta type carbonic anhydrases. Arabidopsis has eight alpha type and six beta type carbonic anhydrase genes. Individual carbonic anhydrases are localized to specific compartments within the plant cell. In this study, we investigate the roles of αCA2 and βCA4.1 in the growth of the plant Arabidopsis thaliana under different CO2 regimes.Methods: Here, we identified the intracellular location of αCA2 and βCA4.1 by linking the coding region of each gene to a fluorescent tag. Tissue expression was determined by investigating GUS expression driven by the αCA2 and βCA4.1 promoters. Finally, the role of these proteins in plant growth and photosynthesis was tested in plants with T-DNA insertions in the αCA2 and βCA4 genes.Results: Fluorescently tagged proteins showed that αCA2 is localized to the cell wall and βCA4.1 to the plasma membrane in plant leaves. Both proteins were expressed in roots and shoots. Plants missing either αCA2 or βCA4 did not show any growth defects under the conditions tested in this study. However, if both αCA2 and βCA4 were disrupted, plants had a significantly smaller above- ground fresh weight and rosette area than Wild Type (WT) plants when grown at 200 μL L−1 CO2 but not at 400 and 1,000 μL L−1 CO2. Growth of the double mutant plants at 200 μL L−1 CO2 was restoredif either αCA2 or βCA4.1 was transformed back into the double mutant plants.Discussion: Both the cell wall and plasma membrane CAs, αCA2 and βCA4.1 had to be knocked down to produce an effect on Arabidopsis growth and only when grown in a CO2 concentration that was significantly below ambient. This indicates that αCA2 and βCA4.1 have overlapping functions since the growth of lines where only one of these CAs was knocked down was indistinguishable from WT growth. The growth results and cellular locations of the two CAs suggest that together, αCA2 and βCA4.1 play an important role in the delivery of CO2 and HCO3− to the plant cell

    Return of the Great Spaghetti Monster : Learnings from a Twelve-Year Adventure in Web Software Development

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    The widespread adoption of the World Wide Web has fundamentally changed the landscape of software development. Only ten years ago, very few developers would write software for the Web, let alone consider using JavaScript or other web technologies for writing any serious software applications. In this paper, we reflect upon a twelve-year adventure in web development that began with the development of the Lively Kernel system at Sun Microsystems Labs in 2006. Back then, we also published some papers that identified important challenges in web-based software development based on established software engineering principles. We will revisit our earlier findings and compare the state of the art in web development today to our earlier learnings, followed by some reflections and suggestions for the road forward.Peer reviewe
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