750 research outputs found

    Restricted Complexity, General Complexity

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    Why has the problematic of complexity appeared so late? And why would it be justified

    Allocution de clĂ´ture

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    En busca de caminos para esperar / In search of ways to wait

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    No dejo de recibir nuevas pruebas de que un gran potencial de buena voluntad está en nosotros, solo se encuentra atomizado, paralizado, aterrorizado por siglos de acondicionamiento y autismo disciplinario. En esta situación, es el deber de los hombres políticos devolver la vida a este potencial tímido y durmiente, proponer una vía, abrir un paso a nuestra creatividad latente, darle seguridad, oportunidad de realizarse, esperanza a fin de cuentas

    Internationaler Katalonienpreis

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    VI Premio Internacional Cataluña

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    Europa, MediterrĂ nia: dues nocions que s'interfereixen d'una manera complexa

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    Segons l'autor, la regió mediterrània ha d'entrar en un procés de "postdesenvolupament

    Chronicle of a Film

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    From Homeland Earth; A New Manifesto For The New Millennium

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    Now that the fantastic adventure begun in the 15th century has come to an end, the shout of Columbus’ lookout man takes on at last a planetary meaning: Land! Land!1 Even up to 1950-1960, we were living on a misapprehended Earth, on an abstract Earth. We were living on the Earth as object. By the end of this century, we discovered Earth as system, as Gaia, as biosphere, a cosmic speck—Homeland Earth. Each one of us has a pedigree, a terrestrial identity card. We are from, in, and on the Earth. We belong to the Earth which belongs to us
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