95 research outputs found

    La moda y la elegancia

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    Copia digital. Madrid : Ministerio de EducaciĂłn, Cultura y Deporte. SubdirecciĂłn General de CoordinaciĂłn Bibliotecaria, 201

    Brain-shift compensation using intraoperative ultrasound and constraint-based biomechanical simulation

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    International audiencePurpose. During brain tumor surgery, planning and guidance are based on pre-operative images which do not account for brain-shift. However, this deformation is a major source of error in image-guided neurosurgery and affects the accuracy of the procedure. In this paper, we present a constraint-based biome-chanical simulation method to compensate for craniotomy-induced brain-shift that integrates the deformations of the blood vessels and cortical surface, using a single intraoperative ultrasound acquisition. Methods. Prior to surgery, a patient-specific biomechanical model is built from preoperative images, accounting for the vascular tree in the tumor region and brain soft tissues. Intraoperatively, a navigated ultrasound acquisition is performed directly in contact with the organ. Doppler and B-mode images are recorded simultaneously, enabling the extraction of the blood vessels and probe footprint respectively. A constraint-based simulation is then executed to register the pre-and intraoperative vascular trees as well as the cortical surface with the probe footprint. Finally, preoperative images are updated to provide the surgeon with images corresponding to the current brain shape for navigation. Results. The robustness of our method is first assessed using sparse and noisy synthetic data. In addition, quantitative results for five clinical cases are provided , first using landmarks set on blood vessels, then based on anatomical structures delineated in medical images. The average distances between paired vessels landmarks ranged from 3.51 to 7.32 (in mm) before compensation. With our method, on average 67% of the brain-shift is corrected (range [1.26; 2.33]) against 57% using one of the closest existing works (range [1.71; 2.84]). Finally, our method is proven to be fully compatible with a surgical workflow in terms of execution times and user interactions. Conclusion. In this paper, a new constraint-based biomechanical simulation method is proposed to compensate for craniotomy-induced brain-shift. While being efficient to correct this deformation, the method is fully integrable in a clinical process

    Vessel-based brain-shift compensation using elastic registration driven by a patient-specific finite element model

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    International audienceDuring brain tumor surgery, planning and guidance are based on pre-operative images which do not account for brain-shift.However, this shift is a major source of error in neuro-navigation systems and affects the accuracy of the procedure. The vascular tree is extracted from pre-operative Magnetic Resonance Angiography and from intra-operative Doppler ultrasound images, which provides sparse information on brain deformations.The pre-operative images are then updated based on an elastic registration of the blood vessels, driven by a patient-specific biomechanical model.This biomechanical model is used to extrapolate the deformation to the surrounding soft tissues.Quantitative results on a single surgical case are provided, with an evaluation of the execution time for each processing step.Our method is proved to be efficient to compensate for brain deformation while being compatible with a surgical process

    A comprehensive molecular study on Coffin-Siris and Nicolaides-Baraitser syndromes identifies a broad molecular and clinical spectrum converging on altered chromatin remodeling

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    Chromatin remodeling complexes are known to modify chemical marks on histones or to induce conformational changes in the chromatin in order to regulate transcription. De novo dominant mutations in different members of the SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling complex have recently been described in individuals with Coffin-Siris (CSS) and Nicolaides-Baraitser (NCBRS) syndromes. Using a combination of whole-exome sequencing, NGS-based sequencing of 23 SWI/SNF complex genes, and molecular karyotyping in 46 previously undescribed individuals with CSS and NCBRS, we identified a de novo 1-bp deletion (c.677delG, p.Gly226Glufs*53) and a de novo missense mutation (c.914G>T, p.Cys305Phe) in PHF6 in two individuals diagnosed with CSS. PHF6 interacts with the nucleosome remodeling and deacetylation (NuRD) complex implicating dysfunction of a second chromatin remodeling complex in the pathogenesis of CSS-like phenotypes. Altogether, we identified mutations in 60% of the studied individuals (28/46), located in the genes ARID1A, ARID1B, SMARCB1, SMARCE1, SMARCA2, and PHF6. We show that mutations in ARID1B are the main cause of CSS, accounting for 76% of identified mutations. ARID1B and SMARCB1 mutations were also found in individuals with the initial diagnosis of NCBRS. These individuals apparently belong to a small subset who display an intermediate CSS/NCBRS phenotype. Our proposed genotype-phenotype correlations are important for molecular screening strategie

    The image biomarker standardization initiative: Standardized convolutional filters for reproducible radiomics and enhanced clinical insights

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    Standardizing convolutional filters that enhance specific structures and patterns in medical imaging enables reproducible radiomics analyses, improving consistency and reliability for enhanced clinical insights. Filters are commonly used to enhance specific structures and patterns in images, such as vessels or peritumoral regions, to enable clinical insights beyond the visible image using radiomics. However, their lack of standardization restricts reproducibility and clinical translation of radiomics decision support tools. In this special report, teams of researchers who developed radiomics software participated in a three-phase study (September 2020 to December 2022) to establish a standardized set of filters. The first two phases focused on finding reference filtered images and reference feature values for commonly used convolutional filters: mean, Laplacian of Gaussian, Laws and Gabor kernels, separable and nonseparable wavelets (including decomposed forms), and Riesz transformations. In the first phase, 15 teams used digital phantoms to establish 33 reference filtered images of 36 filter configurations. In phase 2, 11 teams used a chest CT image to derive reference values for 323 of 396 features computed from filtered images using 22 filter and image processing configurations. Reference filtered images and feature values for Riesz transformations were not established. Reproducibility of standardized convolutional filters was validated on a public data set of multimodal imaging (CT, fluorodeoxyglucose PET, and T1-weighted MRI) in 51 patients with soft-tissue sarcoma. At validation, reproducibility of 486 features computed from filtered images using nine configurations × three imaging modalities was assessed using the lower bounds of 95% CIs of intraclass correlation coefficients. Out of 486 features, 458 were found to be reproducible across nine teams with lower bounds of 95% CIs of intraclass correlation coefficients greater than 0.75. In conclusion, eight filter types were standardized with reference filtered images and reference feature values for verifying and calibrating radiomics software packages. A web-based tool is available for compliance checking

    A Solve-RD ClinVar-based reanalysis of 1522 index cases from ERN-ITHACA reveals common pitfalls and misinterpretations in exome sequencing

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    Purpose Within the Solve-RD project (https://solve-rd.eu/), the European Reference Network for Intellectual disability, TeleHealth, Autism and Congenital Anomalies aimed to investigate whether a reanalysis of exomes from unsolved cases based on ClinVar annotations could establish additional diagnoses. We present the results of the “ClinVar low-hanging fruit” reanalysis, reasons for the failure of previous analyses, and lessons learned. Methods Data from the first 3576 exomes (1522 probands and 2054 relatives) collected from European Reference Network for Intellectual disability, TeleHealth, Autism and Congenital Anomalies was reanalyzed by the Solve-RD consortium by evaluating for the presence of single-nucleotide variant, and small insertions and deletions already reported as (likely) pathogenic in ClinVar. Variants were filtered according to frequency, genotype, and mode of inheritance and reinterpreted. Results We identified causal variants in 59 cases (3.9%), 50 of them also raised by other approaches and 9 leading to new diagnoses, highlighting interpretation challenges: variants in genes not known to be involved in human disease at the time of the first analysis, misleading genotypes, or variants undetected by local pipelines (variants in off-target regions, low quality filters, low allelic balance, or high frequency). Conclusion The “ClinVar low-hanging fruit” analysis represents an effective, fast, and easy approach to recover causal variants from exome sequencing data, herewith contributing to the reduction of the diagnostic deadlock

    Étude de la réorganisation de la chromatine à la suite du signal ovulatoire dans les cellules de granulosa murine

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    Les signaux hormonaux sont connus pour créer des changements rapides dans l’organisme. L’ovaire contient des cellules de granulosa, qui assurent le développement du follicule. L’hormone lutéinisante enclenche un changement identitaire des cellules de granulosa, qui orchestre une série d’événements menant à l’ovulation. En effet, les cellules de granulosa se lutéinisent pour former à terme le corps jaune qui produira de la progestérone, une hormone essentielle au maintien de la gestation. Afin d’amorcer cette différenciation, la machinerie transcriptionnelle doit être réorientée dans ces cellules. La chromatine possède une grande capacité à moduler l’accessibilité à l’ADN. Dans un état permissif, elle permet la liaison de plusieurs facteurs de transcriptions (FTs) à des régions de régulation nécessaires au changement identitaire. L’identité de la cellule est définie par toutes ces régions de régulation qui lui sont spécifiques. Pour étudier le phénomène à l’échelle de la chromatine, la technique du FAIRE (formaldehyde-assisted-isolation-regulatory-element) a Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©e. Cette dernière nous renseigne sur les régions ouvertes avant et après le signal ovulatoire et, a contrario, celles qui ne le sont pas. Par la suite, nous avons déterminé quels sont les motifs co-occurrents dans ces données. LRH- 1 et AP-1 se sont révélés être de potentiels collaborateurs. De plus, la distance entre ces deux facteurs de transcriptions, liés à la chromatine, a pu être déterminée et les résultats nous laisse croire que la collaboration se fait avec une proximité d’environs 50pb. Cette étude, nous a donné un indice de plus pour déterminer quels sont les facteurs de transcriptions qui pilotent les grands changements transcriptionnels essentiels à la nouvelle identité des cellules de granulosa

    Simulation biomécanique sous contraintes du cerveau pour la compensation per-opératoire du brain-shift

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    Purpose: During brain tumor surgery, planning and guidance are based on preoperative MR exams. The intraoperative deformation of the brain, called brain-shift, however affect the accuracy of the procedure. In this thesis, a brain-shift compensation method integrable in a surgical workflow is presented.Method: Prior to surgery, a patient-specific biomechanical model is built frompreoperative images. The geometry of the tissues and blood vessels is integrated. Intraoperatively, navigated ultrasound images are performed directly in contact with the brain. B-mode and Doppler modalities are recorded simultaneously, enabling the extraction of the blood vessels and probe footprint, respectively. A biomechanical simulation is then executed in order to compensate for brain-shift. Several constraints are imposed to the biomechanical model in order to simulate the contacts with the dura mater, register the pre- and intraoperative vascular trees and constrain the cortical surface with the probe footprint. During deep tumors resection, the surgical trajectory is also constrained to remain inside the cavity induced by the resected tissues in order to capture the lateral deformations issued from tissues retraction. Preoperative MR images are finally updated following the deformation field of the biomechanical model.Results: The method was evaluated quantitatively using synthetic and clinical data. In addition, the alignment of the images was qualitatively assessed with respect to surgeons expectations. Satisfactory results, with errors in the magnitude of 2 mm, are obtained after the opening of the dura mater and for the resection of tumors close to the cortical surface. During the resection of deep tumors, while the surgical trajectory enable to capture most of the deformations induced by tissues retraction, several limitations reflects the fact that this retraction is not actually simulated.Conclusion: A new efficient brain-shift compensation method that is integrable in an operating room is proposed in this thesis. The few studied topic of the resection, and more specifically of deep tumors, is also addressed. This manuscript thus present an additional step towards an optimal system in computer assisted neurosurgery.Objectif: Lors de l’ablation de tumeurs cĂ©rĂ©brales, la navigation chirurgicale est basĂ©e sur les examens IRM prĂ©-opĂ©ratoires. Or, la dĂ©formation per-opĂ©ratoire du cerveau, appelĂ©e brain-shift, affecte cette navigation. Dans cette thĂšse, une mĂ©thode de compensation du brain-shift intĂ©grable dans un processus clinique est prĂ©sentĂ©e.MĂ©thode: Avant la chirurgie, un modĂšle biomĂ©canique patient-spĂ©cifique est construit Ă  partir des images prĂ©-opĂ©ratoires. Il intĂšgre la gĂ©omĂ©trie des tissus mous mais Ă©galement des vaisseaux. Pendant l’opĂ©ration, des acquisitions Ă©chographiques localisĂ©es sont rĂ©alisĂ©es directement en contact avec le cerveau. Les modalitĂ©s mode B et Doppler sont enregistrĂ©es simultanĂ©ment, permettant respectivement l’extraction des vaisseaux et de l’empreinte de la sonde. Une simulation biomĂ©canique est ensuite jouĂ©e pour compenser le brain-shift. DiffĂ©rentes contraintes sont appliquĂ©es au modĂšle de cerveau afin de modĂ©liser les contacts avec la dure-mĂšre, recaler les vaisseaux prĂ©- et per-opĂ©ratoires et contraindre la surface corticale avec l’empreinte de la sonde. Lors de la rĂ©section de tumeurs profondes, la trajectoire chirurgicale est Ă©galement contrainte au sein de la cavitĂ© rĂ©sĂ©quĂ©e afin de retrouver les dĂ©formations latĂ©rales induites par l’écartement des tissus. Les images IRM prĂ©-opĂ©ratoires ont finalement mises Ă  jour suivant le champ de dĂ©formation du modĂšle biomĂ©canique.RĂ©sultats: La mĂ©thode a Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ©e quantitativement Ă  partir de donnĂ©es synthĂ©tiques et cliniques de cinq patients. De plus, l’alignement des images a Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© apprĂ©ciĂ© qualitativement, au regard des attentes des neurochirurgiens. Des rĂ©sultats trĂšs satisfaisants, de l’ordre de 2 mm d’erreur, sont obtenus Ă  l’ouverture de la dure-mĂšre et dans le cas de rĂ©section de tumeurs en surface. Lors de la rĂ©section de tumeurs profondes, si la trajectoire chirurgicale permet de retrouver une grande partie des dĂ©formations induites par l’écartement des tissus, plusieurs limitations dues au fait que cette rĂ©traction ne soit pas effectivement simulĂ©e sont montrĂ©es.Conclusion: Cette thĂšse propose une nouvelle mĂ©thode de compensation du brain-shit efficace et intĂ©grable au bloc opĂ©ratoire. Elle aborde de plus le sujet peu traitĂ© de la rĂ©section, en particulier de tumeurs profondes. Elle prĂ©sente ainsi une Ă©tape supplĂ©mentaire vers un systĂšme optimal en neurochirurgie assistĂ©e par ordinateur

    Constraint-based biomechanical simulation of the brain for the intraoperative brain-shift compensation

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    Objectif: Lors de l’ablation de tumeurs cĂ©rĂ©brales, la navigation chirurgicale est basĂ©e sur les examens IRM prĂ©-opĂ©ratoires. Or, la dĂ©formation per-opĂ©ratoire du cerveau, appelĂ©e brain-shift, affecte cette navigation. Dans cette thĂšse, une mĂ©thode de compensation du brain-shift intĂ©grable dans un processus clinique est prĂ©sentĂ©e.MĂ©thode: Avant la chirurgie, un modĂšle biomĂ©canique patient-spĂ©cifique est construit Ă  partir des images prĂ©-opĂ©ratoires. Il intĂšgre la gĂ©omĂ©trie des tissus mous mais Ă©galement des vaisseaux. Pendant l’opĂ©ration, des acquisitions Ă©chographiques localisĂ©es sont rĂ©alisĂ©es directement en contact avec le cerveau. Les modalitĂ©s mode B et Doppler sont enregistrĂ©es simultanĂ©ment, permettant respectivement l’extraction des vaisseaux et de l’empreinte de la sonde. Une simulation biomĂ©canique est ensuite jouĂ©e pour compenser le brain-shift. DiffĂ©rentes contraintes sont appliquĂ©es au modĂšle de cerveau afin de modĂ©liser les contacts avec la dure-mĂšre, recaler les vaisseaux prĂ©- et per-opĂ©ratoires et contraindre la surface corticale avec l’empreinte de la sonde. Lors de la rĂ©section de tumeurs profondes, la trajectoire chirurgicale est Ă©galement contrainte au sein de la cavitĂ© rĂ©sĂ©quĂ©e afin de retrouver les dĂ©formations latĂ©rales induites par l’écartement des tissus. Les images IRM prĂ©-opĂ©ratoires ont finalement mises Ă  jour suivant le champ de dĂ©formation du modĂšle biomĂ©canique.RĂ©sultats: La mĂ©thode a Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ©e quantitativement Ă  partir de donnĂ©es synthĂ©tiques et cliniques de cinq patients. De plus, l’alignement des images a Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© apprĂ©ciĂ© qualitativement, au regard des attentes des neurochirurgiens. Des rĂ©sultats trĂšs satisfaisants, de l’ordre de 2 mm d’erreur, sont obtenus Ă  l’ouverture de la dure-mĂšre et dans le cas de rĂ©section de tumeurs en surface. Lors de la rĂ©section de tumeurs profondes, si la trajectoire chirurgicale permet de retrouver une grande partie des dĂ©formations induites par l’écartement des tissus, plusieurs limitations dues au fait que cette rĂ©traction ne soit pas effectivement simulĂ©e sont montrĂ©es.Conclusion: Cette thĂšse propose une nouvelle mĂ©thode de compensation du brain-shit efficace et intĂ©grable au bloc opĂ©ratoire. Elle aborde de plus le sujet peu traitĂ© de la rĂ©section, en particulier de tumeurs profondes. Elle prĂ©sente ainsi une Ă©tape supplĂ©mentaire vers un systĂšme optimal en neurochirurgie assistĂ©e par ordinateur.Purpose: During brain tumor surgery, planning and guidance are based on preoperative MR exams. The intraoperative deformation of the brain, called brain-shift, however affect the accuracy of the procedure. In this thesis, a brain-shift compensation method integrable in a surgical workflow is presented.Method: Prior to surgery, a patient-specific biomechanical model is built frompreoperative images. The geometry of the tissues and blood vessels is integrated. Intraoperatively, navigated ultrasound images are performed directly in contact with the brain. B-mode and Doppler modalities are recorded simultaneously, enabling the extraction of the blood vessels and probe footprint, respectively. A biomechanical simulation is then executed in order to compensate for brain-shift. Several constraints are imposed to the biomechanical model in order to simulate the contacts with the dura mater, register the pre- and intraoperative vascular trees and constrain the cortical surface with the probe footprint. During deep tumors resection, the surgical trajectory is also constrained to remain inside the cavity induced by the resected tissues in order to capture the lateral deformations issued from tissues retraction. Preoperative MR images are finally updated following the deformation field of the biomechanical model.Results: The method was evaluated quantitatively using synthetic and clinical data. In addition, the alignment of the images was qualitatively assessed with respect to surgeons expectations. Satisfactory results, with errors in the magnitude of 2 mm, are obtained after the opening of the dura mater and for the resection of tumors close to the cortical surface. During the resection of deep tumors, while the surgical trajectory enable to capture most of the deformations induced by tissues retraction, several limitations reflects the fact that this retraction is not actually simulated.Conclusion: A new efficient brain-shift compensation method that is integrable in an operating room is proposed in this thesis. The few studied topic of the resection, and more specifically of deep tumors, is also addressed. This manuscript thus present an additional step towards an optimal system in computer assisted neurosurgery

    Le rĂŽle du mĂ©decin gĂ©nĂ©raliste dans la dĂ©cision d'arrĂȘt thĂ©rapeutique prise en milieu hospitalier pour les patients en fin de vie (comparaison des pratiques en milieu rural et urbain)

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    L'objectif principal de cette Ă©tude Ă©tait de connaĂźtre le rĂŽle actuel du gĂ©nĂ©raliste dans la dĂ©cision d'arrĂȘt thĂ©rapeutique concernant ses patients hospitalisĂ©s en fin de vie. Des questionnaires ont Ă©tĂ© adressĂ©s Ă  506 gĂ©nĂ©ralistes du Val de Marne, de l'Essonne et de l'Aveyron. Le taux de rĂ©ponse a Ă©tĂ© de 31,8 %. Parmi les gĂ©nĂ©ralistes concernĂ©s par la situation d'un patient hospitalisĂ© en fin de vie durant l'annĂ©e 2003 (79 %), plus de la moitiĂ© a Ă©tĂ© informĂ©e d'une dĂ©cision d'arrĂȘt thĂ©rapeutique. Mais seul un tiers des gĂ©nĂ©ralistes informĂ©s de cette dĂ©cision y a participĂ©. Pourtant 70 % pensaient que leur participation Ă©tait indispensable et seuls 3 % ne souhaitaient pas ĂȘtre impliquĂ©s. L'objectif secondaire Ă©tait la comparaison des rĂ©sultats entre les gĂ©nĂ©ralistes aveyronnais et franciliens : il n'existait pas de diffĂ©rence significative entre le milieu rural et le milieu urbain quant au taux d'information et de participation du gĂ©nĂ©raliste Ă  la dĂ©cision d'arrĂȘt thĂ©rapeutique. Les gĂ©nĂ©ralistes sollicitĂ©s par les Ă©quipes hospitaliĂšres (15 %) ont Ă©tĂ© interrogĂ©s principalement sur la qualitĂ© de vie, l'entourage du patient et sur les traitements Ă  arrĂȘter mais aussi sur les antĂ©cĂ©dents, le souhait antĂ©rieur et la possibilitĂ© de retour Ă  domicile. AprĂšs le dĂ©cĂšs, les 3/4 de ces mĂ©decins ont rediscutĂ© avec les proches et Ă  leur demande, des conditions du dĂ©cĂšs et de la dĂ©cision prise. On peut expliquer le manque de sollicitation du gĂ©nĂ©raliste lors d'une dĂ©cision d'arrĂȘt thĂ©rapeutique comme Ă©tant la consĂ©quence d'un problĂšme plus gĂ©nĂ©ral de communication entre la mĂ©decine de ville et la mĂ©decine hospitaliĂšre. En effet, seuls 12 % des rĂ©pondants Ă©taient satisfaits de leur implication dans la stratĂ©gie gĂ©nĂ©rale de soins du CHU et 29 % dans celle du CHG. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus demandent Ă  ĂȘtre confirmĂ©s par une Ă©tude nationale.Questionnaires were addressed to 506 GPs in Paris region and Aveyron (rural area). 31,8% of them sent a reply. Among the GPs who actually had a hospitalized patient in termical care during the year 2003 (79%), more than half were informed of a withdrawal decision. But only a third of the GPs who were informed of such a decision took part in it. Yet, 70% thought their taking part was essential and only 3% didn't want to be involved. There was no significant difference between rural and urban environment for the rate of information and participation of the GPs in the decision of withdrawal. Lack of appeal to GPs in withdrawal decisions can be explained as being the consequence of a more general communication problem between GPs and hospitals. Indeed only 12% of the respondents were satisfied with their involvement in the general strategy of hospital care in university hospitals and 29% in the strategy of general hospitalsPARIS12-CRETEIL BU MĂ©decine (940282101) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocSudocFranceF
