3,069 research outputs found

    Distance Measures for Reduced Ordering Based Vector Filters

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    Reduced ordering based vector filters have proved successful in removing long-tailed noise from color images while preserving edges and fine image details. These filters commonly utilize variants of the Minkowski distance to order the color vectors with the aim of distinguishing between noisy and noise-free vectors. In this paper, we review various alternative distance measures and evaluate their performance on a large and diverse set of images using several effectiveness and efficiency criteria. The results demonstrate that there are in fact strong alternatives to the popular Minkowski metrics

    Optometric referrals - how, when and to whom refer a patient?

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    Els optometristes posseeixen l’equipament i els coneixements necessaris per a proporcionar un examen visual complert i, així detectar la necessitat de derivar a un pacient, si escau. Una derivació optomètrica és la clau per aconseguir un examen ocular complementari, evitar riscos per al pacient i obtenir un diagnòstic complert, per part d’un professional amb coneixements en altres àrees. Un diagnòstic precoç, la tria de proves necessàries i un ràpid tractament són essencials per a prevenir, reduir emergències, minimitzar danys i pèrdues visuals d’una derivació ocular urgent. Un fals positiu és aquell pacient que ha estat inicialment diagnosticat amb una patologia però resulta absent desprès d’una avaluació complementària i extensa. Els optometristes amb poca experiència han de ser curosos perquè són els que tendeixen a generar un major nombre de falsos positius. D’acord amb la precisió i l’adequació de les derivacions optomètriques, cal considerar que, la falta d’informació redueix la efectivitat de moltes derivacions. Quan un optometrista ha de derivar un pacient és necessari escriure un informe de derivació. Aquest, ha d’incloure tota la informació clínica rellevant que permeti entendre el cas derivat. Depenent de a qui vagi dirigida la derivació del pacient, l’informe de derivació haurà de seguir una estructura o una d’altre. Quan arriba el moment d’informar al pacient, una comunicació efectiva és la clau per l’èxit d’un bon desenvolupament del procés. Per concloure, com a professionals, els optometristes tenen un Codi d’Ètics i de Conducta, el qual indica i argumenta pautes, proporcionant solucions per a les necessitats dels pacients i el seu benestar


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    In this work, we reflect on some questions about the measurement problem in economics and, especially, their relationship with the scientific method. Statistical sources frequently used by economists contain qualitative information obtained from verbal expressions of individuals by means of surveys, and we discuss the reasons why it would be more adequately analyzed with soft methods than with traditional ones. Some comments on the most commonly applied techniques in the analysis of these types of data with verbal answers are followed by our proposal to compute with words. In our view, an alternative use of the well known Income Evaluation Question seems especially suggestive for a computing with words approach, since it would facilitate an empirical estimation of the corresponding linguistic variable adjectives. A new treatment of the information contained in such surveys would avoid some questions incorporated in the so called Leyden approach that do not fit to the actual world.Computing with words, Leyden approach, qualitative answering surveys, fuzzy logic

    Properties of finite dual fusion frames

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    A new notion of dual fusion frame has been recently introduced by the authors. In this article that notion is further motivated and it is shown that it is suitable to deal with questions posed in a finite-dimensional real or complex Hilbert space, reinforcing the idea that this concept of duality solves the question about an appropriate definition of dual fusion frames. It is shown that for overcomplete fusion frames there always exist duals different from the canonical one. Conditions that assure the uniqueness of duals are given. The relation of dual fusion frame systems with dual frames and dual projective reconstruction systems is established. Optimal dual fusion frames for the reconstruction in case of erasures of subspaces, and optimal dual fusion frame systems for the reconstruction in case of erasures of local frame vectors are determined. Examples that illustrate the obtained results are exhibited.Fil: Heineken, Sigrid Bettina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Morillas, Patricia Mariela. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - San Luis. Instituto de Matemática Aplicada de San Luis "Prof. Ezio Marchi". Universidad Nacional de San Luis. Facultad de Ciencias Físico, Matemáticas y Naturales. Instituto de Matemática Aplicada de San Luis "Prof. Ezio Marchi"; Argentin

    FUZZY COMPARATIVE CONCORDANCE ANALYSIS. Proposal and evaluation by a case study

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    In this paper it is proposed a fuzzy multiple attribute analysis, that we have called comparative concordance, as a help instrument to the decision-making process in an environment of lack of precise information as it generally is the decision-making in regional planning. Through an application to the selection of proceeding programs of the Environmental Plan of Andalusia, 1995-2000, it will be compared to other methods.fuzzy sets, multiple attribute decision, environmental planning

    Evaluation of Cross-Border Leakages in Community Support Frameworks. The case of Andalusia (Spain).

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    The enlargement of the European Union to 25 members implies that relative position of Andalusia will improve with regard to the new GDP per capita average. This fact may derive a reduction in structural funds support for this Spanish region objective 1. This paper is focused in the ex-post assessment of the CSF 1994–99 in Andalusia. Direct and indirect effects, as well as cross-border leakage are analysed. We aim to compare stimuli induced from structural funds in the rest of the national economy with those remaining in Andalusia. If effects on the rest of Spain were important in relative terms, the central idea of regional policy, which defines community convergence tools, would be questioned. Results show evidences for this hypothesis in the case of Andalusia, given the importance of the effects generated in the rest of Spain and the biases of CSF funds towards sectors with a high need for imports, some of which are characterized by an intensive use of the region’s natural resources. Key Words: Structural Funds; Ex-post Evaluation; Convergence; Input-Output; Cross-border leakages. JEL classification: C67; C82; R58

    Sensaciones y sensibilidad en Días de ocio en la Patagonia

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