23 research outputs found

    The instrument suite of the European Spallation Source

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    An overview is provided of the 15 neutron beam instruments making up the initial instrument suite of the European Spallation Source (ESS), and being made available to the neutron user community. The ESS neutron source consists of a high-power accelerator and target station, providing a unique long-pulse time structure of slow neutrons. The design considerations behind the time structure, moderator geometry and instrument layout are presented. The 15-instrument suite consists of two small-angle instruments, two reflectometers, an imaging beamline, two single-crystal diffractometers; one for macromolecular crystallography and one for magnetism, two powder diffractometers, and an engineering diffractometer, as well as an array of five inelastic instruments comprising two chopper spectrometers, an inverse-geometry single-crystal excitations spectrometer, an instrument for vibrational spectroscopy and a high-resolution backscattering spectrometer. The conceptual design, performance and scientific drivers of each of these instruments are described. All of the instruments are designed to provide breakthrough new scientific capability, not currently available at existing facilities, building on the inherent strengths of the ESS long-pulse neutron source of high flux, flexible resolution and large bandwidth. Each of them is predicted to provide world-leading performance at an accelerator power of 2 MW. This technical capability translates into a very broad range of scientific capabilities. The composition of the instrument suite has been chosen to maximise the breadth and depth of the scientific impact o

    The Production Of Volatile Compounds By Yeasts Isolated From Small Brazilian Cachaça Distilleries

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    The production of volatile compounds by 24 strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and one strain each of Candida apicola, C. famata, C. guilliermondii, Hanseniaspora occidentalis, Pichia subpelicullosa and Schizosaccharomyces pombe was evaluated with respect to the production of cachaça. They were isolated from small cachaça distilleries (27), industrial cachaça distilleries (2) and one sugarcane alcohol distillery, and tested in synthetic medium for the production of acetaldehyde, ethyl acetate, propanol, isobutanol, isoamyl alcohol, acetic acid and glycerol. The Saccharomyces strains showed a narrow range of variation in the production of such compounds, near 50% of the average of each volatile compound concentration. Principal component analysis showed the separation of the strains into six groups, and acetic acid production was the variable of greatest impact in the differentiation of the strains. The strains of S. pombe formed a distinct group (Group 2), and the strains of C. apicola and H. occidentalis formed a joint group (Group 6) as did Sc13 and Sc4 (Group 4). Group 1 was formed exclusively of S. cerevisiae. The closest non-Saccharomyces strains were C. apicola and H. occidentalis, with a similarity index of about 0.95. The strain P. subpelliculosa showed general characteristics more similar to those of the S. cerevisiae strains than to the non-Saccharomyces strains. © Springer 2005.218-915691576Andrietta, S.R., Andrietta, M.G.S., Serra, G.E., Leveduras não fermentativas - Processo de instalação e forma de detecção e eliminação STAB (1997) Açúcar, Álcool e Subprodutos, 15, pp. 32-35Berry, D.R., Lea, A.G.H., Piggott, J.R., Alcoholic beverage fermentations (1995) Beverage Production 1, pp. 32-44. , Blackie Academic and Professional London. ISBN 0751400270Decreto no 2.314 do Ministério da Agricultura de 04 de setembro de 1997 Dispõe sobre o registro, classificação, padronização, produção e fiscalização das bebidas Diário Oficial da União, , Brasil. Brasília, 05 de set,1997Giudici, P., Romano, P., Zambonelli, C., A biometric study of higher alcohol production in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (1990) Canadian Journal of Microbioliology, 36, pp. 61-64Guymon, J.F., Higher alcohols in beverage brandy (1998) Wines and Vines, 1, pp. 37-40Kurtzman, C.P., Fell, J.W., (1998) The Yeasts: A Taxonomic Study, , Elsevier Science Publishers Amsterdam ISBN 0-44481312-8Lehtonen, M., Jounela-Eriksson, P., Piggott, J.R., Volatile and non-volatile compounds in the flavour of alcoholic beverages (1983) Flavour of Distilled Beverages: Origin and Development, pp. 64-78. , Verlag Chemie International Inc Florida. ISBN 0853125465Longo, E., Velázquez, J.B., Sieiro, C., Cansado, J., Calo, P., Villa, T.G., Production of higher alcohols, ethyl acetate, acetaldehyde and other compounds by 14 Saccharomyces cerevisiae wine strains isolated from the same region (Salnés, N.W. Spain) (1992) World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 8, pp. 539-541Lurton, L., Snakkers, G., Roulland, C., Galy, B., Influence of the fermentation yeast strain on the composition of wine spirits (1995) Journal of the Science and Food Agriculture, 67, pp. 485-491MacGowan, M.W., Artiss, J.D., Strandbergh, D.R., Zak, B., A peroxidase-coupled method for the colorimetric determination of serum triglycerides (1983) Clinical Chemistry, 29, pp. 538-542Mateo, J.J., Jimenez, M., Huerta, T., Pastor, A., Contribution of different yeasts isolated from musts of monastrell grapes to the aroma of wine (1991) International Journal of Food Microbiology, 14, pp. 153-160Morais, P.B., Rosa, C.A., Linardi, V.R., Pataro, C., Maia, A.B.R.A., Short communication: Characterization and succession of yeast populations associated with spontaneous fermentations during the production of brazilian sugar-cane aguardente (1997) World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 13, pp. 241-243Nykänen, L., Formation and occurrence of flavour compounds in wine and distilled alcoholic beverages (1986) American Journal of Enology and Viticulture, 37, pp. 84-96Nykänen, L., Nykänen, I., Maarse, H., Distilled beverages (1991) Volatile Compounds in Foods and Beverages, pp. 548-580. , Dekker, Inc New York. ISBN 0824783905Nykänen, L., Puputti, E., Suomalainen, H., Volatile fatty acids in some brands of whisky, cognac and rum (1968) Journal of Food Science, 33, pp. 88-92Oliveira, E.S., (2001) Características Fermentativas, Formação de Compostos Voláteis e Qualidade Da Aguardente de Cana Obtida Por Linhagens de Leveduras Isoladas de Distilarias Artesanais. Tese de Doutorado, , UNICAMP, Faculdade de Engenharia de Alimentos Campinas, BrasilOliveira, E.S., Rosa, C.A., Morgano, M.A., Serra, G.E., Fermentation characteristics as criteria for selection of cachaça yeast (2004) World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 20, pp. 19-24Paraggio, M., Fiore, C., Screening of Saccharomyces cerevisiae wine strains for the production of acetic acid (2004) World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 20, pp. 743-747Parfait, A., Jouret, C., Formation of higher alcohols in rum (1975) Annales de Technologie Agricole, 24, pp. 421-36Parfait, A., Jouret, C., Le glycerol dans la fermentation alcoolique des mélasses et des jus de cannes a sucre (1980) Industries Alimentaires et Agricoles, 97, pp. 721-724Pataro, C., Santos, A., Correa, S.R., Morais, P.B., Linardi, V.R., Rosa, C.A., Physiological characterization of yeasts isolated from artisanal fermentatiton in an aguardente distillery (1998) Revista de Microbiologia, 29, pp. 69-73Pataro, C., Guerra, J.B., Petrillo-Peixoto, M.L., Mendonça-Hagler, L.C., Linardi, V.R., Rosa, C.A., Yeast communities and genetic polymorphism of Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains associated with artisanal fermentation in Brazil (2000) Journal of Applied Microbiology, 88, pp. 1-9(1997) Multivariate Data Analysis for IBM PS Systems, Version 2.1, , Pirouette. Infometrix Seattle, WA, USAPons, M.N., Pichon, D., Authier, M., Monitoring of alcoholic fermentations of fruit juices via a gas membrane sensor (1989) Journal of Fermention and Bioengineering, 68, pp. 282-285Radler, F., Schütz, H., Glycerol production of various strains of Saccharomyces (1982) American Journal of Enology and Viticulture, 33, pp. 36-40Rankine, B.C., Bridson, D.A., Glycerol in Australian wines and factors influencing its formation (1971) American Journal of Enology and Viticulture, 22, pp. 6-12Romano, P., Fiore, C., Paraggio, M., Caruso, M., Capece, A., Function of yeast species and strains in wine flavour (2003) International Journal of Food Microbiology, 86, pp. 169-180Salik, F.L.M., Povoh, N.P., Método espectrofotométrico para determinação de teores alcoólicos em misturas hidroalcoólicas (1993) 5th Congresso Nacional Da STAB: Proceedings of a National Workshop Held at Águas de São Pedro, pp. 262-266. , São Paulo, Brazil, ed. STAB(1993) SAS User's Guide: Statistics, , SAS Institute. Cary USA ISBN 1555445543Suomalainen, H., Lehtonen, M., The production of aroma compounds by yeast (1979) Journal of the Institute of Brewing, 85, pp. 149-156Vargas, E.A., (1995) Qualidade Da Aguardente de Cana Produzida, Engarrafada E/ou Comercializada Em Minas Gerais, , Dissertação, Faculdade de FarmáciaZironi, R., Romano, P., Suzzi, G., Battistuta, F., Comi, G., Volatile metabolites produced in wine by mixed and sequential cultures of Hanseniaspora guilliermondii or Kloeckera apiculata and Saccharomyces cerevisiae (1993) Biotechnology Letters, 15, pp. 235-238Zimmermann, H.W., Studies on the dichromate method of alcohol determination (1963) American Journal of Enology and Viticulture, 14, pp. 205-21

    Fermentation Characteristics As Criteria For Selection Of Cachaça Yeast

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    The fermentation characteristics of 24 strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and one strain of Candida apicola, C. famata, C. guilliermondii, Hanseniospora occidentalis, Pichia subpelicullosa and Schizosaccharomyces pombe were evaluated for the production of cachaça. They were isolated from small cachaça distilleries (27), industrial cachaça distilleries (2) and one sugarcane alcohol distillery. The yeasts showed significant differences in ethanol yield, substrate conversion, efficiency, conversion factors of substrate into ethanol (Yp/s), cells (Yx/s), organic acids (Yac/s) and glycerol (Tg/s), and maximum specific growth rate (μmax). In general the S. cerevisiae strains showed better fermentation potential, with yields between 83 and 91% and μ max between 0.450 and 0.640 h-1, several of them being comparable with the high performance yeast used in the industrial production of ethanol, which was adopted as a reference. The non-Saccharomyces strains showed high efficiency, very low ethanol yield and very high Yac/s and Yg/s values, except Pichia subpelliculosa, which behaved very similarly to the S. cerevisiae strains. Hierarchical Cluster Analysis and Principal Component Analysis showed the fermentation yield (or substrate conversion) as being the variable which contributed most to the separation of the strains into different groups.2011924Andrietta, S.R., Andrietta, M.G.S., Serra, G.E., Leveduras não fermentativas - Processo de instalação e forma de detecção e eliminação (1997) STAB, Açúcar, Álcool e Subprodutos, 15, pp. 32-35Andrietta, S.R., Migliari, P.C., Andrietta, M.G.S., Classificação das cepas de levedura de processos industriais de fermentação alcoólica utilizando capacidade fermentativa (1999) STAB, Açúcar, Álcool e Subprodutos, 17, pp. 54-59Basso, L.C., Oliveira, A.J., Orelli, V.F.S.M., Campos, A.A., Gallo, C.R., Amorin, H.V., Dominância das leveduras contaminantes sobre as linhagens industriais avaliadas pela técnica de cariotipagem (1993) 5th Congresso National Da STAB: Proceedings of a National Workshop Held at Águas de São Pedro, São Paulo, Brazil, pp. 245-250. , ed. STABHenry, R.J., Cannon, D.C., Winkelman, J., (1974) Clinical Chemistry Principles and Techniques, pp. 1280-1294. , New York: Harper and Row Publishers Inc. ISBN 06-141181-7Kurtzman, C.P., Fell, J.W., (1998) The Yeasts: A Taxonomic Study, , Amsterdan: Elsevier Science Publishers. ISBN 0-44481312-8MacGowan, M.W., Artiss, J.D., Strandbergh, D.R., Zak, B., A peroxidase-coupled method for the colorimetric determination of serum triglycerides (1983) Clinical Chemistry, 29, pp. 538-542Morais, P.B., Rosa, C.A., Linardi, V.R., Pataro, C., Maia, A.B.R.A., Characterization and succession of yeast populations associated with spontaneous fermentations during the production of brazilian sugar-cane aguardente (1997) World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 13, pp. 241-243Oliveira, E.S., (1988) Efeito Da Adição de Suplementos Nutricionais Na Fermentação Alcoólica de Melaço de Cana-de-açúcar Em Diferentes Temperaturas, , MS thesis, UFV, Viçosa, BrazilPataro, C., Guerra, J.B., Petrillo-Peixoto, M.L., Mendonça-Hagler, L.C., Linardi, V.R., Rosa, C.A., Yeast communities and genetic polymorphism of Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains associated with artisanal fermentation in Brazil (2000) Journal of Applied Microbiology, 89, pp. 24-31Pataro, C., Santos, A., Correa, S.R., Morais, P.B., Linardi, V.R., Rosa, C.A., Physiological characterization of yeasts isolated from artisanal fermentation in an aguardente distillery (1998) Revista de Microbiologia, 29, pp. 69-73(1997) Multivariate Data Analysis for IBM PS Systems, Version 2.1, , Infometrix, Seattle, WA, USAPirt, S.J., (1985) Principles of Microbe and Cell Cultivation, , Oxford: Blackwell. ISBN 063201455Salik, F.L.M., Povh, N.P., Método espectrofotométrico para determinação de teores alcoólicos em misturas hidroalcoólicas (1993) 5th Congresso Nacional Da STAB: Proceedings of a National Workshop Held at Águas de São Pedro, São Paulo, Brazil, pp. 262-266. , ed. STAB(1993) SAS User's Guide: Statistics, , Cary, USA. ISBN 1555445543Subden, R.E., Wine yeast: Selection and modification (1990) Yeast Strain Selection, 1st Edn, , ed. Panchal, C.J. New York: Marcel Dekker. ISBN 0824782763Zimmermann, H.W., Studies on the dichromate method of alcohol determination (1963) American Journal of Enology and Viticulture, 14, pp. 205-21

    Mineral Migration From Stainless Steel, Cast Iron And Soapstone (steatite) Brazilian Pans To Food Preparations [migração De Minerais De Panelas Brasileiras De Aço Inoxidável, Ferro Fundido E Pedra-sabão (esteatito) Para Preparações Culinárias]

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    Culinary utensils may release some inorganic elements during food preparation. Mineral migration can be beneficial for as long as it occurs in amounts adequate to the needs of the consumer or no toxicological implications are involved. In this study, the migrations of Fe, Mg, Mn, Cr, Ni and Ca, along seven cooking cycles were evaluated for two food preparations (polished rice and commercial tomato sauce, the latter as an acid food), performed in unused stainless steel, cast iron and soapstone pans, taking refractory glass as a blank. Minerals were determined by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP OES). The utensils studied exhibited different rates, patterns and variability of migration depending on the type of food. Regression analysis of the data revealed that, as a function of the number of cycles, the iron pans released increasing amounts of iron when tomato sauce was cooked (y = 70.76x + 276.75; R2 = 0.77). The soapstone pans released calcium (35 and 26mg/kg), magnesium (25 and 15mg/kg) into the tomato sauce and rice preparations, respectively. Additionally, the commercial tomato sauce drew manganese (3.9 and 0.6mg/kg) and some undesirable nickel (1.0mg/kg) from the soapstone material, whereas the stainless steel pans released nickel at a lower rate than steatite and in a diminishing fashion with the number o cooking cycles, while still transferring some iron and chromium to the food. We conclude that while cast iron and glass could be best for the consumer's nutritional health, stainless steel and steatite can be used with relatively low risk, provided acid foods are not routinely prepared in those materials. © 2007 Archivos Latinoamericanos de Nutrición.563Quintaes, K.D., Utensílios para alimentos e implicações nutricionais (2000) Rev Nutr, 13 (3), pp. 151-156Park, J., Brittin, H.C., Increase iron content of food due to stainless steel cookware (1997) J Am Diet Ass, 97 (6), pp. 659-661Agarwal, P., Srivastava, S., Srivastava, M., Prakash, S., Ramanamurthy, M., Shirivastav, R., Dass, S., Studies on leaching of Cr and Ni from stainless steel utensils in certain acids and in some Indian drinks (1997) Sci. Total Environ, 199 (3), pp. 271-275Park, J., Brittin, H.C., Iron content, sensory evaluation, and consumer acceptance of food cooked in iron utensils (2000) J Food Qual, 23 (2), pp. 205-215Kuligowski, J., Halperin, K.M., Stainless steel cookware as a significant source of nickel, chromium, and iron (1992) Arch Environ Contam Toxic, 23 (2), pp. 211-215Quintaes, K.D., Influência dos utensílios culinários nas características sensoriais dos alimentos (2005) Nutr Brasil, 4 (2), pp. 106-110Adish, A.A., Esrey, S.A., Gyorkos, T.W., Jean-Baptiste, J., Rojhani, A., Effect of consumption of food cooked in iron pots on iron status and growth of young children: A randomised trial (1999) Lancet, 353 (9154), pp. 712-716Quintaes, K.D., Farfan, J.A., Morgano, M.A., Mantovani, D.M.B., Soapstone (steatite) cookware as a source of minerals (2002) Food Addit Contam, 19 (2), pp. 134-143Quintaes, K.D., Farfan, J.A., Tomazini, F.M., Morgano, M.A., Migração de minerais de panelas brasileiras de aço inoxidável, ferro fundido e pedra-sabão (esteatito) para simulantes de alimentos (2004) Ciência Tec Alimen, 24 (3), pp. 397-402Quintaes, K.D., Farfan, J.A., Tomazini, F.M., Morgano, M.A., Migração de ferro, manganês e zinco em panelas de ferro fundido e laminado (2003) Nutr Brasil, 2 (4), pp. 208-210Coutsoucos, S.M., Colli, C., Iogurte preparado em panela de ferro: Uma alternativa para fortificação de alimentos com ferro (1994) Hig Alimen, 8 (29), pp. 14-17Flint, N.G., Packirisamy, S., Purity of food cooked in stainless steel utensils (1997) Food Addit Contam, 14 (2), pp. 115-126Trumbo, P., Yates, A.A., Schlicker, S., Poss, M., Dietary reference intakes: Vitamin A, vitamin K, arsenic, boron, chromium, copper, iodine, iron, manganese, molybdenum, nickel, silicon, vanadium, and zinc (2001) J Am Diet Ass, 101 (3), pp. 294-301Cheng, X.L., Ma, H.Y., Chen, S.H., Yu, R., Chen, X., Yao, Z.M., Corrosion of stainless steel in acid solutions with organic sulfur-contaning compounds (1999) Corros Sci, 41 (4), pp. 321-333Kumar, R., Srivastava, P.K., Srivastava, S.P., Leaching of heavy metals (Cr, Fe and Ni) from stainless steel utensils in food simulants and food materials (1994) Bull Environ Contam Toxic, 53 (2), pp. 259-266Association of Official Analytical Chemists. 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    Determination Of Total Sugar In Raw Coffee Using Near Infrared Spectroscopy And Pls Regression [determinação De Açúcar Total Em Café Cru Por Espectroscopia No Infravermelho Próximo E Regressão Por Mínimos Quadrados Parciais]

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    In this work a fast method for the determination of the total sugar levels in samples of raw coffee was developed using the near infrared spectroscopy technique and multivariate regression. The sugar levels were initially obtained using gravimety as the reference method. Later on, the regression models were built from the near infrared spectra of the coffee samples. The original spectra were pre-treated according to the Kubelka-Munk transformation and multiplicative signal correction. The proposed analytical method made possible the direct determination of the total sugar levels in the samples with an error lower by 8% with respect to the conventional methodology.302346350Baker, D., (1985) Cereal Food. World, 30, p. 389Baker, D., Norris, K.H., (1985) Appl. Spectrosc, 39, p. 618Cadet, F., Robert, C., Offmann, B., (1997) Appl. Spectrosc, 51, p. 369Bellon-Maurel, V., Vallat, C., Goffinet, D., (1995) Appl. Spectrosc, 49, p. 556Kawano, S., Fujiwara, T., Iwamoto, M., (1993) J. Jpn. Soc. Hortic. Scienc, 62, p. 465Osborne, B.G., Fearn, T., (1986) Near-infrared spectroscopy in food analysis, , Longman Scientific & Technical: HarlowBarton, F.E., (1987) Near-infrared technology in the agricultural and food industries, , American Association Cereal Chemists: St. PaulParreira, T.F., Ferreira, M.M.C., Sales, H.J.S., Almeida, W.B., (2002) Appl. Spectrosc, 56, p. 1607Ferrão, M.F., Carvalho, C.W., Muller, E.I., Davanzo, C.U., (2004) Ciênc. Tecnol. Aliment, 24, p. 333Ferrão, M.F., Davanzo, C.U., (2005) Anal. Chim. Acta, 540, p. 411(2000) Official Methods of Analysis of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists, 9. , ed, method 44.1.6Ferreira, M.M.C., Antunes, A.M., Melgo, M.S., Volpe, P.L.O., (1999) Quim. Nova, 22, p. 724Martens, H., Naes, T., (1989) Multivariate calibration, , J. Wiley & Sons Ltd, ChichesterMATLAB- The Language of Tecnical Computing, version MathWorks Inc, 1997Olinger, J.M., Griffiths, P.R., (1993) Appl. Spectrosc, 47, p. 687Olinger, J.M., Griffiths, P.R., (1993) Appl. Spectrosc, 47, p. 69

    Textural, microstructural and sensory properties of reduced sodium frankfurter sausages containing mechanically deboned poultry meat and blends of chloride salts

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    AbstractThe purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of salt substitutes on the textural, microstructural and sensory properties in low-cost frankfurter sausages produced using mechanically deboned poultry meat (MDPM) as a potential strategy to reduce sodium in this meat product. In nine treatments, blends of calcium, sodium and potassium chloride were used to substitute 25% or 50% of the NaCl in sausages (at the same ionic strength and molar basis equivalent to 2% NaCl). When NaCl was partially replaced by 50% CaCl2 (F6), the batter presented the highest total liquid released, and the corresponding final product showed increased hardness when compared to the control formulation (100% NaCl, C1). Its respective microstructural analysis revealed numerous pores arranged in a noncompacted matrix, which could be explained by the lowest emulsion stability reported for samples with 50% CaCl2 and 50% NaCl. Frankfurter sausages produced using blends containing 25% CaCl2 (F2, F4) and 25 and 50% KCl (F4, F5) did not exhibit differences in the pH, aw and objective color in the frankfurters (p<0.05). The overall acceptability and flavor of the frankfurters containing 50% NaCl without salt substitution (C3), 25% CaCl2, 25% KCl (F4), and 50% KCl (F5) showed the worst scores compared to those of the control formulation (C1). These results may be useful to select salt blends containing KCl, CaCl2 and NaCl to reduce the sodium in sausages containing high concentrations of MPDM at an ionic equivalent strength to the NaCl commonly used in traditional formulations

    Textural, Microstructural And Sensory Properties Of Reduced Sodium Frankfurter Sausages Containing Mechanically Deboned Poultry Meat And Blends Of Chloride Salts

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of salt substitutes on the textural, microstructural and sensory properties in low-cost frankfurter sausages produced using mechanically deboned poultry meat (MDPM) as a potential strategy to reduce sodium in this meat product. In nine treatments, blends of calcium, sodium and potassium chloride were used to substitute 25% or 50% of the NaCl in sausages (at the same ionic strength and molar basis equivalent to 2% NaCl). When NaCl was partially replaced by 50% CaCl2 (F6), the batter presented the highest total liquid released, and the corresponding final product showed increased hardness when compared to the control formulation (100% NaCl, C1). Its respective microstructural analysis revealed numerous pores arranged in a noncompacted matrix, which could be explained by the lowest emulsion stability reported for samples with 50% CaCl2 and 50% NaCl. Frankfurter sausages produced using blends containing 25% CaCl2 (F2, F4) and 25 and 50% KCl (F4, F5) did not exhibit differences in the pH, aw and objective color in the frankfurters (p&lt;0.05). The overall acceptability and flavor of the frankfurters containing 50% NaCl without salt substitution (C3), 25% CaCl2, 25% KCl (F4), and 50% KCl (F5) showed the worst scores compared to those of the control formulation (C1). 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