238 research outputs found

    Prevalencia de anticorpos antifosfolipides em gestantes diabeticas e os resultados gestacionais e perinatais

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    Orientador: Belmiro Gonçalves PereiraDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciencias MedicasResumo: A prevalência de anticorpos antifosfolípides em gestantes diabéticas é alta, ocasionando alterações gestacionais e perinatais. O objetivo do estudo foi diagnosticar e tratar as gestantes diabéticas com anticorpos presentes e descrever os resultados gestacionais e perinatais. Foram analisadas 56 gestantes diabéticas que deram entrada no Pré-Natal Especializado do CAISM/Unicamp, entre julho de 2003 a março de 2004. Todas as que aceitavam participar do estudo foram submetidas à coleta de sangue para dosagem de anticorpos antifosfolípides (anticoagulante lúpico e anticorpo anticardiolipina). Se um ou outro anticorpo estivesse presente, a gestante seria tratada com AAS e Heparina. Foram caracterizados os perfis da gestante, da evolução da gestação e do recém-nascido. Foram diagnosticados anticorpos antifosfolípides em 7% das 56 gestantes e os resultados gestacionais e perinatais foram descritos. Nas gestantes diabéticas com anticorpos antifosfolípides a duração do diabetes foi de cinco em uma das gestante e dez anos nas outras três gestantes. A idade variou entre 27 e 38 anos e uma das gestantes era primigesta, outra secundigesta e as outras duas multíparas. As gestantes com anticorpos antifosfolípides, que foram tratadas, tiveram resultados gestacional e perinatal satisfatóriosAbstract: The prevalence of antiphospholipid antibodies in pregnant women with pre-gestational diabetes is high, causing gestational and perinatal alterations. The purpose of this study was to diagnose and treat diabetic pregnant women with presence of antibodies and describe the gestational and perinatal results. An analysis was made of 56 diabetic pregnant women who enrolled in the pre-natal specialization at CAISM/UNICAMP, between July, 2003 and March, 2004. All the diabetic pregnant women who agreed to participate in the study had blood collected for antiphospholipid antibody dosage (lupus anticoagulant and anticardiolipin antibody). If any other antibodies were present, the pregnant woman would be treated with Aspirin and Heparin. The following data with reference to the pregnant woman were recorded: age, gestational age, time of diabetes mellitus duration, treatment prior to and during gestation, previous illnesses, hypertension in pregnancy, amniotic liquid index, parturition, way of giving birth, Apgar index, fetal malformation, fetal hypoglycemia and birth weight. Antiphospholipid antibodies were diagnosed in 7% of the 56 pregnant women and their gestational and perinatal results were described. In the diabetic pregnant women with antiphospholipid antibodies, the duration of the diabetes was from five to ten years, that is to say, pregnant women with long-standing diabetes. The pregnant women with antiphospholipid antibodies ranged from 27 to 38 years of age, and some of the descriptions indicated that they had gone through a bad obstetric experience. The pregnant women with antiphospholipid antibodies, who were treated, had satisfactory gestational and perinatal resultsMestradoTocoginecologiaMestre em Tocoginecologi

    Políticas alimentarias en Argentina: alcances y limitaciones en su implementación

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    The difficulties faced by a sector of the population in gaining access to food is not a recent issue of public interest. In Argentina, it began to take on greater political relevance with the return of democracy, in a context marked by the impoverishment of workers. As a result, the social issue became detached from power relations and the state\u27s response to it was reduced to a food issue. The implementation of the National Food Plan set the course of the - depoliticised - food policies of the 1990s, in a context where social exclusion and polarisation were profoundly accentuated. Together with the economic and labour reactivation at the beginning of the new millennium, food policy implemented with a human rights perspective from the central level gained renewed impetus as the crisis was overcome. In this brief overview, food policies have shown transformations and continuities that revitalise some of the debates on the structural problems underlying access to food and state responses. Drawing on contributions from the notion of food security/sovereignty and the right to food, this article proposes to analyse the food policies implemented since the return of democracy to the present day, taking into account their scope and limitations.Las dificultades que presenta un sector de la población para acceder a los alimentos no constituyen una problemática de interés público reciente. En Argentina, comenzó a cobrar mayor relevancia política con el retorno de la democracia, en un contexto marcado por el empobrecimiento de los trabajadores. Ante ello, la cuestión social quedó desligada de las relaciones de poder y la respuesta estatal en torno a la misma se redujo a una cuestión alimentaria. La implementación del Plan Alimentario Nacional despuntó el derrotero -despolitizado- que presentarían las políticas alimentarias durante los años noventa, en un contexto donde la exclusión y polarización social se acentuaron profundamente. Junto a la reactivación económica y laboral acaecida a inicios del nuevo milenio, la política alimentaria implementada con perspectiva de derechos humanos desde el nivel central cobró renovado impulso en el marco de la salida de la crisis. En este breve recorrido, las políticas alimentarias mostraron transformaciones y continuidades que revitalizan algunos debates en torno problemas estructurales que subyacen en torno al acceso a los alimentos y las respuestas estatales. Tomando aportes de la noción de seguridad/soberanía alimentaria y el derecho a la alimentación, este artículo propone analizar las políticas alimentarias implementadas desde el retorno de la democracia hasta la actualidad, dando cuenta de sus alcances y limitaciones.&nbsp

    Phylogenetic analyses and toxigenic profiles of Fusarium equiseti and Fusarium acuminatum isolated from cereals from Southern Europe

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    Fusarium equiseti and Fusarium acuminatum are toxigenic species that contaminate cereal crops from diverse climatic regions. They are common in Spanish cereals. The information available on their phylogenetics and toxigenic profiles is, however, insufficient to assist risk evaluation. In this work, phylogenetic analyses were performed using partial sequences of the translation elongation factor gene (EF-1a) of F. equiseti and F. acuminatum strains isolated from barley and wheat from Spain and other countries. The Northern and Southern European F. equiseti strains largely separated into two phylogenetically distinct clusters. This suggests the existence of two distinct populations within this species, explaining its presence in these regions of markedly different climate. Production of type A and B trichothecenes by the Spanish strains, examined in wheat cultures using a multitoxin analytical method, indicated that F. equiseti could produce deoxynivalenol and nivalenol and other trichothecenes, at concentrations that might represent a significant risk of toxin contamination for Southern European cereals. F. acuminatum showed low intraspecific genetic variability and 58% of the strains could produce deoxynivalenol at low level. Neither species was found to produce T-2 or HT-2 toxins. The present results provide important phylogenetic and toxigenic information essential for the accurate prediction of toxigenic risk


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    Testou-se o efeito de três distintas concentrações de ácido ascórbico (50 ppm - amostra 1; 125 ppm - amostra 2 e 200 ppm - amostra 3) sobre a qualidade sensorial da garapa parcialmente clarificada-estabilizada, submetida a posterior acidificação e adicionada de conservante antes da pasteurização (82ºC/15 seg). Após o tratamento térmico, a bebida foi resfriada, embalada em garrafas PET e armazenada sob refrigeração (4-6ºC) por dois meses. Além da avaliação sensorial, em cada tempo de armazenamento foram realizadas análises físicoquímicas (pH, °Brix, acidez, ratio e teor de ácido ascórbico) do produto. Verificou-se diminuição nos teores de vitamina C nas três amostras, durante o prazo de armazenamento. Apesar disso, os resultados do Teste de Aceitação indicaram que as três amostras mantiveram sua qualidade sensorial durante o período de estocagem. Elegeu-se a amostra 2 como a melhor devido ao nível intermediário de ácido ascórbico, tornando o produto menos dispendioso. STUDY OF THE INTERFERENCE OF THREE DIFFERENTS ASCORBIC ACID CONCENTRATIONS IN THE PHYSICAL, CHEMICAL AND SENSORY QUALITY OF PARTIALLY CLARIFIED-STABILIZED SUGAR CANE JUICE STORED UNDER REFRIGERATION Abstract Three distinct concentrations of ascorbic acid (50 ppm sample 1; 125 ppm sample 2; 200 ppm sample 3) on the sensory quality of partially clarified-stabilized sugar cane juice, subsequently acidified and added of preservative before pasteurization (82ºC/15seg.) were tested. After heat treatment the beverage was cooled, bottled in PET and stored under refrigeration (4-6ºC) for two months. In addition to the sensory analyses, physical-chemical analyses (pH, ºBrix, acidity, ratio, ascorbic acid content) were carried out at each storage time. The vitamin C determinations showed that this constituent decreased with storage time. The sensory acceptance test showed that the three samples maintained their sensory quality during the storage period. Thus sample 2 was chosen as the best product since an intermediate concentration of ascorbic acid was added to this sample, being therefore less costly

    Estimating group size from acoustic footprint to improve Blainville’s beaked whale abundance estimation

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    The numbers of animals in groups and the density of Blainville’s beaked whale Mesoplodon densirostris (Md) were estimated using passive acoustic data collected on the Atlantic Undersea Test and Evaluation Center (AUTEC). Md typically associate in groups, producing ultrasonic echolocation signals when foraging, and are routinely detected year-round on the AUTEC range. AUTEC includes a large network of hydrophones cabled to shore that can be used to detect Md echolocation signals. Using a first data set, with known group sizes, we used generalized linear models (GLMs) to model group size as a function of the acoustic footprint of a detected deep dive as perceived on the AUTEC hydrophones. The most important variable to explain group size was the detected click rate (total number of clicks detected divided by total length of vocal period duration). Using a second data set, covering 3 separate time periods in 2011 with automated group dive detections, we estimated beaked whale density using a dive counting approach. False positives were removed through manual inspection, removing dives with biologically infeasible characteristics. This led to a total of 8271 detections of beaked whale deep dives, with the average number per day in the three time periods considered being 75, 80 and 76 respectively. Using selected GLM, the mean estimated group size was 2.36 (95% CI 2.15-2.60), 2.30 (95% CI 2.08-2.56), and 2.33 (95% CI 2.19-2.58) whales/group for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd time period. Md density was estimated at 15.8 (95% CI 13.6-21.9), 16.5 (95% CI 13.8-22.4), and 15.8 (95% CI 13.2-21.2) whales/1000km2, respectively. These results support findings from previous studies, and will allow a more precise estimation of group sizes and densities for Md in future research.PostprintPeer reviewe

    [the Role Of Insects (blattodea, Diptera, And Hymenoptera) As Possible Mechanical Vectors Of Helminths In The Domiciliary And Peridomiciliary Environment].

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    Helminths can be transmitted to human beings in several ways, but little attention has been given to vector or mechanical transmission of infective forms by insects. The present study surveys the helminth species present in three orders of insects that coexist in proximity with the human environment. A total of 700 insects (54 Blattodea, 275 Diptera, and 371 Hymenoptera) were collected and examined externally and individually. In the Blattodea order, only specimens of Periplaneta americana were collected, and 58.3% were carrying the following helminth forms: Oxyuridae eggs (36.4%), Ascaridae eggs (28.04%), Nematoda larvae (4.8%), Cestoda eggs (3.5%), other Nematoda (0.08%), and Toxocaridae eggs (0.08%). No Diptera and Hymenoptera were found to contain parasitic forms. This study evaluates the importance and role of insects as mechanical vectors of helminth parasites, correlated with social and environmental conditions, and suggests the use of these data for preventive purposes.201096-10


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    O objetivo desta pesquisa foi estudar a vida-de-prateleira de produto elaborado com garapa, parcialmente clarificadaestabilizada, e suco de maracujá (5%). A mistura foi adicionada de antioxidante, conservante e espessante em concentrações pré-estabelecidas. Após pasteurização, o produto foi resfriado, embalado em garrafas de polietileno tereftalato (PET) e armazenado sob refrigeração pelo período de um mês. Foram realizadas determinações microbiológicas (Contagem Padrão, Contagem de Bolores e Leveduras, Coliformes Totais e Fecais), físico-químicas (pH, ºBrix, acidez, relação Brix/Acidez, teor de ácido ascórbico, turbidez), e sensoriais. Os resultados da análise sensorial, considerados os mais relevantes para a pesquisa, indicaram que o produto (mistura de garapa parcialmente clarificadaestabilizada com suco de maracujá) pode ser elaborado e comercializado por até quinze dias sob refrigeração, pois as condições do processo permitiram a manutenção da qualidade microbiológica e sensorial. O teor de ácido ascórbico manteve-se em bom nível até o final da estocagem, com perda de apenas 20% em relação ao teor adicionado. SHELF-LIFE STUDY OF A BEVERAGE ELABORATE BY BLEND OF PARTIALLY CLARIFIED-STABILIZED SUGAR-CANE JUICE AND NATURAL PASSION FRUIT JUICE Abstract The objective of this research was to study the shelf-life of a product elaborated with sugar cane juice, partially clarified-stabilized, and passion-fruit juice (5%). The blend was added of antioxidant, preservative and thickener in pre-established concentration. After pasteurization the product was refrigerated in polyethylene teraftalate (PET) bottles and stored for 1 month period under refrigeration. Microbiological determinations (Standard Count, Mould and Yeasts Count, Total and Faecal Coliforms), physico-chemical (ºBrix, pH, acidity, relation Brix/acidity, ascorbic acid content, turbidity) and sensorial were accomplished. The results of sensorial analysis, considered the more relevant for the research, indicated that the product (blend of sugar-cane juice partially clarified/stabilized with passion fruit juice) may be elaborated and commercialized until 15 days under refrigeration, because the conditions of the process allowed the maintenance of microbiological and sensorial quality. Ascorbic acid content maintained a good level until the end of storage, with lost of only 20% in relation to the concentration added

    Imprensa sobre cinema em Portugal: das origens à atualidade

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    Considerado um subgénero do Jornalismo Cultural, o Jornalismo de Cinema apresenta-se-nos como um objecto de estudo ainda por explorar nas ciências sociais e da comunicação, nomeadamente em Portugal onde a investigação sobre esta prática é quase inexistente. Uma vez que o cinema é uma das manifestações culturais e artísticas com maior presença actual nos media portugueses (de acordo com dados do projecto A Cultura na Primeira Página [Baptista, 2014; 2017a]), importa aprofundar a investigação sobre esta prática jornalística. Neste sentido, parece-nos fundamental percorrer os principais títulos da imprensa portuguesa sobre cinema que têm acompanhado o cinema nacional e internacional e que foram cruciais para a construção de uma cultura cinematográfica dos portugueses. Em Portugal, a primeira publicação dedicada em exclusivo ao cinema surge na década de 1910 e é a partir da segunda metade do séc. XX que se começa a constatar "uma aceleração do gosto cinematográfico" (Barroso, 2008:26) e a consolidação das publicações sobre cinema em Portugal. Nesta comunicação, através de uma revisão de literatura e análise documental, traçamos a evolução da imprensa portuguesa sobre cinema e analisamos as características dos principais títulos desde as origens do cinema até 2014 (ano em que deixou de circular uma publicação especializada em cinema).N/

    Catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) polymorphisms modulate working memory in individuals with schizophrenia and healthy controls

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    Objective: Cognitive impairment is a core feature of schizophrenia, related to dopaminergic dysfunction in the prefrontal cortex (PFC). It is hypothesized that functional single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) rs4680 of the catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) gene could mediate the relationship between cognition and dopamine activity in the PFC. Other COMT SNPs could also play a role. Methods: We evaluated the role of three COMT SNPs (rs737865, rs165599, and rs4680) in schizophrenia and their impact on three working memory tasks. For genetic association analyses, 212 individuals with schizophrenia and 257 healthy controls (HCs) were selected. The Visual Working Memory (VWM) Task, Keep Track Task, and Letter Memory Task were administered to 133 schizophrenics and 93 HCs. Results: We found a significant association of rs737865, with the GG genotype exerting a protective effect and the GA haplotype (rs4680/rs165599) exerting a risk effect for schizophrenia. COMT rs4680 AA carriers and rs737865 AA carriers scored lowest on the Keep Track Task. When the genotype* group interaction effect was evaluated, rs165599 exerted opposite effects for VWM and Keep Track task performance in patients and controls, with AA carriers scoring lowest on both tests among controls, but highest among patients. Conclusion: These data support the hypothesis that COMT polymorphisms may be associated with schizophrenia and modulate cognition in patients and controls.Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP), BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo UNIFESP, Dept Psiquiatria, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilFMABC, Dept Saude Colet, Santo Andre, SP, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Lab Interdisciplinar Neurociencias Clin LiNC, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Dept Morfol & Genet, Disciplina Genet, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilCtr Univ Fundcao Inst Ensino Osasco UNIFIEO, Dept Psicol Educ, Osasco, SP, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Dept Psicobiol, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo UNIFESP, Dept Psiquiatria, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Lab Interdisciplinar Neurociencias Clin LiNC, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Dept Morfol & Genet, Disciplina Genet, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Dept Psicobiol, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilFAPESP: 2007/58736-1FAPESP: 2011/50740-5Web of Scienc