73 research outputs found

    Early intervention and perceived quality. Refinement of the inventory of quality in early intervention centers.

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    The current perspective on early intervention revolves around consideration of the family as a cornerstone, its opinion being essential in providing a quality service. Early intervention centers require an evaluation of the services they perform. The aim of this study was to examine the psychometric properties of the short version of the Inventory of Quality for Early Intervention Centers (IQEIC) and to obtain evidence of its validity and reliability. The sample consisted of 887 families from 21 early intervention centers in Spain, which were randomly divided into 2 groups to conduct a cross-validity analysis: exploratory factor analysis with the first group (n1 = 440), and confirmatory factor analysis with the second group (n2 = 447). A 8 factor structure was obtained in the confirmatory factor analysis that showed a good fit. Both the internal consistency (composite reliability ranging from 0.84 to 0.90) and the convergent (AVE values ranged from 0.12 to 0.50) and discriminant validity were adequate. Lastly, a multigroup analysis (n1 and n2) showed the invariance factorial through the difference in the CFI index. The IQEIC showed satisfactory reliability and validity in this study confirming the proposed model is a valid tool to assess the quality of the service provided in early intervention centers, therefore recommending its application for both research and management

    COVID-19 from a techno-educational perspective through markerspaces

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    Ante la emergencia sanitaria acontecida a nivel mundial debido a la pandemia de COVID-19, en el ámbito educativo surge la necesidad de diseñar material didáctico para dar a conocer al alumnado dicho fenómeno y las mejores formas de actuar propiciando actitudes solidarias, un trabajo comunitario conjunto y una conciencia social. Para ello, en este trabajo se presentan herramientas de realidad aumentada, realidad virtual, modelado en 3D e impresión en 3D para favorecer el estudio, el análisis y la comprensión de la naturaleza, la estructura, la composición y el origen del virus, los factores que desencadenan los contagios, la sintomatología que presenta el sujeto infectado, fórmulas de actuación par parte del personal sanitario en los hospitales y las medidas de prevención y seguridad. Desde un enfoque innovador el profesorado de la era digital debe poseer una formación desde el punto de vista pedagógico e instrumental y tecnológico para acometer con acierto su labor docente orientada a facilitar la adquisición y construcción del conocimiento por parte de su alumnado. Para ello, se considera de especial importancia el soporte, el material empleado como mediador, en este caso las tecnologías emergentes para propiciar el aprendizaje en red desde una perspectiva conectivista atendiendo a la filosofía colaborativa y creativa del makerspacesIn the face of the health emergency that occurred worldwide due to the COVID-19 pandemic, in the educational field there is a need to design teaching materials to make this phenomenon known to students and the best ways to act promoting solidarity attitudes, joint community work and a social conscience. To do this, this work presents augmented reality tools, 3D modeling and 3D printing to promote the study, analysis and understanding of the nature, structure, composition and origin of the virus, the factors that trigger the infections, the symptoms presented by the infected subject, and prevention and safety measures. From an innovative approach, teachers of the digital age must have training from the pedagogical and instrumental and technological point of view to successfully undertake their teaching work aimed at facilitating the acquisition and construction of knowledge by their students. For this, the support, the material used as a mediator, in this case the emerging technologies to promote online learning from a connectivist perspective, considering the collaborative and creative philosophy of makerspaces, is considered of special importance.Universidad Pablo de Olavid

    Does tension headache have a central or peripheral origin? current state of affairs

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    Purpose of Review The aim of this narrative review is to analyze the evidence about a peripheral or central origin of a ten-sion headache attack in order to provide a further clarification for an appropriate approach.Recent Findings Tension headache is a complex and multifactorial pathology, in which both peripheral and central factors could play an important role in the initiation of an attack. Although the exact origin of a tension headache attack has not been conclusively established, correlations have been identified between certain structural parameters of the craniomandibular region and craniocervical muscle activity. Future research should focus on improving our understanding of the pathology with the ultimate goal of improving diagnosis.Summary The pathogenesis of tension-type headache involves both central and peripheral mechanisms, being the perpetu-ation over time of the headache attacks what would favor the evolution of an episodic tension-type headache to a chronic tension-type headache. The unresolved question is what factors would be involved in the initial activation in a tension head-ache attack. The evidence that favors a peripheral origin of the tension headache attacks, that is, the initial events occur outside the brain barrier, which suggests the action of vascular and musculoskeletal factors at the beginning of a tension headache attack, factors that would favor the sensitization of the peripheral nervous system as a result of sustained sensory input.Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBU

    Physical Therapy in Tension-Type Headache: A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials.

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    Objective: The aim of this study is to synthesize the effects of physical therapy on pain, frequency, or duration management in the short, medium, and long term in adult patients diagnosed with Tension-type headache (TTH). (2) Background: Tension-type headache (TTH) is the most common headache with migraine and its pathophysiology and treatment has been discussed for years without reaching a consensus. (3) Methods: A systematic review was conducted using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. The review was registered in PROSPERO (CRD42020175020). The systematic search for clinical trials was performed in the databases PubMed, CINAHL, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, PEDro, Scopus, SciELO and Dialnet. Articles were selected according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria, regarding the effectiveness of physical therapy interventions on adult patients with TTH published in the last 11 years with a score ≥ 6 in the PEDro Scale (Physiotherapy Evidence Database). (4) Results: In total, 120 articles were identified, of which 15 randomized controlled trials were finally included in order to determine the inclusion criteria. Changes in pain intensity, headache frequency or headache duration of individual studies were described (5) Conclusions: This systematic review shows that there is no standardized physical therapy protocol for the approach to tension headache, although all the techniques studied to date address in one way or another the cranio-cervical-mandibular region. The approach to the cranio-cervical-mandibular region reports significant effects in terms of decreasing the intensity of pain and frequency of headache episodes in the short and medium term. More long-term longitudinal studies are neededPartial funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málag

    Virtual reality to improve low-back pain and pelvic pain during pregnancy: a pilot RCT for a multicenter randomized controlled trial

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    A significant proportion of women experience low back and pelvic pain during and after pregnancy, which can negatively impact their daily lives. Various factors are attributed to these complaints, and many affected women do not receive adequate healthcare. However, there is evidence to support the use of different physiotherapeutic interventions to alleviate these conditions. Virtual reality is a promising complementary treatment to physiotherapy, particularly in improving pain perception and avoidance. The primary objective of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of a four-week program combining VR and physiotherapy compared to standard physiotherapy in pregnant women with low back and pelvic pain, in terms of improving pain avoidance, intensity, disability, and functional level. The study also aims to investigate patient satisfaction with the VR intervention. This research will be conducted through a multi-center randomized controlled clinical trial involving pregnant patients residing in the provinces of Seville and Malaga with a diagnosis of low back and pelvic pain during pregnancy. The alternative hypothesis is that the implementation of a Virtual Reality program in combination with standard physiotherapy will result in better clinical outcomes compared to the current standard intervention, which could lead to the development of new policies and interventions for these pathologies and their consequences.Clinical trial registration: clinicaltrials.gov, identifier NCT05571358

    Valoración del nivel de actividad física y aptitud física en una muestra de universitarios: Comparativa tras la pandemia de covid-19

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    The transition from secondary education to university education has become a critical moment for the lifestyle of young people, especially for the practice of physical activity. Therefore, the main objective of the present study was to assess the levels of physical activity in university students, by correlating the results of the IPAQ-SF and the different physical fitness variables (Eurofit). The sample consisted of 194 students of the Primary Education Degree, with a mean age of 21.37 ± 2.66 years. The main results obtained reflect the direct relationship between the practice of physical activity in general, and vigorous physical activity in particular, and optimal physical fitness of university students, linked above all to the strength component. As for the comparison between pre-pandemic (18/19) and post-pandemic (21/22) university students, the increase in physical activity after the pandemic did not show substantial differences in the physical fitness components. In conclusion, these results should lead us to reflect on the influence of an active lifestyle on physical fitness, which has an impact on overall health status and quality of life.El tránsito de la educación secundaria a la enseñanza universitaria se ha convertido en un momento crítico para el estilo de vida de los jóvenes, especialmente para la práctica de actividad física. Por ello, el principal objetivo del presente estudio fue valorar los niveles de actividad física en universitarios, mediante la correlación entre los resultados del IPAQ-SF y las distintas variables de condición física (Eurofit). La muestra estuvo conformada por 194 estudiantes del Grado de Educación Primaria, con una edad media de 21,37 ± 2,66 años. Los principales resultados obtenidos reflejan la relación directa entre la práctica de actividad física en general, y la actividad física vigorosa en particular y una óptima aptitud física de los estudiantes universitarios, vinculada sobre todo con el componente fuerza. En cuanto a la comparación entre los universitarios del curso prepandémico (18/19) y el curso pospandémico (21/22), el aumento de la actividad física tras la pandemia no reportó diferencias sustanciales en los componentes de la condición física. A modo de conclusión, estos resultados deben conducirnos a una reflexión sobre la influencia de un estilo de vida activo en la aptitud física, la cual tiene repercusión en el estado de salud general y la calidad de vida

    "Chem-game", el juego como estrategia para la dinamización del aprendizaje y la evaluación de conocimientos en Química General

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    Este proyecto pretende aplicar la "gamificación" en la enseñanza de la asignatura de Química General de primer curso del grado en Química para fomentar la formación, creatividad, compromiso y la capacidad de trabajo en equipo de los estudiantes

    Determinacions del perfil genètic del càncer pediàtric

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    Oncologia; Perfil genètic; Càncer pediàtric; PrecisióOncología; Perfil genético; Cáncer pediátrico; PrecisiónOncology; Genetic profile; Pediatric cancer; AccuracyL'àmbit d'aquest grup de treball és la implementació de panels NGS per a diagnòstic / pronòstic / tractament de càncer en pacients menors de 18 anys (oncologia i hematologia). Els casos de predisposició genètica en pacients pediàtrics es tractaran en el grup de predisposició genètica. El càncer infantil comprèn més de 40 entitats entre leucèmies, limfomes, tumors cerebrals i sòlids extracranials; per la qual cosa no és possible tècnicament o operativament fer panels específics per a cada un d'aquests càncers. Serà necessari utilitzar panels comercials o acadèmics dissenyats específicament per a càncer infantil