331 research outputs found


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    No obstante cierto inmoralismo, que se observa enel entorno en que vivimos, ninguno puede eludirencararse con conflictos de carácter ético en la vidadiaria. Tales contrariedades afectanentrañablemente a la persona que se los bosqueja,porque se vinculan a su conducta y a sus relacionespara con sus semejantes

    El enfoque martiano en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje: su contribución a la formación martiana del estudiante/Marti´s approach in the teaching-learning process: its contribution to the student's formation regarding Marti´s thought

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    El objetivo del artículo, es demostrar cómo se arriba al concepto enfoque martiano en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje y su contribución a la formación martiana del estudiante. Se realiza un estudio de la evolución del trabajo con el pensamiento martiano. Desde el enfoque dialéctico materialista y de los métodos histórico-lógico y analítico-sintético, se valoran, las aportaciones de los distintos autores hasta arribar al concepto “enfoque martiano en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje”: vía de que disponen los profesores para contribuir a la formación martiana del estudiante. La importancia del tema está dada por su vinculación con la política trazada por el Partido y concretadas en el documento base para el diseño de los Planes de estudio “E”


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    La farmacodependencia representa hoy en día un dilema socioeconómico y de salud, ycuyas secuelas están determinadas por la clase de sustancias utilizadas, la cuantía, laasiduidad, el plazo de uso, el acceso para su administración y el genero, así como lacapacidad económica para adquirirlos. La presente investigación pretende abordar lapercepción de la farmacodependencia en adolescentes escolares de educación mediabásica de seis escuelas secundarias del municipio de Guadalupe (N.L.; México) queestán integradas al primer nivel de atención en salud. Se tomo una muestra porconveniencia de 188 adolescentes. Prevalece en la población motivo de estudio, unapropensión a adquirir información sobre drogas, tanto para ellos mismos como para losdemás; un incremento en el conocimiento sobre los efectos de las drogas y susconsecuencias sociales, en el que demuestran reconocer como el grupo más vulnerablea los jóvenes, aunado al de los niños; aprecian que se incurre en uso de las drogas portener problemas personales, que son consecuencia, entre otros aspectos por una malarelación con los padres y el uso de las mismas por compañeros y amigos, y estimanque el rasgo distintivo de quién puede caer en la farmacodependencia es aquellapersona que se obstina en la bebida alcohólica y es ocioso.AbstractThe adiction represents today in day a socioeconomic dilemma and of health, andwhose sequels are determined by the class of used substances, the quantity, theassiduity, the use term, the access for its administration and the sex, as well as theeconomic capacity to acquire them. The present investigation seeks to approach theperception of the adiction in school adolescents of basic half education of six highschools of the municipality of Guadalupe (N.L.; Mexico) that are integrated at the firstlevel of attention in health. It take a sample for 188 adolescents' convenience. Itprevails in the population study reason, a propensity to acquire information on drugs,so much stops themselves as for the other ones; an increment in the knowledge on theeffects of the drugs and their social consequences, in the one that demonstrate torecognize as the most vulnerable group to the youths, joined that of the children; theyappreciate that it is incurred in use of the drugs to have personal problems that areconsequence, among other aspects for a bad relationship with the parents and the useof the same ones for partners and friends, and they estimate that the distinctivefeature of who it can fall in the adiction is that person that becomes obstinate in thealcoholic drink and it is lazy.Palabras Clave: adolescentes, drogas, México, adolescents, drug

    “La relación de la comunicación organizacional y la satisfacción laboral de las y los trabajadores del área administrativa de La Facultad Multidisciplinaria De Occidente, en el Año 2016”

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    El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como tema: “Relación de la comunicación organizacional y la satisfacción laboral de los y las trabajadores del área administrativa de la Facultad Multidisciplinaria de Occidente”. Teniendo como objetivo principal: conocer la relación de la comunicación organizacional y la satisfacción laboral de los y las trabajadores. Dicho trabajo está compuesto de cinco capítulos en los cuales se desarrolla el proceso de la investigación

    Lyophilized biopolymeric beads of chitosan-xanthan with edible fungus Laccaria laccata (Scop.) Cooke as forest ectomycorrhizal biofertilizers

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    Objective: To evaluate whether the spores of the edible fungus Laccaria laccata (Scop.) Cooke encapsulated in a freeze-dried biopolymeric matrix of chitosan-xanthan are capable of causing ectomycorrhization in Pinus greggii Englem. trees in grenhouse. Methodology: Pearls were made with the biopolymer chitosan-xanthan, in which spores of the edible ectomycorrhizal fungus L. laccata were encapsulated. Embedded spores were analyzed using scanning electron microscopy to assess possible structural damage. Subsequently, these pearls were used as biofertilizers in a greenhouse bioassay using Pinus greggii plants to evaluate their ability to be ectomycorrhized. The bioassay lasted 270 days, when it was evaluated in order to check if there was ectomycorrhizal colonization, using stereoscopic and bright field microscopy. Additionally, it was evaluated if there was an increase in terms of growth in inoculated plants compared to non-inoculated plants 180 and 270 days after sowing. Results: The encapsulated spores of L. laccata in the biopolymeric matrix formed ectomycorrhizae in the P. greggii roots. The percentages of ectomycorrhizal colonization in the plants varied from 80 to 90%, demonstrating that the production of biopolymeric pearls with chitosan-xanthan are capable of maintaining the viability of the spores of the ectomycorrhizal fungus evaluated, and of extensively colonizing the roots of Pinus greggii. Limitations on study /Implications: Pearls encapsulated in a biopolymeric matrix containing spores of the fungus L. laccata are capable of inducing ectomycorrhization in trees of forest importance. Conclusions: Encapsulated spores of an edible ectomycorrhizal fungus in the chitosan-xanthan biopolymer have potential as a forest biofertilizer, which opens the opportunity for industrial scaling.Objective: To evaluate whether or not the spores of the edible fungus Laccaria laccata (Scop.) Cooke encapsulated in a lyophilized biopolymeric matrix of chitosan-xanthan can cause ectomycorrhization in Pinus greggii Englem. trees under greenhouse conditions. Methodology: Spores of the edible ectomycorrhizal fungus L. laccata were encapsulated in beads made with the chitosan-xanthan biopolymer. The embedded spores were analyzed using scanning electron microscopy to evaluate possible structural damage. Next, these beads were used as biofertilizers in a greenhouse bioassay using Pinus greggii plants to evaluate their ability to be ectomycorrhized. The bioassay lasted 270 days. Subsequently, stereoscopic and bright field microscopy was used to determine if the roots of the pines had been subjected to an ectomycorrhizal colonization. Additionally, the growth of inoculated plants was evaluated compared to non-inoculated plants, 180 and 270 days after sowing. Results: The spores of L. laccata encapsulated in the biopolymeric matrix formed ectomycorrhizae in the roots of P. greggii. The percentages of ectomycorrhizal colonization in the plants ranged from 80 to 90%, demonstrating that the production of chitosan-xanthan biopolymeric beads can maintain the viability of the spores of the ectomycorrhizal fungus evaluated and extensively colonize the roots of Pinus greggii. Study Limitations/Implications: The biopolymeric matrix beads that contain spores of the fungus L. laccata can induce ectomycorrhization in trees of forest importance. Conclusions: The spores of an edible ectomycorrhizal fungus encapsulated in the chitosan-xanthan biopolymer have potential as a forest biofertilizer, which opens the opportunity to scale its use up to an industrial level

    Associations between macronutrient intake and serum lipid profile depend on body fat in European adolescents: the Healthy Lifestyle in Europe by Nutrition in Adolescence (HELENA) study

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    The present study aimed to investigate the relationships between macronutrient intake and serum lipid profile in adolescents from eight European cities participating in the HELENA (Healthy Lifestyle in Europe by Nutrition in Adolescence) cross-sectional study (2006–7), and to assess the role of body fat-related variables in these associations. Weight, height, waist circumference, skinfold thicknesses, total choles- terol, HDL-cholesterol (HDL-C), LDL-cholesterol, TAG, apoB and apoA1 were measured in 454 adolescents (44 % boys) aged 12·5–17·5 years. Macronutrient intake (g/4180 kJ per d (1000 kcal per d)) was assessed using two non-consecutive 24 h dietary recalls. Associations were evaluated by multi-level analysis and adjusted for sex, age, maternal education, centre, sum of four skinfolds, moderate-to-vigorous

    Volcanism and climate change as drivers in Holocene depositional dynamic of Laguna del Maule (Andes of central Chile – 36° S)

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    Late Quaternary volcanic basins are active landscapes from which detailed archives of past climate and seismic and volcanic activity can be obtained. A multidisciplinary study performed on a transect of sediment cores was used to reconstruct the depositional evolution of the high-elevation Laguna del Maule (LdM) (36∘ S, 2180 m a.s.l., Chilean Andes). The recovered 5 m composite sediment sequence includes two thick turbidite units (LT1 and LT2) and numerous tephra layers (23 ash and 6 lapilli). We produced an age model based on nine new 14C AMS dates, existing 210Pb and 137Cs data, and the Quizapú ash horizon (1932 CE). According to this age model, the relatively drier Early Holocene was followed by a phase of increased productivity during the mid-Holocene and higher lake levels after 4.0 ka cal BP. Major hydroclimate transitions occurred at ca. 11, 8.0, 4.0 and 0.5 ka cal BP. Decreased summer insolation and winter precipitation due to a southward shift in the southern westerly winds and a strengthened Pacific Subtropical High could explain Early Holocene lower lake levels. Increased biological productivity during the mid-Holocene (∼8.0 to 6.0 ka cal BP) is coeval with a warm–dry phase described for much of southern South America. Periods of higher lake productivity are synchronous to a higher frequency of volcanic events. During the Late Holocene, the tephra layers show compositional changes suggesting a transition from silica-rich to silica-poor magmas at around 4.0 ka cal BP. This transition was synchronous with increased variability of sedimentary facies and geochemical proxies, indicating higher lake levels and increased moisture at LdM after 4.0 ka cal BP, most likely caused by the inception of current El Niño–Southern Oscillation and Pacific Decadal Oscillation (ENSO–PDO) dynamics in central Chile.Postprin

    An Ibero-American inter-laboratory trial to evaluate serological tests for the detection of anti-<i>Neospora caninum</i> antibodies in cattle

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    We carried out an inter-laboratory trial to compare the serological tests commonly used for the detection of specific Neospora caninum antibodies in cattle in Ibero- American countries. A total of eight laboratories participated from the following countries: Argentina (n = 4), Brazil (n = 1), Peru (n = 1), Mexico (n = 1), and Spain (n = 1). A blind panel of well-characterized cattle sera (n = 143) and sera representative of the target population (n = 351) was tested by seven in-house indirect fluorescent antibody tests (IFATs 1–7) and three enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs 1–3; two in-house and one commercial). Diagnostic performance of the serological tests was calculated and compared according to the following criteria: (1) the BPre-test information,^ which uses previous epidemiological and serological data; (2) the BMajority of tests,^ which classifies a serumas positive or negative according to the results obtained by most tests evaluated. Unexpectedly, six tests showed either sensitivity (Se) or specificity (Sp) values lower than 90%. In contrast, the best tests in terms of Se, Sp, and area under the ROC curve (AUC) values were IFAT 1 and optimized ELISA 1 and ELISA 2. We evaluated a high number of IFATs, which are the most widely used tests in Ibero-America. The significant discordances observed among the tests regardless of the criteria employed hinder control programs and urge the use of a common test or with similar performances to either the optimized IFAT 1 and ELISAs 1 and 2.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria