1,819 research outputs found

    Determination of blue water footprint in forages crops from irrigation disctrict 017, Comarca Lagunera, Mexico

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    El objetivo de este trabajo fue la determinación de la huella hídrica azul en los cultivos forrajeros del DR-017 Comarca Lagunera, México. Mediante el uso de indicadores de productividad y eficiencia se desarrollaron modelos matemáticos que permitieron estimar la huella hídrica azul de los cultivos. Los resultados muestran que los forrajes ocuparon 45% de la superficie total agrícola, empleando 94,7% del agua subterránea, generando 33% del Valor Bruto de la Producción agrícola. Los índices de productividad física fueron en promedio 252 L kg-1 (sorgo forrajero 181 L kg-1, avena forrajera 413 L kg- 1, alfalfa L kg-1). El ingreso por m3 empleado fue de US0,04m3enpromedio(maıˊzforrajeroUS 0,04 m-3 en promedio (maíz forrajero US 0,07 m-3, alfalfa US0,05m3).Elindicadordeeficienciasocialmostroˊqueenpromediosegeneraron0,048empleoshm3(0,037empleoshm3enalfalfay0,076empleoshm3enryegrass).Finalmentebajolasmismascondicionesdecultivo,asıˊcomodemercado,lacantidadmıˊnimaqueserequiereproducirparatenerunaoperacioˊnviable(puntodeequilibrio)enpromediofue39,02tha1.Enconclusioˊn,laproduccioˊndemaıˊzysorgoforrajeroenlaregioˊnresultoˊaltamenteeficienteyproductivaencomparacioˊnconlosdemaˊscultivosforrajerosloquesetradujoenunamenorhuellahıˊdricaazul.TheaimofthisworkwasthedeterminationofthebluewaterfootprintinforagecropsfromDR017ComarcaLagunera",Meˊxico.Bymeansofproductivityandefficiencymathematicalmodelswereusedtoestimatethebluewaterfootprintofforagescrops.Theresultsshowthatforagesoccupied45ofgroundwater,generating33rateswereonaverage252Lkg1(foragesorghum181Lkg1,forageoats413Lkg1alfalfaLkg1).Incomeperm3wasUS 0,05 m-3). El indicador de eficiencia social mostró que en promedio se generaron 0,048 empleos hm-3 (0,037empleos hm-3 en alfalfa y 0,076 empleos hm-3 en rye grass). Finalmente bajo las mismas condiciones de cultivo, así como de mercado, la cantidad mínima que se requiere producir para tener una operación viable (punto de equilibrio) en promedio fue 39,02 t ha-1. En conclusión, la producción de maíz y sorgo forrajero en la región resultó altamente eficiente y productiva en comparación con los demás cultivos forrajeros lo que se tradujo en una menor huella hídrica azul.The aim of this work was the determination of the blue water footprint in forage crops from DR-017 “Comarca Lagunera", México. By means of productivity and efficiency mathematical models were used to estimate the blue water footprint of forages crops. The results show that forages occupied 45% of the total agricultural area using 94,7% of groundwater, generating 33% of the Gross Value Production. Physical productivity rates were on average 252 L kg-1 (forage sorghum 181 L kg-1, forage oats 413 L kg-1 alfalfa L kg- 1). Income per m3 was US 0.04 m-3 on average (US0.94m3inforagemaize,US 0.94 m-3 in forage maize, US 0.05 m-3 alfalfa forage). The social efficiency indicator showed in average 0.048 jobs per hectometer (0.037 jobs hm-3 in alfalfa and 0.076 jobs hm-3 in rye grass). Finally, under the same crop y market conditions the minimum amount for a viable operation (break-even point) was 39.02 t ha-1. In conclusion, the production of corn and sorghum forage in the region was highly efficient and productive compared to other forage crops which resulted in lower blue water footprint.Fil: Ríos Flores, José Luis. Universidad Autónoma Chapingo (México)Fil: Torres Moreno, Miriam. México. Secretaría de Agricultura, Ganadería, Desarrollo Rural, Pesca y AlimentaciónFil: Castro Franco, Rafael. Universidad Autónoma Chapingo (México)Fil: Torres Moreno, Marco Antonio. Universidad Autónoma Chapingo (México)Fil: Ruiz Torres, José. Universidad Autónoma Chapingo (México

    Shoulder exoskeleton for rehabilitation actuated with shape memory alloy

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    Proceedings of RoboCity16: Robots for citizens: Open Conference on Future Trends in Robotics, May 2016This paper presen ts the preliminary design of a rehabilitation exoskele ton for the shoulder joint with three degrees of freedom (DOF), actuated with Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) based actuators. Due to the actuation system, the proposed exoskeleton presents a light weight , low noise and everything in a simple design structure. The number of actuators and the preliminary designed was calculated after a biomechanical simulation of the human body with a specific cat egory of patients.The research leading to these results has received funding from the RoboHealth (DPI2013-47944-C4-3-R) spanish research project and the from the RoboCity2030-III-CM project (Robótica aplicada a la mejora de la calidad de vida de los ciudadanos. Fase III; S2013/MIT-2748), funded by Programas de Actividades I+D en la Comunidad de Madrid and cofunded by Structural Funds of the EU

    Apomorphine effects on the hippocampus

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    Apomorphine is a non-specific dopamine receptor agonist that has been used in the treatment of some diseases and mental disorders. Its use has particularly well documented in Parkinson's disease (PD). The dopaminergic agonists like apomorphine are related to oxidative processes that could induce cell damage and the functional impairment of some structures in the brain. However, most information about apomorphine in literature is focused on the improvement of the motor problems characteristic of PD, but little is known about the effects on cognitive behaviors and brain structures indirectly related to motor function. The presence of dopaminergic receptors in the hippocampus has recently been discovered, in connection with cognitive behaviors like learning and memory, these receptors are needed in neuronal plasticity. There has been a growing interest to know if this structure could be compromised by the effect of apomorphine and elucidate if part of the cognitive impairment present in the PD is due to the effect of apomorphine. In this mini-review, we summarized how apomorphine has been used since its creation, we discuss the latest information about its effect on the hippocampus and also the future perspectives to fully understand the effects of this compound

    Efecto del medio ambiente sore el comportamiento reproductivo y la fertilidad de vacas de la raza suizo americano en el trópico subhúmedo

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    EI estudio se realizó en el campo Experimental EI Verdineño, Nayarit. EI objetivo fue determinar los efectos ambientales sobre el comportamiento reproductivo y la fertilidad

    Determinación de la huella hídrica azul en los cultivos forrajeros del DR-017, Comarca Lagunera, México

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    The aim of this work was the determination of the blue water footprint in forage crops from DR-017 "Comarca Lagunera", México. By means of productivity and efficiency mathematical models were used to estimate the blue water footprint of forages crops. The results show that forages occupied 45% of the total agricultural area using 94,7% of groundwater, generating 33% of the Gross Value Production. Physical productivity rates were on average 252 L kg-1 (forage sorghum 181 L kg-1, forage oats 413 L kg-1 alfalfa L kg- 1). Income per m3 was US0.04m3onaverage(US 0.04 m-3 on average (US 0.94 m-3 in forage maize, US 0.05 m-3 alfalfa forage). The social efficiency indicator showed in average 0.048 jobs per hectometer (0.037 jobs hm-3 in alfalfa and 0.076 jobs hm-3 in rye grass). Finally, under the same crop y market conditions the minimum amount for a viable operation (break-even point) was 39.02 t ha-1. In conclusion, the production of corn and sorghum forage in the region was highly efficient and productive compared to other forage crops which resulted in lower blue water footprint.    El objetivo de este trabajo fue la determinación de la huella hídrica azul en los cultivos forrajeros del DR-017 Comarca Lagunera, México. Mediante el uso de indicadores de productividad y eficiencia se desarrollaron modelos matemáticos que permitieron estimar la huella hídrica azul de los cultivos. Los resultados muestran que los forrajes ocuparon 45% de la superficie total agrícola, empleando 94,7% del agua subterránea, generando 33% del Valor Bruto de la Producción agrícola. Los índices de productividad física fueron en promedio 252 L kg-1 (sorgo forrajero 181 L kg-1, avena forrajera 413 L kg- 1, alfalfa L kg-1). El ingreso por m3 empleado fue de US 0,04 m-3 en promedio (maíz forrajero US0,07m3,alfalfaUS 0,07 m-3, alfalfa US 0,05 m-3). El indicador de eficiencia social mostró que en promedio se generaron 0,048 empleos hm-3 (0,037empleos hm-3 en alfalfa y 0,076 empleos hm-3 en rye grass). Finalmente bajo las mismas condiciones de cultivo, así como de mercado, la cantidad mínima que se requiere producir para tener una operación viable (punto de equilibrio) en promedio fue 39,02 t ha-1. En conclusión, la producción de maíz y sorgo forrajero en la región resultó altamente eficiente y productiva en comparación con los demás cultivos forrajeros lo que se tradujo en una menor huella hídrica azul

    Desempeño productivo y reproductivo en cerdas bajo dos tipos de apareamiento utilizando un servicio

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    The objective of the study was to compare the fertility, number and weight of piglets in sows using a service (NM) Natural mating or Artificial insemination (AI). The measured variables were: fertility percentage, total born piglets (TBP), number of piglets born alive (NPBA), number of piglets born dead (NPBD), number of piglets born mummified (NPBm), weight of the litter born alive (WLBA) and average weight for piglets born alive (AWPBA). For fertility were 95% for NM and 80% with AI (P 0.05). Se obtuvo mejor porcentaje de fertilidad para MN comparado con IA

    Uso de herramientas tecnológicas para el modelado y creación de una plataforma web y su aportación al perfil del ingeniero en tecnologías de información y comunicación.

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    The Technological Institute of Toluca within its study plans and programs establishes the training of students committed to society, in order to collaborate and contribute as much as possible with the participation of students in the development of activities that strengthen the provision of some service to the community, normally in government agencies or civil entities for a period of time, giving back to society a little of what is received by being a participant in a collaborative program. In addition, the student who is about to graduate, in search of vacancies where he can carry out his professional practice, requires information close to his field of study to be placed professionally. The academic training of the students of the engineering career in information and communication technologies, includes within their study program, the development of technological competences and within their graduation profile, the ability to design and develop web applications in a project proposal for the subject of research workshop II, it is possible to design a platform for internal use, in which, in addition to the research methodological documentation, for which reason this document describes those skills acquired in the use of technological tools such as Bootstrap 5 and CSS language, as well as modeling tools and managers for the creation of a web platform to support the Institution and students about to perform social service or in search of job vacanciesEl Instituto Tecnológico de Toluca dentro de sus planes y programas de estudios establece la formación de estudiantes comprometidos con la sociedad, con el fin de colaborar y contribuir en lo posible con la participación de estudiantes en el desarrollo de actividades que fortalezcan en la prestación de algún servicio a la comunidad, normalmente en dependencias de gobierno o entidades civiles durante un periodo de tiempo, devolviendo a la sociedad un poco de lo mucho que se recibe al ser partícipe en algún programa colaborativo. Además, el estudiante próximo a egresar, en la búsqueda de vacantes donde pueda realizar su ejercicio profesional, requiere de información cercana a su ámbito de estudios para colocarse profesionalmente. La formación académica de los estudiantes de la carrera de ingeniería en tecnologías de información y comunicación, comprende dentro de su programa de estudios, el desarrollo de competencias tecnológicas y dentro de su perfil de egreso, la habilidad para el diseño y desarrollo de aplicaciones web en una propuesta de proyecto de la materia de taller de investigación II, se logra diseñar una plataforma de uso interno, en la que además de la documentación metodológica de investigación, por lo que el presente documento describe esas competencias adquiridas en el uso de herramientas tecnológicas como Bootstrap 5 y lenguaje CSS, además de herramientas de modelado y gestores para la creación de una plataforma web de apoyo a la Institución y a los estudiantes próximos a realizar servicio social o en búsqueda de vacantes de empleo

    Position control of a shape memory alloy actuator using a four-term bilinear PID controller

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    Shape memory alloy (SMA) actuators have a number of appealing features, such as their low weight or their high force-to-weight ratio, that make them a potential alternative to traditional actuation technologies in fields such as space applications, surgical devices or wearable robotics. In this paper, a type of bilinear controller consisting of a conventional PID controller cascaded with a bilinear compensator, known as BPID, is proposed. Bilinear controllers are a subset of nonlinear controllers, which is why the BPID may be a promising alternative to control the position of a SMA actuator. Nonlinear control techniques are commonly applied to control SMA actuators, because of their nonlinear behavior caused by thermal hysteresis. The BPID controller is simpler and easier to implement than other nonlinear control strategies, which makes it a very appealing candidate to control SMA actuators. The performance of the BPID controller has been compared with other two controllers, a conventional PID and a commuted feed-forward PIPD, controlling a real SMA actuator. To this end, a set of five tests has been defined, in which the controlled actuator must follow a series of position references. From these tests, the position and error of the actuator have been plotted, and a series of metrics has been computed to have quantitative measurements of the performance of the three controllers. It is shown that, in most of the experiments, the BPID has a better performance than the other two tested controllers, especially tracking step references. However, the power consumption is slightly higher when the actuator is controlled with this strategy, although-the difference is minimal. Also, the BPID imposes greater energy variations to the SMA actuator, which might affect its service life. Overall, the BPID controller has proved to be a viable alternative to control SMA actuators.The research leading to these results has received funding from the STAMAS (Smart technology for artificial muscle applications in space) project, funded by the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for Research (FP7) (grant number 312815), and from the RoboHealth (DPI2013-47944-C4-3-R) Spanish research project

    Gene discovery for facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy by machine learning techniques

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    Facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy (FSHD) is a neuromuscular disorder that shows a preference for the facial, shoulder and upper arm muscles. FSHD affects about one in 20-400,000 people, and no effective therapeutic strategies are known to halt disease progression or reverse muscle weakness or atrophy. Many genes may be incorrectly regulated in affected muscle tissue, but the mechanisms responsible for the progressive muscle weakness remain largely unknown. Although machine learning (ML) has made significant inroads in biomedical disciplines such as cancer research, no reports have yet addressed FSHD analysis using ML techniques. This study explores a specific FSHD data set from a ML perspective. We report results showing a very promising small group of genes that clearly separates FSHD samples from healthy samples. In addition to numerical prediction figures, we show data visualizations and biological evidence illustrating the potential usefulness of these results.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Evaluación del Entorno de Aprendizaje Clínico con la versión española de la escala CLES+T: el antes y el después de la Declaración de Bolonia

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    En esencia la enfermería es una profesión basada en la práctica, y consecuentemente, la formación durante las prácticas clínicas de las y los estudiantes, resultan un componente esencial del curriculum de pregrado en el conjunto de países vinculados al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior. La firma de la Declaración de Bolonia, supuso para los países europeos la implicación en la restructuración del sistema educativo, la adecuación de los programas educativos a la legislación comunitaria, y la promoción de la movilidad de discentes y de docentes entre los mismos. Acontecidos los principales cambios y desarrollados e implantados los programas de pregrado, nos hemos propuesto en este trabajo determinar cómo evalúan los estudiantes del grado en Enfermería de la Universidad de Alicante el entorno de aprendizaje clínico hospitalario, y comparar estos resultados con las evaluaciones emitidas por las/los anteriores estudiantes de la diplomatura. Para tal fin se realiza un estudio transversal en el que se utiliza como instrumento la versión española de la escala CLES+T (Clinical Learning Environment, Supervision and Nurse Teacher)