152 research outputs found

    Comparación de la efectividad de antibióticos genéricos de penicilina G benzatinica in vitro contra dos cepas de Staphylococcus aureus

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    Los medicamentos genéricos conllevan dudas acerca de su efectividad entre pacientes y profesionales. Se adquirieron los antibiótico penicilina benzatinica de 1,200,000 U de patentes y genéricos disponibles en el mercado, se evaluó su efectividad contra Staphylococcus aureus subsp. aureus (ATCC® 10832™) y Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC® 29213™) mediante el método de dilución en pozo. Resultados: No hubo diferencia entre el crecimiento de las dos cepas de S. aureus, pero si se encontró (p <0.05) entre las cepas expuestas a los cinco antibióticos. El antibiótico genérico Bencilpenicilina/procaína, Benzatina Bencilpenicilina (laboratorio AMSA) fue el que causó mayor inhibición del crecimiento de las dos cepas de S. aureus. Los costos de los medicamentos genéricos fueron hasta un 90 % menores comparado con el medicamento de patente Bencetazil combinado® (laboratorio Sandoz GmbH-TechOps)

    Dependencia social y económica del adulto mayor residente del municipio de Metepec, Estado de México

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    Articulo cientificoEs un artículo de investigación relacionado con los problemas más importantes en la etapa de adulto mayor es la pérdida de las capacidades funcionales, y dicha condición puede llevar a diversas implicaciones tanto de tipo económico como social

    Molecular Identification of Mycobacterium Species of Public Health and Veterinary Importance from Cattle in the South State of México

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    Mycobacterium genus causes a variety of zoonotic diseases. The best known example is the zoonotic tuberculosis due to M. bovis. Much less is known about “nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM),” which are also associated with infections in humans. The Mexican standard NOM-ZOO-031-1995 regulates the presence of M. bovis in cattle; however, no regulation exists for the NTM species. The objective of this study was to isolate and identify nontuberculous mycobacteria species from cattle of local herds in the south region of the State of Mexico through the identification and detection of the 100 bp molecular marker in the 23S rRNA gene with subsequent sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene.Milk samples (35) and nasal exudate samples (68) were collected. From the 108 strains isolated, 39 were selected for identification. Thirteen strains isolated from nasal exudates amplified the 100 bp molecular marker and were identified as M. neoaurum (six strains), M. parafortuitum (four strains), M. moriokaense (two strains), and M. confluentis (one strain). Except M. parafortuitum, the other species identified are of public health and veterinary concern because they are pathogenic to humans, especially those with underlying medical conditions

    Atypical Klebsiella Species in a Third Level Hospital as Cause of Neonatal Infection

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    Aportamos una propuesta para analizar la agresividad de un patógeno en relación a la resistencia y sensibilidad antimicrobianas encontradas.Background: The opportunistic pathogen Klebsiella pneumoniae is one of the main causes of pediatric bacterial blood stream infections (BSI), which is complicated with sepsis and high mortality. Objectives: To identify atypical Klebsiella species affecting a sample of infected neonates with low antimicrobial response. Methods: Multidrug resistant blood cultures for Klebsiella from a Neonatal Service, were submitted to molecular identification by sequencing analysis of 16S ribosomal RNA. Results: Themean age of the newborns was 14.7±5.6 days. A total of 6 out of 8 cases were sepsis, 1 case of pneumonia, and 1 a catheterrelated infection. The molecular identification showed 3 cases of K. pneumoniae subsp. ozaenae, 2 of K. pneumoniae and K. variicola, and 1 case of K. oxytoca. The highest antimicrobial resistance was against cephalosporins and Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole. Conclusions: Klebsiella pneumoniae subsp. ozaenae was responsible for multidrug resistant strains of Klebsiella even in 37.5% of cases. In our clinical setting, the use of Amikacin and carbapenems are still useful to treat neonatal infections by Klebsiella even against K. variicola, which is the most resistantCiprés Grupo Médico S.C. (CGM)

    Un viaje al Cosmos en 52 semanas

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    230 p.Este libro se plantea como una serie de artículos que dibujan un recorrido por el Universo, desde lo más cercano a lo más distante. Constituye una herramienta útil y actualizada para los interesados en la astronomía, y combina el conocimiento básico con los resultados científicos más novedosos. La astrofísica constituye una ciencia viva y en permanente avance por ello nos encontramos con un Plutón que ya no es considerado planeta; con nuevos datos sobre la posible presencia de agua en Marte; con géiseres en Encelado, un pequeño satélite de Saturno que se creía geológicamente inactivo; con una miríada de nuevos planetas girando alrededor de otras estrellas; con, quizá, un nuevo tipo de agujero negro y fascinantes resultados sobre las explosiones cortas de rayos gamma, uno de los eventos más energéticos del Universo y, hasta hace poco, también uno de los más desconocidos; con la mision COROT, y otras, como BepiColombo, que ya se encuentran en su fase de desarrollo instrumental.Peer reviewe

    Long runs of homozygosity are associated with Alzheimer's disease

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    Altres ajuts: The Genome Research at Fundació ACE project (GR@ACE) is supported by Fundación bancaria "La Caixa," Grifols SA and Fundació ACE. L.M.R. is supported by Consejería de Salud de la Junta de Andalucía (Grant PI-0001/2017).Long runs of homozygosity (ROH) are contiguous stretches of homozygous genotypes, which are a footprint of inbreeding and recessive inheritance. The presence of recessive loci is suggested for Alzheimer's disease (AD); however, their search has been poorly assessed to date. To investigate homozygosity in AD, here we performed a fine-scale ROH analysis using 10 independent cohorts of European ancestry (11,919 AD cases and 9181 controls.) We detected an increase of homozygosity in AD cases compared to controls [ β (CI 95%) = 0.070 (0.037-0.104); P = 3.91 × 10 −5 ; β (CI95%) = 0.043 (0.009-0.076); P = 0.013]. ROHs increasing the risk of AD (OR > 1) were significantly overrepresented compared to ROHs increasing protection (p < 2.20 × 10 −16). A significant ROH association with AD risk was detected upstream the HS3ST1 locus (chr4:11,189,482‒11,305,456), (β (CI 95%) = 1.09 (0.48 ‒ 1.48), p value = 9.03 × 10 −4), previously related to AD. Next, to search for recessive candidate variants in ROHs, we constructed a homozygosity map of inbred AD cases extracted from an outbred population and explored ROH regions in whole-exome sequencing data (N = 1449). We detected a candidate marker, rs117458494, mapped in the SPON1 locus, which has been previously associated with amyloid metabolism. Here, we provide a research framework to look for recessive variants in AD using outbred populations. Our results showed that AD cases have enriched homozygosity, suggesting that recessive effects may explain a proportion of AD heritability

    Toenail zinc as a biomarker: Relationship with sources of environmental exposure and with genetic variability in MCC-Spain study

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    Background: Toenails are commonly used as biomarkers of exposure to zinc (Zn), but there is scarce information about their relationship with sources of exposure to Zn. Objectives: To investigate the main determinants of toenail Zn, including selected sources of environmental exposure to Zn and individual genetic variability in Zn metabolism. Methods: We determined toenail Zn by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry in 3,448 general popu-lation controls from the MultiCase-Control study MCC-Spain. We assessed dietary and supplement Zn intake using food frequency questionnaires, residential proximity to Zn-emitting industries and residential topsoil Zn levels through interpolation methods. We constructed a polygenic score of genetic variability based on 81 single nucleotide polymorphisms in genes involved in Zn metabolism. Geometric mean ratios of toenail Zn across categories of each determinant were estimated from multivariate linear regression models on log-transformed toenail Zn. Results: Geometric mean toenail Zn was 104.1 mu g/g in men and 100.3 mu g/g in women. Geometric mean toenail Zn levels were 7 % lower (95 % confidence interval 1-13 %) in men older than 69 years and those in the upper tertile of fibre intake, and 9 % higher (3-16 %) in smoking men. Women residing within 3 km from Zn-emitting industries had 4 % higher geometric mean toenail Zn levels (0-9 %). Dietary Zn intake and polygenic score were unrelated to toenail Zn. Overall, the available determinants only explained 9.3 % of toenail Zn variability in men and 4.8 % in women. Discussion: Sociodemographic factors, lifestyle, diet, and environmental exposure explained little of the indi-vidual variability of toenail Zn in the study population. The available genetic variants related to Zn metabolism were not associated with toenail Zn

    Repli-Fósil-3D: Aplicación técnicas de replicación 3D para la mejora de las colecciones utilizadas en la docencia práctica del área de Paleontología

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    En este proyecto se ha pretendido perfeccionar la docencia práctica de las asignaturas del ámbito de la Paleontología y de las actividades divulgativas impartidas por el departamento de Estratigrafía y Paleontología, y por lo tanto mejorar el grado de aprendizaje del alumnado, mediante el uso de modelos y réplicas impresas en 3D de diferentes grupos fósiles que, por diversos motivos (escasez de muestras en nuestros laboratorios, tamaño o fragilidad), no pueden ser correctamente observados y/o manipulados por el alumnado. Esto ha permitido al profesorado del área de Paleontología adaptar las prácticas docentes y actividades divulgativas a los requerimientos de la sociedad y universidad actuales.The aim of this project has been to improve the practical teaching of subjects in the field of Paleontology and in other dissemination activities carried out by the Department of Stratigraphy and Paleontology, in order to enhance the student learning. To do so, this project printed 3D models and replicas of different fossil groups which, for various reasons (scarcity of samples in our laboratories, size or fragility), cannot be correctly observed and/or manipulated by students. This has allowed the teaching staff of the Paleontology area to adapt their teaching practices and dissemination activities to the requirements of today's society and university