1,852 research outputs found

    Money Demand Accommodation: Impact on Macro-Dynamics and Policy Consequences

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    In this paper we account for the U.S. Fed's response to money demand shocks by allowing for less-than-complete accommodation in the estimation of its money supply policy rule. We estimate a significantly lower degree of money accommodation in the 1979-1982 period than before and after. We identify the path of money demand and money supply shocks and show their effects on the money market, output and inflation. Both money demand and money supply shocks have been considerably less destabilizing since 1984. We also find that monetary policy was significantly pro-cyclical in the 70s. Additionally, the price puzzle disappears for two of the three subperiods considered in the study.Money demand shocks, money demand accommodation, monetary policy procedures, macroeconomic dynamics

    ¿Cómo mejorar la educación del alumnado con autismo?: Una propuesta desde el sistema escolar sevillano

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es aportar algunas propuestas acerca de cómo organizar la actuación educativa dirigida a los alumnos con trastorno del espectro autista (TEA) y facilitar su inclusión en contextos educativos ordinarios. Tales sugerencias se derivan de una investigación en la que los autores han participado y que tenía por objetivo determinar las principales necesidades educativas de los escolares con TEA censados en la ciudad de Sevilla (España), así como valorar la situación actual de la atención suministrada a esta población en el seno del sistema educativo. Las recomendaciones que se hacen se agrupan en cuatro bloques: a) propuestas relacionadas con la detección y el diagnóstico, b) propuestas para reforzar la inclusión, c) propuestas acerca de recursos que han de ser reforzados y d) propuestas específicas para los Institutos de Educación SecundariaThe aim of this paper is to provide some recommendations about the education of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and their inclusion. These recommendations arise from a study in which the authors took part, with the objective of determining the main educational needs of the pupils with ASD in the city of Sevilla (Spain)and assessing the present educational provision to this population. Recommendations are grouped in four blocks: a) those related to detection and diagnosis, b) proposals to reinforce inclusion, c) recommendations for the increase of certain resources, and d) specific proposals for Secondary Education

    Do Spanish parents prefer special schools for their children with autism?

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    The social and communication difficulties of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) pose a special challenge to educational inclusion. Previous research has suggested that, because of this, parents of children with ASD might be less favorable to educating their children in inclusive settings. In this study, 60 parents of children with ASD in the city of Seville (Spain) were interviewed about their perception of educational provision. Parents were from three different groups, according to the children’s educational placement: mainstream non-segregated settings (regular schools and sharing time with other children without disabilities), mainstream segregated settings (special classes in regular schools) and special schools. These contexts differ in teacher training, resources and contact with other children in ways that allow a comparison of the relative influence of these variables on parental perception. Overall parental satisfaction was high. However, parents in mainstream segregated settings were less satisfied than those in special schools. There were no differences between the satisfaction of parents with children in mainstream segregated and non-segregated settings. Results seem to indicate that it is resources and teacher training, rather than severity of the disorder, the classroom structure or fear of contact with other children without ASD, that determine positive parental perception

    Characterizations of a Banach Space through the Strong Lacunary and the Lacunary Statistical Summabilities

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    In this manuscript we characterize the completeness of a normed space through the strong lacunary (N-theta) and lacunary statistical convergence (S-theta) of series. A new characterization of weakly unconditionally Cauchy series through N-theta and S-theta is obtained. We also relate the summability spaces associated with these summabilities with the strong p-Cesaro convergence summability space

    Key-Value vs Graph-based data lakes for realizing Digital Twin systems

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    Digital twins constitute virtual representations of physically existing systems, synchronized at a specified frequency and fidelity. One way to connect physical and digital twins is through data lakes, which are efficient storage and query processing systems to manage the data exchanged between the twins. Existing digital twin systems make use of NoSQL or time databases for realizing their data lakes. Although very efficient, these proposals present some limitations for implementing non-trivial queries over highly connected data. In this paper we explore the use of graph databases for implementing data lakes, compare them with similar NoSQL proposals, and discuss the situations where one solution outperforms the other.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Educational provision to students with autism spectrum disorders

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    La investigación describe cómo se realiza la escolarización del alumnado con TEA y sus necesidades educativas. El estudio se lleva a cabo en Sevilla capital con datos a partir de entrevistas a 96 profesores con alumnos con TEA en Educación Primaria y Secundaria. Concretamente, en las entrevistas se recogen datos sobre la escolarización de este alumnado, los apoyos que recibe en el contexto escolar, el grado de coordinación entre los profesionales, el conocimiento del diagnóstico del niño con TEA por parte del profesorado, las modificaciones en el horario escolar realizadas para adaptarse a sus necesidades y otros tipos de adaptaciones llevadas a cabo, desde las curriculares a los programas individualizados. Entre los resultados se obtiene que el 52% del alumnado con TEA detectado acude a centros de educación especial. Esa escolarización en centros especiales aumenta conforme avanza la edad de este alumnado, por lo que de los resultados se extrae la necesidad de realizar un mayor esfuerzo para lograr la inclusión del alumnado con TEA en las etapas educativas superiores. Otros aspectos dignos de mejora en cuanto a la atención educativa del alumnado con TEA, derivados del estudio, hacen referencia al número de horas que reciben de intervención logopédica y de psicomotricidad, la presencia de monitores o educadores, la existencia de una red específica de apoyo al profesorado en la intervención con autismo, la aplicación de adaptaciones curriculares individualizadas que facilite la integración en el grupo y medidas que faciliten la coordinación entre los profesionales implicados.This study describes the educational provision and potential educational needs of pupils with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). Data on educational provision of pupils with ASD in Primary and Secondary education in the city of Seville were collected through 96 interviews with their teachers. The interviews obtained information relative to the pupils' placements, support within the school scope, degree of coordination among staff, teachers' knowledge of the diagnosis in ASD children, timetable adjustments and other adaptations, from curriculum related ones to individualized education plans. Results show that 52% of pupils are in special schools. The placement in special schools increases with age. Therefore, a greater effort for inclusion of pupils in secondary education seems necessary. Other aspects derived from the study that demand improvement, when addressing the educational attention given to ADS students, are the number of hours devoted to speech and motor therapy, the number of teaching assistants, the need for a specific support network for teachers dealing with children with autism, the development of individualized educational plans to lead to the integration of the group and measures to encourage additional collaboration among staff

    La prevalencia de los Trastornos del Espectro Autista (TEA) en la población escolar de la ciudad de Sevilla

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    El preprint está en español y la versión publicada en inglésA preliminary task for the design and development of interventions for differentgroups of people with disabilities is to determine the prevalence rate of the target population to which the interventions are directed. In the case of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), the determination of such a percentage remains a controversial matter; and when combined with educating these people, makes detection, identification and diagnosis of the disorder an important challenge. In this research a study of the prevalence of ASD is presented for the compulsory, school-age population of children in the city of Seville, Spain. The results were analysed as a function of age and gender of the subjects, the schooling type, and the different diagnostic categories that are considered within Autism Spectrum Disorder. These results demonstrate prevalence rates similar to those results recently obtained in other studies carried out both in and outside of Spain.Una tarea previa al diseño y desarrollo de actuaciones destinadas a los diferentes grupos de personas con discapacidad es la determinación de las tasas de prevalencia de la población diana a la que van dirigidas. En el caso de los Trastornos del Espectro Autista (TEA) la determinación de tales tasas no deja de ser un asunto controvertido que hace que al reto de cómo educar a estas personas, se sume el de su detección, identificación y diagnóstico. En este trabajo se presenta un estudio sobre la prevalencia de los TEA entre la población escolarizada en las etapas obligatorias en la ciudad de Sevilla (España). Los resultados son analizados en función del sexo y edad de los sujetos, según el tipo de escolarización y atendiendo a las diferentes categorías diagnósticas que se consideran TEA. Tales resultados arrojan tasas de prevalencia similares a los obtenidos recientemente en otros estudios realizados tanto en nuestro país como fuera de él.European CommissionMinisterio de Trabajo y Asuntos Sociales (España

    Sinfonevada: Dataset of Floristic diversity in Sierra Nevada forests (SE Spain)

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    The Sinfonevada database is a forest inventory that contains information on the forest ecosystem in the Sierra Nevada mountains (SE Spain). The Sinfonevada dataset contains more than 7,500 occurrence records belonging to 270 taxa (24 of these threatened) from floristic inventories of the Sinfonevada Forest inventory. Expert field workers collected the information. The whole dataset underwent a quality control by botanists with broad expertise in Sierra Nevada flora. This floristic inventory was created to gather useful information for the proper management of Pinus plantations in Sierra Nevada. This is the only dataset that shows a comprehensive view of the forest flora in Sierra Nevada. This is the reason why it is being used to assess the biodiversity in the very dense pine plantations on this massif. With this dataset, managers have improved their ability to decide where to apply forest treatments in order to avoid biodiversity loss. The dataset forms part of the Sierra Nevada Global Change Observatory (OBSNEV), a long-term research project designed to compile socio-ecological information on the major ecosystem types in order to identify the impacts of global change in this area.All the information contained in Sinfonevada was gathered by TRAGSA (Transformación Agraria S.A.), a public company funded by the Spanish Ministry of the Environment. The Sierra Nevada Global Change Observatory is funded by the Andalusian Regional Government (via Environmental Protection Agency) and by the Spanish Government (via “Fundación Biodiversidad”, which is a Public Foundation)

    Sierra Nevada Global Change Observatory. Structure and basic data

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    This book shows the structure of the Sierra Nevada Global Change Obsservator