70 research outputs found

    Measuring residents' perceptions of corporate social responsibility at small and medium-sized sports events

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    Due to the increase of sports events in local communities, it has become essential to organize such events in a socially responsible way at the environmental, social, and economic levels. The aim of this research was to develop a measurement tool to help determine the degree of social responsibility perceived by residents at small-medium scale sports events, to guide sports managers towards the design of socially responsible sports events. From the elaboration of a questionnaire developed ad-hoc, the perception of the residents was analyzed (n = 516). The psychometric properties of the tool, composed of 35 items, were analyzed by means of an exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. As main conclusions, we were able to contrast the validity and reliability of the questionnaire on the perception of corporate social responsibility in small-scale sports events, around the dimensions of Sustainable Sports Activity, Social Cohesion, and Well-Being. As a consequence, it allowed us to identify three strategic management areas towards which the organizers of these events should focus special attention if they want to progress towards the achievement of socially responsible sports event

    Bioremediation of Olive Mill Wastewater sediments in evaporation ponds through in situ composting assisted by bioaugmentation

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    The common method for the disposal of olive oil mill wastewater (OMW) has been its accumulation in evaporation ponds where OMW sediments concentrate. Due to the phytotoxic and antimicrobial effect of OMW, leaks from ponds can pollute soils and water bodies. This work focuses on the search for microorganisms that can be used as inocula for bioremediation of polluted matrices in OMW ponds by means of in situ composting. Two fungi isolated from OMW sediments, Aspergillus ochraceus H2 and Scedosporium apiospermum H16, presented suitable capabilities for this use as a consortium. Composting eliminated the phyto- and ecotoxicity of OMW sediments by depleting their main toxic components. Inoculation with the fungal consortium improved the bioremediation efficacy of the technique by hastening the decrease of phytotoxicity and ecotoxicity and enhancing phytostimulant property of compost produced. This procedure constitutes a promising strategy for bioremediation of OMW polluted sites

    In vivo bactericidal efficacy of the Ti6Al4V surface after ultraviolet C treatment

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    FONDO Las infecciones asociadas con biomateriales son una de las complicaciones más importantes en la cirugía ortopédica. El objetivo principal de este estudio fue demostrar el efecto bactericida in vivo de la radiación ultravioleta (UV) en las superficies de Ti6Al4V. MATERIALES Y MÉTODO Se desarrolló un modelo experimental de infecciones relacionadas con dispositivos mediante la inoculación directa de Staphylococcus aureus en el canal de ambos fémures de 34 ratas. Un pin Ti6Al4V irradiado con radiación UV se ajustó a presión en el canal por inserción retrógrada en un fémur y el pin de control se insertó en el fémur contralateral. Para evaluar la eficacia de la radiación UV, se compararon los recuentos medios de colonias después de la inoculación en los sujetos experimentales y el grupo de control en diferentes momentos de sacrificio y en diferentes dosis de inóculo. RESULTADOS A las 72 h, los recuentos medios de colonias después de la inoculación en fémures experimentales fueron significativamente más bajos que los del grupo de control, con un porcentaje de reducción del 76% (p = 0,041). Una diferencia similar entre los pernos de control y experimentales se observó a las 24 h con una dosis de inóculo <104 unidades formadoras de colonias (UFC), para la cual el porcentaje de reducción fue de 70.48% (p = 0.017). CONCLUSIÓN La superficie irradiada de Ti6Al4V puede reducir la colonización bacteriana temprana de los pines de Ti6AlV ubicados en el canal medular y en el fémur circundante. Las reducciones dependen de los inóculos iniciales utilizados para causar la infección en los animales y los mayores efectos se detectan para los inóculos <104 UFC.BACKGROUND Biomaterial-associated infections are one of the most important complications in orthopedic surgery. The main goal of this study was to demonstrate the in vivo bactericidal effect of ultraviolet (UV) irradiation on Ti6Al4V surfaces. MATERIALS AND METHODS An experimental model of device-related infections was developed by direct inoculation of Staphylococcus aureus into the canal of both femurs of 34 rats. A UV-irradiated Ti6Al4V pin was press-fit into the canal by retrograde insertion in one femur and the control pin was inserted into the contralateral femur. To assess the efficacy of UV radiation, the mean colony counts after inoculation in the experimental subjects and the control group were compared at different times of sacrifice and at different inoculum doses. RESULTS At 72 h, the mean colony counts after inoculation in experimental femurs were significantly lower than those of the control group, with a reduction percentage of 76 % (p = 0.041). A similar difference between control and experimental pins was observed at 24 h using an inoculum dose <104 colony-forming units (CFU), for which the reduction percentage was 70.48 % (p = 0.017). CONCLUSION The irradiated surface of Ti6Al4V is able to reduce early bacterial colonization of Ti6AlV pins located in the medullar channel and in the surrounding femur. The reductions depend on the initial inoculums used to cause infection in the animals and the greatest effects are detected for inoculums <104 CFU.• Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. Beca MAT2009-14695-CO4- C01 • Junta de Extremadura. Beca GR10149 • Junta de Extremadura. Beca predoctoral para María Delgado RastrollopeerReviewe

    Microbial communities of the olive mill wastewater sludge stored in evaporation ponds: The resource for sustainable bioremediation

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    Olive Mill Wastewater (OMW) is a polluting residue from the olive oil industry. It is usually stored in open-air unprotected evaporation ponds where their sediments accumulate. This study compares the characteristics of OMW sludges stored for long-time in evaporation ponds and assesses their impact on the underlying soil layer. Physicochemical parameters, toxicity bioassays, and full characterization of the microbial community were analyzed. The extension of the polluting effects was assessed by analysis of toxicity, microbial biomass carbon, and respiration. Geostatistics was used to predict their spatial distribution. Organic matter and polyphenol content besides toxicity levels determine variations between OMW sludges and have a high impact on the microbiota they contain. The microbial community was abundant, diverse, and functionally active. However, the biodegradability of the sludges was hindered by the toxicity levels. Toxicity and biomass carbon were higher on the surface of the ponds than in the soil layer revealing a reduced leach flow and depletion of contaminants. The natural microbiota might be biostimulated by means of applying sustainable and feasible biological treatments in order to favor the OMW sludges bioremediation. These results open up the possibility of solving the environmental concern caused by its storage in similar scenarios, which are common in olive oil-producing countries

    Agenda de investigación: Smart cities y seguridad en Andalucía

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    Este documento forma parte del proyecto de investigación "Tecnología y control social: Fundamentos de la gobernanza democrática de la seguridad en Andalucía" PAIDI 2020-PI00941La gobernanza de la seguridad en las Smart cities supone un gran reto a nivel de diseño, planificación y gestión. El número de investigadores y grupos de investigación andaluces en esta temática es aún escaso, lo que puede dificultar avanzar de manera significativa y lograr un impacto científico y una competitividad y transferencia internacional de conocimiento. Por eso uno de los objetivos de este proyecto era establecer una agenda de investigación que permitiera identificar hacia la comunidad de investigadores aquellos temas de mayor relevancia con vistas a focalizar los recursos y generar sinergias entre ellos. Además, el futuro próximo de la gestión de la seguridad en las Smart cities requerirá, sin lugar a dudas, un trabajo multidisciplinar que aglutine a investigadores de diferentes campos, así como a la industria y al sector público, lo que debería favorecer que se lancen iniciativas coherentes y se establezcan líneas de investigación sólidas.Proyecto cofinanciado en un 80% por la Unión Europea, en el marco del Programa Operativo FEDER Andalucía 2014-2020 «Crecimiento inteligente: una economía basada en el conocimiento y la innovación». Proyecto financiado por la Consejería de Transformación Económica, Industria, Conocimiento y Universidades. Código P20-00941Informe de 8 páginas fruto de un taller realizado el 6 de marzo de 202

    Examining the immune signatures of SARS-CoV-2 infection in pregnancy and the impact on neurodevelopment: Protocol of the SIGNATURE longitudinal study.

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    The COVID-19 pandemic represents a valuable opportunity to carry out cohort studies that allow us to advance our knowledge on pathophysiological mechanisms of neuropsychiatric diseases. One of these opportunities is the study of the relationships between inflammation, brain development and an increased risk of suffering neuropsychiatric disorders. Based on the hypothesis that neuroinflammation during early stages of life is associated with neurodevelopmental disorders and confers a greater risk of developing neuropsychiatric disorders, we propose a cohort study of SARS-CoV-2-infected pregnant women and their newborns. The main objective of SIGNATURE project is to explore how the presence of prenatal SARS-CoV-2 infection and other non-infectious stressors generates an abnormal inflammatory activity in the newborn. The cohort of women during the COVID-19 pandemic will be psychological and biological monitored during their pregnancy, delivery, childbirth and postpartum. The biological information of the umbilical cord (foetus blood) and peripheral blood from the mother will be obtained after childbirth. These samples and the clinical characterisation of the cohort of mothers and newborns, are tremendously valuable at this time. This is a protocol report and no analyses have been conducted yet, being currently at, our study is in the recruitment process step. At the time of this publication, we have identified 1,060 SARS-CoV-2 infected mothers and all have already given birth. From the total of identified mothers, we have recruited 537 SARS-COV-2 infected women and all of them have completed the mental health assessment during pregnancy. We have collected biological samples from 119 mothers and babies. Additionally, we have recruited 390 non-infected pregnant women

    PDGF-BB serum levels are decreased in adult onset Pompe patients

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    Adult onset Pompe disease is a genetic disorder characterized by slowly progressive skeletal and respiratory muscle weakness. Symptomatic patients are treated with enzymatic replacement therapy with human recombinant alfa glucosidase. Motor functional tests and spirometry are commonly used to follow patients up. However, a serological biomarker that correlates with the progression of the disease could improve follow-up. We studied serum concentrations of TGFβ, PDGF-BB, PDGF-AA and CTGF growth factors in 37 adult onset Pompe patients and 45 controls. Moreover, all patients performed several muscle function tests, conventional spirometry, and quantitative muscle MRI using 3-point Dixon. We observed a statistically significant change in the serum concentration of each growth factor in patients compared to controls. However, only PDGF-BB levels were able to differentiate between asymptomatic and symptomatic patients, suggesting its potential role in the follow-up of asymptomatic patients. Moreover, our results point to a dysregulation of muscle regeneration as an additional pathomechanism of Pompe disease

    Adquisición de competencias profesionales en los estudiantes del Grado de Trabajo Social. La argumentación y elaboración en el diagnóstico social a través de diferentes instrumentos

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    Se presentan los resultados obtenidos en el Proyecto Nº 21 Adquisición de competencias profesionales en los estudiantes del Grado de Trabajo Social. La argumentación y elaboración en el diagnóstico social a través de diferentes instrumentos, acerca de reforzar la argumentación en el alumnado del Grado de Trabajo Social a través de instrumentos, que refuercen su aprendizaje en la elaboración del diagnóstico social, donde se visualiza la calidad y eficacia de la intervención profesional

    Clonal chromosomal mosaicism and loss of chromosome Y in elderly men increase vulnerability for SARS-CoV-2

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    The pandemic caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19) had an estimated overall case fatality ratio of 1.38% (pre-vaccination), being 53% higher in males and increasing exponentially with age. Among 9578 individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 in the SCOURGE study, we found 133 cases (1.42%) with detectable clonal mosaicism for chromosome alterations (mCA) and 226 males (5.08%) with acquired loss of chromosome Y (LOY). Individuals with clonal mosaic events (mCA and/or LOY) showed a 54% increase in the risk of COVID-19 lethality. LOY is associated with transcriptomic biomarkers of immune dysfunction, pro-coagulation activity and cardiovascular risk. Interferon-induced genes involved in the initial immune response to SARS-CoV-2 are also down-regulated in LOY. Thus, mCA and LOY underlie at least part of the sex-biased severity and mortality of COVID-19 in aging patients. Given its potential therapeutic and prognostic relevance, evaluation of clonal mosaicism should be implemented as biomarker of COVID-19 severity in elderly people. Among 9578 individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 in the SCOURGE study, individuals with clonal mosaic events (clonal mosaicism for chromosome alterations and/or loss of chromosome Y) showed an increased risk of COVID-19 lethality