17,775 research outputs found

    Far-infrared photometric observations of the outer planets and satellites with Herschel-PACS

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    We present all Herschel PACS photometer observations of Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Callisto, Ganymede, and Titan. All measurements were carefully inspected for quality problems, were reduced in a (semi-)standard way, and were calibrated. The derived flux densities are tied to the standard PACS photometer response calibration, which is based on repeated measurements of five fiducial stars. The overall absolute flux uncertainty is dominated by the estimated 5% model uncertainty of the stellar models in the PACS wavelength range between 60 and 210 micron. A comparison with the corresponding planet and satellite models shows excellent agreement for Uranus, Neptune, and Titan, well within the specified 5%. Callisto is brighter than our model predictions by about 4-8%, Ganymede by about 14-21%. We discuss possible reasons for the model offsets. The measurements of these very bright point-like sources, together with observations of stars and asteroids, show the high reliability of the PACS photometer observations and the linear behavior of the PACS bolometer source fluxes over more than four orders of magnitude (from mJy levels up to more than 1000 Jy). Our results show the great potential of using the observed solar system targets for cross-calibration purposes with other ground-based, airborne, and space-based instruments and projects. At the same time, the PACS results will lead to improved model solutions for future calibration applications.Comment: 25 pages, 11 figures, 11 table

    Enhancing Transport Efficiency by Hybrid Routing Strategy

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    Traffic is essential for many dynamic processes on real networks, such as internet and urban traffic systems. The transport efficiency of the traffic system can be improved by taking full advantage of the resources in the system. In this paper, we propose a dual-strategy routing model for network traffic system, to realize the plenary utility of the whole network. The packets are delivered according to different "efficient routing strategies" [Yan, et al, Phys. Rev. E 73, 046108 (2006)]. We introduce the accumulate rate of packets, {\eta} to measure the performance of traffic system in the congested phase, and propose the so-called equivalent generation rate of packet to analyze the jamming processes. From analytical and numerical results, we find that, for suitable selection of strategies, the dual- strategy system performs better than the single-strategy system in a broad region of strategy mixing ratio. The analytical solution to the jamming processes is verified by estimating the number of jammed nodes, which coincides well with the result from simulation.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Entanglement in bipartite quantum systems: Euclidean volume ratios and detectability by Bell inequalities

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    Euclidean volume ratios between quantum states with positive partial transpose and all quantum states in bipartite systems are investigated. These ratios allow a quantitative exploration of the typicality of entanglement and of its detectability by Bell inequalities. For this purpose a new numerical approach is developed. It is based on the Peres-Horodecki criterion, on a characterization of the convex set of quantum states by inequalities resulting from Newton identities and from Descartes' rule of signs, and on a numerical approach involving the multiphase Monte Carlo method and the hit-and-run algorithm. This approach confirms not only recent analytical and numerical results on two-qubit, qubit--qutrit, and qubit--four-level qudit states but also allows for a numerically reliable numerical treatment of so far unexplored qutrit--qutrit states. Based on this numerical approach with the help of the Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt inequality and the Collins-Gisin inequality the degree of detectability of entanglement is investigated for two-qubit quantum states. It is investigated quantitatively to which extent a combined test of both Bell inequalities can increase the detectability of entanglement beyond what is achievable by each of these inequalities separately.Comment: 29 pages, 4 figure

    Factores internos y externos que afectan el rendimiento académico del agente policial en formación

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    Se realizó un estudio con alumnos del Instituto Superior Policial, para examinar sus contextos académico y familiar, sus percepciones acerca del apoyo que les brinda su familia, los problemas que enfrentan en su proceso académico, las expectativas propias y las familiares hacia su carrera.Los datos muestran que existe relación entre el apoyo que los estudiantes perciben y su desempeño académico, así como la importancia que tiene incluir a la familia, para promover y elevar el rendimiento académico. Conocer los factores internos y externos intervinientes en el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes es de vital importancia, para mejorar el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje y la calidad de enseñanza. Esta investigación busca identificar los posibles factores que intervienen en el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes del Instituto Superior Policial. El estudio pretende determinar cuáles son los factores que están afectándole directamente a los estudiantes de este Centro de Formación. Con este estudio se pretende poder mejorar la calidad enseñanza y las infraestructuras del Instituto Superior Policial tomando como base las normas legales que rigen este instituto

    Behaviors of susceptible-infected epidemics on scale-free networks with identical infectivity

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    In this article, we proposed a susceptible-infected model with identical infectivity, in which, at every time step, each node can only contact a constant number of neighbors. We implemented this model on scale-free networks, and found that the infected population grows in an exponential form with the time scale proportional to the spreading rate. Further more, by numerical simulation, we demonstrated that the targeted immunization of the present model is much less efficient than that of the standard susceptible-infected model. Finally, we investigated a fast spreading strategy when only local information is available. Different from the extensively studied path finding strategy, the strategy preferring small-degree nodes is more efficient than that preferring large-degree nodes. Our results indicate the existence of an essential relationship between network traffic and network epidemic on scale-free networks.Comment: 5 figures and 7 page

    R-symmetry and Supersymmetry Breaking at Finite Temperature

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    We analyze the spontaneous U(1)RU(1)_R symmetry breaking at finite temperature for the simple O'Raifeartaigh-type model introduced in [1] in connection with spontaneous supersymmetry breaking. We calculate the finite temperature effective potential (free energy) to one loop order and study the thermal evolution of the model. We find that the R-symmetry breaking occurs through a second order phase transition. Its associated meta-stable supersymmetry breaking vacuum is thermodynamically favored at high temperatures and the model remains trapped in this state by a potential barrier, as the temperature lowers all the way until T=0.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figures - Minor revisions, references added. To appear in JHE

    Magnetism and unconventional superconductivity in Cen_nMm_mIn3n+2m_{3n+2m} heavy-fermion crystals

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    We review magnetic, superconducting and non-Fermi-liquid properties of the structurally layered heavy-fermion compounds Cen_nMm_mIn3n+2m_{3n+2m} (M=Co, Rh, Ir). These properties suggest d-wave superconductivity and proximity to an antiferromagetic quantum-critical point.Comment: submitted 23rd International Conference on Low Temperature Physics (LT-23), Aug. 200

    One-loop effects in a self-dual planar noncommutative theory

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    We study the UV properties, and derive the explicit form of the one-loop effective action, for a noncommutative complex scalar field theory in 2+1 dimensions with a Grosse-Wulkenhaar term, at the self-dual point. We also consider quantum effects around non-trivial minima of the classical action which appear when the potential allows for the spontaneous breaking of the U(1) symmetry. For those solutions, we show that the one-loop correction to the vacuum energy is a function of a special combination of the amplitude of the classical solution and the coupling constant.Comment: Version to appear in JHE

    Measurement of the Surface Gravity of η\eta Boo

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    Direct angular size measurements of the G0IV subgiant η\eta Boo from the Palomar Testbed Interferometer are presented, with limb-darkened angular size of θLD=2.18940.0140+0.0055\theta_{LD}= 2.1894^{+0.0055}_{-0.0140} mas, which indicate a linear radius of R=2.672±0.028RR=2.672 \pm 0.028 R_\odot. A bolometric flux estimate of FBOL=22.1±0.28×107F_{BOL} = 22.1 \pm 0.28\times 10^{-7} erg cm2^{-2}s1^{-1} is computed, which indicates an effective temperature of TEFF=6100±28T_{EFF}=6100 \pm 28 K and luminosity of L=8.89±0.16LL = 8.89 \pm 0.16 L_\odot for this object. Similar data are established for a check star, HD 121860. The η\eta Boo results are compared to, and confirm, similar parameters established by the {\it MOST} asteroseismology satellite. In conjunction with the mass estimate from the {\it MOST} investigation, a surface gravity of logg=3.817±0.016\log g=3.817 \pm 0.016 [cm s2^{-2}] is established for η\eta Boo.Comment: To appear in March 1, 2007 ApJ v657 n