3,795 research outputs found


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    In this paper we show the importance of cost asymmetry and demand curvature in the effect of a uniform output subsidy policy in an economic union. We consider an economic union formed by two countries each with a single firm producing a homogeneous good. We find that when firms have different cost, the optimal level of the uniform subsidy can be negative if the demand is concave enough. The low cost firm expands its market share if the demand function is sufficiently convex whereas in the case of a concave demand function it is the higher cost firm which gains market share. This implies that a uniform output subsidy policy may cause a change in production e¢ciency. Finally, we consider how a divergence between private and social costs of public funds may a¤ect the desirability of such a subsidy policy.Uniform output subsidy policy, economic union, social welfare, cost differences

    Monitoring Activities with Lower-Limb Exoskeletons

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    What does not kill you makes you stronger: surviving anti-cancer therapies by cytoskeletal remodeling and Myosin II reactivation.

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    Myosin II and its regulator Rho-associated coiled-coil containing protein kinase (ROCK) are essential for cell invasion and metastatic dissemination. Our recent findings show that this molecular machinery is also involved in drug resistance in melanoma by playing a dual role: protection of tumor cells from reactive oxygen species (ROS) and DNA damage (intrinsic), and co-option of myeloid and lymphoid populations to establish immunosuppression (extrinsic).post-print1758 K

    Resonance energy transfer and superradiance mediated by plasmonic nanowaveguides

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    We show how both the subwavelength confinement associated with surface plasmons and the one-dimensional character of plasmonic waveguides can be exploited to enhance the coupling between quantum emitters. Resonance energy transfer and the phenomenon of superradiance are investigated in three different waveguiding schemes (wires, wedges, and channels) by means of the Finite Element Method. We also develop a simplified model that is able to capture the main features of the numerical results. © 2010 American Chemical Societ

    Mechanisms for AAA and QoS Interaction

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    Proceedings of Third IEEE Workshop on Applications and Services in Wireless Networks, ASWN 2003. Bern, Switzerland, July 2-4, 2003.The interaction between Authentication, Authorization and Accounting (AAA) systems and the Quality of Service (QoS) infrastructure is to become a must in the near future. This interaction will allow rich control and management of both users and networks. DIAMETER and DiffServ are likely to turn into the future standards in AAA and QoS systems, but they are not designed to interact with each other. To face this, we propose a new Diameter-Diffserv interaction model and describe the Application Specific Module (ASM) implemented to allow this interaction. The ASM has been implemented and tested in a complete AAA-QoS IPv6 scenario

    Towards a clinical staging for bipolar disorder: defining patient subtypes based on functional outcome.

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    BACKGROUND: The functional outcome of Bipolar Disorder (BD) is highly variable. This variability has been attributed to multiple demographic, clinical and cognitive factors. The critical next step is to identify combinations of predictors that can be used to specify prognostic subtypes, thus providing a basis for a staging classification in BD. METHODS: Latent Class Analysis was applied to multiple predictors of functional outcome in a sample of 106 remitted adults with BD. RESULTS: We identified two subtypes of patients presenting "good" (n=50; 47.6%) and "poor" (n=56; 52.4%) outcome. Episode density, level of residual depressive symptoms, estimated verbal intelligence and inhibitory control emerged as the most significant predictors of subtype membership at the p<0.05 level. Their odds ratio (OR) and confidence interval (CI) with reference to the "good" outcome group were: episode density (OR=4.622, CI 1.592-13.418), level of residual depressive symptoms (OR=1.543, CI 1.210-1.969), estimated verbal intelligence (OR=0.969; CI 0.945-0.995), and inhibitory control (OR=0.771, CI 0.656-0.907). Age, age of onset and duration of illness were comparable between prognostic groups. LIMITATIONS: The longitudinal stability or evolution of the subtypes was not tested. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings provide the first empirically derived staging classification of BD based on two underlying dimensions, one for illness severity and another for cognitive function. This approach can be further developed by expanding the dimensions included and testing the reproducibility and prospective prognostic value of the emerging classes. Developing a disease staging system for BD will allow individualised treatment planning for patients and selection of more homogeneous patient groups for research purposes

    La lección de Parménides y el trabajo social. Sobre la rentabilidad intelectual de los dominios menores

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    Este trabajo reconstruye los efectos de Mayo del 68 en el trabajo social en Francia. Su objetivo es realizar un estudio de caso acerca de la relación de los intelectuales con los entornos políticos y con los ámbitos profesionales. Para ello, y apoyándose en un trabajo sobre archivos (que incluye todas las publicaciones de trabajo social en la época) y en entrevistas (con algunos de los profesionales y de los intelectuales más destacados), se reconstruye el contexto profesional, posteriormente el intelectual y, finalmente, las trayectorias de algunos de los principales agentes. El artículo concluye mostrando los efectos paradójicos del acontecimiento en la reflexión intelectual sobre el trabajo social. Por un lado, sirvió para cristalizar un conflicto acerca del tipo de «intelectual crítico» en Francia. Por otro lado, permitió la conversión del trabajo social (disciplina poco legítima) en lugar de inversión de energías intelectuales

    Plasticity coupled with thermo-electric fields: Thermodynamics framework and finite element method computations

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    [EN] A consistent thermodynamic-based theoretical framework and three-dimensional finite element formulation is pre- sented, capable of coupling elastic, thermal and electric fields. The complete set of governing equations are obtained from conservation principles for electric charge, energy and momentum. The second principle of thermodynamics is taken into account to introduce the irreversible phenomena, such as plastic dissipation or Joule heating. The constitu- tive relations are derived consistently from the Helmholtz free-energy potential for each corresponding dual variable in terms of the defined set of state variables. We consider the case of linear isotropic hardening model for plasticity, and provide the consistent form of the tangent thermo-electro-elastoplastic modulus through dual variable computa- tions. The latter plays the crucial role in ensuring fast convergence properties of the finite element computations with the proposed coupled plasticity model. The implementation is carried out in a research version of the well-known computer code FEAP. Several numerical simulations are presented in order to illustrate the proposed model and for- mulation capabilities for providing an enhanced formulation of an important practical application in terms of Peltier cells.This work was supported jointly by Haut-de-France Region (CR Picardie) (120-2015-RDISTRUCT-000010 and RDISTRUCT-000010) and EU funding (FEDER) for Chaire-de-Mecanique-Numerique (contract Ref. 120-2015-RDISTRUCTF-000010 and RDISTRUCTI-000004). This support is gratefully acknowledged.Moreno-Navarro, P.; Ibrahimbegovic, A.; Pérez-Aparicio, JL. (2017). Plasticity coupled with thermo-electric fields: Thermodynamics framework and finite element method computations. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 315:50-72. doi:10.1016/j.cma.2016.10.038S507231

    Linear elastic mechanical system interacting with coupled thermo-electro-magnetic fields

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    [EN] A fully-coupled thermodynamic-based transient finite element formulation is proposed in this article for electric, magnetic, thermal and mechanic fields interactions limited to the linear case. The governing equations are obtained from conservation principles for both electric and magnetic flux, momentum and energy. A full-interaction among different fields is defined through Helmholtz free-energy potential, which provides that the constitutive equations for corresponding dual variables can be derived consistently. Although the behavior of the material is linear, the coupled interactions with the other fields are not considered limited to the linear case. The implementation is carried out in a research version of the research computer code FEAP by using 8-node isoparametric 3D solid elements. A range of numerical examples are run with the proposed element, from the relatively simple cases of piezoelectric, piezomagnetic, thermoelastic to more complicated combined coupled cases such as piezo-pyro-electric, or piezo-electro-magnetic. In this paper, some of those interactions are illustrated and discussed for a simple geometry.This work was supported jointly by Hauts-de-France Region (CR Picardie) (120-2015-RDISTRUCT-000010 and RDISTRUCT-000010) and EU funding (FEDER) for Chaire-de-Mecanique (120-2015-RDISTRUCTF-000010 and RDISTRUCTI-000004). Also, by the grant Ministerio de Educacion, Cultura y Deporte PRX16/00501. This support is gratefully acknowledged.Moreno-Navarro, P.; Ibrahimbegovich, A.; Pérez-Aparicio, JL. (2018). Linear elastic mechanical system interacting with coupled thermo-electro-magnetic fields. Coupled Systems Mechanics, an international journal (Online). 7(1):5-25. https://doi.org/10.12989/csm.2018.7.1.005S5257