3,016 research outputs found

    Analysis and optimization of a debug post-silicon hardware architecture

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    The goal of this thesis is to analyze the post-silicon validation hardware infrastructure implemented on multicore systems taking as an example Esperanto Technologies SoC, which has thousands of RISC-V processors and targets specific software applications. Then, based on the conclusions of the analysis, the project proposes a new post-silicon debug architecture that can fit on any System on-Chip without depending on its target application or complexity and that optimizes the options available on the market for multicore systems

    Topology control mechanisms in manets

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    Organizational innovation and information and communications technology (ict): strategic, administrative and quality innovation in higher

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    The objective of this study is to determine the mediating effect of strategic innovation, administrative innovation and quality innovation between Information and Communications Technology (ICT) and organizational innovation. Using a cross-sectional design, with a sample of 32 institutions of higher education in Mexico through its medium level managers and administrative staff perception. Using statistical technique of structural equation modeling (SEM) and relying on the resource based view we found suppor for the hypotheses. The results confirm the mediating effect of strategic innovation administrative innovation and innovation quality between ICT and organizational innovation. This study provides empirical evidence to manage the organizational innovation taking into account involved and mediating variables in the relationship

    Integral Formation for the Engineering for Peace from a Systemic and Interdisciplinary Perspective

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    Purpose: the Electrical Engineering Department at the University of South Florida (USF), the Ibero-American Science & Technology Education Consortium (ISTEC) and the Complex Systems and Education (SCED), under the R&D ISTEC initiative, have developed a comprehensive electrical engineer formation model based on the Adaptive Complex Systems approach that responds to the challenges of the contemporary society (presented at WEEF 2012). The purpose of this paper is to show an application reference of the model in the development of ethical competences in the formation of the engineer for peace from a systemic and trans-disciplinary approach, integrating academia, industry and the community. Method: a sequence of three progressive levels of one credit-hour courses for the Professional Formation of the Engineer (PRF) that integrate ethical competences focused on the being, the knowledge and the know-how. It includes individual and team work, resolution of case studies, simulations, ethics presentations, ethical practices, proposals writing, visits to industry and networking with successful industry professionals. Results: graduates linked to the newly created True-Partner Network demonstrate their behavior integrity, responsibility, ability to interact respectfully with others and accepting differences in favor of general interests. Conclusion: the ethical values of peace engineer must be formed through a systematic inter/multi/trans-disciplinary pedagogical approach connected to the labor sector throughout the Bachelor's program.Ibero-American Science and Technology Education Consortiu

    Abordando la noción de 'variabilidad musteriense' en Roca dels Bous (Prepirineo suroriental, Lleida)

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    En este artículo se discute las implicaciones derivadas del cambio en la aportación de materias primas detectado en los niveles N10 y N12 de Roca dels Bous (Prepirineo suroriental). En estos contextos se recuperan conjuntos líticos con unos atributos en los métodos de talla y en el instrumental retocado que sugieren modificaciones en los comportamientos relacionados con la adquisición, elaboración, uso y abandono del instrumental. De estas observaciones se derivan varias implicaciones sobre la función del asentamiento dentro de los patrones de movilidad de los neandertales que habitan en la vertiente sur de los Pirineos. Paralelamente, permite abordar la noción de 'variabilidad', concepto clave al referir el significado cultural del Paleolítico MedioThis paper is concerned with the implications arising from changes in the movement of raw materials from levels N10 and N12 of Roca dels Bous (Southeastern Prepyrenees). Studies of the lithic assemblages reveal differences in stone tool technologies, especially knapping and retouching. These variations enable us to reflect on the function of the settlement within the context of Neanderthal mobility patterns in the area that connects the Ebro Valley with the Pyrenees. The characteristics of the artefacts suggest changes in the strategies employed in the acquisition, production, use and discard of stone tools. Importantly, these observations allow us to examine issues related to 'variability', a key concept in any discussion related to the cultural change in the Middle Palaeolithi

    A fuzzy associative classification approach for recommender systems

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    Despite the existence of dierent methods, including data mining techniques, available to be used in recommender systems, such systems still contain numerous limitations. They are in a constant need for personalization in order to make effective suggestions and to provide valuable information of items available. A way to reach such personalization is by means of an alternative data mining technique called classification based on association, which uses association rules in a prediction perspective. In this work we propose a hybrid methodology for recommender systems, which uses collaborative altering and content-based approaches in a joint method taking advantage from the strengths of both approaches. Moreover, we also employ fuzzy logic to enhance recommendations quality and eectiveness. In order to analyze the behavior of the techniques used in our methodology, we accomplished a case study using real data gathered from two recommender systems. Results revealed that such techniques can be applied eectively in recommender systems, minimizing the eects of typical drawbacks they present

    Lost in the mountains? : Marine ornaments in the Mesolithic of the northeast of the Iberian Peninsula

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    In recent years, modified Mediterranean marine shells (especially Columbella rustica) have been documented in Mesolithic sites in the Southern Pyrenees and Ebro Basin. Some scholars suggest that the presence of this gastropod allows us to identify a long-distance social network that created a common "cultural landscape". We introduce new data obtained in the South-eastern Pyrenean site of Balma Guilanyà. The chronometric and technical contextualization of this assemblage reveals the transformations that affected the technical, social and cultural spheres of the Postglacial hunter-gatherers from the South Pyrenees and Ebro Valley.En los últimos años se han documentado conchas marinas, principalmente de la especie Columbella rustica, en yacimientos mesolíticos situados al Sur de los Pirineos y en la Cuenca del río Ebro. Algunos investigadores sugieren que la presencia de C. rustica permite la identificación de redes sociales a larga distancia creando un paisaje cultural. En este artículo damos a conocer nuevos datos del yacimiento de Balma Guilanyà, en el SE de los Pirineos. Su contextualización temporal y técnica indica la existencia de transformaciones que afectaron desde el punto de vista técnico, social y cultural a los grupos de cazadores-recolectores del Posglaciar al sur de los Pirineos y en el Valle del Ebro.Azken urteotan, itsas maskorrak dokumentatu dira, Columbella rustica espeziekoak nagusiki, Pirinioen hegoaldeko eta Ebro ibaiaren arroko Mesolitoko aztarnategietan. Ikertzaile batzuen arabera, C. rustica ageri izanak adierazten du urruneko gizarte-sareak identifikatzen direla, eta, horren ondorioz, paisaia kultural bat sortzen dela. Artikulu honetan, Balma Guilanyà aztarnategiari (Pirinioetako HE) buruzko datu berriak jakinarazten ditugu. Aztarnategiaren denbora-testuinguruak eta testuinguru teknikoak adierazten dute transformazioak izan zirela, eta transformazio horiek Glaziar ondoko garaiko Pirinioen hegoaldeko eta Ebro Bailarako ehiztari-biltzaileei eragin ziela ikuspuntu tekniko, sozial eta kulturalari dagokionez

    Naturaleza jurídica del requerimiento previo en el delito de desobediencia y resistencia a la autoridad en los juzgados penales del distrito judicial de Cajamarca, años 2015 - 2018

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    El objetivo del presente trabajo fue identificar el criterio que han venido asumiendo los jueces penales del distrito judicial de Cajamarca respecto a la naturaleza jurídica del requerimiento previo en el delito de Desobediencia y Resistencia a la Autoridad; este objetivo se desprende por la discrepancia doctrinaria existente respecto al problema planteado. En cuanto a la metodología, de acuerdo al fin que persigue, se trata de una investigación aplicada debido a que abordó una problemática concreta y real; de diseño no experimental porque no se manipularon las variables. Con los resultados se ha determinado que el criterio que han venido asumiendo los jueces penales del distrito judicial de Cajamarca respecto a la naturaleza jurídica del requerimiento previo, es mixto, empero predominantemente se lo considera como un elemento del tipo.The objective of this study was to identify the criteria that criminal judges of the judicial district of Cajamarca have been assuming regarding the legal nature of the preliminary injunction in the crime of Disobedience and Resistance to Authority; this objective arises from the existing doctrinal discrepancy with respect to the problem posed. As for the methodology, according to the purpose it pursues, it is an applied research because it addressed a concrete and real problem; of non-experimental design because the variables were not manipulated. With the results, it has been determined that the criterion assumed by the criminal judges of the judicial district of Cajamarca with respect to the legal nature of the preliminary injunction is mixed, but it is predominantly considered as an element of the type

    In-place reconfiguration of lattice-based modular robots

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    Durant els anys 70, va aparèixer en el camp de la robòtica el concepte de robots modulars. Aquest, consisteix en sistemes robòtics que estan formats per diversos mòduls connectats, que poden tenir funcionalitats diferents. Aquests robots, també poden canviar la seva forma, recol·locant els seus mòduls.\newline Els robots modulars poden ser de molts tipus: arquitectura reticular, arquitectura en cadena o una barreja d'ambdues. A més a més, els mòduls poden variar en la seva forma. Quan es recol·loquen, cada mòdul pot moure's d'una forma diferent: comprimint-se, pivotant o lliscant. És per aquestes diferenciacions i l'habilitat de canviar de forma, que els robots modulars tenen un ampli ventall de possibilitats junt amb habilitats crítiques com l'adaptabilitat o la capacitat de fer feines diferents. Canviar de forma es una de les característiques més importants dels robots modulars, però també és on la major part dels problemes de computació resideixen. Per canviar de forma, els robots modulars poden fer ús de diferents mètodes: auto-reconfiguració, auto-ensamblament o desensamblament, embolcallament, etc. En aquest projecte ens centrem en l'auto-reconfiguració. L'objectiu d'aquest projecte és dissenyar i desenvolupar un algorisme de reconfiguració, centralitzat, per a mòduls amb forma quadrada i arquitectura reticular, que es mouen lliscant els uns sobre els altres, el qual reconfiguri una certa configuració C en una altra configuració, C', que tingui el mateix nombre de mòduls. Aquest procés de reconfiguració es pot dividir en tres parts diferents. Primer de tot, reconfigurem C en Rc, la qual és la configuració resultant de inundar la capsa contenidora de C de baix a dalt i d'esquerra a dreta amb el mateix nombre de mòduls. Després d'això, necessitem reconfigurar Rc en Rc', la configuració resultant de inundar la capsa contenidora de C'. Finalment, hem de reconfigurar Rc' en C'. Com el segon pas es un problema trivial de reconfiguració i el tercer pas és la inversió del primer, en aquest projecte ens hem centrat només en el primer pas. En aquest projecte hem analitzat els costos del nostre algorisme de forma tant teòrica com pràctica. Si n és el tamany de la graella d'entrada i m és el nombre mòduls del robot, el cost en computació de l'algorisme es O(n) i el nombre total de moviments fets pels mòduls del robot és O(m^2). Aquest límit està acotat.\newline En els experiments pràctics, vam executar l'algorisme amb diverses entrades de diferents tamanys i estructura. Els resultats mostren que contra més s'acosta m a n, més gran és el temps d'execució. De totes formes, quan tanquem tots els mòduls movibles a l'interior de les jerarquies de pseudo-forats augmenta el nombre de moviments realitzats durant la reconfiguració.In the 1970s the concept of modular robots appeared in the field of robotics. This consists of robot systems formed by several connected modules which can have different functionalities. These robots can also change their shape by relocating their modules.\newline Modular robots can be of many types: lattice based, chain based or a mix of both. In addition their modules can be of many different shapes. When relocating, different modules use different movements: compressing, pivoting or sliding. Due to these many differences and the ability to change their shape, modular robots have a large range of possibilities and critical abilities such as adaptability or the ability to undertake many different jobs.\newline Reshaping is one of the most important features of modular robots but it also is were most of the computing issues arise. To reshape, modular robots can apply many different approaches: self-reconfigurating, self-assembling or disassembling, grasping, enveloping, etc. In this project we focus on self-reconfiguration.\newline The goal of this project is to design and develop a centralized reconfiguration algorithm for square-shaped lattice-based modular robots whose modules move by sliding, which reconfigures a certain configuration C into C' with the same amount of modules. This reconfiguration process can be divided in three different parts. First of all, reconfiguring C into Rc, which is the resulting configuration from flooding the bounding box of C from bottom to top and from left to right with the same number of modules. After that, we need to reconfigure Rc into Rc', the resulting configuration from flooding the bounding box of C'. Lastly, we have to reconfigure Rc' into C'. Since the second step is a trivial reconfiguration problem and the third step is the inversion of the first one, in this project we focused only in the first step.\newline In this project the cost of the algorithm has been analyzed in both a theoretical and a practical way. If n is the size of the input grid and m is the number of modules of the robot, the computation cost of the algorithm is O(n) and the total number of moves of the modules of the robot is O(m^2). This bound is tight.\newline In the practical experiments we ran the algorithm with many inputs of different sizes and with distinct structures. The results showed that the closer m was to n, the larger was the execution time. However, when nesting all the movable modules in the depths of the pseudo-holes' hierarchies the greater was the number of steps the reconfiguration had to make