5,471 research outputs found

    On the Modular Specification of NFPs: A Case Study

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    The modular specification of non-functional properties of systems is a current challenge of Software Engineering, for which no clear solution exists. However, in the case of Domain-Specific Languages some successful proposals are starting to emerge, combining model-driven techniques with aspect-weaving mechanisms. In this paper we show one of these approaches in practice, and present the implementation we have developed to fully support it. We apply our approach for the specification and monitoring of non-functional properties using observers to a case study, illustrating how generic observers defining non-functional properties can be defined in an independent manner. Then, correspondences between these observers and the domain-specific model of the system can be established, and then weaved into a unified system specification using ATL model transformation. Such a unified specification can also be analyzed in a natural way to obtain the required non-functional properties of the system.This work is partially funded by Research Projects TIN2011-23795 and TIN2011-15497-E

    Nonlinear Reynolds equations for non-Newtonian thin-film fluid flows over a rough boundary

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    We consider a non-Newtonian fluid flow in a thin domain with thickness ηε and an oscillating top boundary of period ε. The flow is described by the 3D incompressible Navier-Stokes system with a nonlinear viscosity, being a power of the shear rate (power law) of flow index p, with 9/5 < p < +∞. We consider the limit when the thickness tends to zero and we prove that the three characteristic regimes for Newtonian fluids are still valid for non-Newtonian fluids, i.e. Stokes roughness (ηε ≈ ε), Reynolds roughness (ηε > ε) regime. Moreover, we obtain different nonlinear Reynolds-type equations in each case.Junta de AndalucíaMinisterio de Economía y Competitivida

    Newtonian fluid flow in a thin porous medium with non-homogeneous slip boundary conditions

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    We consider the Stokes system in a thin porous medium Ωε of thickness ε which is perforated by periodically distributed solid cylinders of size ε. On the boundary of the cylinders we prescribe non-homogeneous slip boundary conditions depending on a parameter γ. The aim is to give the asymptotic behavior of the velocity and the pressure of the fluid as ε goes to zero. Using an adaptation of the unfolding method, we give, following the values of γ, different limit systems.Junta de AndalucíaMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO). Españ

    Public policies and regional development in the information society : trends and challenges

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    El empleo del término sociedad de la información para denominar el actual modelo social, por más que extendido, no está exento de problemáticas y contradicciones. Uno de las polémicas más notables es aquella que se refiere a las posibilidades que se abren, gracias a los avances permitidos por las nuevas tecnologías de la información y la comunicación, para el desarrollo de las regiones, sobre todo de aquellas que han ocupado un lugar subordinado en la división internacional del trabajo. Las siguientes líneas tratarán de abordar las continuidades y rupturas que se esconden tras esta sociedad de la información, destacando las dinámicas y tendencias que afectan a las regiones en el marco de la crisis y reestructuración del capitalismo.The use of the term “information society” to describe the current social model is a widespread but contradictory and problematical practice. One of the most notable controversy is which refers to the opportunities that open up with the new information and communication technologies. These possibilities are especially relevant for the development of subordinate regions in the new international division of labor. The following lines aim to describe the continuities and ruptures that are hiding behind the information society. In this aim, we will emphasise the trends and dynamics concerning regions in the context of crises and reorganisation of capitalism

    Logarithmic differential operators and logarithmic de Rham complexes relative to a free divisor

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    We prove a structure theorem for differential operators in the 0-th term of the V-filtration relative to a free divisor. manifold. As an application, we give a formula for the logarithmic de Rham complex with respect to a free divisor in terms of V0-modules, which generalizes the classical formula for the usual de Rham complex in terms of D-modules, and the formula of Esnault-Viehweg in the case of a normal crossing divisor. We also give a sufficient algebraic condition for perversity of the logarithmic de Rham complex.Nous prouvons un théorème de structure pour les opérateurs différentiels dans le terme 0 de la V-filtration relative à un diviseur libre. Comme application, nous donnons une formule pour le complexe de de Rham logarithmique par rapport à un diviseur libre en termes de V0-modules, qui généralise la formule classique pour le complexe de de Rham usuel en termes de D-modules et celle de Esnault-Viehweg dans le cas d'un diviseur à croisements normaux. Nous donnons aussi une condition algébrique suffisante pour la perversité des tels complexes.Dirección General de Investigación Científica y Técnic

    La evolución del derecho a la comunicación ante la emergencia de la ciudadanía digital

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    El presente texto da cuenta de los debates en torno al surgimiento del concepto de ciudadanía digital y la reconfiguración de los derechos a él asociados. Entre ellos, en un marco de disputa en el ámbito de la comunicación entre tendencias privatizadoras y democratizadoras, surge con fuerza la actualización del derecho a la comunicación. Este derecho no se centraría en el mero acceso a la información, sino que pondría el acento en las dinámicas de apropiación social de las nuevas tecnologías y en la creación de espacios tecnológicos y sociales abiertos e independientes de las leyes del mercado.This paper focus on discussions about the emergence of the concept of digital citizenship and reconfiguration of the rights associated with it. Among them, within a framework of dispute in the area of communication between privatization and democratizing trends, emerges strongly the updating of the right to communication. This right is not merely focus on access to information, but it would emphasize the dynamics of social appropriation of new technologies and the development of technological and social spaces open and independent of market forces.O presente texto expõe os debates em torno ao surgimento do conceito de cidadania digital e a reconfiguração dos direitos a ele associados. Entre eles e, em um marco de disputa no âmbito da comunicação entre tendências privatizadoras e democratizadoras, emerge com força a atualização do direito à comunicação. Tal direito não estaria centrado no mero acesso à informação, mas colocaria ênfase nas dinâmicas de apropriação social das novas tecnologias e na criação de espaços tecnológicos e sociais abertos e independentes das leis do mercado

    El modelo social de la Comunidad: criterios y línea de competencia

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    La referencia inicial al Modelo Social de la Comunitat Valenciana en el marco normativo de la reforma de la Ley Orgánica 1/2006 de 10 de abril, plantea dos cuestiones previas de índole conceptual estrechamente relacionadas entre sí; a saber, la precisión de su significado en relación a aquellos principios y directrices que informan la organización jurídica de la materia de servicios sociales, y la delimitación de su autonomía o especificidad en el sistema constitucional español de protección social . La oportunidad de estas puntualizaciones cobra referencia porque la nueva redacción del Estatuto de Autonomía aporta argumentos suficientes para apoyar la plena vigencia de un Modelo Social Valenciano en el ámbito de las políticas de actuación de los servicios sociales y, por ende, su clara especificidad dentro del sistema constitucional de protección social

    Inmigración y Estado de Bienestar en España

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    The position of Spain in the international migration system has substantially changed over the last decade. The settlement of immigrant communities poses a series of important challenges to Spanish society. The social protection schemes included in the welfare state are considerably affected by the social, political, cultural and demographic transformations derived from this phenomenon. On the one hand these schemes must define the way to grant access to their services and benefits to the new residents (definition of the boundaries of entitlement to access the health care system, the social services, the education system or the housing policies). On the other hand, they need to articulate mechanisms to respond to the differential demands of a changing population (in terms of socio-demographic structure, cultural and linguistic profiles, as well as biological characteristics). The welfare regime is also subject to a modification in the social perception of its legitimacy due to the increase of the internal social heterogeneity. In addition to posing a challenge, this phenomenon constitutes in itself a good opportunity to identify the weaker points of the social protection system, a necessary step to reinforce it and to guarantee its future sustainability

    Retos, reformas y futuro del sistema nacional de salud

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    Universalism and decentralization constitute the main characteristics of the Spanish SNS. In addition to the budgetary pressures common to all health systems in Western countries (growth of age-related health costs, increased social expectations, the consequences of the growing social inequality, and technological development) there are specific structural tensions that signal the weaknesses in the institutional architecture of the Spanish healthcare system (complexity of its multilevel governance structure). The current context of economic and fiscal crisis has led Spanish health authorities to adopt a series of measures (budget cuts, reduction in the coverage of the system,privatization, and reform of health governance) that threaten to undermine the SNS as a universalist and decentralized system as it has been built during the last three decades