194 research outputs found

    Work environment: a study on satisfaction

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    Jobs define part of our everyday lives. In some societies, work is a defining role of your whole life. Governments and economists have stressed out, throughout the years, the importance of jobs for the common good of a country and its economy. In certain countries, jobs have such a central role in people’s lives that expressions such as “workaholic” become part of everyday vocabulary and become part of people’s reality. That being said, certain fields of investigation such as organizational behavioral have come to study different aspects of how people behave while at work such as performance of employees and job satisfaction. Although job satisfaction is one of the most studied thematic of organizational behavior, little has been said about the impact that lighting and temperature has on satisfaction levels while performing a certain task. It is recognized that ergonomic factors do affect peoples’ response to their work but there are very few studies that explore the impact it has on satisfaction. Although job satisfaction measurement tools include a question (and it is generally a question only) about work environment, it is in this query that everything about work environment is included: disposition of furniture, lighting, temperature, privacy, natural lighting, comfort of furniture, etc. For this reason, the main research question of this dissertation is: can temperature and luminosity impact satisfaction levels while performing a task? This research question was explored in different ways: through a literature review that resumed investigation on job satisfaction and physical environment of the office and through an empirical study with recourse to a questionnaire in order to test the different hypotheses

    Novas terapias antirretrovirais: para quando uma vacina anti HIV?

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    Orientação: Nuno Almeida SaraivaO sucesso da terapia anti-retroviral (ART) na manutenção da infeção pelo HIV tem sido um dos melhores neste último século. A ART levou à transformação do HIV, de uma sentença universal de morte para uma doença crónica. Em todas as partes do mundo, assistimos a uma redução dramática na morbilidade e mortalidade relacionadas com o HIV, e o tratamento está agora disponível para cerca de 21 milhões de indivíduos – mais de metade do número de pessoas que vivem com este vírus. No entanto, apesar desses grandes avanços, mais de um milhão de pessoas morrem a cada ano de doenças relacionadas com o HIV, e há registo de cerca 1,8 milhão de novas infeções. Contudo, permanecem por resolver dois grandes desafios científicos para realmente ver o fim do HIV – encontrar uma cura e uma vacina eficaz. Investigações realizadas na última década resultaram numa melhor compreensão de como e onde o HIV persiste em pacientes a realizar ART. Ficou claro que, o estabelecimento de uma infeção latente em células de vida longa é a principal barreira para curar o HIV ou para permitir uma remissão sustentada livre de ART. Baseadas por estudos in vitro e ex vivo, várias abordagens terapêuticas destinadas a esgotar o pool de células infetadas de forma latente, foram testadas em ensaios clínicos experimentais de pequena escala, incluindo estudos de intensificação de ART, na edição de genoma, na ART durante a infeção precoce e aguda, e na reversão de latência. Mais recentemente, tem havido um maior foco em terapias imuno-baseadas na busca progressiva de uma cura para o HIV, incluindo vacinas terapêuticas, agonistas do recetor toll-like, anticorpos amplamente neutralizantes, inibidores do checkpoint imunológico, interferon-α e terapia com interleucinas. Também estão a decorrer estudos em que as intervenções de imunoterapia são igualmente testadas em combinação com a reversão de latência. Nesta dissertação, são apresentados e discutidos os resultados globais destas intervenções clínicas, que em última análise se direcionam para uma cura ou vacina para o HIV.The success of antiretroviral therapy (ART) in the management of HIV infection has been one of the best in medicine in the last century. ART led to the transformation of HIV from a universal death sentence to a chronic manageable disease. In every part of the world, we have seen a dramatic reduction in HIV-related morbidity and mortality, and treatment is now available to 21 million people – over half the number of people living with this virus. However, despite these great advances over one million people die of HIV-related illnesses each year and there are 1.8 million new infections. Two profound scientific challenges remain that must be solved to truly see an end to HIV – finding a cure and an effective vaccine. Research over the past decade has resulted in a much-improved understanding of how and where HIV persists in patients on otherwise ART. It has become clear that the establishment of a latent infection in long-lived cells is the key barrier to curing HIV or allowing for sustained ART-free remission. Informed by in vitro and ex vivo studies, several therapeutic approaches aimed at depleting the pool of latently infected cells have been tested in small-scale experimental clinical trials including studies of ART intensification, genome editing, ART during acute/early infection and latency reversal. More recently, there has been an enhanced focus on immune-based therapies in the onwards search for an HIV cure including therapeutic vaccines, toll-like receptor agonists, broadly neutralizing antibodies, immune checkpoint inhibitors, interferon-α and interleukin therapy. In ongoing studies immunotherapy interventions are also tested in combination with latency reversal. In this dissertation, the overall results of these clinical interventions ultimately aimed at a cure or vaccine for HIV are presented and discussed

    Hydrochemistry of pit lakes in the Portuguese sector of the Iberian Pyrite Belt

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    The Iberian Pyrite Belt (IPB) is a world-class metallogenic province with volcanogenic massive sulphide ore deposits. Most ore exploitation occurred since pre-Roman time, creating extensive galleries, wells, waste-dumps and pit lakes. These last structures are a concern for their potential environmental impact because they accumulate large volumes of mine water affected acid mine drainage. The present work classifies the pit lakes based on the surface water hydrochemistry. Using the Ficklin diagram for classification, pit lake waters vary from acid, high-metal to high-acid, extreme-metal and exhibit similarities with other pit lakes from the Spanish sector of the IPB.This work was co-funded by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund, based on COMPETE 2020 - project ICT (UID/GEO/04683/2013) with reference POCI-010145-FEDER-007690 and project Nano-MINENV number 029259. Patricia Gomes wishes to acknowledge FCT by the research fellowship under the POCH supported by the European Social Fund and National Funds of MCTES with reference SFRH/BD/108887/2015

    Estudo da auto perceção de bruxismo de vigília em atletas de competição de saltos de trampolim, em função do contexto desportivo

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    Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre no Instituto Universitário Egas MonizIntrodução: A influência das doenças da cavidade oral no rendimento desportivo é um tema atual, existindo uma área específica: a Medicina Dentária Desportiva. No meio desportivo ansiedade é conhecida por ansiedade competitiva. A fisiologia do bruxismo de vigília ainda não é vastamente conhecida mas ansiedade e stress são considerados fatores de risco. Objetivos: Determinar se o desporto de competição poderia influenciar a auto perceção de bruxismo de vigília numa população de atletas praticantes de saltos de trampolim, avaliar a relação da auto perceção de bruxismo de vigília com a ansiedade e o stress em função do contexto desportivo e qual o hábito de bruxismo de vigília mais reportado pela BruxApp. Materiais e Métodos: Os atletas que participaram neste estudo foram avaliados em três fases: F0 (repouso) onde se aplicaram questionários para a auto perceção de bruxismo, ansiedade geral e instalação da BruxApp; F1 (treino) aplicaram-se os mesmos questionários de F0, BruxApp e questionário para avaliar a ansiedade competitiva ; F2 (competição) foram aplicados os mesmos questionários de F1 e BruxApp. Resultados: Participaram 27 atletas, entre os 16 e os 23 anos. Observaram-se alterações nas respostas ao BAQ, em função do contexto competitivo, com uma taxa de mudança na auto perceção de 12,35%. Os valores de ansiedade competitiva obtidos em duas subescalas do CSAI-2 foram mais elevados nos atletas com auto perceção de bruxismo de vigília. Os valores obtidos para a GAD-7 foram idênticos em ambos os grupos de atletas. O hábito de bruxismo de vigília mais reportado pela BruxApp foi Maxilares Contraídos. Conclusão: Observámos que o desporto de competição influenciou a auto perceção de bruxismo de vigília e que existiu uma relação entre a auto perceção de bruxismo de vigília com a ansiedade e o stress, em função do contexto desportivo

    Spatial distribution of acid mine drainage indexes in diferente water environments

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    The Iberian Pyrite Belt is one of the largest metallogenic province in the world. The characteristics of this region have a reflection on the existence of Acidic Mine Drainage (AMD) discharged into the river network affecting the water quality. A several number of surface and groundwaters in the Iberian Pyrite Belt (south of Portugal) was collected in different water environments. Mine water is highly acid with medium-high to extreme metal contents, while surface and groundwater are neutral with low metal contents. Mine waters are the most contaminated with a maximum EC value (27570 µS/cm) and SO4 2- (80691 mg/L), As (141 mg/L), Cu (1445 mg/L), Fe (41023 mg/L), Zn (841 mg/L) contents. A numerical index of acid mine drainage (AMDI) has been calculated. The group of mine water environment had a mean AMDI of 20.0 reflecting a little or no dilution of direct mine water drainage. River network could be indicated as an affected river downstream mine drainage (AMDI 80.2), while groundwater (AMDI 92.2) is uncontaminated by AMD. The groundwater composition will be strongly controlled by natural geochemical processes, from the geology of the ore deposits and water rock interaction

    Partitioning of potentially toxic elements among two colloidal fractions and relevance for their mobility in different water types

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    Potentially toxic elements are mobilized in aquatic systems in solution or bounded to colloids of different sizes, which may include nanometer particles. The present work studies the distribution of elements (Al, Fe, Zn, Mn, Co, Cd, Ni, Cu, and As) between small (<0.20 mu m) and larger (0.45-0.20 mu m) colloids in different waters sources in a world class metallogenic province (Iberian Pyrite Belt), including the acid mine waters. Syringe filters with pore-size ratings of 0.20 mu m and 0.45 mu m have been used to assess the transport and fate of these potentially toxic elements. The results show the contribution of colloids for mobility of arsenic and most metals, evidencing the role of the small ones in acid mine drainage.This work was co-funded by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund, based on COMPETE 2020 - project ICT (UID/GEO/04683/2013) with reference POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007690 and project Nano-MINENV number 029259. Patricia Gomes wishes to acknowledge FCT by the research fellowship under the POCH supported by the European Social Fund and National Funds of MCTES with reference SFRH/BD/108887/2015

    Hydrogeochemistry and distribution of potentially toxic elements in a metallogenic province – The Iberian Pyrite Belt, Portugal

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    Contamination by acid drainage is an environmental problem in mineralized regions, especially in the surroundings of sulphide mines. The water rock interaction process involves the oxidative dissolution of sulphides, naturally or by mining activity, that generates acidity which, in turn, produces sulfate, and water pollution by sulphide-hosted metals. The particular geology of the Iberian Pyrite Belt (IPB) in the southwestern Iberian Peninsula creates the ideal conditions for such water contamination. Different water types were sampled at 28 locations across the entire IBP metallogenetic province. Anions, metals, and arsenic were analysed to assess the influence of acid drainage. The results demonstrate the sulfate nature of waters in the vicinity of mines. Other types of water in the IPB region are mainly mixed chloride and bicarbonate (river and groundwater) and mixed and sodium-bicarbonate (lakes) types. Water quality assessment indicated strong contamination of surface waters that are directly influenced by mine wastes. There is the additional concern that some lakes and groundwaters exhibit concentrations of potentially toxic elements (e.g. Al, As) that are above the regulatory limits established by the European Commission Water Framework Directive.This work was co-funded by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund, based on COMPETE 2020 - project ICT (UID/GEO/04683/2013) with reference POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007690 and project Nano-MINENV number 029259

    Afirmação da mulher na medicina durante o século XV e XVI: um processo religioso e inquisitorial

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    Durante os séculos XV e XVI, num momento de repressão e perseguição religiosa e inquisitorial, as mulheres atuaram como cuidadoras informais com práticas empíricas. Os objetivos deste artigo consiste em destacar o processo de profissionalização dos cuidados da mulher ao longo deste período e conhecer o papel da igreja e dos homens na crítica aos cuidados femininos, assim como apresentar figuras femininas espanholas que se destacaram na medicina neste período. Material e método: O trabalho consiste numa revisão da narrativa realizada a partir de fontes secundárias, relacionadas com o objeto em estudo, bem como uma análise das mesmas desde a história social, tendo em conta as características da época em estudo. Resultados: Durante os séculos XV y XVI, a igreja, junto com a classe médica, conduziu a uma repressão dos cuidados femininos que influenciou a sua aceitação. Assim, os cuidados femininos geraram discordância e conflitos entre a igreja e a sociedade e o cuidar informal da mulher começava a inserir-se na classe médica profissionalizada. Conclusões: As descobertas obtidas neste estudo destacam a aceitação das práticas empíricas femininas, em contraste com os conhecimentos teóricos dos médicos e, posteriormente, a inclusão da mulher nos cuidados profissionais.Durante los siglos XV y XVI, en un momento de represión y persecución religiosa e inquisitorial, las mujeres actuaron como cuidadoras informales con prácticas empíricas. El objetivo del estudio es destacar el proceso de profesionalización de cuidados de la mujer durante dicho periodo; conocer el papel de la iglesia, de los hombres en la crítica hacía las mujeres; presentar figuras femeninas españolas destaca das en la medicina durante este período. Material y método: El trabajo es una revisión narrativa de las fuentes secundarias relacionadas con el objeto de estudio, así como un análisis de las mismas desde la historia social, teniendo en cuenta las características de la época de estudio. Resultados: Durante los siglos XV y XVI, la iglesia, junto con la clase médica, condujo una represión hacía el cuidado femenino que influyó en su aceptación. Así mismo, el cuidado femenino generó desacuerdos y conflictos entre iglesia y sociedad, los cuidados de las mujeres informales, empezaron a formar parte de la clase médica profesionalizada. Conclusiones: Los hallazgos obtenidos refieren como a pesar del predominio del conocimiento teórico médico, las prácticas empíricas de las mujeres consiguieron ser aceptadas en determinadas condiciones y esto constituyó, con posterioridad, el reconocimiento profesional del cuidado.During the fifteenth and sixteenth century, at a time of repression and religious and inquisitorial persecution, women have acted as informal caregivers with empirical practices. The objectives of this article is to emphasize the process of professionalization of women’s care over that period and to know the role of the church and men in critical care to women, as well as presenting Spanish female figures who have excelled in medicine during this period. Methods: The task is a narrative review of secondary sources related with the object of study, as well as an analysis of the same sources from the social history, keeping in mind the characteristics of the era of study. Results: During the centuries XV and XVI, the church, along with the medical class, led to a suppression of feminine care that influenced their acceptance. Thus, feminine care generated disagreement and conflict between the church and society and the informal women’s care began to be part of the professionalized medical profession. Conclusions: The findings from this study highlight the acceptance of female empirical practices, in contrast to the theoretical knowledge of medical and subsequently the inclusion of women in professional care

    Nodes of the default mode network implicated in the quality of empathic responses: a clinical perspective of the empathic response

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    The ability to empathize with another person's inner experience is believed to be a central element of our social interactions. Previous research has focused on cognitive (e.g., theory of mind) and emotional (e.g., emotional contagion) empathy, and less on behavioral factors (i.e., the ability to respond empathically). Recent studies suggest that the Default Mode Network (DMN) mediates individual variability in distinct empathy-related behaviors. However, little is known about DMN activity during actual empathic responses, understood in this study as the ability to communicate our understanding of the others’ experience back to them. This study used an empathy response paradigm with 28 participants (22-37 years old) to analyze the relationship between the quality of empathic responses to 14 empathy-eliciting vignettes and patterns of attenuation in the DMN. Overall, the results suggest that high levels of empathic response, are associated with sustained activation of the DMN when compared with lower levels of empathy. Our results demonstrate that the DMN becomes increasingly involved in empathy-related behavior, as our level of commitment to the other's experience increases. This study represents a first attempt to understand the relation between the capacity for responding in a supportive way to others’ needs and the intra-individual variability of the pattern of the DMN attenuation. Here we underline the critical role that the DMN plays in high-level social cognitive processes and corroborate the DMN role in different psychiatric disorders associated with a lack of empathy.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio