1,977 research outputs found

    A case of intersex occurrence in Steindachneridion parahybae (Steindachner, 1877) (Siluriformes: Pimelodidae) under captivity condition: A cytogenetic and morphological study

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    Poco se sabe sobre la biología reproductiva de Steindachneridion parahybae , una especie de teleósteo gonocorístico en peligro de extinción que habita la cuenca del río Paraíba do Sul y en éste trabajo se describe por primera vez la aparición de individuo intersexo en juvenil de S. parahybae . También se describió el aspecto normal de los ovarios y de los testículos de individuos juveniles procedentes del mismo lote de cría para su comparación; se realizó además el análisis citogenético. Un espécimen fue clasificado a priori como hembra debido a las características macroscópicas de los ovarios, con pequeños oocitos amarillos, sin flecos (característica principal de los bagres macho) y más grande que los testículos; sin embargo el análisis microscópico reveló la presencia de un ovotestis, incluyendo una espermatogénesis completa. S. parahybae presentó un número diploide, 2n = 56 cromosomas, sin evidencia de cromosomas sexuales diferenciados o supernumerarios entre ellos. Estos hallazgos pueden deberse al resultado de la exposición de los individuos a desorganizadores endocrinos o estar influenciados por las condiciones ambientales. Sin embargo no se puede descartar la posibilidad de la presencia de intersexos de forma espontánea. Por lo tanto, la importancia funcional y las consecuencias reproductivas de estas anomalías permanecen aún sin ser determinadas, sugiriendo que esta especie puede ser susceptible a los disruptores endocrinos. Estos resultados contribuyen a ampliar el conocimiento de la biología reproductiva de esta especie en peligro de extinción en condiciones de cautiverio.Little is known about reproductive biology of endangered Steindachneridion parahybae , a gonochoristic teleost species inhabiting the Paraíba do Sul River Basin, and herein is the first description of intersex in S. parahybae juvenile. The normal appearance of ovaries and testes in juvenile from the same lot of breeding were also described for comparison, even as cytogenetic analysis was performed in these juveniles. One specimen was a priori classified as female due to the macroscopic characteristic of ovaries, with small yellow oocytes, without fringes (a main characteristic of catfish male), and larger than testes; however the microscopic analysis revealed the presence of ovotestes, including the complete spermatogenesis. S. parahybae had diploid number, 2n = 56 chromosomes with no evidence of differentiated sex chromosomes or supernumerary chromosomes among them. These findings may be due to the result of exposure to endocrine disrupting compounds or may also be influenced by environmental conditions. The possibility of intersexes might also happen spontaneously and it cannot be ruled out. Therefore, the functional significance and reproductive consequences of this anomaly remain to be determined, suggesting that this species may be susceptible to endocrine disruption. These results contribute to gain expertise about reproductive biology of an endangered species in captivity.Fil: Honji, Renato Massaaki. Universidade de Sao Paulo; Brasil. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Caneppele, Danilo. Companhia Energética de São Paulo. Unidade de Hidrobiologia e Aquicultura; BrasilFil: Pandolfi, Matias. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Biodiversidad y Biología Experimental y Aplicada. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Biodiversidad y Biología Experimental y Aplicada; ArgentinaFil: Lo Nostro, Fabiana Laura. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Biodiversidad y Biología Experimental y Aplicada. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Biodiversidad y Biología Experimental y Aplicada; ArgentinaFil: Moreira, Renata G.. Universidade de Sao Paulo; Brasi

    The decision-making process to purchase from online supermarkets: a qualitative research with customers from 'Zona Sul Atende'

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    Zona Sul was the first supermarket chain in Rio de Janeiro to provide online sales purchases services and it is the leader in its segment in the city. Therefore, it was chosen as the object of this study, which attempts to describe and analyze the decision-making process of consumers who use the Internet to shop for groceries. Twenty in-depth interviews were conducted with these consumers. The interviews were held at the moment they were shopping and the interviewees' navigation was recorded by means of a software. The results showed that the interviewees search for convenience, speed and ease to purchase. Aspects from the website that partially compromise these objectives were identified. The conclusions bring suggestions to make the shopping process easier and faster

    Etnoecologia e etnobotânica da palmeira juçara (Euterpe edulis Martius) em comunidades quilombolas do Vale do Ribeira, São Paulo.

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    As comunidades quilombolas são consideradas comunidades negras rurais formadas por descendentes de africanos escravizados. No Vale do Ribeira, uma das regiões mais pobres do estado de São Paulo, estas comunidades vivem da agricultura de subsistência e principalmente da coleta do palmito juçara para complemento da renda familiar. A palmeira juçara possui importante papel ecológico e econômico para a Floresta Atlântica e para as comunidades rurais locais. O objetivo geral deste trabalho foi investigar aspectos etnoecológicos e etnobotânicos da palmeira juçara (Euterpe edulis Martius) em comunidades quilombolas do Vale do Ribeira, SP. A investigação se deu em sete comunidades quilombolas através da aplicação de 25 entrevistas semi-estruturadas e da realização de uma oficina de identificação dos animais consumidores de frutos da palmeira. Também foram realizadas coletas e identificação de visitantes florais. Os quilombolas entrevistados demonstraram um detalhado conhecimento ecológico local sobre a palmeira juçara, principalmente a relação da biodiversidade animal associada à espécie. Neste trabalho a etnoecologia e a etnobotânica mostram-se ferramentas importantes no levantamento participativo do conhecimento ecológico local do E. edulis que pode ser considerado no manejo e na conservação da espécie na Floresta Atlântica

    Viagens que Transformam a Condição Existencial: Narrativas e Representações em Filmes Protagonizados por Idosos

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    Tourism acts as a catalyst for positive changes in the elderly lives by providing possibilities for socialization, escape from routine, knowledge of new realities and cultures. This paper investigates aging representations and narratives of transformation processes in cinema screenplays focused on travel experiences. Analyzing cultural texts such as music, books, advertisements, television programs and films contributes to an understanding of standards and social norms. This kind of research is quite unexplored on the tourism studies, but it is a fact that cinema has become a universal art capable of revealing deep and intimate aspects of society through its narratives and representations. We have selected four films which links elderly, travel and transformation for content analysis: “The Bucket List (2008)”, “The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (2011)”, “Last Vegas (2013)” and “A Walk in the Woods (2015)”. Right after, we built three categories of analysis: 1) motivation and choice of experiences; 2) consumption; 3) aging and stigma. The final discussion is based on existential philosophy to identify the transformative role of travelling on the elderly lives presented on the movies. Travelling is shown as possibilities to create existential authenticity, as it is capable of decrease negative feelings such as anxiety, depression and physical and psychic isolation.Turismo puede ser un catalizador de cambios positivos en la vida de los ancianos al proporcionar posibilidades de socialización, escapar de la rutina, conocimiento de nuevas realidades y culturas. El presente artículo utiliza películas para investigar representaciones de ancianos y narraciones sobre procesos de transformación en guiones centrados en experiencias de viaje. El análisis de textos culturales como músicas, libros, anuncios, programas de televisión y películas contribuye a la comprensión de las normas y estándares sociales existentes. Este tipo de investigación todavía se explora poco en el campo del turismo, pero se sabe que el cine se ha convertido en un arte universal capaz de revelar aspectos profundos e íntimos de la sociedad a través de sus narrativas y representaciones. Para el análisis de contenido seleccionamos cuatro películas que vinculaban a los ancianos, los viajes y la transformación: “The Bucket List (2008)”, “The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (2011)”, “Last Vegas (2013)” and “A Walk in the Woods (2015)”. Posteriormente, se construyeron tres categorías de análisis: 1) motivación y elección de experiencias; 2) consumo; 3) envejecimiento y estigma. La discusión final se basa en la lente de la filosofía existencial para indicar en las narraciones de la película el papel transformador de los viajes en la vida de los ancianos. El viaje se presenta como posibilidades para construir autenticidad existencial, ya que es capaz de diluir los sentimientos negativos como la ansiedad, la depresión y el aislamiento físico y psíquico.O turismo pode figurar como uma atividade catalisadora para mudanças positivas na vida dos idosos ao proporcionar possibilidades de socialização, fuga da rotina, conhecimento de novas realidades e culturas. O presente trabalho utiliza o cinema para investigar representações dos idosos e narrativas sobre processos de transformação em filmes com roteiros centrados em experiências de viagens. A análise de textos culturais tais como músicas, livros, propagandas, programas de televisão e filmes contribui para o entendimento de normas e padrões sociais existentes. Esse tipo de pesquisa ainda é pouco explorado no campo do turismo, mas sabe-se que o cinema se tornou uma arte universal capaz de revelar profundos e íntimos aspectos da sociedade através de suas narrativas e representações. Para análise de conteúdo foram selecionados quatro filmes que ligavam idosos, viagens e transformação: “Antes de Partir (2008)”, “O Exótico Hotel Marigold (2011)”, “Última Viagem a Vegas (2013)” e “Por Aqui e por Ali (2015)”. Posteriormente, foram construídas três categorias de análise: 1) motivação e escolha das experiências; 2) consumo; 3) envelhecimento e estigma. A discussão final está apoiada na lente da filosofia existencial para indicar nas narrativas dos filmes o papel transformador das viagens na vida dos idosos. As viagens são apresentadas como possibilidades de construir uma autenticidade existencial, pois são capazes de diluir sentimentos negativos tais como ansiedade, depressão e isolamento físico e psíquico

    Lealdade em cooperativas sob a ótica da Lógica Dominante de Serviços

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    This paper offers a theoretical analysis of agricultural cooperatives´ assistance to its members to innovate as a value proposition of loyalty. The Service Dominant Logic (SDL) is used as the theoretical background. Through a logical reasoning we infer that value generation through a fundamental service provision like innovation sharing could strengthen cooperator’s loyalty. This is for its relational perceived value, where actions and interactions occur to cocreate. This paper provides correlations from the theory and practice which help the reader to get a better picture of the idea exposed here. The understanding about whose actors cocreate value and what values propositions are important for associates and cooperative as an institution to survive allow cooperatives to orient efforts towards its service offer as a way of enhancing loyalty and strengthening improvement and commitment.Este trabajo ofrece un análisis teórico de la ayuda que las cooperativas agrarias ofrecen a sus socios para innovar como propuesta de valor de fidelización. La Lógica Dominante de Servicio (LDS) se utiliza como base teórica. A través de un razonamiento lógico, inferimos que la generación de valor a través de la prestación de un servicio fundamental, como el intercambio de innovación, podría fortalecer la lealtad de los cooperantes. Esto es por su valor percibido relacional, donde ocurren acciones e interacciones para cocrear. Este documento proporciona correlaciones entre la teoría y la práctica, que ayudan al lector a tener una mejor idea de lo expuesto aquí. El entendimiento sobre qué actores cocrean valor y qué propuestas de valores son importantes para que los asociados y la cooperativa como institución sobreviva, permite a las cooperativas orientar sus esfuerzos hacia su oferta de servicios como una forma de aumentar la lealtad y fortalecer la mejora y el compromiso.Este artigo oferece uma análise teórica da ajuda que as cooperativas agrícolas oferecem aos seus membros para inovar como uma proposta de valor de lealdade. A Dominant Service Logic (LDS) é utilizada como base teórica. Por meio do raciocínio lógico, inferimos que a geração de valor por meio da prestação de um serviço fundamental, como a troca de inovação, poderia fortalecer a lealdade dos cooperados. Isso se deve ao seu valor relacional percebido, onde ocorrem ações e interações para cocriar. Este documento traz correlações entre teoria e prática, que ajudam o leitor a ter uma ideia melhor do que é apresentado aqui. A compreensão de quais atores cocriam valor e quais propostas de valor são importantes para a sobrevivência dos cooperados e da cooperativa como instituição, permite que as cooperativas direcionem seus esforços para a oferta de serviços como forma de fidelizar e fortalecer a melhoria e o desenvolvimento

    Metabolic Effects of an Oral Glucose Tolerance Test Compared to the Mixed Meal Tolerance Tests: A Narrative Review

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    The oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) is recommended for assessing abnormalities in glucose homeostasis. Recognised as the gold standard test for diagnosing diabetes, the OGTT provides useful information about glucose tolerance. However, it does not replicate the process of absorption and digestion of complex foods, such as that which occurs with a mixed meal tolerance test (MMTT), an alternative that is still not well explored in the diagnosis of metabolic alterations. The MMTT could be an asset in detecting glucose homeostasis disorders, including diabetes since it has more similarities to the common dietary pattern, allowing early detection of subtle changes in metabolic homeostasis in response to combined nutrients. This alternative has the advantage of being more tolerable and pleasant to patients since it induces a more gradual increase in blood glucose, thus reducing the risk of rebound hypoglycemia and other related complications. The present article reviewed the clinical data available regarding the possibility of screening or diagnosing altered glucose homeostasis, including type 2 diabetes mellitus, with the MMTT

    Hydraulic conductivity and geophysics (ERT) to assess the aquifer recharge capacity of an inland wetland in the Brazilian Savanna

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    The inland wetlands can perform the storage of water on the surface and the recharge of aquifers. Even a small wetland can work as a local point of water infiltration, influencing and sustaining the hydrodynamics in the hydrology landscape. These zones have complex mechanisms, as they integrate soil chemical and physical char- acteristics, and relate both surface and groundwater systems. The study area is an inland wetland located in the Ecological Station of Itirapina, SĂŁo Paulo State (Brazil). The present work aims to unveil the relationship between hydrodynamics and pedological architecture through a detailed study that combines hydraulic con- ductivity tests in situ, geophysical method of electrical resistivity (Electrical Resistivity Tomography technique, ERT), and morphological soil descriptions aiming the validation of the ERT and hydraulic conductivity surveys. Two-dimensional (2D) and pseudo-three-dimensional (3D) ERT have been used to investigate the water flow in the subsurface, the pedological architecture that keeps the wetland hydroperiods, and the link between surface water and groundwater that can set a recharge capacity. The results showed areas with distinct surface patterns related to the density of vegetation cover and water infiltration. The lower infiltration areas are characterized by the presence of a perched water table in grassy areas while higher infiltration is associated with exposed topsoil. ERT 2D and pseudo-3D identified these areas as zones with a connection between soil-water and groundwater systems. Hydrodynamics in the flat plateau is associated with the geochemical evolution of soil cover due to the structural complexity acquired by the iron crust dissolution (laterite) which has sustained the relief. Future studies concerning inland wetlands need to be carried out to certify the role of soil-landscape in the water cycle in the Savanna biome

    Brincando de dialogar com Bakhtin em sala de aula

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    This study proposes a reflection on the practice of reading in the classroom, place of action, reaction, alternation and production of the subjects students learners of the 2nd cycle of Elementary Education, in the form of didactic workshops and strategies of multiple languages in interaction: literary discourse and pictorial discourse - the tale The Intimate Life of Laura (Clarice Lispector, 1999) / the painting Clairvoyance (René Magritte, 1936). It is the story of a dialogical experience in order to understand and expand linguistic skills and abilities by jumping the boundaries of the didactic book, allowing and allowing oneself to experience and experience the pleasure of reading and its construction for the constitution of this actor / reader / child and / or pre-adolescent. This work aims to broaden the linguistic-historical-cultural universe of the students in order to exercise the discursive movements between the word and the image, the story and the picture: learning to play with Bakhtin in the classroom. These discursive interlacings draw playful paths of languages on the horizon of the dialogical perspective under the guidance of Bakhtin (2014, 2017). The proposed activities motivated the alternation of the subjects in the communicative process, where the dialogical is said and done in the act of reading, writing, recognizing meaningful words and recognizing themselves as subjects of the act of composing concepts and texts: who and Laura? What brush does an egg see and draw a bird? The results of the classes applied through sequential workshops were largely satisfactory. Reading potential was observed in the majority of the students stimulated by their power / willingness to be autonomous, reflexive, critical readers and, finally, object-text producers of the art of learning to play in the construction of workshops. The curiosity of children is something extraordinary and deserves to be explored within the school environment.Este estudo propõe uma reflexão sobre a prática de leitura na sala de aula, lugar de ação, reação, alternância e produção dos sujeitos alunos aprendentes do 2º ciclo do Ensino Fundamental, sob o formato de oficinas didáticas e estratégias de múltiplas linguagens em interação: o discurso literário e o discurso pictórico – o conto A Vida Íntima de Laura (Clarice Lispector, 1999) / o quadro A Clarividência (René Magritte,1936). Trata-se do relato de uma vivência dialógica para compreender e ampliar competências e habilidades linguísticas brincando de pular as fronteiras do livro didático, permitir e se permitir vivenciar e experimentar o prazer da leitura e sua construção para constituição desse sujeito ator/leitor/ativo, criança e/ou pré-adolescente. Este trabalho objetiva ampliar o universo linguístico-histórico-cultural dos alunos/alunas a fim de exercitar os movimentos discursivos entre a palavra e a imagem, o conto e o quadro: aprendendo a brincar de dialogar com Bakhtin na sala de aula. Esses entrelaçamentos discursivos traçam percursos lúdicos de linguagens no horizonte da perspectiva dialógica sob a orientação de Bakhtin (2014, 2017), . As atividades propostas motivaram a alternância dos sujeitos no processo comunicativo, onde o dialógico se diz e se faz presente no ato de leitura, de escrita, de reconhecer palavras-desenhos significativas e reconhecer-se como sujeitos do ato de compor conceitos e textos: quem é Laura? Quê pincel vê um ovo e desenha uma ave? Os resultados das aulas aplicadas por meio de oficinas sequenciais foram satisfatórios, em grande parte. Foi observado o potencial de leitura na maioria dos alunos e alunas estimulados pelo seu poder/querer/ser leitores autônomos, reflexivos, críticos e, enfim, produtores de textos-objeto da arte de aprender brincando na construção das oficinas. A curiosidade das crianças é algo extraordinário e merece ser explorada dentro do ambiente escolar

    Le devenir-œuvre d’art : une analyse processuelle d’une expérience curatoriale en arts médiatiques

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    Cette thèse propose de renforcer les liens entre les études sur l’œuvre d’art et les recherches sur le curatorial par le biais des études en communication, et plus précisément de l’analyse des interactions qui se déroulent entre les acteur·e·s humain·e·s et autre qu’humain·e·s composant le processus de conception et de réalisation d’une exposition d’arts. L’exposition Femynynytees, dont j’étais la co-curatrice, a été à l’affiche durant l’été 2018 à Montréal et fut spécialement conçue comme le terrain de recherche de cette expérience. Tout au long de la création de Femynynytees, j’ai pu observer un phénomène que j’ai appelé le devenir-œuvre d’art, auquel cette thèse consacre une attention particulière. Il s’agit d’un phénomène relationnel dans le cadre duquel l’œuvre, telle que créée par l’artiste, est mise en relation avec le « curatorial » (von Bismarck et Rogoff, 2012 ; Martinon, 2013), envisagé ici comme les connaissances produites pendant la réalisation d’un projet curatorial spécifique. Ces rencontres engendrent des transitions qui permettent que l’œuvre soit comprise non pas comme un objet, mais comme un trajet (Souriau, 2009), devenant ainsi un processus qui peut donc être défini comme étant, en même temps, œuvre et curatorial. Pour observer ce phénomène, j’adopte une approche théorique liée aux nouveaux matérialismes, en proposant que le curatorial soit conçu comme un ensemble de « pratiques matérielles-discursives » (Barad, 2003). Ces pratiques sont à l’origine des changements qui se produisent avec l’œuvre lorsqu’elle est mise en contact avec un processus curatorial. Selon cette perspective, les artistes, les curateur·e·s, les visiteur·e·s, les choix d’installation, les espaces d’exposition, et tout autre élément lié à la mise en branle d’un tel évènement, font partie du curatorial et sont ainsi parties prenantes de ses pratiques matérielles-discursives. Par ailleurs, cette recherche se concentre sur les pratiques en arts médiatiques, des œuvres envisagées comme matériellement plus perméables au curatorial par la relative flexibilité de leur processus de matérialisation, ainsi que par l’aspect collaboratif du système dans lequel elles sont généralement produites. Le terme « arts médiatiques » est prédominant au Québec et fait référence aux pratiques mobilisant des technologies médiatiques – soit des technologies électriques, électroniques ou numériques – dans la création d’une œuvre. D’un point de vue méthodologique, le devenir-œuvre d’art est analysé à partir d’une perspective ventriloque (Cooren, 2013) de la communication, une approche permettant d’identifier la complexité des voix (Mazzei et Jackson, 2012) qui participent de ce phénomène. Suite à l’examen des conversations tenues pendant les visites d’atelier et les réunions organisées entre curatrices et artistes, des courriels échangés entre artistes et curatrices et des entretiens réalisés avec une trentaine de visiteur·e·s, cette thèse montre comment s’opèrent concrètement les mises en relation du devenir-œuvre dans le cas d’une exposition d’arts médiatiques. Il s’agit donc d’une recherche située (Haraway, 1988), relationnelle et processuelle qui positionne la communication comme constitutive de toute réalité (Cooren, 2012).This dissertation aims to strengthen the existing dialogue between art studies and curatorial studies through communication sciences, and more precisely, through the analysis of the interactions that take place between human and other-than-human actors composing the process of conception and realization of an art exhibition. The exhibition Femynytees, that I co-curated, was on display during the summer of 2018 in Montreal and was specially conceived as the fieldwork for this experience. Throughout the creation of Femynytees, I was able to observe a phenomenon that I propose to call the becoming-artwork, to which this dissertation devotes particular attention. By this, I mean a relational phenomenon by which the work, as created by the artist, is put in relation with the "curatorial" (von Bismarck and Rogoff, 2012; Martinon, 2013), considered here as a mode of knowledge engendered during the production of a specific curatorial project. This encounter generates transitions in the work that allow it to be understood as a path (Souriau, 2009), thus becoming a process that can be defined as both artwork and curatorial at the same time. To observe this phenomenon, I adopt a theoretical approach, inspired by the new materialisms, which proposes that the curatorial be conceived as a set of “material-discursive practices” (Barad, 2003). These practices are at the origin of the changes that occur with the artwork when it is brought into contact with a particular curatorial process. According to this perspective, artists, curators, visitors, installation choices, exhibition spaces, and any other element related to the setting in motion of such an event, are part of the curatorial and are thus taking part in its material-discursive practices. Moreover, this research focuses on media art practices, as this type of art is considered to be more permeable to the curatorial because of the relative flexibility of its materialization process, as well as the collaborative aspect of the system in which it is generally produced. The term "media arts" refers here to practices that mobilize media technologies – that is, electrical, electronic or digital technologies – in the creation of an artwork. From a methodological point of view, the becoming-artwork is analyzed from a ventriloqual perspective on communication (Cooren, 2013), an approach that makes it possible to identify the complexification of voices (Mazzei and Jackson, 2012) that participate in this phenomenon. Following an analysis of conversations held during studio visits and meetings between curators and artists, emails exchanged between artists and curators, and interviews with 30 of the visitors, this dissertation shows how the fundamental relationships at the heart of the becoming-artworks concretely operate in the case of a media art exhibition. It is thus a situated (Haraway, 1988), relational, and processual research that positions communication as constitutive of all reality (Cooren, 2012)
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