156 research outputs found

    Experiments for analysis of video transmission via ATM

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    A large quantity of data of different types and priorities pass through on high-speed networks. A relevant part of these data, like continuous media (audio, video, and so), need a control of its Quality of Service (QoS). This paper describes experiments on the characteristics of the ATM network technology that provide support to quality video streaming transmission. The experiments were realized considering QoS, connection admission control, network congestion, transmission priorities and bandwidth demand associated to applications and network configuration. Three basic kinds of videos were analyzed-movies (smooth movies), sports (action movies) and talking head movies. Data about video transmission were collected from an ATM switch, showing results that can be used in the future on ATM channel mapping to multimedia data distribution (in applications like Interactive TV and Video-on-Demand, for example).Facultad de Informátic

    Marca Cabo Verde : aproximación al reciente posicionamiento del país a través de su identidad turística

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    Desde que comenzó el siglo XXI, Cabo Verde presenta crecimientos anuales de turistas del 17,5% lo que le ha consolidado como país emergente y estratégico. Debido a ello, el Ministerio de Turismo en 2010, ha tratado de desarrollar estrategias de marketing para el destino. Una revisión crítica y reflexiva a través del análisis DAFO, tanto de la creación de la identidad visual como de las actuaciones derivadas del Plan Estratégico para el Desarrollo del Turismo, permiten concluir que las autoridades han escogido un posicionamiento erróneo carente de autenticidad siendo necesario y posible el reposicionar Cabo Verde pues posee características fundamentales para constituirse en una marca diferenciada y única.Since the beginning of the 21st century, Cape Verde has had an annual growth of 17.5% of tourist arrivals, which in turn, has established the country as a strategic emerging destination. As a result, of this, in 2010 the Ministry of Tourism attempted to develop a marketing strategy for the destination. A critical and reflective analysis anchored by a SWOT Analysis based on both, the creation of the visual identity as well as the actions undertaken in the National Strategic Plan for Tourism Development concluded that the visual identity selected by authorities lack the fundamental authentic characteristics necessary to position Brand Cape Verde as a differentiated and unique visual identity

    Marca Cabo Verde. Aproximación al reciente posicionamiento del país a través de su identidad turística

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    Since the beginning of the 21st century, Cape Verde has had an annual growth of 17.5% of tourist arrivals, which in turn, has established the country as a strategic emerging destination. As a result, of this, in 2010 the Ministry of Tourism attempted to develop a marketing strategy for the destination. A critical and reflective analysis anchored by a SWOT Analysis based on both, the creation of the visual identity as well as the actions undertaken in the National Strategic Plan for Tourism Development concluded that the visual identity selected by authorities lack the fundamental authentic characteristics necessary to position Brand Cape Verde as a differentiated and unique visual identity. Desde que comenzó el siglo XXI, Cabo Verde presenta crecimientos anuales de turistas del 17,5% lo que le ha consolidado como país emergente y estratégico. Debido a ello, el Ministerio de Turismo en 2010, ha tratado de desarrollar estrategias de marketing para el destino. Una revisión crítica y reflexiva a través del análisis DAFO, tanto de la creación de la identidad visual como de las actuaciones derivadas del Plan Estratégico para el Desarrollo del Turismo, permiten concluir que las autoridades han escogido un posicionamiento erróneo carente de autenticidad siendo necesario y posible el reposicionar Cabo Verde pues posee características fundamentales para constituirse en una marca diferenciada y única

    Experimentos para análise de transmissão de vídeo via ATM

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    Uma grande quantidade de dados de diferentes tipos e prioridades trafegam em redes de alta velocidade, sendo que um controle da Qualidade de Serviço se faz necessário para grande parte deles, como, por exemplo, dados de mídia contínua (áudio e vídeo). Este artigo descreve experiências sobre as características da tecnologia de rede ATM e o suporte que esta fornece para o transporte de streams de vídeo, considerando QoS, controle de admissão de conexões, congestionamento da rede, prioridades de transmissão, demanda de largura de banda associada às aplicações e configuração da rede. Três tipos básicos de vídeos foram analisados - filmes (smooth movie), esportes (action movie) e "talking head". Dados sobre a transmissão dos vídeo foram coletados em uma switch ATM, revelando resultados que podem ser utilizados futuramente no trabalho de mapeamento de canais ATM para distribuição de dados multimídia como TV Interativa e Video-on-DemandÁrea: Redes - Sistemas Operativos - Sistemas de Tiempo Real - Arquitectura de ProcesadoresRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Experiments for analysis of video transmission via ATM

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    A large quantity of data of different types and priorities pass through on high-speed networks. A relevant part of these data, like continuous media (audio, video, and so), need a control of its Quality of Service (QoS). This paper describes experiments on the characteristics of the ATM network technology that provide support to quality video streaming transmission. The experiments were realized considering QoS, connection admission control, network congestion, transmission priorities and bandwidth demand associated to applications and network configuration. Three basic kinds of videos were analyzed-movies (smooth movies), sports (action movies) and talking head movies. Data about video transmission were collected from an ATM switch, showing results that can be used in the future on ATM channel mapping to multimedia data distribution (in applications like Interactive TV and Video-on-Demand, for example).Facultad de Informátic

    Experimentos para análise de transmissão de vídeo via ATM

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    Uma grande quantidade de dados de diferentes tipos e prioridades trafegam em redes de alta velocidade, sendo que um controle da Qualidade de Serviço se faz necessário para grande parte deles, como, por exemplo, dados de mídia contínua (áudio e vídeo). Este artigo descreve experiências sobre as características da tecnologia de rede ATM e o suporte que esta fornece para o transporte de streams de vídeo, considerando QoS, controle de admissão de conexões, congestionamento da rede, prioridades de transmissão, demanda de largura de banda associada às aplicações e configuração da rede. Três tipos básicos de vídeos foram analisados - filmes (smooth movie), esportes (action movie) e "talking head". Dados sobre a transmissão dos vídeo foram coletados em uma switch ATM, revelando resultados que podem ser utilizados futuramente no trabalho de mapeamento de canais ATM para distribuição de dados multimídia como TV Interativa e Video-on-DemandÁrea: Redes - Sistemas Operativos - Sistemas de Tiempo Real - Arquitectura de ProcesadoresRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Factors Associated with Excess Weight in a Sample Population of School Adolescents

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    Introduction: Overweight has been reported as a public health problem. Consequently, this suggests epidemiological studies for nutritional surveillance.Objective:  To analyze the prevalence and factors associated with overweight among high school students in Capital of the Brazilian Western Amazon.Methods: cross-sectional study of 2694 adolescents from public and private schools. They collected demographic, socioeconomic and sedentary behavior through self-responded questionnaire. Overweight rating followed the recommendations of the World Health Organization (2007). The prevalence rates were calculated, odds ratio and their confidence intervals were calculated at 95%. They identified the factors associated with excess weight by multiple binary logistic regression.Results: The overall prevalence of overweight was 24.2% and 26.3% for males and 22.4% for females. After adjustment factors associated with overweight were economic class A / B (OR = 1.30, 95% CI 1.02 to 1.45), private school type (OR = 1.21, 95% CI 1,02-1.46) and poor health perception (OR = 1.27, 95% CI 1.03 to 1.58). It was concluded that excess weight showed high prevalence in economy class adolescents and B and private schools in Porto Velho, RO, Brazil.Conclusion: Therefore, the practice of physical activity associated with a diet should be encouraged, in addition to reducing sedentary behavior, to prevent the development of overweight and obesity

    Effect of programmed physical activity on the physical fitness of adolescent students

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    The objective of this study was to determine the influence of programmed physical activity on the physical fitness of adolescent students over one school year. The sample consisted of 383 students (age range: 10 to 14 years) divided into two groups: 186 cases (96 boys and 90 girls) and 197 controls (108 boys and 89 girls). An intervention study with pre- and post-tests was conducted, in which the intervention group was submitted to programmed physical activity, while the control group underwent conventional classes of school physical education. Physical fitness was assessed by sit-and-reach (flexibility), muscle endurance (elbow flexion and extension) and aerobic endurance (run/walk, 9 min) tests. Motor performance observed in the three tests (flexibility, strength and endurance) did not improve from pre-test to post-test in either group, but comparison of the intervention and control groups showed significant improvement in the strength and endurance tests for both genders in the intervention group. Boys of the two groups also showed dominance in the strength and endurance tests. In general, higher muscle strength and cardiorespiratory fitness and lower flexibility were observed for boys when compared to girls, and all parameters increased in the post-test and were higher in the intervention group compared to control A significant difference in flexibility was only observed between genders. With respect to muscle strength, a significant difference was observed between genders and between the intervention and control group after adjustment for age and socioeconomic level. Cardiorespiratory fitness differed significantly between genders and between the intervention and control group.O estudo teve como objetivo verificar o efeito da atividade física programada sobre os testes de aptidão física em escolares adolescentes durante um ano de período letivo. Amostra foi composta de 383 alunos, divididos em dois grupos: caso, com 186 (96 meninos e 90 meninas) e controle, com 197 (108 meninos e 89 meninas), com idade entre 10 e 15 anos. Trata-se de estudo de intervenção com pré e pós-teste, com um ano de duração, no qual o grupo caso foi submetido à atividade física programada e o grupo controle com aulas convencionais de educação física escolar. A aptidão física foi avaliada por testes de sentar-e-alcançar (flexibilidade), resistência muscular (flexão e extensão do cotovelo) e aptidão cardiorrespiratória (corrida e caminhada de nove minutos). O desempenho motor verificado nos três testes analisados (flexibilidade, força e resistência) não apresentou melhora significativa quando envolveu a variável tempo do pré para o pós-teste, em ambos os grupos, mas quando comparado (tipo) o grupo caso (intervenção) com o controle, mostrou diferença significativa com melhora nos testes de força e resistência em ambos os sexos para o caso. Os meninos de ambos os grupos também mostraram predomínio nos testes de força e resistência. De uma forma geral, os valores foram maiores nos meninos em relação às meninas para resistência muscular e aptidão cardiorrespiratória e menor para flexibilidade, e todos aumentaram no pós-teste em relação ao pré-teste e foram maiores no grupo caso em relação ao controle. Em relação à flexibilidade, foi observada diferença estatisticamente significativa apenas entre os gêneros. Em relação à resistência muscular, após ajuste para idade e nível socioeconômico, foi observada diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os gêneros e entre os tipos. Em relação à aptidão cardiorrespiratória, foi observada diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os gêneros e entre os tipos.9810

    Preventive role of exercise training in autonomic, hemodynamic, and metabolic parameters in rats under high risk of metabolic syndrome development

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    Preventive role of exercise training in autonomic, hemodynamic, and metabolic parameters in rats under high risk of metabolic syndrome development. J Appl Physiol 114: 786-791, 2013. First published January 17, 2013; doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.00586.2012.-High fructose consumption contributes to metabolic syndrome incidence, whereas exercise training promotes several beneficial adaptations. in this study, we demonstrated the preventive role of exercise training in the metabolic syndrome derangements in a rat model. Wistar rats receiving fructose overload in drinking water (100 g/l) were concomitantly trained on a treadmill (FT) or kept sedentary (F) for 10 wk. Control rats treated with normal water were also submitted to exercise training (CT) or sedentarism (C). Metabolic evaluations consisted of the Lee index and glycemia and insulin tolerance test (kITT). Blood pressure (BP) was directly measured, whereas heart rate (HR) and BP variabilities were evaluated in time and frequency domains. Renal sympathetic nerve activity was also recorded. F rats presented significant alterations compared with all the other groups in insulin resistance (in mg.dl(-1).min(-1): F: 3.4 +/- 0.2; C: 4.7 +/- 0.2; CT: 5.0 +/- 0.5 FT: 4.6 +/- 0.4), mean BP (in mmHG: F: 117 +/- 2; C: 100 +/- 2; CT: 98 +/- 2; FT: 105 +/- 2), and Lee index (in g/mm: F = 0.31 +/- 0.001; C = 0.29 +/- 0.001; CT = 0.27 +/- 0.002; FT = 0.28 +/- 0.002), confirming the metabolic syndrome diagnosis. Exercise training blunted all these derangements. Additionally, FS group presented autonomic dysfunction in relation to the others, as seen by an similar to 50% decrease in baroreflex sensitivity and 24% in HR variability, and increases in sympathovagal balance (140%) and in renal sympathetic nerve activity (45%). These impairments were not observed in FT group, as well as in C and CT. Correlation analysis showed that both Lee index and kITT were associated with vagal impairment caused by fructose. Therefore, exercise training plays a preventive role in both autonomic and hemodynamic alterations related to the excessive fructose consumption.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Univ São Paulo, Sch Med, Heart Inst InCor, Hypertens Unit, BR-05403900 São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Nephrol, São Paulo, BrazilNove Julho Univ, São Paulo, BrazilUniv Prebiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Nephrol, São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc