204 research outputs found

    3D quantification of osteoclast resorption of equine bone in vitro

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    Des charges cycliques élevées induisent la formation de microfissures dans l'os, déclenchant un processus de remodelage ciblé, mené par les ostéoclastes et suivi par les ostéoblastes, visant à réparer et à prévenir l'accumulation des dommages. L'os de cheval de course est un modèle idéal pour étudier les effets d'une charge de haute intensité, car il est sujet à une accumulation focale de microfissures et à la résorption qui s'ensuit dans les articulations. Les ostéoclastes équins ont rarement été étudiés in vitro. Le volume de résorption des ostéoclastes est considéré comme un paramètre direct de l'activité des ostéoclastes, mais des méthodes indirectes de quantification en 2D de la résorption osseuse sont plus souvent utilisées. L'objectif de cette étude était de développer une méthode précise, à haut débit et assistée par l'apprentissage profond pour quantifier le volume de résorption des ostéoclastes équins dans les images micro tomodensitométrie (µCT) 3D. Des ostéoclastes équins ont été cultivés sur des tranches d'os équins, imagés par μCT avant et après la culture. Le volume, le ratio de forme et la profondeur maximale de chaque événement de résorption ont été mesurés dans les images volumétriques de trois tranches d'os. Un convolution neural network (CNN) a ensuite été entraîné à identifier les événements de résorption sur les images μCT post-culture, puis le modèle a été appliqué à des tranches d'os d'archives (n=21), pour lesquelles l’aire de résorption en 2D, et la concentration du biomarqueur de résorption CTX-I étaient connues. Cela a permis d'obtenir des informations 3D sur la résorption des tranches d’os pour lesquels aucune imagerie n'avait été réalisée avant la mise en culture. La valeur modale du volume, la profondeur maximale et le ratio de forme des événements de résorption discrète étaient respectivement de 2,7*103µm3, 12 µm et 0,18. Le volume de résorption moyen par tranche d'os archivés était de 34155,34*103µm3. Le volume de résorption mesuré par le CNN était en forte corrélation avec les mesures de CTX-I (p <0,001) et d’aire (p <0,001). Cette technique de segmentation des images µCT des coupes osseuses assistée par apprentissage profond pour quantifier le volume de résorption osseuse des ostéoclastes équins permettra des recherches futures plus précises et plus approfondies sur l'activité des ostéoclastes. Par exemple, les effets antirésorptifs de médicaments tels que les corticostéroïdes et les bisphosphonates pourront être étudiés à l'avenir.High cyclic loads induce the formation of microcracks in bone, initiating a process of targeted remodeling, led by osteoclasts, and followed by osteoblasts, aimed at repairing and preventing accumulation of damage. Racehorse bone is an ideal model for studying the effects of high-intensity loading, as it is subject to focal accumulation of microcracks and subsequent resorption within joints. Equine osteoclasts have rarely been investigated in vitro. The volume of osteoclast resorption is considered a direct parameter of osteoclast activity, but indirect 2D quantification methods are used more often. The objective of this study was to develop an accurate, high-throughput, deep learning-aided method to quantify equine osteoclast resorption volume in µCT 3D images. Equine osteoclasts were cultured on equine bone slices, imaged with μCT pre- and post-culture. Volume, aspect ratio (shape factor) and maximum depth of each resorption event were measured in volumetric images of three bone slices. A convolutional neural network (U-Net-like) was then trained to identify resorption events on post-culture μCT images and then the network was applied to archival bone slices (n=21), for which the area of resorption in 2D, and the concentration of a resorption biomarker CTX-I were known. This unlocked the 3D information on resorption for bone slices where no pre-culture imaging was done. The modal volume, maximum depth, and aspect ratio of discrete resorption events were 2.7*103µm3, 12 µm and 0.18 respectively. The mean resorption volume per bone slice on achieved bone samples was 34155.34*103µm3. The CNN-labeled resorption volume correlated strongly with both CTX-I (p <0.001) and area measurements (p <0.001). This technique of deep learning-aided feature segmentation of µCT images of bone slices for quantifying equine osteoclast bone resorption volume allows for more accurate and extensive future investigations on osteoclast activity. For example, the antiresorptive effects of medications like corticosteroids and bisphosphonates can be investigated in the future

    Bone evaluation of ovariectomized rats submitted to diet with coffee and soft drinks associated with calcium and alendronate treatment

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    Orientador: Solange Maria de Almeida BoscoloTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Odontologia de PiracicabaResumo: O consumo de refrigerantes tem aumentado consideravelmente. No Brasil, os mais consumidos são aqueles à base de cola e guaraná. Outra bebida bastante consumida é o café. Todas essas bebidas têm sido associadas a efeitos adversos no osso, como por exemplo, a diminuição da densidade mineral óssea (DMO) e, consequentemente, a um aumento do risco de fraturas, principalmente em mulheres na fase pós menopausa que são as mais susceptíveis a sofrerem com a osteoporose. Quando instalada a doença, o tratamento mais comumente utilizado é aquele com bisfosfonatos. Desse modo, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do consumo de bebidas à base de cola, guaraná e cafeína na densidade mineral óssea, resistência óssea e níveis séricos de cálcio e fósforo em ratas ovariectomizadas e ainda avaliar o efeito do tratamento com alendronato de sódio e solução de cálcio nas possíveis alterações causadas. Para tanto, foram utilizadas 91 ratas fêmeas, sendo 84 ovariectomizadas, divididas em 13 grupos cuja dieta consistiu de água, cola, guaraná ou café e sendo tratadas com alendronato ou solução de cálcio, durante 50 dias. Após esse período as ratas foram sacrificadas para análises da DMO, resistência óssea e de cálcio e fósforo séricos. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância (ANOVA) em esquema fatorial (4x3+1) com tratamento adicional em nível de significância de 5%. Foi observada diminuição estatisticamente significativa da DMO no grupo Cola, sem diminuição estatisticamente significativa de resistência à fratura em relação ao grupo Controle. Os grupos Café e Guaraná apresentaram aumento estatisticamente significativo da DMO em relação ao grupo Controle, porém, não foi observada diferença estatística significativa nos demais testes. Quando administrado o Alendronato de sódio foi possível observar aumento estatisticamente significativo da DMO do grupo Controle e do grupo Cola e diminuição estatisticamente significativa na DMO, na dosagem de cálcio e fósforo séricos do grupo Café, além de diminuição significativa da resistência a fratura no grupo Guaraná. Quando administrada a solução de cálcio, houve aumento significativo na DMO apenas no grupo Cola e diminuição significativa nas dosagens de cálcio e fósforo séricos no grupo Café. Foi possível concluir que se pode sugerir uma relação entre alteração óssea e consumo de refrigerantes à base de cola em ratas ovariectomizadas e que essas alterações podem ser atenuadas realizando-se o tratamento com alendronato de sódio ou solução de cálcio. Ainda, que o consumo de café ou refrigerantes à base de guaraná parecem não estar associados a alterações ósseas e nesses casos, o tratamento com as substâncias administradas não surtiu efeito positivo, apresentando efeito maléfico quando associado ao consumo de caféAbstract: The consumption of carbonated beverages worldwide has increased considerably in recent years. In Brazil, the most consumed beverages are soft drinks based on cola and on guarana, and there is also a high consumption of coffee. These beverages have been associated with adverse bone effects, such as decreased bone mineral density (BMD) and consequently, increased fracture risk, mainly in post-menopausal women, who are more susceptible to develop osteoporosis. In the presence of this disease, the most common treatment is performed with the use of bisphosphonates. Hence, the aim of these study was to evaluate the effect of cola, guarana and caffeine beverages on bone mineral density, bone strength and serum levels of calcium and phosphorus in ovariectomized rats; in addition, it was aimed to assess the effect of treatments with sodium alendronate and with a calcium solution over the possibly induced bone alterations. 91 female rats were selected and 84 was ovariectomized; after that, they were divided into 13 groups based on the consumption of water, cola, guarana or caffeine and on the treatment with sodium alendronate or calcium solution. At the end of a 50 days period, the animals were sacrificed and the analyses of BMD, bone strength, and serum levels of calcium and phosphorus were performed. The data were submitted to analysis of variance (ANOVA) with factorial design (4x3+1) and to additional treatment with a significance level of 5%. It was observed a statistically significant decrease in the BMD, without a statistically significant reduction in the fracture resistance, in the Cola group when compared to the Control group. The Coffee and Guarana groups showed a statistically significant increase in the BMD when compared to the Control group, but no significant differences were observed in the other analyses performed. When sodium alendronate was administered, it was observed a statistically significant increase in Control and Cola groups BMD; however, there was a significant decrease in the Coffee group BMD and serum levels of calcium and phosphorus, and a significant decrease in the bone strength in the Guarana group. Regarding the administration of the calcium solution, there was a statistically significant increase in the BMD in the Cola group only, and significantly decrease in serum levels of calcium and phosphorus in the Coffee group. As a conclusion, a relationship between bone alteration in ovariectomized rats and cola-based soft drinks may be suggested; also, the bone alterations can be attenuated by treatment with sodium alendronate or calcium solution. In addition, the consumption of coffee and guarana-based soft drinks seemed not to be associated with bone alterations, and treatment with the administered substances had no positive effects, showing a maleficent effect when associated with coffee consumptionDoutoradoRadiologia OdontologicaDoutora em Radiologia OdontológicaCAPE


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    O presente artigo consiste na apresentação da educação integral sob a perspectiva dos projetos educacionais em disputa. Tomaremos como educação integral, aquela que se baseia na concepção crítica e visa a superação da sociedade capitalista e instauração do socialismo. Entretanto, esse é um termo comumente apropriado pelos discursos hegemônicos, em uma perspectiva totalmente distinta da que defendemos. Por isso, compreender como a classe dominante se vale dessa categoria é um esforço essencial para descontruir seus argumentos e apresentar contra argumentação consistente. Palavras-chave: Educação Integral, Escola unitária, Reforma do Ensino Médio.

    Analysing RES support mechanisms in the EU post-2020

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    -Policies in the sectors of heating and cooling, and transport need a stronger focus to achieve the EU 2020 and 2030 renewable share targets. -There is scope to introduce policy measures supporting Renewable Energy Sources (RES) in the transport sector (RES-T) such as a single binding legislative framework at the EU level while allowing differentiated support for efficient biofuels, green certificates as well as the uptake of electric and hydrogen mobility -In addition to setting overall targets the EC can play a role in monitoring retroactive measures at the Member States (MS) level, develop clear sustainability criteria to support bioenergy, and ensure that MS RES policy packages are consistent with the internal energy market -Costs of ancillary services such as balancing reserves will need to be distributed fairly between network operators and end-users across national borders as the EU moves towards an common internal energy marke


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    ?Do not let rock out of you? : the Kiss FM Radio identity configuration on expanded radio.

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    A constru??o e manuten??o da identidade de uma emissora no r?dio expandido n?o se restringem ?s caracter?sticas de programa??o, j? que suas configura??es transbordam do dial para outras plataformas, como as redes sociais digitais. Para verificar a configura??o da identidade da R?dio Kiss FM enquanto emissora dedicada ao rock, o trabalho analisa o uso que ela faz das caracter?sticas culturais e associativas do g?nero musical na programa??o em fluxo, no site e nas redes sociais on-line, recorrendo a refer?ncias est?ticas e diretas pr?prias da cultura rock.The construction and maintenance of a broadcaster?s radio identity is not restricted to programming features, as its settings overflow from the dial to other platforms, such as digital social networks. In order to verify the identity configuration of Radio Kiss FM as a dedicated rock radio station, this work analyzes the cultural and associa tive characteristics of the musical genre in flow programming, on the web site and online social networks, using references aesthetic and direct aspects of rock culture

    Estimativa da Infiltração da Água em um Solo de Várzea através do Modelo de Green-AMPT com Ajustes de Parâmetros

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    The need to find a model that describes the process of water infiltration into the soil which could be more closer to the reality is extremely important, especially considering the physical characteristics of a soil has, because a better understanding of this process is of fundamental importance for the efficient management of soil and water in agricultural crops. This study aims to validate the model of Green-Ampt in a rice-growing area. The experiment was conducted in the experimental site of Paraíso do Sul - RS, where soil samples were collected for physical analysis and used the double ring infiltrometer to obtain the values of cumulative infiltration. The results obtained through the Green-Ampt model did not generate acceptable results for application. With the development of the work, it was concluded that for the implementation of Green-Ampt model it is necessary to find a new parameter setting proposal that can describe the process of infiltration to the soil type studied.A necessidade de buscar um modelo que descreva o processo de infiltração da água no solo com maior aproximação a realidade, é extremamente importante, principalmente considerando as características físicas que um solo possui, pois o conhecimento desse processo é de fundamental importância para o manejo eficiente do solo e da água nos cultivos agrícolas. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo validar o modelo de Green-Ampt em uma área de cultivo de arroz. O experimento foi realizado no sítio experimental de Paraíso do Sul - RS, onde foram coletadas amostras do solo para análise física e utilizado o método de infiltrômetro de anéis para a obtenção dos valores da infiltração acumulada. Os resultados obtidos através do modelo de Green-Ampt não gerou resultados aceitáveis para aplicação. Com desenvolvimento do trabalho, conclui-se que, para a aplicação do modelo de Green-Ampt é necessário buscar uma nova proposta de ajuste de parâmetros que consiga descrever o processo de infiltração para o tipo de solo estudado