270 research outputs found


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    Purpose: To develop strategies that enable bars and restaurants to improve their relationship marketing with their consumers using digital media as auxiliary tools. Method: This is an applied research, with a problem approach configured as quantitative, whose objectives present a descriptive character, having as technical procedures the survey, it was conceived non-probabilistic sampling by convenience. Originality/Relevance: Makes visible the possibility of measuring and understanding the desires and expectations of consumers in relation to the target companies, which in turn can provide a scientific bias to the fulfilment of certain market demands, as in the case of the formulation of relationship marketing strategies directed to the expectations and desires of the consumer public. Results: The sample researched has a greater appreciation for the bars and restaurants that are present in the digital media and that, mainly, relate to their customers through them; still, it was observed the importance of good reviews linked to the bars and restaurants in the consumers' perspective; and lastly, it was noted the predisposition of consumers about the use of the social networks Instagram and WhatsApp. Finally, from the strategies developed, it was realized the too much relevance of performing relationship marketing based on the tastes and preferences of the one whose attention you want to get. JEL: M30; M13  Article visualizations

    PROMETHEE-SAPEVO-M1 a Hybrid Approach Based on Ordinal and Cardinal Inputs: Multi-Criteria Evaluation of Helicopters to Support Brazilian Navy Operations

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    This paper presents a new approach based on Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA), named PROMETHEE-SAPEVO-M1, through its implementation and feasibility related to the decision-making process regarding the evaluation of helicopters of attack of the Brazilian Navy. The proposed methodology aims to present an integration of ordinal evaluation into the cardinal procedure from the PROMETHEE method, enabling to perform qualitative and quantitative data and generate the criteria weights by pairwise evaluation, transparently. The modeling provides three models of preference analysis, as partial, complete, and outranking by intervals, along with an intra-criterion analysis by veto threshold, enabling the analysis of the performance of an alternative in a specific criterion. As a demonstration of the application, is carried out a case study by the PROMETHEE-SAPEVO-M1 web platform, addressing a strategic analysis of attack helicopters to be acquired by the Brazilian Navy, from the need to be evaluating multiple specifications with different levels of importance within the context problem. The modeling implementation in the case study is made in detail, first performing the alternatives in each criterion and then presenting the results by three different models of preference analysis, along with the intra-criterion analysis and a rank reversal procedure. Moreover, is realized a comparison analysis to the PROMETHEE method, exploring the main features of the PROMETHEE-SAPEVO-M1. Moreover, a section of discussion is presented, exposing some features and main points of the proposal. Therefore, this paper provides a valuable contribution to academia and society since it represents the application of an MCDA method in the state of the art, contributing to the decision-making resolution of the most diverse real problems.This research was funded by Centre for Research & Development in Mechanical Engineering (CIDEM), School of Engineering of Porto (ISEP), Polytechnic of Porto, Rua Dr. António Bernardino de Almeida, 431 4249-015 Porto, Portugal.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    INTRODUÇÃO: Diabetes Mellitus (DM) é uma síndrome metabólica de origem múltipla, decorrente da falta de insulina e/ou da incapacidade e/ou falta de insulina exercer adequadamente seus efeitos, caracterizando altas taxa de açúcar no sangue (hiperglicemia) de forma permanente. O DM possui dois tipos: tipo 1 (DM1) e tipo 2 (DM2) Essa doença pode apresentar diversas complicações, dentre elas, a insuficiência renal, amputação de membros inferiores, cegueira e doença cardiovascular. OBJETIVOS: Realizar a arguição do perfil  epidemiológico desta patologia no Brasil, entre 2017 e 2022 METODOLOGIA: Estudo epidemiológico, descritivo, realizado por meio da coleta de dados anuais referentes ao período entre 2018 até 2022, no Brasil, disponibilizado pelo Sistema de Informações Hospitalares (SIH) RESULTADOS: Foram registrados 659.639 casos confirmados por DM sendo homens o sexo mais atingido e idosos o grupo etário com maior prevalência. Região com mais casos de DM, mais óbitos e maior Taxa de Mortalidade foi o Sudeste. Nos 5 anos foram registrados 29.280 óbitos. CONCLUSÃO: Diabetes Mellitus apresenta muitas nuances e particularidades desde os fatores que a desencadeiam e os desencadeados por essa patologia. Por esse motivo o incentivo a melhores hábitos de vida (físicos e alimentares), além do diagnóstico e tratamento precoces são fundamentais para mitigação e erradicação da patologia no paí

    Microstructure and metal-insulator transition in single crystalline KMo4O6

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    High quality KMo4O6 single crystals with tetragonal structure (space group P4/mbm) have been prepared by fused salt electrolysis. The crystals were studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffractometry, electrical resistivity, and magnetization measurements. X-ray powder diffraction patterns and SEM have given some information on the growth of single crystals. Electrical resistivity as a function of temperature shows that the KMo4O6 compound is a bad metal with resistivity change of approximately 30% in the temperature range from 2 to 300K. A metal-insulator transition (MIT), observed at approximately 110K, has been also confirmed for this material. Magnetization as a function of temperature agrees with previous report, however a magnetic ordering has been observed in M(H) curves in the whole temperature range

    Real-time intelligent decision support and monitoring system of critical patients

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    RESUMO - Os cuidados intensivos são unidades clínicas onde os sinais vitais dos doentes são monitorizados continuamente e onde é registada uma multiplicidade de parâmetros clínicos. Este trabalho apresenta como principal objetivo estudar a possibilidade e desenvolver um sistema inteligente que promova a monitorização e a criação de novo conhecimento útil para o processo de decisão fulcral para a prestação de um melhor tratamento ao doente. Este artigo apresenta os resultados obtidos, em particular o sistema desenvolvido com o propósito de monitorizar os dados clínicos e recorrer a tecnologias de data mining, para prever eventos clínicos com grande sensibilidade (90–100%), nomeadamente a probabilidade de falência orgânica, reinternamentos e sépsis.ABSTRACT - Intensive care units are places where patients’ vital signs are continuously monitored and recorded alongside a multiplicity of clinical parameters. The main goal of this work is to study and develop an intelligent system to promote new decision-making knowledge crucial to provide better treatment to the patient. This article presents the achieved goals; in particular, the system developed for monitoring the clinical data and, using data mining technologies, for predicting clinical events with great sensitivity (90–100%), including organ failure probability, readmissions, and sepsis.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio