238 research outputs found

    From pedagogical confrontations to pedagogical invitations: A self-study of teacher educators' work

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    For teacher educators, ethical dilemmas, tensions and 'pedagogical confrontations' (PCs) often arise in day-to-day teaching practice. Education research reveals that self-study researchers usually have a heightened awareness of their obligations to both identify and subsequently act on these dilemmas, tensions and confrontations (Berry, 2007; Bullough & Pinnegar, 2004; East, Fitzgerald & Heston, 2009; LaBoskey, 2004; Loughran, 2006; Pinnegar & Hamilton, 2009, 2015; Samaras, 2011 ). This self-study research focuses on the identification, categorization and analysis of 'pedagogical confrontations' (PCs) and asks what they mean for teacher educators. Through selfstudy and analysis of these 'pedagogical confrontations' we have come to understand more about the sophisticated and complex nature of teaching. Furthermore, we explore the way in which the use of PCs as a lens for researching practice, has subsequently led to new insights and led to an 'enactment in practice' (Loughran, 2006)

    Taking on and taking over : choice and control for physically disabled young adults

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    This study looked at ways of supporting physically disabled young adults to achieve their preferred levels of control over care and support arrangements: * What are physically disabled young adults experiences of managing their care and support arrangements? * How can they be better supported? Key findings and practice implications are included. A video about the research findings is also available and a poster showing the challenges and solutions for supporting young physically disabled people

    Análisis de la rigidez del suelo-cemento basado en los principios de diseño AASHTO 1993, tramo Bocapan-Hervideros, Tumbes, 2022

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    La presente investigación, tuvo como objetivo general es analizar la rigidez del Suelo-Cemento empleando los conceptos de la Guía de Diseño AASHTO 1993 para determinar la cantidad de cemento por utilizar en la capa Suelo-Cemento de la carretera Bocapan-Hervideros en la ciudad de Tumbes, La metodología del estudio fue del tipo aplicada, enfoque cuantitativo, diseño cuasi experimental y nivel aplicativo. Se consideró como población de estudio el kilómetro 02 de la carretera Bocapan Hervideros Se empleó como técnicas la observación directa y los siguientes ensayos de suelos: Contenido de Humedad, Granulometría, y Límites de Consistencia para determinar la Clasificación de Suelos, Ensayo C.B.R. y Ensayo Proctor Humedecimiento-Secado metodología AASTHO De acuerdo con los ensayos de laboratorio se realizados se obtuvieron los siguientes resultados cuando se trabajó con una dosificación de 2% se llegó a una resistencia a la compresión de 15 kg/cm2, con un porcentaje de 4% se llegó a una dosificación de 25.8 kg/cm2, y con una dosificación de 6% se llegó a una resistencia de 36.9k/cm2 trabajamos con una dosificación de 6% Eso nos da un Coeficiente estructural de capa 18psi, numero estructural NS=2.16 y un espesor de capa Suelo- Cemento de 30c

    Taking on choice and control in personal care and support : the experiences of physically disabled young adults

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    Summary: Research on self-directed care has focused on older people and adults with learning disabilities or mental health difficulties. This paper reports physically disabled young adults’ experiences of self-directed care. Such work is important because young adults are a ‘minority’ group within adult social care. This, and their still developing life skills and lack of life experience, may have a bearing on their experiences of self-directed care and associated support needs. An exploratory qualitative study using semi-structured interviews investigated this issue. Participants were aged 19-29 years with a range of congenital and acquired impairments. Findings: Many aspects of interviewees’ experiences of self-directed care appeared to be influenced by their limited life experience, the fact they are still developing life skills and are a minority group within adult social care. Interviewees identified their lack of life experience and self-confidence as making them cautious in assuming responsibility for their care arrangements and, typically, their desire for on-going parental support. They also believed their age and life stage contributed to difficulties managing carers and PAs. Preferences around the characteristics of carers/PAs were influenced by their age and desire to integrate into mainstream activities. Information provided by statutory services did not (fully) acknowledge that some users were young adults. Applications: Compared to other physically disabled users of adult social care, young adults’ under-developed life skills and lack of life experience influences their experiences as users, and the support they needed to assume control of their care arrangements. Tailored information and support for this ‘minority group’ is required. Keywords: self- or consumer-directed support; personalization; adult social care; physical disability; young adults; transitio

    How can technology make this work? Preservice teachers, off-campus learning and digital portfolios

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    Utilising appropriate Information Communication Technologies (ICT) as instructional tools in teacher education can be a challenging yet worthwhile endeavour. This paper reports the difficulties and benefits of a recent inter-university project requiring preservice primary teachers to construct professional digital portfolios using the support of ICT. Challenges with regard to communication and learning were numerous as 34 preservice teachers (PSTs) from three universities in NSW (situated in country towns, and in Sydney) worked together as a collaborative learning community. Meeting regularly face-to-face during the 12-month process was not always possible and so ICT resources were employed to facilitate instruction and communication. An action research methodology generated a data set of surveys, observational field notes, and student assessment artefacts. We share the findings in this paper so that others may learn from our experiences in using free access software and commonplace hardware when constructing digital portfolios with students who are some distance from campus

    Validación de un método analítico para la cuantificación de Dexketoprofeno y Tramadol HCl en tabletas recubiertas por Cromatografía liquida de alta eficiencia

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    El presente trabajo tuvo por objeto principal desarrollar la validación de una metodología analítica para la cuantificación simultánea de Dexketoprofeno y Tramadol HCl en tabletas recubiertas, utilizando un equipo de Cromatografía Liquida de Alta Eficiencia (HPLC), marca SHIMADZU modelo LC-2030. Se siguió el procedimiento interno de validación de metodologías analíticas fisicoquímicas del departamento de control de calidad, guía de validación de métodos analíticos fisicoquímicos versión 2. El Salvador, Organismo Salvadoreño de Acreditación (OSA) y las pruebas analíticas que se desarrollaron para comprobar la calidad del medicamento fueron tomadas del RTCA de Verificación de Calidad. Esta investigación se llevó a cabo en el departamento de Control de Calidad, de un Laboratorio Nacional ubicado en la ciudad de Antiguo Cuscatlán del departamento de la Libertad, en los meses de diciembre del 2021 y marzo del 2022. El protocolo de validación fue redactado a fin de estudiar parámetros tales como: Robustez, Estabilidad, Selectividad/Especificidad, Precisión del sistema, Linealidad del sistema, Linealidad del método, Exactitud, Repetividad y Precisión intermedia. A partir de los datos obtenidos, se redactó el informe de validación con el fin de demostrar la idoneidad del método analítico. Para finalizar con la validación el protocolo y el informe están documentados en el departamento de Control de Calidad. Los parámetros estudiados revelaron resultados conforme a la normativa vigente y por tanto es posible concluir que la validación del método se llevó a cabo de manera exitosa y al mismo tiempo, la metodología desarrollada es la idónea para la cuantificación de Dexketoprofeno y Tramadol HCl contenidos en tabletas recubiertas

    Gestión de la cadena de suministro de las puertas importadas y sus accesorios de la empresa SPELCOR periodo 2015-2019

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    El problema de la presente investigación fue cómo ha sido la gestión de la cadena de suministro de puertas importadas y sus accesorios de la empresa SPELCOR SRL en el periodo 2015 – 2019. El objetivo principal de este estudio fue analizar la gestión de la cadena de suministro de puertas importadas y sus accesorios de la empresa SPELCOR SRL en el periodo antes mencionado. La investigación fue de tipo aplicada y de enfoque cualitativo con un diseño narrativo dado que en la investigación se recolectó datos sobre la información de la empresa con el fin de describirla y analizarla. Asimismo, la entrevista fue estructurada y el muestreo por conveniencia, siendo los participantes el gerente y dos encargados de área de la empresa con la finalidad de recopilar datos para su posterior análisis de la misma. Como conclusión de la investigación, dentro de la gestión de la cadena de suministro de la empresa, se analizó que hubo problemas en el proceso de planificación y almacenamiento de manera que se utilizó la metodología SCOR ya que éste permitió un análisis de cada uno de sus procesos precisando que en ninguno habían alcanzado la mínima puntuación de tres puntos

    Malonyl-CoA Mediates Leptin Hypothalamic Control of Feeding Independent of Inhibition of CPT-1a

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    Hypothalamic fatty acid metabolism is involved in central nervous system controls of feeding and energy balance. Malonyl-CoA, an intermediate of fatty acid biosynthesis, is emerging as a significant player in these processes. Notably, hypothalamic malonyl-CoA has been implicated in leptin's feeding effect. Leptin treatment increases malonyl-CoA level in the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus (Arc), and this increase is required for leptin-induced decrease in food intake. However, the intracellular downstream mediators of malonyl-CoA's feeding effect have not been identified. A primary biochemical action of malonyl-CoA is the inhibition of the acyltransferase activity of carnitine palmitoyltransferase-1 (CPT-1). In the hypothalamus, the predominant isoform of CPT-1 that possesses the acyltransferase activity is CPT-1 liver type (CPT-1a). To address the role of CPT-1a in malonyl-CoA's anorectic action, we used a recombinant adenovirus expressing a mutant CPT-1a that is insensitive to malonyl-CoA inhibition. We show that Arc overexpression of the mutant CPT-1a blocked the malonyl-CoA-mediated inhibition of CPT-1 activity. However, the overexpression of this mutant did not affect the anorectic actions of leptin or central cerulenin for which an increase in Arc malonyl-CoA level is also required. Thus, CPT-1a does not appear to be involved in the malonyl-CoA's anorectic actions induced by leptin. Furthermore, long-chain fatty acyl-CoAs, substrates of CPT-1a, dissociate from malonyl-CoA's actions in the Arc under different feeding states. Together, our results suggest that Arc intracellular mechanisms of malonyl-CoA's anorectic actions induced by leptin are independent of CPT-1a. The data suggest that target(s), rather than CPT-1a, mediates malonyl-CoA action on feeding