1,146 research outputs found

    Concurso de ensayos: Tendiendo puentes 2016 francisco, política y solidaridad

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    Apostolic Journey of the Holy Father Francisco to Ecuador, Bolivia and Paraguay (2, 2015, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia). Participation in the Second World Meeting of Popular Movements. Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2015. pp. 2-11Viaje apostólico del Santo Padre Francisco a Ecuador, Bolivia y Paraguay (2, 2015, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia). Participación en el II Encuentro Mundial de los Movimientos Populares. Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia, Librería Editrice Vaticana, 2015. pp. 2-1

    Fast and accurate methodology for direct mercury determination in hair and nails

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    A solvent-free, easy, fast and waste-free methodology was developed for the determination of total mercury levels in hair and nails. Samples were taken from several volunteers and directly analysed, with levels of mercury in the range between 0.5 and 8 ng/mg. The influence of quantity of hair, as well as the addition of small amount of solvent and the necessity of previous treatment were studied. Also, a history of mercury exposure was provided by the distance of the hair from the scalp of each volunteer, the results of which were correlated with fish consumption. Furthermore, a short study of mercury in nails was carried out and correlated to the results from hair mercury levels. A small quantity of 5 mg of hair with an addition of 50 μL of water to the sample without previous treatment was adequate to get a representative result in less than 10 minutes. The accuracy of the proposed method was confirmed by analysing certified reference materials including Coal Fly Ash-NIST SRM 1633b, Fucus-IAEA 140 and three unpolished Rice Flour NIES-10. The observed results were found to be in good agreement with the certified values

    Caracterización molecular y biológica del virus de la rabia que circula en zorrillos de México enfocado a la variante del gen de la fosfoproteína (P) 

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    The objective of this work was to characterize molecularly rabies viruses from Mexican skunks, by comparison of a portion of the viral P gene sequence with corresponding regions from other skunk-adapted rabies virus variants and with other genotype 1 rabies viruses that circulate in the Americas. Furthermore, incubation period and histopathologic lesions after virus inoculation by the intra-cerebral route in mice was characterized. According to the results of phylogenetic studies the Mexican skunk strains (Antigenic Variant (AV) 8 and AV10) are evolutionarily quite distinct. The AV10 isolate from South Baja California is quite closely related to the viruses that circulate in Californian skunks, while the AV8 isolate from San Luis Potosí was most closely related to the South central skunk strain that circulates in southern states such as Texas. These variations were reflected in some biological properties of both strains in mice.El objetivo de este estudio fue la caracterización molecular y biológica del virus de la rabia en zorrillos de México, comparando una porción de la secuencia viral del gen P, con regiones correspondientes de variantes de virus rábico adaptadas en zorrillos y pertenecientes al genotipo 1 (virus de la rabia "clásica"), que circulan en América. Como parte de la caracterización biológica se incluyó el periodo de incubación y las lesiones histopatológicas después de la inoculación del virus por ví­a intracerebral en ratones. De acuerdo a los resultados de estudios filogenéticos, las cepas de zorrillo mexicano (variante antigénica (AV8 y AV10) son muy distintas en cuanto a su evolución. El aislado AV10 de Baja California Sur está muy relacionado con los virus que circulan en zorrillos de California, mientras que el aislado AV8 de San Luis Potosí­ tuvo mayor relación con la cepa del zorrillo del Centro/Sur que circula en los estados del sur, como Texas. Estas variantes se reflejaron en algunas propiedades biológicas de ambas cepas en ratones

    The influence of the perceived requirements of the next match and motivation on the mental fatigue of soccer players

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    The high cognitive and/or emotional demands of competition can lead to a state of mental fatigue which has shown to be detrimental to soccer performance. However, there is a need to further understand the true mental demands of soccer players. The aim of the present study was to analyze the influence of motivation and the perceived requirements of the next match on mental fatigue perceived by soccer players over the passing of a season. The combined effect of both variables on the perception of mental fatigue, as well as the influence of the time of the season on perceived mental fatigue, were also analyzed. Twenty-six semi-professional Spanish male players (M = 26.31 ± 5.18 years) participated in the present study, conducted during the 2020-2021 season. Perceived mental fatigue and motivation were measured at each training session. The perceived requirements of the next match were also measured in each of the competitive weeks. Linear mixed models were run with R Studio to examine the influence of motivation and the perceived difficulty of the next match on perceived mental fatigue, the combined effect of both variables on perceived mental fatigue, and the influence of the passing of the season on perceived mental fatigue. The results showed a negative and significant influence of motivation on perceived mental fatigue (p < 0.001) and a positive and significant influence of the perceived requirements of the next match on perceived mental fatigue (p < 0.001). Regarding the combined effect, there was a positive and significant effect (p < 0.01) of the perceived difficulty of the next match on the relation between motivation and perceived mental fatigue. A negative influence of season passage on perceived mental fatigue levels was found (p < 0.001). We recommended coaches to consider using the most motivating training tasks when higher next-match requirements are perceived and to be careful with avoidance strategies for mental fatigue, especially at the beginning of the season

    SoK: Security of Programmable Logic Controllers

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    Billions of people rely on essential utility and manufacturing infrastructures such as water treatment plants, energy management, and food production. Our dependence on reliable infrastructures makes them valuable targets for cyberattacks. One of the prime targets for adversaries attacking physical infrastructures are Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) because they connect the cyber and physical worlds. In this study, we conduct the first comprehensive systematization of knowledge that explores the security of PLCs: We present an in-depth analysis of PLC attacks and defenses and discover trends in the security of PLCs from the last 17 years of research. We introduce a novel threat taxonomy for PLCs and Industrial Control Systems (ICS). Finally, we identify and point out research gaps that, if left ignored, could lead to new catastrophic attacks against critical infrastructures.Comment: 25 pages, 13 figures, Extended version February 2024, A shortened version is to be published in the 33rd USENIX Security Symposium, for more information, see https://efrenlopez.org

    Caracterización de morteros con cerámica reciclada y su uso en piezas prefabicadas para entrevigado de forjados

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    This study analyses a procedure to manufacture mortars with different percentages of ceramic waste as partial replacement for aggregates. The study also examines the physical, chemical and mechanical properties of the new mortars, analysing substitution ratios that range from 10% to 50%. Prior to this, all the materials used in the production of the mortar were characterised using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and fluorescence (XRF). The objective was to determine the similarity between different types of ceramic waste, as well as the differences in the minerology and chemical composition with the aggregate. The results of the study show that it is possible to obtain mortars with lower densities compared to the same product with no recycled content. The product’s characteristics make it ideal for the manufacture of prefabricated components for structural floors for rehabilitation works. Finally, the pieces are used in a real rehabilitation case study, highlightining the structural advantages.Este trabajo analiza morteros con diferentes porcentajes de cerámica reciclada como sustituto parcial de la arena. Además el estudio examina las propiedades físicas, químicas y mecánicas de los nuevos morteros, empleando diferentes porcentajes de sustitución (10% - 50%). Con anterioridad, se caracterizaron todos los materiales empleados en este trabajo mediante difracción y fluorescencia de rayos-X. El objetivo fue determinar las diferencias y similitudes en la composición química y mineralógica de los distintos tipos de residuos cerámicos y del resto de áridos utilizados. Los resultados muestran que es posible obtener morteros con menor densidad frente a las muestras sin contenido reciclado. Sus características los hacen idóneos para la creación de piezas prefabricadas de entrevigado para rehabilitación de forjados. Finalmente. Las piezas se usaron en un caso de estudio real, destacando las ventajas estructurales que conlleva su uso

    Modelization of anaerobic processes during co-digestion of slowly biodegradable substrates

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    The influence of the soluble substrates over the anaerobic processes has been extensively investigated, but little is known about the effects of particulate substrate. The biodegradation of these substrates starts with the hydrolytic step, this process is slower than the other ones involved in the biodegradation of particulate substrates and usually becomes the rate-limiting step. This study investigate the effect of the initial total solids (TS) concentration on the anaerobic co-digestion of two slowly biodegradable organic substrates. The wastes mixtures were prepared at different dilutions in the range from 10% to 28% TS. From these experiments it was observed that as TS concentration increased, the methane production decreased. These results were modelled and it was observed that neither hydrolysis nor fermentation stages controlled the methane production rate. Being a substrate inhibition event experienced at the methanogenic stage the responsible of the lower methane production when operating at high TS concentrations.La influencia de los sustratos solubles sobre los procesos anaeróbicos se ha investigado extensamente, pero se sabe poco acerca de los efectos del sustrato particulado. La biodegradación de estos sustratos comienza con el paso hidrolítico, este proceso es más lento que los otros involucrados en la biodegradación de sustratos particulados y generalmente se convierte en el paso limitante de la velocidad. Este estudio investiga el efecto de la concentración inicial de sólidos totales (TS) sobre la codigestión anaeróbica de dos sustratos orgánicos lentamente biodegradables. Las mezclas de desechos se prepararon a diferentes diluciones en el rango de 10% a 28% de TS. A partir de estos experimentos, se observó que a medida que aumentaba la concentración de TS, la producción de metano disminuía. Estos resultados se modelaron y se observó que ni las etapas de hidrólisis ni de fermentación controlaban la tasa de producción de metano. Siendo un evento de inhibición del sustrato experimentado en la etapa metanogénica el responsable de la menor producción de metano cuando se opera a altas concentraciones de TS

    Progression of Doppler changes in early-onset small for gestational age fetuses. How frequent are the different progression sequences?

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the progression of Doppler abnormalities in early-onset fetal smallness (SGA). METHODS: A total of 948 Doppler examinations of the umbilical artery (UA), middle cerebral artery (MCA) and ductus venosus (DV), belonging to 405 early-onset SGA fetuses, were studied, evaluating the sequences of Doppler progression, the interval examination-labor at which Doppler became abnormal and the cumulative sum of Doppler anomalies in relation with labor proximity. RESULTS: The most frequent sequences were that in which only the UA pulsatility index (PI) became abnormal (42.1%) and that in which an abnormal UA PI appeared first, followed by an abnormal MCA PI (24.2%). In general, 71.3% of the fetuses followed the classical progression sequence UA→MCA→DV, mostly in the early stages of growth restriction (84.1%). In addition, the UA PI was the first parameter to be affected (9 weeks before delivery), followed by the MCA PI and the DV PIV (1 and 0 weeks). Finally, the UA PI began to sum anomalies 5 weeks before delivery, while the MCA and DV did it at 3 and 1 weeks before the pregnancy ended. CONCLUSIONS: In early-onset SGA fetuses, Doppler progression tends to follow a predictable order, with sequential changes in the umbilical, cerebral and DV impedances

    Análisis de las complicaciones y mortalidad en pacientes mayores de 95 años con fractura de cuello femoral tratada mediante hemiartroplastia de cadera cementada.

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    to analyze postoperative complications and mortality, as well as evaluate the functional results of patients older than 95 years with a femoral neck fracture treated by cemented hip hemiarthroplasty. Material and method. Retrospective study of 33 cases, analyzing complications and mortality, identifying risk factors, and evaluating cognitive status, functionality and level of ambulation after surgery. Results. eight patients (24,2%) presented postsurgical medical complications, finding blood transfusion and bilateral hemiarthroplasty as predictive factors, and 11 died in the first year (33,3%), finding the previous functional status and the taking of antiaggregants or anti-coagulants as risk factors. All worsened functionally after the fracture. Conclusions. we consider fundamental, in order to optimize the treatment, the precise preoperative evaluation of the patient given the limited life expectancy and the high mortality rate in the first year after hip surgery