3,344 research outputs found

    The influence of the perceived requirements of the next match and motivation on the mental fatigue of soccer players

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    The high cognitive and/or emotional demands of competition can lead to a state of mental fatigue which has shown to be detrimental to soccer performance. However, there is a need to further understand the true mental demands of soccer players. The aim of the present study was to analyze the influence of motivation and the perceived requirements of the next match on mental fatigue perceived by soccer players over the passing of a season. The combined effect of both variables on the perception of mental fatigue, as well as the influence of the time of the season on perceived mental fatigue, were also analyzed. Twenty-six semi-professional Spanish male players (M = 26.31 ± 5.18 years) participated in the present study, conducted during the 2020-2021 season. Perceived mental fatigue and motivation were measured at each training session. The perceived requirements of the next match were also measured in each of the competitive weeks. Linear mixed models were run with R Studio to examine the influence of motivation and the perceived difficulty of the next match on perceived mental fatigue, the combined effect of both variables on perceived mental fatigue, and the influence of the passing of the season on perceived mental fatigue. The results showed a negative and significant influence of motivation on perceived mental fatigue (p < 0.001) and a positive and significant influence of the perceived requirements of the next match on perceived mental fatigue (p < 0.001). Regarding the combined effect, there was a positive and significant effect (p < 0.01) of the perceived difficulty of the next match on the relation between motivation and perceived mental fatigue. A negative influence of season passage on perceived mental fatigue levels was found (p < 0.001). We recommended coaches to consider using the most motivating training tasks when higher next-match requirements are perceived and to be careful with avoidance strategies for mental fatigue, especially at the beginning of the season

    J. H. Newman, hoy

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    Documentos del Instituto de Antropología y Ética, número 1

    Estudio clínico morfológico de la deformación del borde dorsal del cuello del burro de raza andaluza

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    The aim of this study was to a clinical, morphological of deformation dorsal neck edge on donkeys Andalusian in Bodonal de la Sierra, Extremadura, Spain. We studied a total of 31 donkeys. Clinical examination was performed and morphological considering weight and body condition was measured cervical perimeter. Deformation of the dorsal edge of the neck in all cases studied was evident. Morphological study was to consider the deformation of the dorsal edge of the neck considering the crest of the neck (score of 1 to 5) evidenced. 0 and 1 score-no donkey under these categories. Score 2 - 42 % Score. 3 - 32% score. 4 - 3 % and score 5 - 23%. The statistical results of the peso versus the cervical neck circumference showed a correlation coefficient of 0.773 and the score grade obese neck and body condition was 0.240. In conclusion lesions consistent with deformation of the dorsal edge of the neck in Andalusian breed donkeys were observed.Se plantea como objetivo un estudio clínico morfológico de la deformación del borde dorsal del cuello en burros de raza Andaluza en Bodonal de la Sierra, Extremadura-España. Fueron estudiados un total de 31 burros. Se practicó un examen clínico y morfológico considerando condición corporal peso y se midió el perímetro cervical. Se evidenció deformación del borde dorsal del cuello en todos los casos estudiados. El estudio morfológico para considerar la deformación del borde dorsal del cuello considerando la cresta de la nuca (puntuación del 1 al 5) evidencio: para Puntuación 0 y 1.- ningún burro bajo estas categorías. Puntuación 2.- 42%, Puntuación 3.- 32%, Puntuación 4.- 3% y Puntuación 5.- 23%. Los resultados estadísticos del peso versus el perímetro cervical del cuello presentaron un coeficiente de correlación de 0.773 y para el grado puntuación del cuello obeso y condición corporal fue de 0.240. En conclusión se observaron lesiones compatibles con la deformación del borde dorsal del cuello en burros de raza Andaluza

    Status and preliminary results of the ANAIS experiment at Canfranc

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    ANAIS (Annual Modulation with NaI's) is an experiment planned to investigate seasonal modulation effects in the signal of galactic WIMPs using up to 107 kg of NaI(Tl) in the Canfranc Underground Laboratory (Spain). A prototype using one single crystal (10.7 kg) is being developed before the installation of the complete experiment; the first results presented here show an average background level of 1.2 counts/(keV kg day) from threshold (Ethr~4 keV) up to 10 keV.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures, talk delivered at the 7th International Workshop on Topics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics (TAUP 2001), September 2001, Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso, Italy (to appear in the Conference Proceedings, Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.)

    Dynamic simulations in SixTrack

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    The DYNK module allows element settings in SixTrack to be changed on a turn-by-turn basis. This document contains a technical description of the DYNK module in SixTrack. It is mainly intended for a developer or advanced user who wants to modify the DYNK module, for example by adding more functions that can be used to calculate new element settings, or to add support for new elements that can be used with DYNK.Comment: Submission to CERN yellow report / conference proceeding, the 2015 collimation tracking code worksho

    Painlev\'e-Gullstrand synchronizations in spherical symmetry

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    A Painlev\'e-Gullstrand synchronization is a slicing of the space-time by a family of flat spacelike 3-surfaces. For spherically symmetric space-times, we show that a Painlev\'e-Gullstrand synchronization only exists in the region where (dr)21(dr)^2 \leq 1, rr being the curvature radius of the isometry group orbits (22-spheres). This condition says that the Misner-Sharp gravitational energy of these 2-spheres is not negative and has an intrinsic meaning in terms of the norm of the mean extrinsic curvature vector. It also provides an algebraic inequality involving the Weyl curvature scalar and the Ricci eigenvalues. We prove that the energy and momentum densities associated with the Weinberg complex of a Painlev\'e-Gullstrand slice vanish in these curvature coordinates, and we give a new interpretation of these slices by using semi-metric Newtonian connections. It is also outlined that, by solving the vacuum Einstein's equations in a coordinate system adapted to a Painlev\'e-Gullstrand synchronization, the Schwarzschild solution is directly obtained in a whole coordinate domain that includes the horizon and both its interior and exterior regions.Comment: 16 page

    Deuteration around the ultracompact HII region Mon R2

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    The massive star-forming region Mon R2 hosts the closest ultra-compact HII region that can be spatially resolved with current single-dish telescopes. We used the IRAM-30m telescope to carry out an unbiased spectral survey toward two important positions (namely IF and MP2), in order to studying the chemistry of deuterated molecules toward Mon R2. We found a rich chemistry of deuterated species at both positions, with detections of C2D, DCN, DNC, DCO+, D2CO, HDCO, NH2D, and N2D+ and their corresponding hydrogenated species and isotopologs. Our high spectral resolution observations allowed us to resolve three velocity components: the component at 10 km/s is detected at both positions and seems associated with the layer most exposed to the UV radiation from IRS 1; the component at 12 km/s is found toward the IF position and seems related to the molecular gas; finally, a component at 8.5 km/s is only detected toward the MP2 position, most likely related to a low-UV irradiated PDR. We derived the column density of all the species, and determined the deuterium fractions (Dfrac). The values of Dfrac are around 0.01 for all the observed species, except for HCO+ and N2H+ which have values 10 times lower. The values found in Mon R2 are well explained with pseudo-time-dependent gas-phase model in which deuteration occurs mainly via ion-molecule reactions with H2D+, CH2D+ and C2HD+. Finally, the [H13CN]/[HN13C] ratio is very high (~11) for the 10 km/s component, which also agree with our model predictions for an age of ~0.01-0.1 Myr. The deuterium chemistry is a good tool for studying star-forming regions. The low-mass star-forming regions seem well characterized with Dfrac(N2H+) or Dfrac(HCO+), but it is required a complete chemical modeling to date massive star-forming regions, because the higher gas temperature together with the rapid evolution of massive protostars.Comment: 14 pages of manuscript, 17 pages of apendix, 7 figures in the main text, accepted for publication in A&

    Estudio experimental del relleno de cavidades óseas con hidroxiapatita asociada a colágeno

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    La cirugía ortopédica y maxilo-facial necesita realizar en muchas ocasiones resecciones masivas de tejido óseo. Esto ha hecho que se hayan propuesta la utilización de materiales inertes como sustitutos óseos, gracias a la habilidad que tienen de permitir la regeneración del hueso, tanto en el campo de la medicina como de la odontología. Nuestro trabajo tiene por objetivo estudiar un biomaterial compuesto de hidroxiapatita asociado a colágeno como material de sustitución ósea (Collapat de OSTEO AG) en forma de esponjas, con un peso de 500 mg y de un tamaño de 35x30x6 mm. Se han intervenido 50 animales de experimentación (conejo Albino de Nueva Zelanda), divididos por 16 animales. Los animales de este grupo fueron intervenidos quirúrgicamente realizándose una cavidad a nivel metafisodiafisario en el fémur y otra en la tibia, pero en ninguna de las cavidades se realizaron implantes. Los animales del grupo II o grupo estudio estaban comprendidos por 34 animales, a los que se les realizó la misma intervención, pero se le implantó una esponja de hidroxiapatita-colágeno de las dimensiones antes descritas, en cada una de las cavidades. El estudio ha demostrado una regeneración ósea de la cavidad rellenada a expensas de la rápida reabsorbción del colágeno, y de una lenta reabsorbción de la hidroxiapatita

    Present status of IGEX dark matter search at Canfranc Underground Laboratory

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    One IGEX 76Ge double-beta decay detector is currently operating in the Canfranc Underground Laboratory in a search for dark matter WIMPs, through the Ge nuclear recoil produced by the WIMP elastic scattering. A new exclusion plot has been derived for WIMP-nucleon spin-independent interactions. To obtain this result, 40 days of data from the IGEX detector (energy threshold 4 keV), recently collected, have been analyzed. These data improve the exclusion limits derived from all the other ionization germanium detectors in the mass region from 20 GeV to 200 GeV, where a WIMP supposedly responsible for the annual modulation effect reported by the DAMA experiment would be located. The new IGEX exclusion contour enters, by the first time, the DAMA region by using only raw data, with no background discrimination, and excludes its upper left part. It is also shown that with a moderate improvement of the detector performances, the DAMA region could be fully explored.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures, talk delivered at the 7th International Workshop on Topics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics (TAUP 2001), September 2001, Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso, Italy (to appear in the Conference Proceedings, Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.)

    A Riemann coupled edge (RCE) 1D–2D finite volume inundation and solute transport model

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    A novel 1D–2D shallow water model based on the resolution of the Riemann problem at the coupled grid edges is presented in this work. Both the 1D and the 2D shallow water models are implemented in a finite volume framework using approximate Roe’s solvers that are able to deal correctly with wet/dry fronts. After an appropriate geometric link between the models, it is possible to define local Riemann problems at each coupled interface and estimate the contributions that update the cell solutions from the interfaces. The solute transport equation is also incorporated into the proposed procedure. The numerical results achieved by the 1D–2D coupled model are compared against a complete 2D model, which is considered the reference solution. The computational time is also examined