6,667 research outputs found

    The representation of women in the family in Spanish television fiction

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    The rise of television drama in the late nineties challenged comedy as the most popular and resilient genre of fiction. The diversity of themes and growing complexity of new narratives have relegated family representations –key to comedy’s success- to contextualize sentimental and sexual relationships and, to a lesser extent, the work sphere of female characters. This article analyses the context and family relations of 709 female characters represented, with varying degrees of importance, in 84 programs of Spanish television fiction (series, serials, TV movies, miniseries and sketches) premiered in 2012 and 2013. The approach combines quantitative (SPSS coding) and qualitative (socio-semiotics and script theory) methods. The analysis reveals that Spanish television fiction offers a complex picture of family relationships, which mixes clichés and stereotypes, while trying to capture reality. Generational conflicts are the most common misunderstandings in everyday representations of female characters, although most of the women generally have the support of their families to address problems and difficulties of their exciting fictional experiences.El auge del drama televisivo, a finales de los noventa, le disputó a la comedia el protagonismo que la había convertido en el género más popular y resistente de la ficción a lo largo de más de cuatro décadas. La variedad de temáticas y la creciente complejidad narrativa de los nuevos formatos de ficción fueron relegando las representaciones de la familia, la clave del éxito de la comedia, al contexto de los avatares sentimentales, sexuales y, en menor medida, laborales de los personajes femeninos. Este artículo analiza el contexto y las relaciones familiares de los 709 personajes femeninos representados, con un grado variable de protagonismo, en los 84 programas de la ficción televisiva española de estreno (series, seriales, TVmovies, miniseries y sketches), emitidos a lo largo de 2012 y 2013. El método utilizado combina técnicas cuantitativas (codificación en SPSS) y cualitativas (socio-semiótica y script theory). El análisis revela que la ficción televisiva española proyecta una imagen compleja de la familia, en la que se mezclan tópicos y estereotipos, pero que intenta reflejar la realidad. Los conflictos generacionales representen las desavenencias más frecuentes de la vida cotidiana de los personajes analizados, aunque la mayor parte de las mujeres representadas en el contexto familiar suelen contar con apoyo de los suyos para afrontar los problemas y los conflictos de sus azarosas existencias de ficción.Este artículo ha sido elaborado en el marco del proyecto “La construcción social de la mujer en la ficción televisiva y la web 2.0: estereotipos, recepción y retroalimentación” (FEM2012-33411), financiado por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. En esta parte de la investigación han participado, además de las autoras, Deborah Castro, Mariluz Sánchez, Belén Granda, Tatiana Hidalgo, Elsa Soro y Karina Tiznado (investigadoras), y Marc Bellmunt, Germán Muñoz, Lucía Trabajo, Estitxu Garay y Amaia Nerecan (colaboradores)

    An econometric analysis of tourism in Spain: implications for the sectoral study of exports and some economic policy considerations

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    This paper deals with the construction of econometric models to explain the external demand for Spanish tourist services. The models include as explanatory economic variables a tourist income index and two real exchange rate indices, one with respect to client countries and the other with respect to competitor countries. The results obtained : a) support the hypothesis that the decision to expend on tourism is made in two stages with different price and income elasticities in each of them; b) show that the recent drop in demand is due to a -real exchange rate effect. With the models constructed it is possible to evaluate to what extent the drop in demand is due purely to the effect of prices and to 'what extent it is determined by exchange rate movements. The latter have had an important effect, so that a policy of appreciating the peseta indeed has different sectoral effects. This different sectoral effect, as well as the importance of distinguishing between client countries and competitors, suggest that economic policy must not be based on just one index of the effective exchange rate of the peseta but on several

    Actuación en Atención Primaria para prevenir la Hospitalización Evitable

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    El término Hospitalización Evitable (HE), también conocido como ACSC (Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions) ha sido creado para evaluar las hospitalizaciones por problemas de salud susceptibles de resolverse en la Atención Primaria (AP). En esta revisión narrativa se exponen los factores de riesgo de la HE, tales como habitar en áreas económicamente desfavorables, con menor nivel educativo, ancianos, algunos grupos étnicos, personas sin cobertura sanitaria, la cercanía al hospital, la patología y la complejidad, el material y las altas tecnologías que disponga el hospital. El objetivo del trabajo se centra en dar unas pautas de actuación en Atención Primaria ante diversas patologías con el fin de evitar ingresos innecesarios, describiendo las actuaciones a realizar y el plan de mejora. Las patologías que se van a abordar son la Enfermedad Pulmonar Obstructiva Crónica, Insuficiencia Cardiaca Congestiva, diabetes descontrolada, asma del adulto, neumonía bacteriana y la infección del tracto urinario. Se plantean también los efectos negativos que surgen tras la presión de intentar disminuir las HE como son un aumento del gasto farmacológico en AP, un uso precoz de terapias agresivas y poco experimentadas o una evitación de hospitalizaciones necesarias. Hay que tener en cuenta que no todas las hospitalizaciones evitables se generan a causa de una baja calidad en la Atención Primaria, sino que influyen también los factores exógenos. Apostemos por una óptima actuación de Enfermería para así prevenir las hospitalizaciones innecesarias

    An Alternative Methodology for Estimating Credit Quality Transition Matrices

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    This study presents an alternative way of estimating credit transition matrices using a hazard function model. The model is useful both for testing the validity of the Markovian assumption, frequently made in credit rating applications, and also for estimating transition matrices conditioning on firm-specific and macroeconomic covariates that influence the migration process. The model presented in the paper is likely to be useful in other applications, though we would hesitate to extrapolate numerical values of coefficients outside of our application. Transition matrices estimated this way may be an important tool for a credit risk administration system, in the sense that with them a practitioner can easily forecast the behavior of the clients´ratings in the future and their possible changes of stateFirms; macroeconomic variables; firm-specific covariates; hazard function; transition intensities. Classification JEL: C4; E44; G21; G23; G38.

    Study of the Influence of Helical Milling Parameters on the Quality of Holes in the UNS R56400 Alloy

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    Helical milling has been positioned as an alternative to conventional drilling, where the advantages it offers make it very attractive for use on difficult-to-machine alloys such as the titanium alloy UNS R56400. However, the correlation between the indicator of hole quality and the kinematic parameters has rarely been studied. The kinematics are what bring most advantages and that is why it is necessary to know their influence. In this aspect, there are different focuses of problems associated with the complexity of the process kinematics, which makes it necessary to undertake a deeper analysis of the process and to carry out a preliminary study. To address this problem, a DOE (Design of Experiments) is proposed to identify the sensitivity and the main trends of the properties that define the quality holes with respect to the kinematic parameters. At the same time, a nomenclature is proposed to unify and avoid misinterpretations. This study has allowed us to obtain conclusive results that offer very relevant information for future researc

    Propuesta curricular para la implementación de un laboratorio de sistemas operativos mediante el uso de las herramientas libres Minix 3, Nachos y la programación por hilos

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    Este documento está realizado con el fin de crear una propuesta curricular de un área de aprendizaje donde se puedan fortalecer e implementar todos los conceptos que son adquiridos en la materia Sistemas Operativos I, del pensum actual de Ingeniería de Sistemas y Computación de la Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira, apoyados en herramientas libres como Minix 3 y NachOS, además de la programación por hilos de ejecución, un área de conocimiento bastante amplia y necesaria en nuestra formación como ingenieros

    A theoretical structure-affinity relationship study of some cannabinoid derivatives

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    Indexación: ScieloA ZINDO/1 quantum-chemical structure-affinity relationship study with the KPG model is presented for the in vitro interaction of a group of classical, indole-derived and aminoalkylindole-derived cannabinoids with CB and CB2 receptors. From this work the following conclusions are obtained. CB and CB2 CB2 receptor affinities are regulated by different mechanisms involving orbital and charge control. Nevertheless CB and CB2 classical ligands share three common features: a hydrogen bond to a lysine (for CB ) or serine (for CB), a fully aromatic ring and a branched carbon side chain. In the case of indole-derived and aminoalkylindole-derived cannabinoids orientation and alignment rules have been defined as a basis for the comparison of noncongeneric molecules. In this way it was possible to associate the location of molecular fragments of these systems with known molecular systems such as classical cannabinoids. For aminoalkyhndoles we have proposed the locus with which they bind to a second receptor site that is available to WIN-55212-2 but not to classical cannabinoids. On the basis of our results we propose a new molecule that should help to discriminate between the above two receptor sites.http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0717-97072008000100013&nrm=is