161 research outputs found

    Efectos de la entrevista motivacional sobre la motivación autónoma en jóvenes consumidores de alcohol

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    Objetivo Evaluar los cambios en la motivación autónoma y controlada en un grupo de adolescentes consumidores en riesgo y consumidores excesivos de alcohol, que recibió una intervención basada en la Entrevista Motivacional (EM).Métodos Se implementó una intervención grupal basada en la EM para observar sus efectos sobre los tipos de motivación. Se conformaron dos grupos, un grupo experimental, y un grupo control en un diseño pretest-postest. Participaron en total 63 adolescentes, 31 conformaron el grupo experimental, (80 % hombres) y 32 el grupo control (68 % hombres). La motivación autónoma y la motivación controlada se evaluaron mediante el TSRQ.Resultado El análisis de varianza muestra que los puntajes de la motivación autó­noma no presentaron cambios estadísticamente significativos después de la inter­vención, mientras que la motivación controlada sí los presentó (

    Interconvertible Hydrochlorothiazide–Caffeine Multicomponent Pharmaceutical Materials: A Solvent Issue

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    The design of new multicomponent pharmaceutical materials that involve different active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs), e.g., drug-drug cocrystals, is a novel and interesting approach to address new therapeutic challenges. In this work, the hydrochlorothiazide-caffeine (HCT–CAF) codrug and its methanol solvate have been synthesized by mechanochemical methods and thoroughly characterized in the solid state by powder and single crystal X-ray diffraction, respectively, as well as differential scanning calorimetry, thermogravimetric analyses and infrared spectroscopy. In addition, solubility and stability studies have also been performed looking for improved physicochemical properties of the codrug. Interestingly, the two reported structures show great similarity, which allows conversion between them. The desolvated HCT–CAF cocrystal shows great stability at 24 h and an enhancement of solubility with respect to the reference HCT API. Furthermore, the contribution of intermolecular forces on the improved physicochemical properties was evaluated by computational methods showing strong and diverse H-bond and π–π stacking interactions.Spanish Agencia Estatal de Investigacion of the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades (MICIU)European Union (EU) PGC2018-102047-B-I00MICIU/AEI from SPAIN CTQ2017-85821-

    Evaluación de las asociaciones público privadas en el área metropolitana de Monterrey: Nivel de satisfacción en la prestación del servicio a los usuarios

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    La competitividad de los países en los diferentes ámbitos de la vida pública no se alcanza tan solo con el desempeño del sector privado, se requiere contar con un gobierno con estas mismas condiciones con las que se participa en lo privado, además de un alto desempeño. Sin embargo, cuando la administración pública no está en condiciones de ofrecer un servicio de calidad, este sedera dicho servicio a una concesión quien genere las condiciones para llevar con eficiencia y eficacia el servicio público municipal. Por otra parte los grandes cambios que se han estado dando en la prestación del servicio en la Administración Pública, han sigo generales en un contexto global, los países, incluyendo a México han iniciado procesos enfocados a reformas y modernización de la administración pública orientados a adecuarse a las nuevas demandas de la ciudadanía. Es necesario renovar los mecanismos y procesos de las instituciones de Gobierno con el fin de permitir que la administración pública responda con éxito a las exigencias de la sociedad. Contar con una modernización administrativa no solo exige desarrollar instituciones que promuevan el mejor desempeño de los funcionarios y permitan racionalizar el gasto, sino también crear procesos que hagan más flexible y legitimen la relación entre Gobierno y ciudadano

    Silicon-Rich Oxide Obtained by Low-Pressure Chemical Vapor Deposition to Develop Silicon Light Sources

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    Off stoichiometric silicon oxide, also known as silicon-rich oxide (SRO), is a light-emitting material that is compatible with silicon technology; therefore, it is a good candidate to be used as a light source in all-silicon optoelectronic circuits. The SRO obtained by low-pressure chemical vapor deposition (LPCVD) has shown the best luminescent properties compared to other techniques. In spite of LPCVD being a simple technique, it is not a simple task to obtain SRO with exact silicon excess in a reliable and repetitive way. In this work, the expertise obtained in our group to obtain SRO by LPCVD with precise variation is presented. Also, the characteristics of this SRO obtained in our group are revised and discussed. It is demonstrated that LPCVD is an excellent technique to obtain single layers and multilayers of nanometric single layers with good characteristics

    Acceptance towards Monkeypox Vaccination: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Vaccination it is considered a vital strategy in order to mitigate monkeypox by protecting from severe disease and helping in reduction of hospitalisations. In this sense, this study aims to estimate the global prevalence of vaccination acceptance against monkeypox. We conducted a systematic review with a comprehensive search strategy for the following databases: PubMed, Scopus and Web of Science. A random-effect model meta-analysis was carried out using observational studies assessing the intention of vaccines against monkeypox from multiple continents. The quality assessment was developed using the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale adapted for cross-sectional studies. In addition, a subgroup analysis by study location and population and a sensitivity analysis was developed.Eleven cross-sectional studies were included. A total of 8045 participants were included. The pooled prevalence of monkeypox vaccination acceptance in all participants was 56.0% (95%CI: 42.0–70.0%). In the subgroup analysis of monkeypox vaccine acceptance according to continents, the prevalence of vaccine acceptance was 50.0% (95%CI: 24.0–76.0%) in Asian countries and 70.0% (95%CI: 55.0–84.0%) in European countries. The prevalence of vaccine acceptance was 43.0% (95%CI: 35.0–50.0%) in the general population, 63.0% (95%CI: 42.0–70.0%) in healthcare workers, and 84.0% (95%CI: 83.0–86.0%) in the LGBTI community. Despite the high prevalence of monkeypox vaccination acceptance in the LGBTI community found in our study, vaccination acceptance from healthcare workers and the general population are lower. Governments could use these results for planning, developing or promoting vaccination strategies and public health policies focused on these populations.Revisión por pare

    A rapid method for isolation of total DNA from pathogenic filamentous plant fungi

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    DNA isolation from some fungal organisms of agronomic importance is difficult because they have cell walls or capsules that are relatively unsusceptible to lysis. We have developed a fast DNA isolation protocol for Fusarium oxysporum, which causes fusarium wilt disease in more than 100 plant species, and for Pyrenochaeta terrestris, which causes pink root in onions. This protocol was based on the sodium dodecyl sulfate/ phenol method, without β-mercaptoethanol and without maceration in liquid nitrogen; it uses phenol/chloroform extraction to remove proteins and co-precipitated polysaccharides. The A260/280 absorbance ratios of isolated DNA were around 1.9, suggesting that the DNA fraction was pure and may be used for further analysis. Additionally, the A260/230 values were higher than 1.8, suggesting negligible contamination by polysaccharides. The DNA isolated by this protocol is of sufficient quality for molecular applications; this technique could be applied to other organisms that have similar substances that hinder DNA extraction

    Blood Rheological Characterization of β-Thalassemia Trait and Iron Deficiency Anemia Using Front Microrheometry

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    The purpose of this work is to develop a hematocrit-independent method for the detection of beta-thalassemia trait (β-TT) and iron deficiency anemia (IDA), through the rheological characterization of whole blood samples from different donors. The results obtained herein are the basis for the development of a front microrheometry point-of-care device for the diagnosis and clinical follow-up of β-TT patients suffering hematological diseases and alterations in the morphology of the red blood cell (RBC). The viscosity is calculated as a function of the mean front velocity by detecting the sample fluid-air interface advancing through a microfluidic channel. Different viscosity curves are obtained for healthy donors, β-TT and IDA samples. A mathematical model is introduced to compare samples of distinct hematocrit, classifying the viscosity curve patterns with respect to the health condition of blood. The viscosity of the fluid at certain shear rate values varies depending on several RBC factors such as shape and size, hemoglobin (Hb) content, membrane rigidity and hematocrit concentration. Blood and plasma from healthy donors are used as reference. To validate their potential clinical value as a diagnostic tool, the viscosity results are compared to those obtained by the gold-standard method for RBC deformability evaluation, the Laser-Optical Rotational Red Cell Analyzer (LoRRCA).LM-M and JF-T received funding from programs Doctorat Industrial (2018 DI 068) and (2018 DI 064) from AGAUR (Generalitat de Catalunya). EK receives funding from Institut Josep Carreras (IJC) under program Equality Plus, project number 2019-1-TR01-KA202-076789. TA acknowledges funding under grant numbers MTM2015-71509-C2-1-R and MDM-2014-0445. TA has been partially funded by the CERCA Program of the Generalitat de Catalunya. AH-M acknowledges funding under project FIS2016-78883-C2-1P, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (Spain) under project PID2019-106063GB-100 and AGAUR (Generalitat de Catalunya) under project 2017 SGR-1061. CT-S and AH-M acknowledge partial support from ANID/PCI (Chile) under project MEC80180021

    Some cultural consequences in Spain of the Spanish Invasion of Morocco 1859-60

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    This article argues is a contribution to the study of interrelationships between colonialism, art, and literature in the nineteenth century. The article argues that the Spanish invasion of Morocco in 1859 led to contradictions and tensions within liberal nationalism, not least because of concerns about the tensions between the need for military reassertion of Spain and the respect for the independence of nations. This led to some reconfiguration of Spanish intellectuals' already complex relationship with North Africa and Islam. A major, perhaps surprising consequence of this reconfiguration, was some equation of Moroccan identity with a monotonous surface that was resistant to the gaze. In consequence, the Catalan painter Fortuny's crucial experience of Morocco led him to value near blank surfaces, and thus to make a major contribution to the origins of modern art

    Neuroprotective properties of queen bee acid by autophagy induction

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    Autophagy is a conserved intracellular catabolic pathway that removes cytoplasmic components to contribute to neuronal homeostasis. Accumulating evidence has increasingly shown that the induction of autophagy improves neuronal health and extends longevity in several animal models. Therefore, there is a great interest in the identification of effective autophagy enhancers with potential nutraceutical or pharmaceutical properties to ameliorate age-related diseases, such as neurodegenerative disorders, and/or promote longevity. Queen bee acid (QBA, 10-hydroxy-2-decenoic acid) is the major fatty acid component of, and is found exclusively in, royal jelly, which has beneficial properties for human health. It is reported that QBA has antitumor, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial activities and promotes neurogenesis and neuronal health; however, the mechanism by which QBA exerts these effects has not been fully elucidated. The present study investigated the role of the autophagic process in the protective effect of QBA. We found that QBA is a novel autophagy inducer that triggers autophagy in various neuronal cell lines and mouse and fly models. The beclin-1 (BECN1) and mTOR pathways participate in the regulation of QBA-induced autophagy. Moreover, our results showed that QBA stimulates sirtuin 1 (SIRT1), which promotes autophagy by the deacetylation of critical ATG proteins. Finally, QBA-mediated autophagy promotes neuroprotection in Parkinson’s disease in vitro and in a mouse model and extends the lifespan of Drosophila melanogaster. This study provides detailed evidences showing that autophagy induction plays a critical role in the beneficial health effects of QBA.This research was supported by a grant (IB18048) from Junta de Extremadura, Spain, and a grant (RTI2018-099259-A-I00) from Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Spain. This work was also partially supported by “Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional” (FEDER) from the European Union. Part of the equipment employed in this work has been funded by Generalitat Valeciana and co-financed with ERDF funds (OP EDRF of Comunitat Valenciana 2014-2020). G.M-C is supported by University of Extremadura (ONCE Foundation). M.P-B is a recipient of a fellowship from the “Plan Propio de Iniciación a la Investigación, Desarrollo Tecnológico e Innovación (University of Extremadura).” S.M.S.Y-D is supported by CIBERNED. E.U-C was supported by an FPU predoctoral fellowship FPU16/00684 from Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte. A.B. was supported by a postdoctoral fellowship (APOSTD2017/077). M.S.A. was supported by a predoctoral fellowship (ACIF/2018/071) both from the Conselleria d’Educació, Investigació, Cultura i Esport (Generalitat Valenciana). E.A-C was supported by a grant (IB18048) from Junta de Extremadura, Spain. S.C-C was supported by an FPU predoctoral fellowship FPU19/04435 from Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte. J.M.B-S. P was funded by the “Ramón y Cajal” program (RYC-2018-025099). J.M.F. received research support from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, CIBERNED (CB06/05/004). M.N-S was funded by the “Ramon y Cajal” Program (RYC-2016-20883) Spain