1,914 research outputs found

    El retorno a lo humano en Gravedad, de Alfonso Cuarón

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    From a social and semiotic perspective,  Gravity, the movie (2013), by Alfonso Cuarón, within its signifier structure shows some signs of different codes (visual, musical, sonic, linguistic, etc.), which group themselves together into semantic sets. These sets refer to a fundamental microstructure of opposite and complementary poles: the scientific–technological environment in which the visual text’s diegesis repeatedly finds its opposite in a possibility of return to the human essentials: life.Bajo una perspectiva socio-semiótica, el filme Gravedad (2013), de Alfonso Cuarón, presenta, dentro de su estructura significante, signos de diferente código (visual, musical, sonoro, lingüístico, etc.), que se agrupan en núcleos semánticos. Estos núcleos remiten a una microestructura fundamental de polos opuestos y complementarios: el ambiente científico-tecnológico en el que se desarrolla la diégesis del texto visual encuentra, una vez y otra, su contrario en una posibilidad de retorno a lo humano esencial: la vida

    Organization management: a review from the benchmarking approach

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    Este artículo tiene como propósito revisar mediante la comparación de diferentes estudios científicos relacionados con la gestión de organizaciones a través del benchmarking, su implementación y los resultados obtenidos en las empresas involucradas, para sintetizar el conocimiento aportado por ellos.This article revises comparing different scientific studies related to the organizations management through benchmarking, implementation and results of the companies involved, to synthesize the knowledge provided by them

    Los mamíferos de Medellín 1991 (Badajoz). Análisis arqueofaunístico comparado del corte 2

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    El trabajo valora descriptiva y comparativamente la fauna recuperada en el poblado del Hierro de Medellín. Del análisis se desprenden algunos patrones entre los que destacan una similitud con otros yacimientos de la zona, cienos influjos de fauna doméstica procedente del sur peninsular y un paralelo cambio con el tiempo en el sentido de disminuir la fauna cinegética y aumentar la doméstica.Descriptive and comparative analysis of fauna from the Iron Age settlement from Medellín (Badajoz, Spain). Some of the described patterns resemble other sites from the same area. The analysis also shows the influence in domestic fauna from Southern Iberia and the comtemporaneus changes as hunting fauna decreases while the domestic one increases

    Gravitational lensing by wave dark matter halos

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    Wave Dark Matter (WaveDM) has recently gained attention as a viable candidate to account for the dark matter content of the Universe. In this paper we explore the extent to which dark matter halos in this model, and under what conditions, are able to reproduce strong lensing systems. First, we analytically explore the lensing properties of the model -- finding that a pure WaveDM density profile, a soliton profile, produces a weaker lensing effect than other similar cored profiles. Then we analyze models with a soliton embedded in an NFW profile, as has been found in numerical simulations of structure formation. We use a benchmark model with a boson mass of ma=10−22eVm_a=10^{-22}{\rm eV}, for which we see that there is a bi-modality in the contribution of the external NFW part of the profile, and actually some of the free parameters associated with it are not well constrained. We find that for configurations with boson masses 10−2310^{-23} -- 10−22eV10^{-22}{\rm eV}, a range of masses preferred by dwarf galaxy kinematics, the soliton profile alone can fit the data but its size is incompatible with the luminous extent of the lens galaxies. Likewise, boson masses of the order of 10−21eV10^{-21}{\rm eV}, which would be consistent with Lyman-α\alpha constraints and consist of more compact soliton configurations, necessarily require the NFW part in order to reproduce the observed Einstein radii. We then conclude that lens systems impose a conservative lower bound ma>10−24m_a > 10^{-24} and that the NFW envelope around the soliton must be present to satisfy the observational requirements.Comment: 26 pages, 7 figures, Publishe
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