109 research outputs found

    Which heatwave measure has higher predictive power to prevent health risks related to heat : EHF or GATO IV? : evidence from modelling Lisbon mortality data from 1980 to 2016

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    © 2020 The Authors.Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).To prevent the risk associated with heat-related health, several countries and institutions have built heat-health warning systems (HHWS). An HHWS is designed to alert the general public and decision-makers about the danger of high temperature by triggering a series of actions that avoid adverse health outcomes. The comparison of the various HHWS is complicated because there is no universal quantitative definition to predict and define a heatwave. The slightest variability at the threshold of definition the heatwave can trigger considerable differences in the action plan, health service demand and the time the population at risk must prepare. The choice of the index influences the number of days of heatwaves and its characteristics, such as severity. Estimating the risk of mortality associated with heatwave is variable according to the indexes, and the selection of the threshold is essential to prevent the burdens of heat on public health. The aim is the comparison between two metrics to know, which has higher predictive power to prevent health risks related to heat. On the one hand, a new way of defining heatwaves that have generated high consensus worldwide - the Excess Heat Factor (EHF); on the other hand, the Generalized Accumulated Thermal Overload (GATO IV) – an opportunity to improve the existing Lisbon heatwaves surveillance system. Daily mortalities and air temperatures from 1980 to 2016 in Lisbon with both indexes are modelled using Generalized Linear Models, with the calculation of the predictive power of the models using ROC curves for two levels of mortality severity. It is concluded that for total mortality, both indexes were statistically significant. Though, for daily mortality in individuals with 65 years or older with all diseases of the circulatory and respiratory system, when considering both indexes together, GATO IV was the only index significantly predicting the impact of heatwaves on mortality. GATO IV metric seems to have the best statistical properties. Nevertheless, EHF also stands out as a good indicator to predict heat-related mortality in Lisbon.This work was supported by the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT), Portugal; and Qart - Soluções de Monitorizaçãao e Mapeamento Urbano Ambiental, Lda. [PhD research grant number PDE/BDE/ 120452/2016].info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    O ensino de Matemática no pensamento de Comênius, Pestalozzi e Montessori

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    Neste artigo, discutimos os fundamentos para o ensino da Matemática na Pedagogia Tradicional e na Pedagogia Nova, marcadamente, a partir das teorias de fronteira de Comenius, Pestalozzi e Montessori. Esta pesquisa é de cunho documental e bibliográfico. Ao final da análise, concluímos que: há uma circulação de ideias entre o pensamento educacional de Comenius, Pestalozzi e Maria Montessori no que diz respeito ao uso de materiais didáticos e que nos métodos por estes pensadores a Matemática está associada às atividades práticas e gradativas


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    Resumo O trabalho em tela apresenta reflexões acerca da política de assistência social na tentativa de analisar as ambiguidades presentes no princípio da matricialidade sociofamiliar e na função da vigilância socioassistencial a partir dos dispositivos que ambas propõem, por meio dos serviços socioassistenciais, na relação com as famílias nos territórios. Assim, aspectos históricos da assistência social são retomados além de problematizar as especificidades da matricialidade e da vigilância socioassistencial. Analisa-se que apesar de avanços pontuais obtidos com a matriz da centralidade familiar e a intervenção da vigilância nas ações socioassistenciais, ainda é possível identificar a reatualização de práticas conservadoras e fiscalizatórias na assistência social

    Education and Political Participation of Women: The Case of Portugal

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    This research aims to analyses the women’s participation in Portugal politics in consequence of its educational attainment. On the one hand, the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic of April 2, 1976, gives women (and men) a right to equal opportunities for school success, to access to the higher education and to better working conditions. On the other hand, the same Constitution defends, in article 9, that fundamental task of the State is to promote equality between men and women and, in article 109, refers the citizens’ rights to political participation. However, despite the expansion of the education system, showing the rapid progress in improving baseline qualifications, women's educational attainment in certain working areas remains a challenge. Thus, methodologically, this research relied on a two-track approach. The first approach takes the form of a literature review, based, primarily in the legal regime of Portuguese higher education system and, in addition, on the gender parity law, considering that, according to Decree-Law nº 402/73 of August 11, Portugal promoted the democratization of education that was consolidated in the expansion and diversification of higher education to match the need to ensure economic development of the country. The second approach takes the form of an empirical research based on a descriptive statistical analysis, supported on the statistical information provided by Portuguese Ministry of Education and Science that show the increases of the Portuguese’ qualifications as well as the Portuguese Assembly of the Republic that provides important insights on the adoption of gender quotas in Portugal. In this sense, the research provides empirical evidence about the role of women’s education in advancing their interests at the Government and politics

    Distribuição espacial da mortalidade em Lisboa associada às temperaturas elevadas, com recurso a Sistemas de Informação Geográfica

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    Tese de mestrado, Geografia - Sistemas de Informação Geográfica e Modelação Territorial aplicado ao Ordenamento, Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Geografia e Ordenamento do Território, 201

    Mecanismos de fomento à internacionalização da indústria criativa como estratégia para aumentar o desenvolvimento interno de Brasil e Portugal

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    Objetivo – O objetivo deste estudo é analisar a importância da internacionalização da indústria criativa em Portugal e Brasil para o progresso interno e identificar políticas públicas eficientes que possam estimular o desenvolvimento e a internacionalização dessa indústria e assim, promover maior evolução sócio-econômico-cultural das populações. Metodologia – Foi realizada uma pesquisa descritiva de levantamento bibliográfico e informações publicadas pelos órgãos de governo responsáveis pela mensuração do impacto do mercado empresarial nos países. Resultados e conclusões – Ficou claro o impacto positivo dessas empresas tanto em Portugal, quanto no Brasil e o quanto vem crescendo sua importância em cada um dos países tanto internamente, quanto no exterior. Também foi apresentada o histórico de políticas públicas voltados para o setor nos dois países e realizada uma série de propostas de políticas públicas com o objetivo de contribuir com os organismos governamentais e com o desenvolvimento das empresas e das cidades onde essa indústria escolhe se estabelecer. Limitações e implicações – Uma das limitações apontadas refere-se ao fato de que são recentes as pesquisas e o mapeamento pelos países sobre o setor criativo. Outro ponto limitante relaciona-se à diversidade de tipos de empresas que compõem a indústria criativa e que vivem desafios bem diferentes quando se internacionalizam. Isso faz com que seja complexo estabelecer um mecanismo de ajuda que seja efetivo para todo o setor. Originalidade e valor – Este estudo teve o intuito de reunir informações e contribuir com material que embase a criação de políticas públicas para estimular as indústrias criativas, principalmente de Portugal e do Brasil, a se desenvolverem e se internacionalizarem. E com isso, aumentar o desenvolvimento sócio-econômico do país de origem e o de destino e aumentar o destaque e prestígio das nações no mercado internacional. Também tem seu valor por ter relacionado a internacionalização do setor criativo com o desenvolvimento interno dos paísesPurpose – The objective of this study is to analyze the importance of the internationalization of the creative industry in Portugal and Brazil for internal progress and to identify efficient public policies that can stimulate the development and internationalization of this industry and thus promote greater socio-economic-cultural evolution of populations. Methodology - A descriptive survey of bibliographic survey and information published by government agencies responsible for measuring the impact of the business market in the countries was carried out. Results and conclusions - It was clear the positive impact of these companies both in Portugal and in Brazil and how their importance has been growing in each of the countries both internally and abroad. The history of public policies aimed at the sector in both countries was also presented and a series of public policy proposals were made with the aim of contributing to government agencies and the development of companies and cities where this industry chooses to establish itself. Limitations and implications - One of the limitations mentioned refers to the fact that research and mapping by countries on the creative sector are recent. Another limiting point is related to the diversity of types of companies that make up the creative industry and that face very different challenges when they go international. This makes it difficult to establish an aid mechanism that is effective for the entire sector. Originality and value - This study aimed to gather information and contribute with material that supports the creation of public policies to stimulate the creative industries, mainly in Portugal and Brazil, to develop and internationalize. And with that, increase the socio-economic development of the country of origin and destination and increase the prominence and prestige of nations in the international market. It also has its value for having related the internationalization of the creative sector to the countries' internal development

    Variaciones y tendencias de las temperaturas extremas desde mediados del siglo XX en Lisboa

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    Ponencia presentada en: VI Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Española de Climatología celebrado en Tarragona del 8 al 11 de octubre de 2008.[ES]El presente trabajo estudia la evolución del número de días con valores extremos de la temperatura media (Tmed), temperatura mínima (Tmín) y temperatura máxima (Tmáx) en la ciudad de Lisboa durante la segunda mitad del siglo XX y principios del XXI (1950-2005). Los resultados indican en general una disminución en todos los meses, estaciones y anualmente de los días inferiores al primer decil (D1) y un aumento de los días superiores al noveno decil (D9). La comparación entre dos subperíodos (1950-1977 y 1978-2005) indica la existencia de un cambio en el régimen térmico, principalmente en la Tmín, durante el verano y anualmente, que puede ser consecuencia del efecto urbano y/o del cambio climático. Por otra parte, la disminución de noches frías estivales está relacionada con cambios recientes en la circulación atmosférica, en concreto con la mayor ocurrencia de situaciones anticiclónicas en el norte de África que aportan aire cálido y seco en la Península Ibérica.[EN]The aim of this work is to study the evolution of the number of days with extreme temperature values of mean temperature (Tmed), minimum temperature (Tmin) and maximum temperature (Tmax) in Lisbon during the second half of the XXth century and the beginning of the XXIst century (1950-2005). The results show a general reduction of the days below the 1st decil (D1) and an increase in the number of days above the 9th decil (D9). The comparison between two subperiods (1950-1977 and 1978-2005) shows the existence of a change in the thermal regime, mainly in Tmin, in summer and annually, which might be related to an urban effect and/or to climate change. Furthermore, the reduction of summer cold nights might be related to recent changes in synoptic patterns, above all, with the anticyclone variability over Northern Africa which convey hot and dry air towards the Iberian Peninsula

    Differentiation of Candida dubliniensis from Candida albicans with the use of killer toxins

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    The aim of this study was to report the ability of killer toxins, previously used as biotyping techniques, as a new tool to differentiate C. albicans from C. dubliniensis. The susceptibility of C. albicans and C. dubliniensis to killer toxins ranged from 33.9 to 93.3% and from 6.67 to 93.3%, respectively.Avaliou-se a capacidade das toxinas killer, previamente utilizadas na biotipagem de C. albicans, como método para diferenciar C. albicans de C. dubliniensis. A susceptibilidade de C. albicans e C. dubliniensis às toxinas killer variou de 33,9% a 93,3% para C. albicans e de 6,67% a 93,3% para C. dubliniensis