23 research outputs found

    Measuring progress in sustainable food cities: An indicators toolbox for action.

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    Despite the growth of urban food policies across the globe, a key challenge remains around measuring the impact of these initiatives in building more sustainable and just cities. The literature identifies as the main barriers to progress food system assessments the lack of clear definitions of sustainability, insufficient data, the low applicability of global conceptualisations to local conditions and vice versa and low levels of actor involvement. We aim to address these gaps by co-developing a sustainability assessment framework to evaluate food systems performance in UK cities. The framework emerging from this collaborative process overcomes key limitations of previous exercises by providing a place-based and participative definition of sustainability aligned with global conceptualisations, building on the experiences and needs of a wide range of practitioners and taking a holistic but non-prescriptive approach to understanding food system outcomes. However, its application to the city of Cardiff reveals new challenges, mostly regarding the need to incorporate underrepresented stakeholders as well as account for multiscalar food system interdependencies and their positive but also negative impacts. Results show the need to embed critical perspectives in sustainable food assessments that actively expand their transformative capacity by developing further inclusive, participatory, place-based and whole-systems approaches

    Exploring the contribution of alternative food networks to food security. A comparative analysis

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    [EN] Food (in)security has become a challenge not only for developing economies but also for High Income Countries. In parallel, food scholars have actively investigated the contribution of alternative food networks (AFNs) to the development of more sustainable and just food systems, paying attention to drivers, initiatives and policies supporting the development of alternatives to the dominant industrialised food system and its detrimental environmental and socio-economic impacts. However, few studies have directly addressed the contribution of AFNs to food security in the Global North. This paper aims to establish new linkages between food security debates and critical AFNs literature. For that purpose, we conduct a place-based approach to food security in a comparative analysis of initiatives of three different European contexts: Cardiff city-region (UK), the Flemish Region (Belgium) and the peri-urban area of the city of Valencia (Spain). The results unfold: i) how AFNs weave a more localised socio-economic fabric that creates new relationships between food security outcomes and specific territories, ii) hybridization processes within alternative but also conventional systems and iii) the role of advocacy and collective action at different levels. The analysis allows identification of key elements on which food security debates hinge and provides new insights to ground conceptual discussions on territorial and place-based food security approaches.This research is part of the project "Assessment of the impact of global drivers of change on Europe's food security" (TRANSMANGO), granted by the EU under 7th Framework Programme; theme KBBE.2013.2.5-01; Grant agreement no: 613532. Dr. Ana Moragues-Faus also acknowledges the funding of the European Commission and the Welsh Government that currently supports her Ser Cymru fellowship. These results reflect only the authors' view; the funders are not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.Cerrada-Serra, P.; Moragues-Faus, A.; Zwart, TA.; Adlerova, B.; Ortiz-Miranda, D.; Avermaete, T. (2018). Exploring the contribution of alternative food networks to food security. A comparative analysis. Food Security. 10(6):1371-1388. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12571-018-0860-xS13711388106Arcuri, S., Brunori, G., & Galli, F. (2017). Insights on the role of private and public actors in food assistance provision: A literature review for high income countries. Economia agro-alimentare. https://doi.org/10.3280/ECAG2017-001006 .Barca, F., McCann, P., & RodrĂ­guez-Pose, A. (2012). The case for regional development intervetion: Place-based versus place-neutral approaches. Journal of Regional Science, 52, 134–152. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-9787.2011.00756.x .Bauler, T., Mutombo, E., van Gameren, V., Crivits, M., Paredis, E., Boulanger, P., . . . 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(2006). A postcapitalist politics. Minessota: University of Minnesota Press.Goodman, M. K. (2004). Reading fair trade: Political ecological imaginary and the moral economy of fair trade foods. Political Geography, 23, 891–915. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.polgeo.2004.05.013 .Goodman, D., DuPuis, E.M., Goodman, M.K. (2012). Alternative food networks: Knowledge, place and politics. Routledge, Oxon, New York. ISBN: 9780203804520.Goodman, D., DuPuis, E. M., & Goodman, M. K. (2013). Engaging alternative food networks: Commentaries and research agendas. International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food, 20, 425–431.Guinot, E. (2008) El paisaje de la Huerta de Valencia. Elementos de interpretaciĂłn de su morfologĂ­a espacial de origen medieval. Historia de la Ciudad V. TradiciĂłn y progreso, 98–111. Valencia: Icaro-Colegio Territorial de Arquitectos de Valencia-Universidad PolitĂ©cnica de Valencia.Guthman, J. (2004). Agrarian dreams: The paradox of organic farming in California. 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    Creating spatial synergies around food in cities

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    This paper focusses on the phenomenon of multifunctional urban food initiatives (MUFIs) and how, using food as a vehicle, they provide integrative solutions for a number of social, environmental and economic problems in European cities. Through an in-depth investigation of three MUFIs in the UK, Latvia and Belgium, the paper aims to increase understanding on how different activities are combined within MUFIs, leading to the creation and strengthening of synergies: both internal, between the different activities performed within MUFIs, and external synergies between the MUFI and the (peri-) urban environment in which it operates. The three cases illustrate that the dense and complex urban environment in which they are situated provides possibilities to create a wide, diverse network around food, leading to a high potential for synergies to occur. In this way, MUFIs can respond to specific urban needs, which are not addressed by the state, and therefore have an important signalling function. For the MUFIs themselves, although being multifunctional increases opportunities, it is also a challenge to find the right balance between the different functions and not to lose sight of the economic side of the business. Local governments can support MUFIs by providing space for them, room to experiment, adapting regulations to get MUFIs out of the “grey zones” of legislation, and by starting to strategically think about food in their city region

    The role of cities in good governance for food security: lessons from Madrid’s urban food strategy

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    Cities have become increasingly involved in food security concerns that go far beyond their boundaries by rescaling food governance to a more local level. While the role of cities as new food policy actors has attracted increased interest, few studies have critically analyzed urban food governance. Critical accounts of these new governance configurations are particularly necessary, and more relevant in times of crises, as good governance is crucial in tackling the root causes of food insecurity. This study aims to contribute to the debate around urban food governance, focusing on Madrid’s urban food strategy. It applies an adaptation of FAO’s analytical framework for good governance for food security. The study shows that new urban food governance arrangements can create more inclusive, democratic solutions to food security. However, these arrangements do not guarantee good governance, and many challenges remain, such as the operationalization of urban food policies and contextual barriers. More broadly, this study demonstrates that critical assessments of governance for food security can identify the deficiencies in the current system and help address current barriers to good governance

    Establishing urban gardens on vacant land while considering international good practices: a legal case study from Portugal

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    There is a gap in most countries’ legal frameworks regarding their ability to connect vacant land and urban gardens. Hence, research is needed to understand how regulation on vacant land might be designed to promote a more sustainable purpose to it. Urban gardens are a type of urban agriculture that could be potentiated by such regulation. The aim of this paper is to show how that can be done through the Municipal Master Plans (MMP) legal and regulatory framework for the Portuguese case, by reviewing worldwide good practices on vacant land restorations for urban sustainable development. The paper comprises a literature review on good practices adopted in different countries regarding vacant lot restoration. The evaluation of good practices is built on the achievement of the three pillars of sustainability. Five Portuguese MMP were used, as empirical data, to support the design of a new legal and regulatory framework. The goal is to enhance the sustainable destination of vacant land by converting it into urban gardens. The analysis of these MMPs demonstrated that they disregard urban gardens as a tool to promote urban sustainability in spite of global trends to make urban territorial planning and management instruments greener. An additional outcome of this paper is to categorise different types of vacant land in the five municipalities under analysis according to their suitability for urban garden conversion. The design of the legal framework enhancing the conversion of vacant land into urban garden will contribute to the 2030 international agenda goals’ achievement. The proposal would create an innovative legal framework in the case of Portugal that could be replicated by other countries.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Politicizing food security governance through participation: opportunities and opposition

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    Since the 2007/08 food price crisis there has been a proliferation of multi-stakeholder processes (MSPs) devoted to bringing diverse perspectives together to inform and improve food security policy. While much of the literature highlights the positive contributions to be gained from an opening-up of traditionally state-led processes, there is a strong critique emerging to show that, in many instances, MSPs have de-politicizing effects. In this paper, we scrutinize MSPs in relation to de-politicization. We argue that re-building sustainable and just food systems requires alternative visions that can best be made visible through politicized policy processes. Focusing on three key conditions of politicization, we examine the UN Committee on World Food Security as a MSP where we see a process of politicization playing out through the endorsement of the ‘most-affected’ principle, which is in turn being actively contested by traditionally powerful actors. We conclude that there is a need to implement and reinforce mechanisms that deliberately politicize participation in MSPs, notably by clearly distinguishing between states and other stakeholders, as well as between categories of non-state actors.</p

    Fostering food justice in academia and beyond.

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