1,397 research outputs found

    Galois closure of a 5-fold covering and decomposition of its Jacobian

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    For an arbitrary 5-fold ramified covering between compact Riemann surfaces, every possible Galois closure is determined in terms of the ramification data of the map; namely, the ramification divisor of the covering map. Since the group that acts on the Galois closure also acts on the Jacobian variety of the covering surface, we describe its group algebra decomposition in terms of the Jacobian and Prym varieties of the intermediate coverings of the Galois closure. The dimension and induced polarization of each abelian variety in the decomposition is computed in terms of the ramification data of the covering map.Comment: 24 page

    El poema de Fernán González como objeto semiótico

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    Prevalence of Geographic Tongue in Chilean Children between 7 and 10 Years of Age

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    Indexación: Web of Science; Scielo.RESUMEN: El objetivo del estudio fue determinar la prevalencia de lengua geográfica y evaluar su asociación con el estrés emocional, irritación crónica, lengua fisurada y tipo de establecimiento educacional, en niños de 7 a 10 años de edad en la ciudad de Viña del Mar, Chile. De un total de 27.234 escolares, cursando 2 a 5 año básico, pertenecientes a colegios de la ciudad de Viña del Mar, Chile, se examinaron 436 niños.Se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal de alumnos provenientes de tres tipos de establecimientos educacionales diferentes: particular, particular con subvención del estado de Chile y municipalizado. Las variables estudiadas fueron edad, sexo y establecimiento educacional. Adicionalmente, en los alumnos con lengua geográfica y 23 alumnos sin este diagnóstico se evaluó la presencia de lengua fisurada, irritación lingual crónica y estrés emocional. Se determinó la prevalencia mediante el cálculo de una proporción, las variables discretas se analizaron mediante Chi-cuadrado de Pearson o la prueba de Fisher y para determinar medidas de asociación con lengua geográfica se realizó regresión logística binaria, considerándose significativo un p<0,05. De los 436 niños, 23 presentaron lengua geográfica, evidenciando una prevalencia de 5,28%, con un IC 95% de 3,37% a 7,81%. No se evidenciaron diferencias respecto al sexo, edad ni tipo de establecimiento educacional. No se determinaron factores asociados a lengua geográfica. La prevalencia de LG determinada es similar a otros estudios que abarcan la misma población de rangos etarios. Al igual que en otros estudios no se pudo demostrar que el estrés emocional, irritación crónica, lengua fisurada y tipo de establecimiento educacional constituyeron factores asociados a la presencia de lengua geográfica.ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of geographic tongue and evaluate its association with emotional stress, chronic irritation, fissured tongue and type of educational establishment, in children between 7 and 10 years of age, in the city of Viña del Mar, Chile. From a total of 27,234 students attending 2nd through 5th grade, we examined 436 children. A descriptive study of students was carried out from three different educational institutions: private, private with state funding and public schools. The variables studied were age, sex and the educational establishment the children attended. Additionally in the students with geographic tongue and in 23 students without this diagnosis, we evaluated the presence of fissured tongue, tongue irritation and chronic emotional stress. Prevalence was determined by calculating ratio, discrete variables were analyzed using Pearson Chi-square test or Fisher, and in order to determine association measures with geographic tongue, binary logistic regression was considered significant at p <0.05. Of the 436 children, 23 had geographic tongue, showing a prevalence of 5.28% with a 95% CI 3.37% to 7.81%. No differences regarding sex, age and type of educational establishment were found. No factors associated with geographic tongue were determined. The prevalence of the LG is similar to other studies covering the same age ranges. Furthermore, and as in other works, our study did not to show that emotional stress, chronic irritation, fissured tongue and the type of educational establishment constituted factors associated with the presence of geographic tongue.http://ref.scielo.org/y3rcd

    Bases Morfológicas, Implicancias Clínicas y Reporte de Caso

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    Roa, I (reprint author), Univ Talca, Unidad Anat Normal, Oficina 104, Fac Ciencias Salud, Ave Lircay S-N, Talca, Chile.Roa, I (Roa, Ignacio); Moraga, JI (Ignacio Moraga, Jose); Cantin, M (Cantin, Mario)During fetal life and infancy, flat bones of the cranial vault are separated by dense connective tissue membranes, fibrous joints called sutures, which are aimed early on in life to promote brain development. Eventually these sutures close over the years to form a synostosis between the bones of the skull. One of these is the frontal suture, which joins the two frontal bones in the embryonic period and the newborn. This suture may persist over time, generating the condition known as metopism. Alteration showing different presentations and incidents depending on the ethnic group studied. The purpose of this paper is to show the features found in this condition, frequency, description, varieties, etc. This analysis was performed on different databases and the description of a case. It raises the importance that clinicians approaching the area at the time of surgery consider possible confusion at the radiographic level which can lead to subsequent complications. Therefore, real knowledge of the morphological bases of this condition is important for correct diagnosis and surgical procedure if warranted

    Influence of ripening stage and de-astringency treatment on the production of dehydrated persimmon snacks

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    [EN] BACKGROUND Seasonal persimmon (Diospyros kakiL.) crops have steadily increased in Spain; this has been linked to a significant increase in the postharvest production waste. Therefore, development of valorized products is of great interest. In this study, a hot air-drying technique was used to obtain persimmon snacks. Slices from astringent and non-astringent persimmons (submitted to de-astringency treatment) at three different ripening stages were dried at 40 and 60 degrees C to reach 15 +/- 3% water content. RESULTS After the drying treatment, dehydrated samples were harder, turned into a more orange hue angle, and had a reduced soluble tannin content. Dehydrated samples obtained from the astringent fruit at the most advanced ripening stage had similar soluble tannin content as the samples obtained from non-astringent fruit, especially at 60 degrees C. Besides, a high correlation was observed between the level of astringency perceived by consumers and the decrease of soluble tannin content. Although, in the first ripening stage, consumers preferred the snacks obtained from non-astringent fruits; in the last ripening stage, snacks produced from astringent fruits were equally accepted than the non-astringent ones. CONCLUSION Therefore, well-accepted persimmon snacks are obtained from both astringent and non-astringent fruits when advanced ripening stages of persimmon are used.The authors thank the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades for the financial support given throughout Project RTA2017-00045-C02-02. They would also like to thank Phillip Bentley for assistance in correcting the English manuscript.González, CM.; Hernando Hernando, MI.; Moraga Ballesteros, G. (2021). Influence of ripening stage and de-astringency treatment on the production of dehydrated persimmon snacks. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 101(2):603-612. https://doi.org/10.1002/jsfa.10672603612101

    In Vitro and In Vivo Digestion of Persimmon and Derived Products: A Review

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    [EN] The link between nutrition and health has focused on the strategy of diet-based programs to deal with various physiological threats, such as cardiovascular disease, oxidative stress, and diabetes. Therefore, the consumption of fruits and vegetables as a safeguard for human health is increasingly important. Among fruits, the intake of persimmon is of great interest because several studies have associated its consumption with health benefits due to its high content of bioactive compounds, fiber, minerals, and vitamins. However, during digestion, some changes take place in persimmon nutritional compounds that condition their subsequent use by the human body. In vitro studies indicate different rates of recovery and bioaccessibility depending on the bioactive compound and the matrix in which they are found. In vivo studies show that the pharmacological application of persimmon or its functional components, such as proanthocyanidins, can help to prevent hyperlipidemia and hyperglycemia. Thus, persimmon and persimmon derived products have the potential to be a fruit recommended for diet therapy. This review aims to compile an updated review of the benefits of persimmon and its derived products, focusing on the in vitro and in vivo digestibility of the main nutrients and bioactive compounds.Grant RTA2017-00045-C02-02 funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 and, by ERDF A way of making Europe.González, CM.; Hernando Hernando, MI.; Moraga Ballesteros, G. (2021). In Vitro and In Vivo Digestion of Persimmon and Derived Products: A Review. Foods. 10(12):1-15. https://doi.org/10.3390/foods10123083S115101

    Species Distribution and Susceptibility to Azoles of Vaginal Yeasts Isolated Prostitutes

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    Objective. We investigated the use of miconazole among female prostitutes in Costa Rica as well as the distribution of vaginal yeasts and the susceptibility pattern to azoles of strains obtained from this population. Our intention was to relate a frequent use of miconazole to occurrence of vaginal yeasts resistant to azoles. Methods. Vaginal samples were taken from 277 patients that have previously used azoles. Vaginal swabs were obtained for direct microscopy and culture. Yeast isolates were identified by germ tube test and assimilation pattern. Susceptibility testing was determined using a tablet diffusion method. Results. The number of clinical Candida isolates (one from each patient) was 57 (20.6%). C. albicans was the predominant species (70%), followed by C. parapsilosis (12%), C. tropicalis (5.3%), C. glabrata and C. famata (3.5% each), C. krusei, C. inconspicua and C. guilliermondii (1.7% each). The majority of vaginal Candida isolates were susceptible to ketoconazole (91%), fluconazole (96.5%), and itraconazole (98%). A lower susceptibility of some isolates to miconazole (63%) was observed as compared to the other azoles tested. Moreover, the strains, nonsusceptible to miconazole, were more often obtained from patients that have used this antifungal at least four times within the last year before taking the samples as compared to those with three or less treatments (P<.01). Conclusion. An indiscriminate use of miconazole, such as that observed among female prostitutes in Costa Rica, results in a reduced susceptibility of vaginal yeasts to miconazole but not to other azoles

    Structural characterization of highly glucosylated crocins and regulation of their biosynthesis during flower development in Crocus

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    Crocin biosynthesis in Crocus has been proposed to proceed through a zeaxanthin cleavage pathway catalyzed by carotenoid cleavage dioxygenase 2 (CCD2), and followed by glucosylation reactions catalyzed by CsGT2 (UGT74AD1). In Crocus ancyrensis flowers, crocins with eight (crocin-1), seven (crocin-2), and six glucose (crocin-3) moieties accumulated both in stigma and tepals. We have characterized the structure of these highly glucosylated crocins and follow up their accumulation by high-resolution liquid chromatography coupled with diode array detector along the development of both tissues, and coupled to the isolation and analysis of the expression of eighteen genes (PSY-I, PSY-II, PDS-(I-V), ISO-ZDS, ZDS, CtrISO, LYC-I and II, BCH, CaCCD2, UGT74AD2-5) related with the apocarotenoid metabolism in C. ancyrensis tepals and stigmas. Structure elucidation of crocin-1 and crocin-2 was done by the combined use of 1D and 2D [H, H] (gCOSY and TOCSY and ROESY) and [H-C] NMR experiments, revealing that for crocin-1 was all-trans-crocetin O-[β-D- Glucopyranosyl)-(1→4)-(β-D-glucopyranosyl)-(1→2)]-O-[β-D-glucopyranosyl-(1→6)]-β-D-glucopyranosyl diester, while crocin-2 showed an identical structure except for the absence of one glucose residue in one end of the molecule. Crocins accumulation was not synchronically regulated in stigma and tepals, although in both cases crocins accumulation parallels tissue development, decreasing at anthesis. The expression of the carotenogenic genes PSY, ZDS-V, BCH, and LCY-II was correlated with crocins accumulation. In addition, CaCCD2 and only one of the four glucosyltransferase encoding genes, UGT74AD2, were highly expressed, and the expression was correlated with high levels of crocins accumulation in stigma and tepals.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (BIO2013-44239-R) and participates in the IBERCAROT network (112RT0445). OA was funded by FPCYTCLM through the INCRECYT Programme.Peer Reviewe

    Nuevo enfoque para una práctica de laboratorio.

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    Los importantes cambios de carácter socio-políticos y culturales que se han ido desarrollando en nuestro país, han impactado enormemente en el sistema educativo. La sociedad en su conjunto demanda nuevos conocimientos, destrezas y comprensión para mejorar la educación. Este trabajo analiza la experiencia obtenida luego de rediseñar una práctica de laboratorio modificando el enfoque de la misma. En este práctico se propone dejar de lado el modelo conductista actual por una actividad que ayude a construir el conocimiento a partir de la investigación autónoma de los alumnos. Así también se los motiva a observar y se los alienta al pensamiento crítico para poder elaborar conclusiones. Por otro lado, concientes de la importancia de las TICs en la sociedad actual, se sugiere el empleo de las mismas para la investigación y para la obtención de resultados. El práctico además constituye una herramienta para desarrollar las habilidades que hoy la sociedad demanda de los profesionales