641 research outputs found


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    University health services play a very important role in the general health, performance, and well-being of the students, the university itself, and the community. As stated by the American College Health Association, the goal of a university health service is to promote and maintain those conditions which will permit and encourage each individual to realize optimum physical, emotional, intellectual, and social well-being. University students have special health care needs such as drug and alcohol abuses, emotional problems, and gynecological, sexual, and contraceptive problems. It is the goal of the health professionals involved with students to meet those needs. Because of these special health care needs, the increasing number of university students, and the present problems associated with medical care and medical distribution, nurse practitioners have become involved in some university percent of these nurse practitioners are in college health services.3 It was believed by the investigators of this study that nurse practitioners could play a special role in this area of health care. As student health medical directors are key persons in defining nurse practitioner activities, the purpose of this study was to determine the activities the directors identified as appropriate for nurse practitioners to perform in a university health care setting. The type of activities identified by them may be crucial in the decision to utilize nurse practitioners in the university student health setting

    Chapter 13- Asynchronous Discussions for First-Year Writers and Beyond: Thinking Outside the PPR (Prompt, Post, Reply) Box

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    Asynchronous discussions can challenge even experienced online learners and teachers: forums can become perfunctory hoops for students to jump through, particularly in the common PPR (prompt, post, reply) format, in which students answer a prompt and then reply to one or more other students. As a peer reviewer for online courses, I have seen rich and insightful discussions that engage students and promote learning, as well as forums that scarcely resemble discussions at all. Research on cultivating dialogue in online discussions has targeted primarily upper-division or graduate courses (see Andreson, 2009; Delahunty, 2018; Delahunty et al., 2014; Garrison et al., 1999); few publications address discussions with first-year college students (see Peterson & Caverly, 2006, for a notable exception). Much of this research is written for instructors who regularly teach online; it may be neither familiar nor accessible to faculty who must shift to hybrid or online instruction in response to unforeseen circumstances, such as the pandemic of 2020–2021

    Academic Performance among Homeless Students: Exploring Relationships of Socio-Economic and Demographic Variables

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    This study examines homeless student academic performance, types of temporary housing used among the homeless, degree of stability or instability for families with school-aged children, child needs for academic success, the importance of parental involvement in a child\u27s academic growth, and other known factors in relations to child student academic performance, with a focus on grade level and racial differences. A multiple linear regression model is used to test the hypotheses while controlling confounding variables. Statistically significant relationships are reported between race and academic performance, and grade level and academic performance. Practical and policy implications are discussed, as well as limitations of the study and need for future research

    Thailand Clinical Immersion 2019

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    Clinical immersion at the Trauma Emergency Department, the Trauma ICU, and Trauma ward at Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University. Get clinical experience and cultural immerison while completing hours at Thailand's largest and oldest hospital!https://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/153973/1/ThailandClinicalImmersion2019.pd

    Female reproductive strategy predicts preferences for sexual dimorphism in male faces

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    The aim of the current studies was to test an assumption that variation in female preferences for sexually dimorphic male facial characteristics reflects strategic optimisation of investment in offspring. A negative relationship was predicted between ideal number of children and preferences for masculine male face shapes, as the benefits of securing paternal investment should outweigh the benefits of securing good genes as the costs of raising offspring increase. In Study 1 desired number of children and preferences for masculine face shapes were compared in a sample of female students. In study 2, the prediction was tested in a sample with a wider age profile while controlling for relationship status. Preferences for explicit partner characteristics were also assessed. The prediction was supported: women who desired a higher number of children preferred more feminine male face shapes and ranked cues to investment of parental care over cues to immunocompetence in a partner more highly than those who desired fewer children. Results indicate that female mate preferences vary with reproductive strategy and support assumptions that preferences for feminine male faces reflect preferences for “good dads”

    El concepto de la utilidad en el diseño de una prueba de comprensión de lectura en la lengua extranjera

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    Este artículo representa un diagnóstico completo de la fase de diseño de la prueba de comprensión de lectura para ingreso a estudios de posgrado de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. Para realizar el diagnóstico se determinó medir el alcance del instrumento en relación a las cualidades de utilidad de Bachman y Palmer (1996) siendo éstas: confiabilidad, validez de constructo, autenticidad, interactividad, impacto y practicidad. Como la valoración implícita en la medición de utilidad hace referencia al contexto de la evaluación se describió de manera detallada dicho contexto empleando el modelo de Alderson (2000). La conclusión principal que emana de dicho análisis es que la prueba es adecuada para su contexto en cuanto al diseño pero que la operatividad de la misma se beneficiaría del desarrollo de algunas medidas de difusión.Este artículo representa un diagnóstico completo de la fase de diseño de la prueba de comprensión de lectura para ingreso a estudios de posgrado de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. Para realizar el diagnóstico se determinó medir el alcance del instrumento en relación a las cualidades de utilidad de Bachman y Palmer (1996) siendo éstas: confiabilidad, validez de constructo, autenticidad, interactividad, impacto y practicidad. Como la valoración implícita en la medición de utilidad hace referencia al contexto de la evaluación se describió de manera detallada dicho contexto empleando el modelo de Alderson (2000). La conclusión principal que emana de dicho análisis es que la prueba es adecuada para su contexto en cuanto al diseño pero que la operatividad de la misma se beneficiaría del desarrollo de algunas medidas de difusión

    Isolation of cationic and neutral (allenylidene)(carbene) and bis(allenylidene)gold complexes.

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    The one-electron reduction of a cationic (allenylidene)[cyclic(alkyl) (amino)carbene]gold(i) complex leads to the corresponding neutral, paramagnetic, formally gold(0) complex. DFT calculations reveal that the spin density of this highly robust coinage metal complex is mainly located on the allenylidene fragment, with only 1.8 and 3.1% on the gold center and the CAAC ligand, respectively. In addition, the first homoleptic bis(allenylidene)gold(i) complex has been prepared and fully characterized

    Patients with Transistor Pacemakers : Their Problems in Adjusting to Daily Living

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    It was the purpose of this study to gain greater insights into the problems and needs of patients with artificial pacemakers. The problem was to find out in what ways the pacemaker affected the patients\u27 manner of living and what problems they had had in adjusting to a new way of life. The method of the study was the descriptive survey; an interview guide was the tool. Seven patients who had been electronically paced for periods of four weeks to two and one half years were interviewed in their homes. The ages of the three men and four women ranged from forty-nine to eighty-two years. The study revealed that all of the patients, six of whom had Stokes-Adams attacks of varying degrees and frequency and one with incapacitatingly slow pulse, had apparently accepted having the pacemaker as the only way out of their problem. The instructions received by the patients, as they recalled, were varied and vague. Three remembered specific instructions regarding taking their pulses. Examples of other instructions given were, Take it easy and Use your own judgment. The activities in which the patients participated varied widely. Six patients indicated considerable increase in their activities since being paced; only one indicated little or no change. All were relieved of Stokes-Adams attacks. Five patients found that their activities were limited by fatigue; one by blurring of vision and unsteadiness; the youngest denied any limitations. Three patients had done extensive traveling; two of whom had experienced pacemaker failure while on extended trips. These two were referred back to their respective hospitals for correction of the problem. Six of the seven patients visited their physicians regularly; one only when she felt she needed to do so. One who visited regularly at the time of interview had not done so before having experienced pacemaker failure. The two problems considered by six patients to be the major ones were financial concern and fear of pacemaker. All felt that expense was a particular problem. The patients felt that hospital personnel had helped them particularly by kindness, prayers of the nurses, and frank explanations of the physicians. Those things which they felt were not helpful to them varied greatly but tended to be related to tact on the part of hospital personnel, of understanding, gentleness and frank explanations. Suggestions were that hospital personnel should maintain the same kindness, cooperation and prayers, should show a little more feeling for the aged, and should give the patients frank explanations. Four of the seven patients experienced pacemaker failure which they attributed to insecure fixation of the activator, unperfected pacemaker, battery failure and tissue resistance. Two of the three patients having had pacemaker replacement with subsequent activators preset at a higher rate reported more energy and less fatigue. This they attributed to the increased rates of cardiac stimulation. In spite of experiencing pacemaker failure, two of the patients stated that they felt even more secure than before because of increased comfort and faith in the later model

    Individual differences in preferences for cues to intelligence in the face

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    Date of acceptance: 03/02/2014We tested for individual differences in women's preferences for cues to intelligence in male faces in accordance with hormonal status (i.e. menstrual cycle phase and use of hormonal contraceptives), relationship status and context, and self-rated intelligence. There were no effects of hormonal or relationship status (Studies 1 and 2) on preferences. There was, however, a positive relationship between self-rated intelligence and preferences for cues to intelligence in the face in the context of a long-term relationship, suggesting context-specific assortment (Study 3). In Study 4, self-rated partner intelligence correlated with preferences for facial cues to intelligence. We discuss these results in the context of intelligence as a fitness indicator and suggest that future research must control for assortative mating for cognitive traits in order to better understand intelligence in mate choice.PostprintPeer reviewe

    A práxis educativa de enfermagem no cuidado hospitalar: discursos de enfermeiras

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências da Saúde. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Enfermagem.A questão da educação em saúde não deve ser compreendida como uma medida coerciva de controle social, mas sim, como um instrumental e recurso que garanta aos clientes a compreensão de si mesmos enquanto cidadãos. A enfermeira tem o compromisso ético-profissional de educar para a saúde no seu cotidiano, educar pressupõe interação e defendo as ações educativas como inerente e indissociável ao cuidado cotidiano da enfermeira, para isso, a profissional não precisa de um tempo específico para educar o cliente, já que constantemente está educando ou tem a possibilidade de educar no dia-a-dia de suas ações no cuidado. A pesquisa tem por objetivos compreender e analisar a consciência da práxis educativa das enfermeiras no cuidado hospitalar, bem como, identificar o nível de práxis que as enfermeiras apresentam acerca das ações educativas no cuidado hospitalar, avaliar se as ações educativas das enfermeiras, no cuidado contemplam os conceitos de diálogo, participação, açãoreflexão-ação, conscientização e transformação e, analisar as razões que impedem o desenvolvimento das ações educativas das enfermeiras no cuidado hospitalar. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de natureza qualitativa, caráter exploratório, realizado com 6 enfermeiras assistenciais das unidades de Clínica Cirúrgica e de Clínica Médica de um hospital geral do sul do Brasil. O suporte teórico-filosófico foi com base nos níveis da práxis preconizada por Adolfo Vásquez e os conceitos da Educação Libertadora de Paulo Freire. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de entrevista, a partir de um roteiro semi-estruturado. As entrevistas foram gravadas e transcritas para posterior análise de conteúdo (Bardin, 2004). A partir das mesmas foram estabelecidas três categorias: (1) A dimensão do cuidado da enfermeira, agrupados nas subcategorias: O que é cuidado segundo as enfermeiras, importância e finalidade, características da enfermeira no cuidado, fundamentação teórica do cuidado, Enfermeira: cuidado de si/não cuidado de si; (2) A dimensão educativa no cuidado da enfermeira, agrupados nas subcategorias: O que é educação em saúde/ação educativa enfermeiras, importância e finalidade da educação, características da ação educativa, fundamentação teórica da educação e tipos de educação e o processo ensino-aprendizagem e, (3) A consciência das enfermeiras e o nível de práxis das ações educativas no cuidado, evidenciando-se as seguintes subcategorias: inerência educação e cuidado; consciência da enfermeira sobre o cuidado e as ações educativas no cuidado, razões e dificuldades para o desenvolvimento das ações educativas no cuidado hospitalar, os modos educativos das enfermeiras e os níveis de práxis. Conclui-se que é passível o modo de pensar a educação como um elemento inerente e indissociável no cuidado hospitalar da enfermeira, bem como, sua contribuição para uma melhor qualidade no atendimento ao cliente nos serviços de internação e um processo de viver mais saudável. Esta ligação educação & cuidado acontece por acreditar que os mesmos possibilitem às enfermeiras assistenciais o exercício de uma práxis inovadora, consciente, ética e crítica com os clientes em regime de internação sobre seus cuidados profissionais. The questions of the education in health does not have to be understood as a coercive measure of social control, but yes, as an instrument and resource that the same understanding of itself guaranties to the customers white human being. The nurse has the ethical and professional commitments to educate for the health in its daily one, to educate estimates interaction and defends the educative actions as inherent to the daily care of the nurses, for this, the professional does not need a specific time to educate the customer, since constantly she is educating and she has the possibility to educate daily in its action in the care. The research has for objective to understand and to analyze the conscience of the praxis educative of the nurses in the care to hospitalar, as well as, to identify level of praxis that the nurses present concerning the educative actions in the hospital care, to evaluate if the educative actions of the nurses in the care contemplate the concepts of dialogue, participation, actionreflection-action, awareness and transformation and, to analyze the reasons that hunder the development them educative actions them nurses in the hospital care. One is about a research of qualitative nature, exploratory character, carried through with 6 assistenciais nurses of the units of Surgical Clinic and Medical Clinic of a general hospital of the south of Brazil. The philosophical theoretical support was on the basis of the levels of the praxis praised by Adolph Vasquez and the concepts of the Liberting Education of Pablo Freire. The collection of data was carried through by means of interviews, from a structuralized half script. The interview has been recorded and transcribing for posterior analysis of content. From the same had been established three categories: (1) the dimensions of the care of the nurse, grouped in the subcategories: what he is well-taken care of according to nurses, characteristics of the caring one, theoretical recital of the care, nurse: care of welltaken care of si/not of itself, (2) The educative dimension in the care of the nurse, grouped in the subcategories: what educative action is education in health/nurse, importance and purpose of the care, characteristics of the care, theoretical bedding of the education and types of education and, process teach-learning and, (3) the conscience of the nurses and level of praxis of the educative actions, proved the following subcategories: inherence education and care, conscience of the nurse on the care and the educative actions in the care, reasons and difficulties for the development of the educative actions in the care, educative ways of the nurses and the levels of praxis. One concludes that the way to think the education as an inherent element about the hospital for one better quality in the attendance to the customer in the internment services and a process of living is passively more healthful. This welltaken care of linking education&happens for assistenciais nurses the exercise of praxis innovative, conscientious, ethical and critical with the customers in regimen of internment on its professional cares