2,300 research outputs found

    Woven Kin: Exploring Representation and Collaboration in Navajo Weaving Exhibitions

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    Following recent trends in scholarship that establish museums as complex sites where representations of Native American cultures are actively negotiated, this thesis explores the relationship between representational strategies and the employment of critical Indigenous methodologies by museum institutions in the display of Navajo weavings. A postcolonial theoretical framework is utilized to analyze six Navajo weaving exhibition installments over the past decade. Additionally, a critical reflection is offered about the development of the author\u27s collaborative exhibition, Na\u27ashjé\u27ii Biką\u27 Biyiin (Chant of the Male Spider): A Holistic Journey with Diné Weaver Roy Kady, that reveals both the rewards and challenges of collaborative exhibition making between two members of the Navajo community. This study problematizes the historical process of museum representation and suggests a more nuanced investigation of the collaborative dynamics that contribute towards the decolonizing efforts in Native scholarship and museum practice

    The neotropical Gran Sabana region: Palaeoecology and conservation

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    The Gran Sabana (GS) is a key region for understanding the origin of neotropical savannas and is an ideal location to test ecological hypotheses on long-term vegetation dynamics under the action of natural and anthropogenic drivers. The conservation of the GS is a controversial issue because of the confluence of disparate cultural and socio-economic interests, with a strong debate surrounding fire practices by indigenous people. Late glacial to Holocene pollen and charcoal records obtained thus far in this region have documented the main palaeoecological trends along with the climatic and anthropogenic (mostly fire) drivers involved. Here, we discuss how these records can be used to inform conservation and restoration practices in the GS. The main points of the discussion are the local versus regional character of palaeoecological evidence, the support provided by this evidence for the existing fire management proposals and the role of spatiotemporal environmental and ecological heterogeneity in the definition and evaluation of realistic restoration targets. A general conclusion is that past ecological reconstructions do not fully support either of the current options for fire management, that is, either total fire suppression or the continuity of indigenous fire practices. It is recommended to replace this dual and rigid conservation framework with a more diverse and flexible approach that considers the complex spatiotemporal heterogeneity documented in palaeoecological records. © The Author(s) 2016.This research was funded by the Ministry of Education and Science (grant CGL2006-00974/BOS), the Ministry of Science and Innovation (grant CGL2009-07069/BOS) and the Banco de Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria Foundation (grants BIOCON 2004-90/05 and BIOCON 2008-031).Peer reviewe

    Programa de diagnóstico de toxoplasmosis materna en Armenia

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    Durante una infección por Toxoplasma no existen síntomas específicos de esta infección por lo tanto la sospecha clínica requiere siempre la confirmación por el laboratorio. El laboratorio juega, entonces, un papel crucial para determinar la etiología en esta infección parasitaria. La estrategia diagnóstica puede basarse en técnicas serológicas que midan anticuerpos específicos o técnicas cualitativas y semicuantitativas que establezcan perfiles inmunológicos comparados. Estos perfiles inmunológicos comparados permiten distinguir entre anticuerpos maternos y fetales o una neoproducción. Cuando se sospecha un déficit inmunitario o una producción débil de anticuerpos, como en los casos de inmunosupresión o infección fetal se puede emprender la detección directa del parásito tanto en ratón como en cultivo celular o evidenciar su presencia por la amplificación de un segmento del ADN del parásito

    A review on intelligent monitoring and activity interpretation

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    This survey paper provides a tour of the various monitoring and activity interpretation frameworks found in the literature. The needs of monitoring and interpretation systems are presented in relation to the area where they have been developed or applied. Their evolution is studied to better understand the characteristics of current systems. After this, the main features of monitoring and activity interpretation systems are defined.Este trabajo presenta una revisión de los marcos de trabajo para monitorización e interpretación de actividades presentes en la literatura. Dependiendo del área donde dichos marcos se han desarrollado o aplicado, se han identificado diferentes necesidades. Además, para comprender mejor las particularidades de los marcos de trabajo, esta revisión realiza un recorrido por su evolución histórica. Posteriormente, se definirían las principales características de los sistemas de monitorización e interpretación de actividades.This work was partially supported by Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad / FEDER under DPI2016-80894-R grant

    El principio constitucional de la doble instancia en el Jurado Nacional de Elecciones

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    Manifiesta que la pluralidad de instancias es una garantía que ha sido reconocida a nivel internacional y, en el Perú, está consagrada como uno de los principios de la función jurisdiccional. Conforme reiterada jurisprudencia del Tribunal Constitucional, es aplicable inclusive a los procedimientos administrativos. Sin embargo, no siempre se cumple en materia electoral porque hay casos en los que el "Jurado Nacional de Elecciones” del Perú, emite decisiones como única instancia e inimpugnables. Es por esta razón que esta investigación tiene como objetivo determinar el sustento jurídico que permita establecer una propuesta para procurar el cabal cumplimiento del principio constitucional de la doble instancia en las decisiones que, directamente o por impugnación, deben ser revisadas y resueltas por el Jurado Nacional de Elecciones. Efectuados los análisis pertinentes, se ha llegado a concluir que, efectivamente, en diversos procedimientos que son ventilados ante el Jurado Nacional de Elecciones, esta entidad actúa como única instancia jurisdiccional emitiendo decisiones que no admiten impugnación; por lo que se incumple la norma constitucional de la pluralidad de instancias. Como resultado de la investigación desarrollada, se ha propuesto un Proyecto de Ley para que se permita la creación y funcionamiento de Jurados Electorales Permanentes que tengan vigencia indefinida y desarrollen las funciones que el Jurado Nacional de Elecciones ha planteado en su Proyecto de Código Electoral. Finalmente se ha sugerido que dicho Proyecto de Ley se apruebe lo más pronto, independientemente de lo planteado en el Proyecto de Código Electoral, presentado por el "Jurado Nacional de Elecciones” al Congreso de la República. Así se podrá contar de inmediato con el establecimiento de los mencionados Jurados Electorales Permanentes con funciones jurisdiccionales específicas a efectos de que resuelvan, en primera instancia, las controversias y/o conflictos intersubjetivos de intereses que sean sometidos para su pronunciamiento.Tesi

    Delimitación de competencias del Organismo de Evaluación y Fiscalización Ambiental y de la Autoridad Nacional del Agua en el caso referido a la contaminación de la Laguna Shanshococha

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    El presente trabajo académico aborda la cuestión controvertida referente a la competencia de la Autoridad Nacional del Agua (ANA) para sancionar ante eventuales afectaciones que pudieran generarse sobre la laguna Shanshococha, debido a que dicho organismo ejerce jurisdicción administrativa exclusiva en materia de aguas. Abordé este tema debido a que considero que resulta necesario establecer cuáles son las competencias que ejerce la OEFA y la ANA en la fiscalización de la calidad del recurso hídrico en el desarrollo de las actividades de hidrocarburos. La hipótesis que planteo es que no existe superposición de funciones entre ambas entidades, y que el inicio de procedimientos administrativos sancionadores independientes por parte de OEFA y ANA no estaría vulnerando el principio Non bis ídem. Cabe señalar que en la presente investigación haré la revisión de un caso específico relacionado al impacto de la laguna Shanshococha por parte de la empresa Pluspetrol Norte, teniendo en cuenta la posición del Tribunal de Fiscalización Ambiental de la OEFA, y haciendo una crítica de esta. En ese sentido, con este trabajo podré determinar las competencias de fiscalización que tiene la ANA y la OEFA en la fiscalización de la calidad del recurso hídrico, y que la actuación de ambas entidades no vulnera el principio Non Bis Idem.Trabajo académic

    Neotropical vegetation responses to Younger Dryas climates as analogs for future climate change scenarios and lessons for conservation.

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    The Younger Dryas (YD) climatic reversal (12.86-11.65 cal ky BP), especially the warming initiated at ∼12.6 cal ky BP, and the associated vegetation changes have been proposed as past analogs to forecast the potential vegetation responses to future global warming. In this paper, we applied this model to highland and midland Neotropical localities. We used pollen analysis of lake sediments to record vegetation responses to YD climatic changes, which are reconstructed from independent paleoclimatic proxies such as the Mg/Ca ratio on foraminiferal tests and Equilibrium Line Altitude (ELA) for paleotemperature, and grayscale density and Titanium content for paleoprecipitation. Paleoclimatic reconstructions at both highlands and midlands showed a clear YD signal with a conspicuous warming extending into the early Holocene. A small percentage of taxa resulted to be sensitive to these YD climate changes. Response lags were negligible at the resolution of the study. However, changes in the sensitive taxa were relevant enough to determine changes in biodiversity and taxonomic composition. Highland vegetation experienced mainly intra-community reorganizations, whereas midland vegetation underwent major changes leading to community substitutions. This was explained in terms of threshold-crossing non-linear responses in which the coupling of climatic and other forcings (fire) was proposed as the main driving mechanism. Paleoecology provides meaningful insights on the responses of highland and midland Neotropical vegetation to the YD climatic reversal. Biotic responses at both individual (species) and collective (assemblage) levels showed patterns and processes of vegetation change useful to understand its ecological dynamics, as well as the mechanisms and external drivers involved. The use of paleoecological methods to document the biotic responses to the YD climate shifts can be useful to help forecasting the potential consequences of future global warming. Due to its quasi-global character, the YD reversal emerges as a well suited candidate for providing useful insights of global scope by analyzing the corresponding biotic responses virtually at any geographical and biological setting

    Integrated evaluation of wine lees valorization to produce value-added products

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    The integrated evaluation of the valorization of wine lees to produce value-added products was carried out in this study from a life-cycle perspective. The consumption of steam has been demonstrated as the main hot spot, reaching 85.7% of the impact on Fossil Depletion and 85.3% on Climate Change. Bearing in mind that four different value-added products are produced, a sensitivity analysis was carried out in order to ascertain the influence of the functional unit and the allocation method on the environmental outcomes. The performance of this system was compared to other processes that produce antioxidants from different raw materials. These processes were phycocyanin recovery from Spirulina platensis cyanobacterium, the production of the red antioxidant astaxanthin by microalgae and the valorization of the macroalgae Sargassum muticum. Wine lees valorization showed a better environmental profile throughout the entire life cycle, due to the fact that most of the operations performed are physical (solid/liquid separations, distillations, evaporations, etc.) and do not involve a large consumption of electricity or chemicals. However, there is still room for improvement, and future research should focus on optimizing the extraction of antioxidants from wine lees using two-stages aqueous systems, ultrasonic or microwave assisted extraction, in the pursuit of better performance and lower environmental impactThis research was supported by the European Project STAR-ProBio (Grant Agreement Number 727740). The authors belong to the Galician Competitive Research Group GRC ED431C 2017/2019 and to the CRETUS Strategic Partnership (ED431E 2018/01). All these programmes are co-funded by FEDER (EU)S