4,682 research outputs found

    Revolutionary idealists to revolutionary statesmen: Bolshevik foreign policy, 1914 to 1922

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    From 1917 to 1922, the Bolsheviks conducted a foreign policy that melded their background in Marxist ideology with the exigencies of state power. The Bolsheviks believed an international revolution would imitate their socialist revolution of October 1917. When it became clear this would not happen, V. I. Lenin and his comrades chose to preserve their revolution in Russia; The Bolsheviks believed peace would induce revolution throughout war-torn Europe. After the October Revolution the Bolsheviks immediately sought an end to the Great War. Only Germany accepted this proposal of peace, however, and the Bolsheviks were forced to accept a harsh peace treaty that stripped much of Russia\u27s holdings; Despite this blow to their revolutionary drive, the Bolsheviks believed the peace with Germany allowed consolidation of revolutionary forces in Russia. Since Europe\u27s working-classes failed to incite a socialist uprising, the Bolsheviks incorporated state power to organize and prepare the grounds for international revolution

    Políticas públicas territoriales en Colombia: un análisis sobre desarrollo rural desde el enfoque territorial para la región Pacífico, a partir del Plan Nacional de Desarrollo 2014-2018

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    Con gran énfasis en el interés de promover un análisis crítico sobre el desarrollo rural a partir del diseño e implementación de políticas públicas con enfoque territorial, el presente trabajo realiza una evaluación sobre el enfoque utilizado en el diseño de la estrategia “Desarrollo socioeconómico con equidad, integración y sostenibilidad ambiental” plasmada en el Plan Nacional de Desarrollo 2014-2018 en calidad de estrategia regional para el pacífico colombiano -- Alrededor de ello, fundamenta su análisis a partir del contrataste de los postulados sobre el enfoque territorial del desarrollo rural planteado por el Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA), agrupando cuatro categorías analíticas: Multidimensionalidad, intertemporalidad, visión intergeneracional y visión multisectorial -- En dicha evaluación se encontró la existencia de falencias estructurales en la visión intergeneracional y la visión multisectorial como dimensiones holísticas del desarroll

    Construção de moradia sustentável com tijolos prensados de solocimento: do resíduo ao material

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    El suelo producto de las excavaciones es visto generalmente como un residuo, cuyo tratamiento casi siempre es la disposición controlada en escombreras. Sin embargo, este puede ser valorizado como material de construcción mediante diferentes técnicas, entre ellas la confección de bloques de suelo cemento (BSC), con el empleo de la Cinva-Ram (prensa manual para la elaboración de bloques), la cual es de fácil manejo por parte del personal que se desempeña en el sector de la construcción. En tal sentido, se expone una experiencia basada en la valorización del suelo residual como material de óptimo desempeño y costo asequible para la construcción de vivienda. Este ejercicio experimental se realizó en el municipio de El Carmen de Viboral, departamento de Antioquia (Colombia), caracterizado por clima fresco con alto nivel de precipitaciones. Se realizaron diferentes mediciones que arrojaron como resultado que el desempeño físico-mecánico cumple con los requerimientos del proyecto, y las normas y reglamentaciones existentes, lo que es un aspecto a favor para la viabilidad de proyectos de vivienda que aporten a la sostenibilidad ecológica del hábitat mediante el concepto de minería a la inversa.O solo produto das escavações é visto, geralmente, como um resíduo, cujo tratamento quase sempre é a disposição controlada em escombreiras. Contudo, este pode ser valorizado como material de construção mediante diferentes técnicas, entre elas a confecção de tijolos de solo-cimento, com o emprego da Cinva- Ram (prensa manual para a fabricação de tijolos), a qual é de fácil manipulação por parte do pessoal que se desempenha no setor da construção. Nesse sentido, expõe-se uma experiência baseada na valorização do solo residual como material de ótimo desempenho e custo acessível para a construção de residências. Esse exercício experimental foi realizado no município de El Carmen de Viboral, estado de Antioquia (Colômbia), caracterizado por ter um clima fresco com alto nível de precipitações. Foram realizadas diferentes medições que demonstraram que o desempenho físico-mecânico cumpre com as solicitações do projeto e com as normas e regulamentações existentes, o que é um aspecto a favor da viabilidade de projetos de moradia que contribuam para a sustentabilidade ecológica do hábitat mediante o conceito de mineração inversa.Soil, as a product of excavations, is generally seen as waste, with a treatment that is almost always controlled disposal in waste dumps. However, it can be valued as a building material using different techniques, among them the elaboration of cement soil blocks (CSB) using Cinva-Ram (a manual press for making blocks), which is easy to handle by the staff who work in the construction sector. In this sense, this paper presents an experience based on the valorization of residual soil as an affordable material of optimum performance for housing construction. This experience was carried out in the geographical context of the department of Antioquia, Colombia, characterized by cool climate with high level of rainfalls. Different measurements showed that its physical-mechanical performance is in line with the requirements of the project, which is a favorable aspect for the viability of housing projects that contribute to the ecological sustainability of the habitat through the concept of inverse mining

    Mergers and Acquisitions in the Colombian Financial Sector (Impact on Efficiency 1990-2005)

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    Colombia has witnessed a renewed interest in merging and acquiring financial institutions during 2003-2005. These have been “complementary mergers” that seek to exploit economies scale and scope. This process contrasts favorably with those mergers & acquisitions that occurred during the mid-1990s, which involved mainly “twin institutions” that lacked potential for gaining multiproduct efficiency. This document analyzes the need to remove some of the regulatory constraints that obstruct further exploitation of such economies of scale-scope and quantifies the “cost efficiencies” shown by the Colombian banking sector (1994-2005). At the aggregate level, we found (absolute) banking efficiency to be around 63%, a similar value to those found in related studies post-crisis. This implies that banks operating in Colombia have been able to recover their efficiency levels during postcrisis 2003-2005, except for mortgage institutions. We highlight regulatory barriers that could be removed to help the banking system move closer to the optimal production frontier.Financial Institutions, Mergers and Acquisitions

    Análisis del gesto, un acercamiento dialógico entre la técnica de dirección de Alejandro Posada y el análisis tripartito de Jacques Nattiez

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    Este artículo está enfocado en el análisis de las expresiones musicales no verbales, los conocimientos puramente teóricos y, en particular, la técnica en dirección orquestal enseñada por el maestro Alejandro Posada, llevando este enfoque de manera práctica a la suite “Pájaro de Fuego” (1919) de Ígor Stravinsky, analizándola en los tres niveles expuestos por Nattiez en su seminario de Semiología Musical -- Este proyecto surge con la necesidad de apoyar la bibliografía en los temas relacionados con la dirección orquestal y, el gesto, como signo de expresión musical en el quehacer del directorThis article focuses on the analysis of non-verbal musical expressions, the purely theoretical knowledge and the technique in orchestral conduction taught by maestro Alejandro Posada, taking this approach in a practical way with the “Fire Bird” suite (1919) by Igor Stravinsky, analyzing it in the three levels exposed by Nattiez in his seminar on Musical Semiology -- This project arises from the need to support the bibliographic shortage in subjects regarding orchestral conduction and the conducting gestures as signs of musical expressions in the craft of the conducto

    Prueba de habilidades CCNA 16-4-2019.

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    La prueba de habilidades en el siguiente trabajo busca identificar las competencias que se generaron después de haber cursado los 2 módulos de CCNA, en los cuales se integraron conceptos básicos de las redes, direccionamiento ip, seguridad, topología física, tipología lógica, implementación de seguridad de la red administración de dispositivos y gestión de recursos para la implementación de redes CISCO, es importante además destacar que cada uno de los parámetros que se ejecutaron buscaban solucionar un problema en particular, teniendo en cuenta cada uno de los recursos anteriores se gestionó de manera directa las aplicaciones en el escenario1 y escenario2. La integración de conocimientos adquiridos y aplicaciones a destrezas alcanzadas en el curso aplicando asignación de redes, configuración de router mediante comandos básicos y avanzados que permitían corroborar el funcionamiento de cada uno de los escenarios, cada uno e los niveles de comprensión que se usó para su desarrollo en los diferentes escenarios permitían relacionar los diversos aspectos de networking en la aplicación del mismo. Con recursos de subneteo al inicio de la actividad en parámetros de red, tipología física y lógica, aplicación de comandos entre otros como asignación de interfaces a router, conexiones en switch y demás dispositivos desde la consola de configuración para cada una de las terminales actuales. En el presente trabajo se busca mostrar al lector la secuencia de acciones que se realizaron en la red y la búsqueda de la solución a los problemas planteados en la evaluación- prueba de habilidades prácticas CCNA. Se presenta el paso a paso con comandos y pantallazos que permiten evidenciar la gestión y configuración de cada uno de los procesos en los escenarios 1 y 2.The skills test in the following work seeks to identify the competencies that were generated after completing the 2 CCNA modules, in which the basic concepts of networks, IP addressing, security, physical topology, logical typology, resource implementation and management of network security devices management for the implementation of CISCO networks, it is also important to keep in mind that each of the parameters that were executed sought to solve a particular problem, taking into account each of the previous resources Directly the applications in scenario1 and the scenario 2. The integration of the knowledge and applications acquired to the skills achieved in the course through the application of the network assignment, the configuration of the router through basic and advanced commands that allow corroborating the operation of each of the scenarios, each and the levels of understanding that were used for its development in the course. different aspects allowed to relate the different aspects of the networks in their application. With subnet resources at the beginning of the activity in network parameters, physical and logical typology, command application, among others, such as assigning interfaces to a router, changing connections and other devices from the configuration console for each of the current terminals . This document seeks to show the reader the sequence of actions taken on the network and the search for the solution to the problems posed in the evaluation of practical skills of CCNA. It is presented step by step with commands and screens that show the management and configuration of each of the processes in scenarios 1 and

    Adaptive Divergence and Speciation across Depth in a Caribbean Candelabrum Coral

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    Since Darwin, biologists wonder how organisms cope with environmental variation, why there are so many species, and how species form. In my dissertation, I explore how species of long-lived, clonal reef organisms originate across depth gradients. In Chapter 2, I evaluate the strength of depth to isolate populations by comparing the genes and morphologies of pairs of depth-segregated populations of the candelabrum coral Eunicea flexuosa across the Caribbean. Eunicea flexuosa is a long-lived clonal cnidarian that associates with an alga of the genus Symbiodinium. Genetic analysis revealed two depth-segregated lineages, each genetically well-mixed across the Caribbean. Survivorship data, combined with estimates of selection coefficients based on transplant experiments, suggest that selection is strong enough to segregate these two lineages. Limited recruitment to reproductive age, even under weak annual selection advantage, is sufficient to generate habitat segregation because of the cumulative selection accrued during prolonged pre-reproductive growth. I then studied in detail the genetic diversity of Symbiodinium in each Shallow and Deep E. flexuosa lineage (Chapter 3). I sampled colonies of the two ecotypes across depths at three Caribbean locations. I find that each host lineage is associated with a unique Symbiodinium variant. This relationship between host and alga is maintained when host colonies are reciprocally transplanted. Even when the clades of both partners are present at intermediate depths, the specificity between host and algal lineages remained. I then test whether the Shallow/Deep adaptive divergence occurs in natural populations, by examining the frequencies of juvenile and adults. The habitat distributions of the two lineages are more distinct when inferred from adults than from juveniles. Selection coefficients from cohort data correlates with that from transplant experiments (Chapter 4). The two lineages form a narrow hybrid zone (100 m), with coincident clines of both the host coral and its algal symbiont. Effective dispersal estimates derived from the hybrid zone are small (20 m) for a broadcast spawner with a large dispersing potential (50 km). Ecological factors associated with depth act as filters generating strong barriers to gene flow despite extensive dispersal, altering morphologies, and contributing to the potential for speciation in the sea