867 research outputs found

    Local and remote sources of airborne suspended particulate matter in the antarctic region

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    Quantification of suspended particulate matter (SPM) measurements-together with statistical tools, polar contour maps and backward air mass trajectory analyses-were implemented to better understand the main local and remote sources of contamination in this pristine region. Field campaigns were carried out during the austral summer of 2016-2017 at the "Gabriel de Castilla" Spanish Antarctic Research Station, located on Deception Island (South Shetland Islands, Antarctic). Aerosols were deposited in an air filter through a low-volume sampler and chemically analysed using Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) and Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-AES). Elements such as Al, Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Na, P, S, Cu, Pb, Sr, Ti, Zn, Hf, Zr, V, As, Ti, Mn, Sn and Cr were identified. The statistical tools together with their correlations (Sr/Na, Al/Ti, Al/Mn, Al/Sr, Al/Pb, K/P) suggest a potentially significant role of terrestrial inputs for Al, Ti, Mn, Sr and Pb; marine environments for Sr and Na; and biological inputs for K and P. Polar contour graphical maps allowed reproducing wind maps, revealing the biological local distribution of K and P (penguin colony). Additionally, backward trajectory analysis confirmed previous affirmations and atmospheric air masses following the Antarctic circumpolar pattern

    Radio Emission from SN 2001gd in NGC 5033

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    We present the results of monitoring the radio emission from the Type IIb supernova SN 2001gd between 2002 February 8 and 2002 October 28. Most of the data were obtained using the Very Large Array at the five wavelengths of λλ\lambda \lambda1.3 cm (22.4 GHz), 2.0 cm (14.9 GHz), 3.6 cm (8.44 GHz), 6.2 cm (4.86 GHz), and 21 cm (1.4 GHz). Observations were also made with Giant Meterwave Radio Telescope at λ\lambda21 cm (1.4 GHz). The object was discovered optically well after maximum light, making any determination of the early radio evolution difficult. However, subsequent observations indicate that the radio emission has evolved regularly in both time and frequency and is well described by the SN shock/circumstellar medium interaction model.Comment: 16 pages 2 figures to appear in Astrophysical Journa

    Diminished emotional expression in schizophrenia: An interdisciplinary approach based on behavioral interventions

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    Resumen tomado de la publicaciónExpresión emocional disminuida en la esquizofrenia: un abordaje interdisciplinar basado en intervenciones conductuales. Antecedentes: los síntomas negativos representan la principal causa de discapacidad en la esquizofrenia, habiendo sido agrupados recientemente en dos dimensiones: avolición y expresión emocional disminuida, que incluye el aplanamiento afectivo y la alogia. El objetivo del estudio fue explorar la respuesta de estos dos síntomas a un conjunto de intervenciones conductuales basadas en el manejo de contingencias en un contexto interdisciplinario. Método: se monitorizaron conductas de interés y realizaron medidas pre y post a 9 participantes con esquizofrenia negativa persistente ingresados en dispositivos de rehabilitación. El programa incluyó 12 sesiones grupales dobles dirigidas a trabajar la expresión facial y la comunicación verbal, y un plan de cuidados para fortalecer y generalizar estas conductas. Resultados: se obtuvieron diferencias relevantes en la expresión facial, que fueron menos claras para la alogia. La evaluación clínica mediante la PANSS-N no obtuvo diferencias notables a nivel de grupo, pero sí la valoración mediante indicadores NOC. Conclusiones: aunque difíciles de modificar, los síntomas negativos no son insensibles a la influencia de intervenciones conductuales. Resulta necesario potenciar intervenciones psicológicas específicas que aborden estos síntomas como un foco prioritario de atención y cuidado, considerando el papel crucial del contexto en su evolución.Universidad de Oviedo. Biblioteca de Psicología; Plaza Feijoo, s/n.; 33003 Oviedo; Tel. +34985104146; Fax +34985104126; [email protected]

    The hidden universal distribution of amino acid biosynthetic networks: a genomic perspective on their origins and evolution

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    A core of widely distributed network branches biosynthesizing at least 16 out of the 20 standard amino acids is predicted using comparative genomics

    Theoretical prediction of the electronic and thermodynamic properties of YN-ZrN solid solutions

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    In this study, the results of structural parameters, electronic structure, and thermodynamic properties of the ZrxY1-xN solid solutions are presented. The effect of zirconium composition on lattice constant, and bulk modulus shows nonlinear dependence on concentration. Deviations of the lattice constant from Vegard's law and deviations of the bulk modulus from linear concentration dependence were found. Our findings indicate that the ZrxY1-xN solid solutions are metallic for x = 0.25, 0.5, 0.75. The calculated excess mixing enthalpy is positive over the entire zirconium composition range. The positive mixing enthalpies for ZrxY1-xN alloys indicate the existence of miscibility gaps and spinodal decompositions. The effect of temperature on the volume, bulk modulus, Debye temperature, and the heat capacity for ZrxY1-xN alloys were analyzed using the quasi-harmonic Debye model. Results show that the heat capacity is slightly sensitive to composition as temperature increases

    Antiangiogenic Therapy in Epithelial Ovarian Cancer

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    Approximately 75% of women with ovarian cancer are diagnosed at advanced stages (FIGO stage III/IV), with 15-23 months median global survival and 20% 5-year survival. Angiogenesis plays an important role in tumour development and proliferation. Increased angiogenesis is associated with worse clinical outcome in ovarian cancer. Here we review the play of bevacizumab in the treatment of ovarian cancer and also other antiangiogenic drugs. In total, to date there are no promising results for most of the reviewed antiangiogenic agents, except those already known for bevacizumab, trebananib, pazopanib, cediranib and nintedanib. Ongoing research will shed more light on this fascinating tumour process and its control

    Phosphate levels as a possible state marker in panic disorder: preliminary study of a feasible laboratory measure for routine clinical practice.

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    Low serum phosphate level is considered one of the metabolic adaptations to the respiratory alkalosis induced by hyperventilation associated with panic disorder. The aim of this study was to assess phosphatemia as a possible state marker for panic disorder. Methods Sixteen panic disorder patients underwent clinical assessment with a semi-structured interview, a set of rating scales and the self-rated State and Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), as well as extraction of venous blood samples at baseline and after 12 weeks of pharmacological treatment. Ten healthy volunteers of similar sex, age and educational level filled out the STAI and gave blood samples at baseline and 12 weeks later. Results The median (25th–75th percentiles) of phosphate levels (mg/dl) was 2.68 (2.22–3.18) among patients and 4.13 (3.74–4.70) among healthy volunteers respectively (P < 0.001). Seven (44%) patients and no healthy volunteers presented low serum phosphate (<2.50 mg/dl) at baseline; this patient abnormality was corrected in all cases after successful treatment. At baseline, the age-adjusted correlation between phosphate levels and state-anxiety was −0.66 (P < 0.001) among all 26 participants and −0.51 (P = 0.05) among the 16 panic disorder patients. Conclusions Measurement of phosphate levels could be easily introduced into clinical practice as a possible marker for chronic hyperventilation in panic disorder, although further investigations with larger sample sizes are necessary to characterize panic disorder patients with low versus normal phosphate levels.The study received institutional support from the Institute of Neurosciences of the University of Granada. The authors had access to all data from the study, both what is reported and what is unreported, and complete freedom to direct its analysis and reporting, without influence, editorial direction, or censorship from the institution supporting the study

    Stretching the design: extending analytical circuit design from the linear to the nonlinear domain

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    In the design of most electronic circuits and systems, designers use computer-aided design (CAD) tools to guide the design flow. They exploit the ability of CAD tools to perform algebraic operations to compute/ predict circuit and system performance. This is possible because, in most electronic circuits and systems, linear operation can be assumed. The behavior of microwave components, circuits, and systems can, for example, be described in terms of "behavioral" parameters, such as Z-parameters, Y-parameters, and S-parameters. Transformation from one parameter to another is achieved by simple linear algebraic operations [1]. The performance of more complex circuits can be computed via linear matrix operations using the relevant parameters, i.e., Y-parameters for parallel connections and Z-parameters for series connections. More significantly, performance predictions can also be obtained via linear algebra transformations, i.e., the maximum gain, minimum noise figure, potential instability, etc., along with design insight, i.e., gain circles, noise circles, optimum input/output match requirements, and so on [1], [2].Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación | Ref. TEC2011-29264-C03-03Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación | Ref. TEC2011-28683-C02-0