1,277 research outputs found

    One Step Forward, Three Steps Back

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    Access to comprehensive and equitable sexual and reproductive health care is an ever-growing subject of discussion, especially in countries such as the U.S. where this right is constantly threatened by factors including, but not limited to, social, political, and economic status. Studies show that comprehensive sex education and services, such as contraception, STD prevention and treatment, pregnancy care, including abortion, encourage healthy adolescent development and have well-documented positive effects on societies world-wide. Unfortunately, too many people in the U.S. encounter unnecessary barriers to the sexual health information and services they need to be healthy and make safe decisions regarding their bodies. This disparity disproportionately impacts some people more than others with young adults, people in historically disenfranchised and underserved communities and those with lower socioeconomic status carrying the burden of inequity. In this paper, I explore the history of sexual and reproductive health rights while highlighting the challenges college-aged women face when trying to access services starting on our own college campus

    Perfil y desarrollo psicomotor de los niños españoles entre 3 y 6 años

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    Knowing preschooler’s psychomotor profile is required in order to design educative and therapeutic strategies that covers the population’s needs. The aim of this study was to know the psychomotor profile of Spanish preschool children. We carried an observational study with 217 preschool children (mean age=4,15 years; 52,8% were girls). EOD-B was used to evaluated psychomotor development profile. Results showed a mean of 81,8% of age-expected psychomotor development. Prevalence of psychomotor retardation within the sample was 4%. Psychomotor areas with more retardation were affectivity (15,6%), manual motricity (10,6%), and gross motricity (7,3%). Girls showed better psychomotor development and a lower psychomotor retardation prevalence than boys (p<0,01; p<0,05). Girls also showed less retardation on manual motricity and cognitive abilities than boys (p<0,01; p<0,05). This study offers new evidence of Spanish preschool children psychomotor development characteristics. Implications and new educative and therapeutic actuation lines are discussed.Conocer las características psicomotoras de la población infantil, es esencial para elaborar estrategias adecuadas de intervención educativa y terapéutica, ajustadas a las necesidades de los niños. El objetivo de este estudio fue conocer el perfil y desarrollo psicomotor de los niños españoles de 3 a 6 años. Se llevó a cabo un estudio observacional descriptivo-analítico, en el que participaron 217 niños (edad media=4,15 años; 52,8% niñas). El perfil del desarrollo psicomotor se evaluó mediante la Escala Observacional del Desarrollo-versión breve (EOD-B). Los resultados revelaron una media de desarrollo psicomotor del 81,6% del desarrollo esperado para la edad cronológica, y una prevalencia de retraso psicomotor del 4%. Los rasgos psicomotores con mayor dificultad de desarrollo en la muestra fueron la afectividad (15,6%), la motricidad manual (10,6%) y la motricidad somática (7,3%). Las niñas mostraron menor prevalencia de retraso psicomotor y un desarrollo psicomotor significativamente superior a los niños (p<0,05; p<0,01), así como un desarrollo significativamente superior en motricidad manual y conceptuación-pensamiento (p<0,01; p<0,05). Este estudio aporta nuevas evidencias sobre el perfil psicomotor de los niños españoles en edad preescolar y propone nuevas líneas de actuación educativa y terapéutica

    El conocimiento agrícola tradicional, la milpa y la alimentación: el caso del Valle de Ixtlahuaca, Estado de México

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    Los estudios de arqueología, botánica, paleoecología y las nuevas metodologías para el análisis ge-nético, además de los estudios de isótopos, permiten afirmar que el maíz es una planta originaria de México, desde donde se propagó hacia el continente americano. Hay hipótesis de su domesticación múltiple tanto en el territorio mexicano como en otros países de América, como Colombia y Perú. Sin embargo, hacen falta estudios para confirmar los hechos de hace 10 mil a nueve mil años sobre los procesos de domesticación de plantas, particularmente, del maíz. En cada lugar donde este cereal se ha cultivado se ha adaptado a las condiciones locales de altitud, relieve orográfico, clima, disponibi-lidad de agua y tipo de suelo. Hay que considerar el gusto de los pobladores por sus usos, tamaños, sabores y posibilidades para su almacenamiento, lo que a través del tiempo generó nuevas razas, subrazas y variedades. Actualmente, el maíz es uno de los cereales más importantes del planeta. Su producción se desti-na tanto a usos tradicionales como industriales; ser alimento para humanos y animales es de enorme importancia, así como la salud de millones de personas en el orbe. En este artículo hacemos una bre-ve historia de su evolución en el altiplano central mexicano y, a través de un caso, de sus usos locales, incluyendo los procesos sociales, la alimentación, la ideología y su papel dentro de la cultura de un poblado del Valle de Ixtlahuaca, en el Estado de México

    Breve introdución á Terminoloxía. Exemplo de elaboración dun traballo terminolóxico en galego

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    O presente artigo divídese en dúas partes ben diferenciadas. Unha primeira parte onde se fai unha pequena aproximación á teoría termonolóxica. Para isto comezamos polo repaso de diferentes traballos e persoas dende o s. XVI ata os nosos días. Logo tentamos delimitar e definir a disciplina á quen nos estamos a referir e o seu obxecto de estudo. A segunda parte consiste na descrición dos pasos que seguimos para elaborarmos un pequeno traballo terminolóxico sobre a lingua da ecoloxía. Os termos foron extraídos da sección “O noso planeta” da revista O correo da Unesco. - El presente artículo se divide en dos partes bien diferenciadas. Una primera parte donde se hace una pequeña aproximación a la teoría termonológica. Para esto comenzaremos por el repaso de diferentes trabajos y personas desde el s. XVI hasta nuestros días. Después intentamos delimitar y definir la disciplina a la que nos estamos a referir y a su objecto de estudio. La segunda parte consiste en la descripción de los pasos que seguimos para elaborar un pequeño trabajo terminológico sobre la lengua de la ecología. Los términos fueron extraídos de la sección “O noso planeta” de la revista O correo da Unesco.This article is divided into two distinct parts. One area that is a little closer to the theory termonologic. To begin this review by the different papers and people from s. XVI until today. After trying to define and delimit the discipline to which we refer to as its object of estudy. The second part consists of a description of the steps we take to develop a small terminology work on the language of ecology. The terms were extracted from the section “O noso planeta” into the magazine O correo da Unesco.O presente artigo divídese en dúas partes ben diferenciadas. Unha primeira parte onde se fai unha pequena aproximación á teoría termonolóxica. Para isto comezamos polo repaso de diferentes traballos e persoas dende o s. XVI ata os nosos días. Logo tentamos delimitar e definir a disciplina á quen nos estamos a referir e o seu obxecto de estudo. A segunda parte consiste na descrición dos pasos que seguimos para elaborarmos un pequeno traballo terminolóxico sobre a lingua da ecoloxía. Os termos foron extraídos da sección “O noso planeta” da revista O correo da Unesco. - El presente artículo se divide en dos partes bien diferenciadas. Una primera parte donde se hace una pequeña aproximación a la teoría termonológica. Para esto comenzaremos por el repaso de diferentes trabajos y personas desde el s. XVI hasta nuestros días. Después intentamos delimitar y definir la disciplina a la que nos estamos a referir y a su objecto de estudio. La segunda parte consiste en la descripción de los pasos que seguimos para elaborar un pequeño trabajo terminológico sobre la lengua de la ecología. Los términos fueron extraídos de la sección “O noso planeta” de la revista O correo da Unesco

    Developmental Coordination Disorder, Motor Performance, and Daily Participation in Children with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder

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    [Abstract] Children with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) often present with Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) or motor coordination problems that further impact their daily functioning. However, little is known about the prevalence of co-occurring DCD and ADHD in the Spanish context, and research about the impact of ADHD on performance and participation in motor-based activities of daily living (ADL) is scarce. The aims of this study were to explore the prevalence of co-occurring DCD in children with ADHD, and to examine differences in performance and participation in motor-based ADL between children with ADHD and typically developing children. We conducted a case-control study including 20 children with ADHD and 40 typically developing controls randomly matched for exact age and sex (males = 80%; mean age = 8, 9 (2, 3) years). Presence of probable DCD (p-DCD) was confirmed with the Developmental Coordination Disorder Questionnaire (DCDQ). The DCDDaily-Q was administered to assess performance and participation in ADL. A 75% prevalence of p-DCD was found in the ADHD group (OR = 27; p < 0.001). Children with ADHD showed poorer motor performance and less participation in ADL (p < 0.01; d = 0.9–1.4). These findings contribute to understand the functional consequences of ADHD in motor-based ADL and its relationship with DCD.Xunta de Galicia; ED481A-2018/15

    La experticia profesional en la judicialización de la violencia doméstica conyugal

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    This paper analyses the expert assemblage inserted in the legal field of Domestic Violence Against Women. It collects results from a qualitative research with an ethnographic per-spective in the field of the Specialized Family Court in Uruguay. We inquire about the con-struction of the truth through the legal qualities and personality assessment as a central element of the expert activity. The discussion deals with the judicialization as one of the various areas involved on the social, family and partner life organization. We analyse how the expert assemblage builds "confirmatory" evidence while legitimates stereotypes of what is meant by violence, victim and couple. The personality is designed from an individ-ualistic logic, which forecast future behaviour is enabled as there is a oneness between act and actor.El artículo analiza el dispositivo pericial en el campo jurídico en Violencia Doméstica Con-yugal ejercida hacia las mujeres. Recoge resultados de una investigación cualitativa con perspectiva etnográfica en el ámbito de los Juzgados de Familia en Uruguay. Nos pregunta-mos acerca de la construcción de la verdad a través de las cualidades jurídicas y de la eva-luación de la personalidad. Discutimos la judicialización como una de las esferas que inter-vienen sobre la organización de la vida social, la familia y las relaciones de pareja. Anali-zamos cómo el dispositivo pericial colabora en la construcción de pruebas "confirmatorias", a la vez que legitima ciertos estereotipos de lo que se entiende por violencia, víctima y pa-reja. La personalidad es pensada desde una lógica individualista, en la que se habilita el pronóstico futuro de comportamientos, dado que existe una unicidad entre acto y actor

    Individual and Environmental Factors Associated with Tobacco Smoking, Alcohol Abuse and Illegal Drug Consumption in University Students: A Mediating Analysis

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    [Abstract] Substance abuse is a major and prevalent public health concern among university students. Tobacco smoking, risky alcohol behavior, and illegal drug consumption may lead to health problems and behavioral and academic issues. Several individual and environmental factors associate with substance abuse in this population, and the mediating effect of alcohol abuse in the relationship between tobacco smoking and drug consumption is yet to be explored. The purposes of this study were to evaluate the association of individual and environmental factors and substance use, and to analyze the relationship between tobacco smoking, alcohol abuse, and drug consumption, considering alcohol abuse as a possible mediator. A total of 550 Spanish undergraduate and postgraduate students completed several questionnaires regarding their smoking status, alcohol use, and drug consumption during the last six months. Bivariate and multivariate analyses were conducted to explore associations between factors. Direct, indirect and mediating effects were tested using a partial least squares approach (PLS-SEM). The results indicated that substance abuse is associated with being male, living with other students, and combined substance consumption. PLS-SEM showed a significant effect of tobacco smoking and alcohol abuse on drug consumption. Alcohol abuse plays a mediating role in the relationship between tobacco smoking and drug use

    Algunas conclusiones acerca de la diversión de jóvenes y adolescentes en la provincia de Mendoza

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    La temática que se aborda en el presente artículo se refiere a algunas conclusiones que surgen del trabajo de investigación «La diversión nocturna de jóvenes y adolescentes». Pretende aportar algunos elementos para conocer a los/las adolescentes y jóvenes, sus percepciones y significaciones, particularmente respecto de las actividades de diversión como forma de expresión particular. Interesa que se tengan en cuenta sus resultados como contribuciones para el diseño, implementación y reformulación de actuales o futuras políticas públicas. Las expresiones de los/las adolescentes y jóvenes permiten descubrir nuevos posicionamientos y legitimar su voz procurando instalar sus intereses en la agenda del Estado, como aporte a la construcción de la ciudadanía.The thematic one that is approached in the present article refers some conclusions that arise from the work of investigation the nocturnal diversion of young people and adolescents». It tries to contribute some elements to meet/the adolescents and young people, their perceptions and meanings, particularly, with respect to the diversion activities as form of particular expression. It interests that their results consider as contributions for the design, present implementation and reformulation of or future public policies. The expressions of/the adolescents and young people allow to discover new positionings and to legitimize their voice trying to install their interests in the agenda of the State, as it contributes to the construction of the citizenship.Fil: Blanco, María Teresita. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y SocialesFil: Montes, Laura Beatriz. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociale

    Cross-Cultural Adaptation and Preliminary Validation of the European Spanish Version of the Developmental Coordination Disorder Questionnaire (DCDQ–ES)

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    [Abstract] Importance: The Developmental Coordination Disorder Questionnaire (DCDQ) is the most widely used measure of difficulties with activities of daily living and academic performance in children with developmental coordination disorder, but this tool has not been adapted for use in Spain. Objective: To translate and cross-culturally adapt the DCDQ into European Spanish (DCDQ-ES) for use in assessing motor coordination in Spanish children. Design: Cross-cultural adaptation and preliminary validation study. Setting: Community and mainstream schools in Spain. Participants: A committee of five experts oversaw the cross-cultural adaptation process. A community-based convenience sample of 31 parents of children ages 5-14 yr was used to test the comprehensibility of the DCDQ-ES. Preliminary reliability was tested with 35 randomly selected parents of children ages 6-12 yr. Outcomes and Measures: The DCDQ was translated into European Spanish and cross-culturally adapted following international guidelines. Comprehensibility was assessed using cognitive debriefing interviews. The final version of the DCDQ-ES was used for the reliability analysis. Results: Cultural relevance and equivalence and idiomatic differences between the DCDQ and DCDQ-ES were evaluated. Comprehensibility analysis led to minor modifications that facilitated comprehension and interpretation. Internal consistency and homogeneity of the DCDQ-ES were good (Cronbach's a =.857, corrected item-total correlations = .268 - .692). Conclusions and Relevance: The DCDQ-ES is conceptually and semantically equivalent to DCDQ and was successfully cross-culturally adapted for the European Spanish context. Preliminary data suggest that the DCDQ-ES is a reliable measure of motor coordination in Spanish children. What This Article Adds: This study provides evidence of the cultural equivalence of the DCDQ-ES for use with Spanish children. Occupational therapists in Spain can use the DCDQ-ES to evaluate children's motor coordination difficulties in everyday activities.Xunta de Galicia; IN852A 2016/10Xunta de Galicia; R2014/039Xunta de Galicia; ED431G/0

    Performance of (Instrumental) Activities of Daily Living and Physical Capacity in Spanish Adults with Intellectual Disabilities: A Cross-Sectional Pilot Study

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    [Abstract] Performance in basic and instrumental activities of daily living (ADL; IADL) is an essential indicator of daily functioning and health of people with intellectual disabilities (ID). The aims of this pilot study were to describe the profile of ADL and IADL performance in Spanish adults with ID, and to examine its association with functional physical skills. The Waisman Activities of Daily Living Scale for adolescents and adults with developmental disabilities (W-ADL) scale was administered to the caregivers of twenty adults with ID (mean age = 41.0, SD = 10.1; women = 75.0%). In addition, dynamic balance and maximum walking speed (MWS), lower-body strength, aerobic capacity and manual dexterity of participants were individualized assessed. The results showed that 40% of adults with ID were completely independent in ADL, but all participants reported activity limitations in at least one IADL. Dynamic balance and MWS, lower-body strength and manual dexterity showed significant and moderate-to-strong correlations with daily functioning (r = 0.495–0.814; p < 0.05). Linear regression analysis indicated that lower-body strength and manual dexterity significantly predicted activity performance in adults with ID (adjusted R2 = 0.816, p = 0.004–0.016). This study highlights the need to support the performance of both ADL and IADL and to promote physical fitness in Spanish community-based care centers for adults with ID