710 research outputs found

    Las profecías son noticia. El uso del futuro en la información televisiva española sobre la crisis de Irak (24 de febrero-20 de marzo 2003).

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    Este artículo analiza el recurso a la anticipación del futuro en la cobertura informativa que las cadenas generalistas de televisión españolas hicieron de la crisis de Irak hasta el estallido de la guerra (24 de febrero al 20 de marzo de 2003). Se realiza un análisis cuantitativo y cualitativo de los informativos de prime time de la cadena pública TVE 1 y de dos cadenas privadas, Telecinco y Antena 3. Se analiza el estilo, fuentes y consecuencias que estas referencias sobre lo venidero tuvieron en el modo de presentar la crisis en general. Se mostrará cómo utiliza el periodismo televisivo, en este período y sobre este tema, los presagios y cómo muchos de ellos fueron especulaciones sin base real. Su papel, en algunos casos, fue mantener el interés por el tema con un tono sensacionalista. En otros, adelantaba la guerra como única salida de la crisis

    La orientación técnico-económica de las explotaciones agrarias españolas

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    Tesis doctoral inédita. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, Departamento de Economía Aplicada, 198

    Frequency Analysis of a 64x64 Pixel Retinomorphic System with AER Output to Estimate the Limits to Apply onto Specific Mechanical Environment

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    The rods and cones of a human retina are constantly sensing and transmitting the light in the form of spikes to the cortex of the brain in order to reproduce an image in the brain. Delbruck’s lab has designed and manufactured several generations of spike based image sensors that mimic the human retina. In this paper we present an exhaustive timing analysis of the Address-Event- Representation (AER) output of a 64x64 pixels silicon retinomorphic system. Two different scenarios are presented in order to achieve the maximum frequency of light changes for a pixel sensor and the maximum frequency of requested directions on the output AER. Results obtained are 100 Hz and 1.66 MHz in each case respectively. We have tested the upper spin limit and found it to be approximately 6000rpm (revolutions per minute) and in some cases with high light contrast lost events do not exist.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TEC2009-10639- C04-0

    The Dietary Intervention of Transgenic Low-Gliadin Wheat Bread in Patients with Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity (NCGS) Showed No Differences with Gluten Free Diet (GFD) but Provides Better Gut Microbiota Profile

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    The study evaluated the symptoms, acceptance, and digestibility of bread made from transgenic low-gliadin wheat, in comparison with gluten free bread, in Non-coeliac gluten sensitivity (NCGS) patients, considering clinical/sensory parameters and gut microbiota composition. This study was performed in two phases of seven days each, comprising a basal phase with gluten free bread and an E82 phase with low-gliadin bread. Gastrointestinal clinical symptoms were evaluated using the Gastrointestinal Symptom Rating Scale (GSRS) questionnaire, and stool samples were collected for gluten immunogenic peptides (GIP) determination and the extraction of gut microbial DNA. For the basal and E82 phases, seven and five patients, respectively, showed undetectable GIPs content. The bacterial 16S rRNA gene V1-V2 hypervariable regions were sequenced using the Illumina MiSeq platform and downstream analysis was done using a Quantitative Insights into Microbial Ecology (QIIME) pipeline. No significant differences in the GSRS questionnaires were observed between the two phases. However, we observed a significantly lower abundance of some gut genera Oscillospira, Dorea, Blautia, Bacteroides, Coprococcus, and Collinsella, and a significantly higher abundance of Roseburia and Faecalibacterium genera during the E82 phase compared with the basal phase. The consumption of low-gliadin bread E82 by NCGS subjects induced potentially positive changes in the gut microbiota composition, increasing the butyrate-producing bacteria and favoring a microbial profile that is suggested to have a key role in the maintenance or improvement of gut permeability.España, MINECO Projects AGL2013-48946-C3-1-R, AGL2013-48946-C and AGL2016-80566-

    Primer hallazgo de Micromamíferos de edad Turoliense en la cuenca de Madrid

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    La Mesa de Ocaña, situada en la parte más meridional de la Cuenca de Madrid, está constituida por una sucesión Neógena dentro de la que se reconocen las Unidades Inferior, Intermedia y Superior del Mioceno de esta cuenca. La Unidad Superior en este área está formada por depósitos detríticos que gradan lateralmente y verticalmente a depósitos carbonáticos de carácter palustre y/o lacustre somero. En estos niveles se ha reconocido la presencia de una importante acumulación de restos de micromamíferos (Yacimiento de Canteras de Iberia) que ha suministrado abundantes restos correspondientes a las órdenes Rodentia, Lagomorpha e Insectivora. La asociación faunística obtenida es característica del Turoliense Superior (unidad MN 13) y, desde el punto de vista paleocológico, sugiere condiciones climáticas relativamente cálidas y áridas. El yacimiento de Canteras de Iberia constituye el primer yacimiento de edad Turoliense encontrado dentro del registro sedimentario Neógeno de la Cuenca de Madrid permitiendo precisar la edad de la Unidad Superior del Mioceno en esta cuenca.The Neogene succession cropping out in Mesa de Ocaña (southern Madrid Basin) contains a variety of deposits that belong to the so-called Miocene Lower, Intermediate and Upper Units. In this area, the Miocene Upper Unit is formed of terrigenous deposits that grade both laterally and in vertical to palustrine and/or shallow lacustrine carbonate facies. Intercalated with the latter deposits, a large accumulation of fossil micromammal remains has been recognized (Canteras de Iberia mammal site). This site has yielded a fossil mammal association of late Turolian age (MN 13 unit) indicative of relatively warm and arid paleoclimatic conditions. The Canteras de Iberia mammal site constitutes the first occurrence of fossil mammals of Turolian age within the Neogene sedimentary record of the Madrid Basin. This occurrence allows to precise the chronostratigraphy of the Miocene Upper Unit of the basin.Peer reviewe

    Nonequilibrium Solutions of the Boltzmann Equation under the Action of an External Force

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    We construct a novel class of exact solutions to the Boltzmann equation, in both its classical and quantum formulation, for arbitrary collision laws. When the system is subjected to a specific external forcing, the precise form of which is worked out, nonequilibrium dampingless solutions are admissible. They do not contradict the H theorem, but are constructed from its requirements. Interestingly, these solutions hold for time-dependent confinement. We exploit them, in a reverse-engineering perspective, to work out a protocol that shortcuts any adiabatic transformation between two equilibrium states in an arbitrarily short time span, for an interacting system. Particle simulations of the direct Monte Carlo type fully corroborate the analytical predictions.MCINN y FEDER FIS2011-2446

    Formación en psicología para entrenadores de fútbol : una propuesta metodológica

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    En este trabajo se presenta una metodología específica para la formación en psicología de entrenadores de fútbol. Se propone la utilización de técnicas de la dinámica de grupos, agrupando a los entrenadores por grupos homogéneos, utilizando como criterio fundamental la pertenencia de éstos a un mismo club deportivo. Se presentan algunas de las técnicas utilizadas (torbellino de ideas, trabajo individual, trabajos en pequenos grupos, exposiciones y debates, etc.), sí como los contenidos de las sesiones formativas: variables psicológicas implicadas en el rendimiento deportivo de los futbolistas (en entrenamiento y competición) y variables psicológicas del entrenador para optimizar su competencia profesional. Finalmente, se presenta la valoración realizada por los entrenadores respecto a la sesiones formativas.This work presents a specific methodology to form football coaches in psychology. It's proposed the use of techniques of group dynamics, gathering the coaches into «homogeneous groups», considering as an essential criterion they belong to the same sport club. Some of the used techniques are presented (brainstorming, individual work, small groups work, expositions and discussions, etc.), as well as the contents of the formative sessions: psychological variables of football players influencing in sport performance (in training and competition) and psychological variables of the coach to improve his professional competence. Finally, it's presented the valuation done by the coaches respected to the formative sessions

    Thrombospondin-1/CD47 interaction regulates Th17 and treg differentiation in psoriasis

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    Accumulating evidence on the role of Thrombospondin-1 (TSP-1) in the immune response has emerged during the last years. In spite of the importance of TSP-1 not only as anti-angiogenic factor but also as an immunomodulatory molecule, studies on the role of TSP-1 in psoriasis have been neglected. TSP-1 and CD47 expression were analyzed in skin samples from psoriasis patients and control subjects using RT-PCR and immunofluorescence. Expression of these molecules was also evaluated in peripheral blood CD4+ T cells, moDCs, and circulating primary DCs. The functional role of TSP-1/CD47 signaling axis in psoriasis was assessed in Th17 and Treg differentiation assays. Additionally, small interfering RNA assays specific to TSP-1 were performed in CD4+ T cells and monocyte derived DC to specifically evaluate the function of this protein. Lesional skin of psoriasis patients expressed lower TSP-1 and CD47 mRNA levels compared to non-lesional skin or skin from controls. Immunofluorescence staining revealed decreased expression of CD47 in CD45+ dermal cells from psoriasis samples compared to control subjects. Peripheral CD4+ T cells and circulating primary DCs from psoriasis also expressed lower levels of CD47 compared to controls. Although no significant differences were detected in TSP-1 expression in CD4+ T cells and moDCs between patients and controls, TSP-1 expression in psoriasis patients inversely correlated with disease activity evaluated by the Psoriasis Area and Index Activity. Furthermore, exogenous TSP-1 inhibited Th17 differentiation and stimulated the differentiation of CD4+ T cells toward Treg cells. Furthermore, RNA interference specific for TSP-1 confirmed the role of this molecule as a negative regulator of T cell activation. Because of the impact of TSP-1/CD47 signaling axis in Th17 and Treg differentiation, a dysregulated expression of these molecules in the immune cells from psoriasis patients may favor the exacerbated inflammatory response in this diseaseInstituto de Salud Carlos III (AES 2017): PI17/01972 to ED. Janssen; Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO): Plan Nacional de Salud SAF2017-82886-R, Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Enfermedades Cardiovasculares (CIBERCV); Proyecto Integrado de Excelencia PIE13/00041, Instituto de Salud Carlos III to FS-M, Instituto de Salud Carlos III PI16/02166, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid-Banco Santander (grant 2017/EEUU/03), and Red Temática de Excelencia en Investigación en Hipoxia (SAF 2017-90794-REDT) to MJC. This research has been co-financed by Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER

    Oral health-related quality of life of implant-supported overdentures versus conventional complete prostheses: retrospective study of a cohort of edentulous patients

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    Background: This work aims to confirm if implant-supported overdentures are a good treatment option for edentulous patients and offer an improvement in quality of life compared with traditional complete prostheses (dentures). Material and Methods: This retrospective clinical descriptive study included three evaluation groups: validation group (n=57); control group of patients with complete removeable prostheses (n=56); study group of patients with implant-supported overdentures retained with the Locator® system (n=80). The study also validated the Oral Health Impact Profile-20 questionnaire. Individual protocols were created that included socio-demographic data, the Oral Health Impact Profile-20 (OHIP-20) questionnaire and Oral Satisfaction Scale (OSS). Descriptive and bivariate statistical analysis was carried out applying χ², Pearson, Kruskal-Wallis, and Student t tests, transferring data into SPSS-Windows® software from a Microsoft® Excel spreadsheet. Results: The OHIP-20 proved to be a valid instrument and provided reliable assessment of health-related quality of life among both the Spanish general population and edentulous patients. The control and study groups proved comparable, showing socio-demographic homogeneity. For patients with overdentures retained by means of the Locator® system, these restorations had significantly lower impact on quality of life (19 vs 33), both generally and for each individual questionnaire item, and much higher satisfaction with the state of their oral cavities (8.3 vs 5.3) than patients wearing dentures; both sets of data showed a direct linear relationship, so that as the level of impact on quality of life increased, perceived oral satisfaction worsened. Conclusions: Patients rehabilitated with implant supported overdentures retained by the Locator® system, presented significantly lower levels of impact on their quality of life and significantly higher oral satisfaction than patients with conventional complete prostheses